"..." Duan Mu.

It has been nearly half a month since he came to Zhibo's house, plus half a month of rebuilding the [-]th team's team building... Then the time when she came to Soul Soul World should be when she was waiting for others to fight the black cloak.



Duan Mu looked around subconsciously, his face darkened slightly.

No way... No, judging from the characters of those mad scientists, it is extremely possible! !

But I only went to this world once, so I shouldn't attract the attention of the grocery store owner.

"That may be where she met you."

After Kong He finished speaking, he casually threw a scroll to Duan Mu, and said, "After she asked me about you, she said that she would give you this as a gift."

meet and greet?

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, the previous unhappiness was replaced by anticipation, and he couldn't wait to open the scroll.

But then he frowned...

What was recorded on the scroll was not the moment he imagined.

This inevitably makes Duan Mu feel a little disappointed. If it's a matter of time and again, try to see if you can make your own instant sword stronger.

However, this disappointment only exists for a moment.

As Duan Mu looked down, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"She said that she was in a hurry The ship is surrounded by nets!

This is more than experience! !

Looking at the content recorded on the scroll, Duan Mu couldn't help feeling ecstatic.

Because this scroll not only contains Yoruichi's own understanding of Shunpo, but also some Shunpo usage skills exclusive to secret maneuvers.


It also records a special technique exclusive to Sifeng Yuanjia.

——The third of the secret walking method 'Four Maple' - Empty Cicada!

This scroll is worth more to Duan Mu than the Shun Huan. He has already mastered it. Even with the experience of the creator, Yoruichi, he may not be able to make his Shun Huan healthy.

But the record on this scroll is enough to make Duan Mu's weakest Shunbu advance by leaps and bounds.

Originally, his two weakest items were physique and slashing technique, but after the battle with Zaraki, his physique reached an advanced level, and after the battle with the black cloak, all the experience points were directly invested in his physique .

As for the chopping technique, his proficiency increased by tens of thousands after the battle with Saraki.

This caused Shunpo, who was second only to Reiatsu and Baida, to become the weakest skill.


Physique: Advanced (5172/100000)

Reiatsu: Advanced (38960/100000)

White play: advanced (2360/100000)

Shunpo: Advanced (1008/100000)

Slashing: Advanced (14900/100000)


After the battle with Saraki Kenpachi, his spiritual pressure did not increase at all in the first half month due to the damaged spiritual pressure.

But the hard training in the second half of the month, the blade Zen, and the developmental rune, the combination of the three made his Reiatsu proficiency increase by more than 100 in half a month.

If the advanced 'Development Spirit Pattern' is run every day, it can probably bring about 10-15 points of proficiency improvement to Duanmu Reiatsu in one day. If combined with Blade Zen, this number can be increased by 1-5 points, which is also possible. Not rising at all.

These points may not seem high, but it is not a small amount accumulated over time.

Even if you don't count Blade Zen, just counting on the minimum proficiency rate of 10 points per day in the 'Developing Spirit Pattern', it only takes Duan Mu 16 years for the spiritual pressure to break through to the captain level.

For many gods of death who haven't improved much for decades, this is already an unbelievable growth rate.

Moreover, if the 'Development Spirit Pattern' is further improved, or combined with Zen Zen and continuous practice, it will only make this speed faster!

However, the improvements other than Reiatsu were not great, and Shunpo didn't increase at all.

But also because of this, the scroll that Ye Yi gave him is enough to make Duan Mu's Shunbu progress by leaps and bounds! !

"Sister Konghe, I will definitely take care of you!"

Duan Mu cheered, completely unaware of his words, which made Zhiba Konghe's face darken slightly.

He wouldn't think that Ye Yi gave him this scroll because of himself, because if that was the case, the name 'Yeichi Sifengyuan' should appear on his favorability interface.

This already shows that Ye Yi gave her the scroll not because of herself, but because of Miss Konghe's face.

Of course, if my previous guess is correct, this scroll may also include compensation for a certain neuropathy, prying into my privacy.

Fortunately, for the sake of caution, Duan Mu doesn't talk to himself even when he is alone, and he only thinks about the system in his mind, so he is not afraid of being discovered.

He did this not to prevent the neuropathy in the present world, but to prevent the two neuropathies in Seireitei, and a certain neuropathy that would be discovered no matter what he did as long as he was in Seireitei...


Duan Mucai doesn't like staying in Seireitei, but now it seems that staying in Liuhun Street is not so safe.

But where else can I go?

It's impossible to live in that crappy place in hell in order not to be observed, right?

There was no wine, no food in that shabby place, and even surviving was difficult; what's more, with the abilities of those people, if they were really interested in themselves, even if they hid in hell, they would still be observed by them.

After putting away the scroll, Duan Mu split the huge log with ease and made it into a set of tables and chairs.

The finished tables and chairs were transported upwards by Jin Yan Yinyan, and it can be seen... Miss Konghe is not lying, the tables and chairs are indeed consumed by Duan Mu and Griffin's dogs.

After the tables and chairs were replenished, Duan Mu and the two fell into a cycle again.

Although it is said that if something is wrong, it will be a violent beating, but Miss Konghe's guidance is extremely detailed, which makes Duan Mu's understanding of the ghost way a step further.

The only pity is...

Favorability does not increase at all.

Since the Daimaru incident, no matter how hard Duan Mu tried, Miss Sorazuru's favorability has remained at 30 points.


It's like 30 points, but it's not like 30 points.

Just like Uzuki, although Uzuki, like Yu Erzhong, has 60 favorability points for Duan Mu, but in fact Uzuki does not regard Duan Mu as a friend, but as a relative.

If the system can check the family value, Uzuki's family value for himself is probably already full.

Sister Konghe's situation is similar, she doesn't treat Duan Mu as a friend, but treats him as a younger brother like Ganju.

This caused Duan Mu to look more and more like a member of the Zhibo family with a different surname, although the favorability level did not increase. Now even Jin Yan Yinyan began to call him Young Master Duan Mu.

If nothing unexpected happened, it would be difficult to change Miss Konghe's impression of herself.

In fact, being treated as a younger brother is not a problem at all. Duan Mu is very grateful to Sister Konghe, respects Sister Konghe very much, and treats this eldest sister who has been helping him as a relative.

But at least...

Let's talk about raising your favorability.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't continue to struggle, but listened carefully to Sister Konghe's interpretation of the chant of 'Duankong'.

As for the vultures...

On the other hand, the head is bit by bit, as if it could fall asleep at any time.

Seeing this, Duan Mu hastily pinched his waist from the side.

It doesn't matter if Ganjiu gets beaten, but Duan Mu can't stand it if he is always implicated.


Chapter 114 code name?

early spring.

The streets of Liuhun Street are covered with water traces of melting winter snow, and in the shade of the houses, you can still see snowdrifts that are constantly melting.

"Sure enough, we can't do without your house of masters in Liuhun Street."

Watanabe, the owner of Runlin'an Tavern in West District 1, laughed, and took out the prepared reward from his pocket: "I heard from the elder that you have been studying with Lord Konghe for the past three months. Is the house still going to sell fireworks?"


Duan Mu took the reward, packed up the tools and said: "Just taking advantage of the lack of commissions in winter, I went to Miss Konghe to learn something." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu looked into the shop and said with a smile: "Watanabe Uncle, your tavern business is booming as always."

"What's hot?"

Boss Watanabe shook his head: "Don't look at the number of guests, but without your master house, my daily income would not be enough to repair the house; those gods of death are all like grandsons in Seireitei, but once they arrive at Liu Soul Street has become a proud look."

"Hehe, if you need it, I can help you teach them a lesson." Duan Mu chuckled: "Of course, it's paid!"

"Forget it, I don't want you to be beaten up again because of my old bones."

Watanabe sighed: "The group of bastards are more aggressive than the other. Last time, a guest said a few words that were not pleasing to the eye, and he was almost beaten to death by that bastard. Fortunately, there are other guests who are clever. Seeing that something is wrong, immediately Go and invite Lord Sidanfang over."

"For Sei Lingting, they don't care what happens to us people."

Watanabe sighed: "Although you can enter and leave Seireitei freely, it's better to be careful, and don't provoke those gods of death."

Duan Mu nodded and did not continue to solicit business for himself.

If Boss Watanabe issues a commission, Duan Mu doesn’t mind helping him clean up those gods of death. Anyway, the gods of death who will come to Rukun Street to show off their might are mostly students from the Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts and the gods of death who have just joined the Goutei [-] team. Some are just like what Boss Watanabe said...

Because in Seireitei, everything is timid, so I ran here to relax.

To deal with these people, as long as they are not killed, no one will take care of them. Even if they do, Duan Mu will not be arrested, because... the police team led by O Maeda is in charge of this matter.

However, it is precisely because of these people that the residents of Liuhun Street hate the God of Death, even Run Lin'an, which is the closest to Seilingting, is no exception.

"By the way, Uncle Watanabe, can you do me a favor?"

Duan Mu took out a stack of leaflets from his satchel: "I'm reopening, I want to send out a notice, it's not convenient to post in the tavern..."

"Small thing!"

Before Duan Mu could finish speaking, Boss Watanabe grabbed the leaflet and said with a smile: "You have helped me so much, what is so inconvenient about this trivial matter, give me a few more, and I will go to the elder to find some people later." Help you make a round in Runlin'an."

"Haha, thank you so much."

Duan Mu laughed, and then seemed to think of something. He pulled out a leaflet, left a mark on it with spiritual pressure, and said: "Next time someone comes to your tavern to cause trouble, you can point this mark to him. He will If we know each other, we won't make trouble again; if we don't know each other...just bear with it for now, and you can tell me when I come back."

"What is this?" Boss Watanabe was taken aback when he heard this.

"It's nothing."

Duan Mu shook his head and did not explain.

The symbol he drew on the bottom of the flyer is the mark of the police patrol led by Omaeda. Although the police only care about the Shinigami who are causing trouble in Seireitei, this mark still has a great deterrent effect on ordinary Shinigami soldiers.

Normally speaking, as long as the members of Goutei [-]th Team don't kill people, Seireitei won't care about beating or bullying people in Liuhun Street.

But after seeing the mark of the police patrol, if he dared to make trouble, the nature of the trouble changed. As long as Duan Mu told this matter to Omaeda, the troublemaker Reaper would be 'invited' to the secret mobile for tea the next day .

Although Omaeda seems to be a simple and honest fat man who only knows how to eat all day long, in fact, this guy has dark hands and holds grudges against thieves.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Watanabe, Duan Mu did not go back to the West 38th District, but walked directly towards Baidaomen.

After returning from Sister Konghe, Duan Mu only asked the Wanshiwu on Liuhun Street to accept commissions again, and used three days to complete all the commissions on Liuhun Street, and by the way, spread the news of the reopening of Wanshiwu to Xiliu All areas of Soul Street.

Next, he plans to reopen the branch of Seireitei.

Originally, Duan Mu planned to rest for a period of time, but after finishing his practice, he went home and stayed for a long time, so he couldn't help but come out to look for a job.

It is impossible to rest, it is impossible to rest in this life, and there is no income and no friends in the store. Only by working continuously can we maintain our life and social life!

of course……

The main reason is that he can't stay idle. After living in the soul world for several years, he has become accustomed to working continuously to relieve his pressure.

Compared with Saraki Kenpachi, who used the method of finding people to fight to relieve stress, he prefers the current method, which can make friends without causing trouble, and can also make money! !

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