...... cut......

PS.1. Today I saw some pictures of the ninth part of JOJO. Black people, transgender people, gangsters, violent law enforcement, and taking advantage of their positions to invade criminal suspects.

It can only be said that Araki knows the beautiful country, and this BUFF is full.

It is estimated that it is another hopeless animation work...

But in general, the sense of anticipation is full, come on, Mr. Araki!

PS.2. Then, when it comes to gangsters, I have to mention one of the top three novels among the hedgehog cat novels I have read! (Actually, I only read three books)

A boy who accidentally traveled to Tokyo thought it would be an extremely youthful daily life.

But not surprisingly, an accident happened.

His neighbor is Moori Kogoro, his classmate is Fujiwara Chika, the chief and deputy director of the kendo club, Momojuro who looks exactly like Purgatory Anjuro, and Busujima Saeko.

All in all, this is a super ~~~ comprehensive novel where you can see many characters from Japanese dramas and Japanese comics.

Interested friends can take a look, the link of the book title is here↓↓↓

Chapter 145 Nagasawa Team, First Battle

"Mr. Nagasawa, you really just watch and don't help at all?"

Dongliuhun Street, on the way to Huaku, East 62 District.

Should it be said that like a teacher, like a disciple?

Looking at Nagasawa Masaru with his feet up, flipping through some unknown book with a leisurely look on his face, Rangiku, who had just been busy lighting the fire and getting ready to cook, complained with a look of helplessness.

Obviously, Chaoju, who has always been a little lazy, can't see anyone who is more lazy than her.

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya over there lightly folded the miscellaneous novel called "Strange Records of the Corpse and Soul World" in her hand, and answered with a natural expression.

"Did I tell you?"

"Unless you encounter a situation that will endanger your lives, I will not take action."

"This, of course, also includes cooking."

Unlike the official Shinigami, as Mao's ordinary first-time reincarnation, Nanao and others' footsteps were ridiculously slow.

After all, even the god of death, unless he encounters an urgent task, he will not always use Shunpo to rush.

Coupled with Nagasawa Yana's cheating abnormal state, he will never accumulate his injury points for unnecessary travel.

The four of them hurried on and on, until it was dark, but they still hadn't arrived at Huaku District.

However, what can be seen with the naked eye is that as the four of them get farther and farther away from Seireitei, the surrounding environment is getting worse.

It's even because the Shiba outfit on Nagasawa Masahiro is a special one made by Senjumaru, not the standard Shiba outfit of Gotei [-]th Team.

When passing by Lihuayuan in East 32 District, Nagasawa also felt a trace of malicious eyes.

If it wasn't for the Zhenyang school uniform worn by Nanao and the others, the four of them would have encountered strong people blocking their way long before they arrived at Huaku District.

After all, as far as Luanju and Nanxu's looks were concerned, if they didn't have a strong body, they would have been targeted by people in Liuhun Street.

However, compared to Luan Ju, who was a little reluctant to work, Shechang and Nanxu worked quite hard.

Especially shooting range.

When his mother Qian Tetsu heard that Nagasawa was going to take them on a mission, Qian Tie told him to work hard and study hard on the road without any complaints.

He even mentioned to the shooting field that Masa Nagasawa was criticized by various divisions of the Goutei [-]th Team in order to accept suitable tasks for them.

This really touched the tough guy at the shooting range, he worked hard all the way, not to mention working hard.

As a die-hard supporter of Nagasawa Masaru, Nanao, who was preparing the ingredients, was busy with the work at hand while comforting Rangiku without looking back.

"Okay, Ranju, Mr. Nagasawa is also in order to train us better, so he entrusted us to do all these."

"If we want to rely on the teacher for everything, who can we rely on after becoming the god of death in the future?"

Listening to Nanao's rather sensible words, a smile like an old father suddenly appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

However, he didn't think Nanao's words would have much effect on Luanju.

After all, as a model of the vice-captain and a negative teaching material among the lieutenants, Luanju not only can leave the work at hand to the subordinates, but even has excellent upward management ability.

Whether it is Shiba Isshin or Hitsugaya Toshiro, as her captain, the work pressure is not small at all.

Probably at this time, Rangiku hadn't evolved to be as shameless as Nagasawa Masaru.

Or maybe the blood of respecting teachers still flows in her body. Although she complains on her lips, her movements in her hands are not slow.

In a short while, he cooperated with Nanao to prepare a decent dinner.

There is no way, as a soul with high spiritual power, it cannot survive only by absorbing the spirit particles in the air.

If the hunger in his stomach is not resolved, Nagasawa Ya and the others will be so hungry that they can't even hold the knife in their hands before they reach the Huaku area.

Eating the food from the bowl, Nagasawa, who was always picky, rarely said anything this time.

After a long day of driving, the four of them fell asleep early after arranging the order of the vigil.

After all, with Soul Society's level of entertainment, instead of just sitting and chatting, it would be better to take a rest early and recharge one's energy.

Just like when cooking with a fire, Masa Nagasawa is still not in the rotation range of the vigil.

As the only boy in the trio, Shechang volunteered to take on the duty of vigil.

He looked at Rangiku and Nanao who were sleeping not far away, and then looked at the shooting range where they were sitting by the fire, adding firewood to the fire from time to time.

Nagasawa, who was leaning against a thick tree trunk, couldn't help shaking her head inwardly.

Although the three of them arranged the night watchman quite methodically, their vigilance was still too low.

He didn't even notice that he had been followed for so long.

and also......

Masa Nagasawa can understand people's habit of wearing sunglasses. After all, before he crossed over, he had never seen someone with sunglasses on his face.

But yeah...

Wearing sunglasses during the vigil, which is somewhat out of place.

It's just that Masa Nagasawa didn't bring up any of these omissions.

Now that he has made up his mind to train these little guys well, he will naturally not mention everything like a nanny.

Seeing the person hiding in the darkness, he seemed to be prepared to wait until the night was quiet and the night watchman was most tired and sleepy before taking action.

Nagasawa Ya was also happy to be at leisure, she squinted her eyes and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but a loud sound of drinking suddenly woke up the sleeping people.

"Get up! There's an ambush!"

It was Nanao's voice.

When Nagasawa opened his eyes, Nanao and the other three, whose faces were full of exhaustion, had already formed a defense formation that relied on each other with Nagasawa as the center.

And not far from the four of them, a group of about twenty people, with sticks and swords in their hands, was slowly approaching the four of them in an encircling manner.

Nagasawa, who squinted her eyes, looked at the greedy and ruthless aura emanating from these refugees, and turned sideways with some lack of interest, as if she was looking for a comfortable angle as much as possible.

It wasn't until he finally found a comfortable angle that he closed his eyes and casually explained to the three of Nanao who were guarding him in front of him.

"Quickly solve it and continue to rest. We have to hurry tomorrow."

Listening to the words that came to their ears, Nanao and others had blank expressions on their faces.

What does it mean to solve it quickly?

How to solve it?

Kill them all?

Nanao, who had never fought with anyone except for the sparring among classmates, immediately asked a little puzzled.

"Mr. Nagasawa, we should drive them away, or..."

Unexpectedly, after hearing Nanao's words, Nagasawa Ya did not give any clear answer, but responded softly in an extremely perfunctory tone.

"You can kill or release as you please. There is no correct answer to this."

"Did I tell you before I came here?"

"I support all your actions unconditionally."

...... cut......

PS. Even though today is the weekend, Chapter 1 was updated early in the sun, but due to some reasons, I dragged my feet until a little later before finishing Chapter 2. I really convinced myself... ...

This will definitely not happen again tomorrow, at least I promise to add another update!

1Chapter 16 Mao's failure

Nagasawa Masa's words were ambiguous, but it made Nanao and others unable to mess with them.

Looking back at Nagasawa, who had closed her eyes and fell asleep again, the three of them felt confused and helpless.

But after thinking about it, along the way, Nagasawa basically never gave them any pointers on their decisions, and occasionally even caused some ridiculous situations because of their wrong decisions. Nagasawa just laughed it off and let them go on their own. Pick up the pieces.

The three of them were not stupid people, so they naturally saw Nagasawa Ya's intention to sharpen them.

Looking at the greedy eyes around them, the three of Nanao looked at each other, and decided to try to negotiate first.

After a brief eye contact, the three decided to negotiate with the oldest and most intimidating shooter.

I saw Kong Wu's powerful shooting field took half a step forward, first glanced at the refugees around him, and then said in a deep voice.

"We are Mao's students. We just passed by here today. We don't want to be enemies with you. I hope you can make it easier for us."

Mao's students are serving as the God of Reaper's reserve force, and few people would dare to provoke them on weekdays.

After all, relying on the mountain of Mao, in ancient times, it would be equivalent to being a student of the Imperial College, a disciple of the Son of Heaven.

Ordinary residents of Liuhun Street, no one dared to do anything to them.

However, facing the words of the shooting field, not only did the refugees around them not show the slightest expression of fear, but the greed and ruthlessness on their faces became more intense.

Obviously, the three of Nanao forgot one thing.

Now, they are wearing Mao's school uniform and shallow shirts.

Wearing such an obvious identity badge on their body, the other party dared to sneak attack at night, which clearly shows that they don't care about the identity of their Mao students.

Seeing that the refugees around were not only not frightened by their own identity, but quickened their pace to surround them, a thin layer of perspiration had already oozed from their foreheads, and immediately shouted violently.

"Aren't you afraid of the crusade by the Guarding Thirteen Team!?"

This time, after hearing the names of the Gotei [-], the surrounding refugees clearly showed hesitation, and even slowed down their approach.

Obviously, the name of the god of death still has a great deterrent effect.

However, just when the group of refugees hesitated, a voice hidden in the crowd, full of viciousness, suddenly sounded from the group of refugees.

"The Thirteenth Guarding Team?"

"Look at their armbands. They're just once-in-a-lifetime brats."

"It's not the first time you've done something to these Mao's students, what are you all afraid of!?"

"Think about those gentlemen who bought slave girls from us. They are much more afraid than you."

"Once the Reaper of the Guarding Thirteen Team finds out, what will happen to them, don't I need to say more?"

"Even if they risk their lives, they will definitely not let the female slave who fell into their hands escape."

"So, you Mao losers want to live like a human being on this damn Ruhun Street, so that you don't starve to death, so just put your head on your trouser waist and keep your hands and feet clean!"

The sudden words made the hearts of the three of them fall into an ice cave, and the three immature faces turned livid in an instant.

Mao's underachiever?

No wonder these refugees dared to attack them.

Although Mao's selection is aimed at the entire soul world, there are certain standards for spiritual power.

It doesn't mean that as long as you have spiritual power, you can enter Mao.

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