Looking at the eleventh team, there is no money to build a team building. The annual team expenses are basically spent on compensation for losses. Fortunately, the salary of the god of death is uniformly paid by the first team, and there is also free medical treatment. and board and lodging, otherwise the [-]th team may only have Saragi Kenpachi and a few diehards left...

Even so, the person in charge of managing the funds of the [-]th team often plucks his hair out of worry.

"Speak up."

Duan Mu said with a strange expression: "I haven't seen you in three months, that lunatic Zaraki won't suddenly come out?"

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but release his perception, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no Reiatsu of Saragi Kenpachi around.

That guy doesn't care about any bans when he's crazy, as long as he can play to his heart's content, he won't even bother with Room 46 of Mao.

Those people who are high above are most afraid of such reckless lunatics, so as long as they don't make too much noise, everything related to Zaragi Kenpachi is handled by the captain of the first team, Yamamoto, Room 46 Mao Didn't even mention it in the meeting.

After entering Seireitei, Duan Mu walked directly towards the location of the Second Division.

Before going to Miss Konghe to practice three months ago, he had asked two employees of the branch to go back to Omaeda's house to rest first. If he wanted them to come back to work, he had to go to Omaeda.

"Boss Duan Mu?"

Just before the second team, the two guards outside the door were stunned: "Have you finished your training?"

"Well, it's just over."

Duan Mu smiled slightly at the two masked guards, and asked, "Is Vice Captain O Maeda in the team?"

He did not hide the fact that he went to Sister Konghe to practice. He reported to Captain Broken Bee in advance. After all, he still has a long-term entrustment to manage the nest of maggots. If he suddenly disappeared...Captain Broken Bee is very likely Run to Liuhun Street to arrest people.

"here I am."

"Then you are busy, I have something to ask him."

Arriving at the deputy captain's office with ease, Duan Mu knocked on the door twice, pushed the door open and walked in.

In the office, Omaeda was sitting behind his desk, listening to a report from Xing Jun in front of him.

After hearing the knock on the door, the two people in the room ignored it until they realized that the person outside the door did not get permission and came in directly before looking towards the door.

When he found out that it was Duan Mu, Omaeda's frowning brows relaxed, and he said to Xing Jun in front of him, "Go on."


Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't step forward to disturb, but sat down on the sofa, picked up the snacks prepared by Omaeda from the coffee table and ate them.

Seeing this, Omaeda couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Is this guy less and less treating himself as an outsider?

"...According to our investigation, Hasegawa Sho, a member of the [-]th Division dispatched to the present world, has been confirmed dead. According to the traces left at the scene, it can be confirmed that he was swallowed by Hollow, and Zanpakuto has been recovered."

"If it's not defection..."

Omaeda nodded, drew a stroke on the document, and handed it to Xing Jun in front of him: "Then it has nothing to do with us, you go and tell others to stop the investigation, and send the results of the on-site investigation to the [-]th Division That's it."


Masked Xing Jun responded, then saluted Duan Mu again, and then left the vice captain's office.

After he left, Duan Mu couldn't help but said: "The god of death sent to this world is dead, so just ignore it?"

"if not?"

Da Maeda got up and came to the sofa, sat down, and directly bounced Duan Mu on the other side of the sofa: "Do you still expect us to secretly maneuver to avenge him? Don't forget, our duty is to execute and assassinate , if he lost contact in this world because he defected, then it has something to do with us."

"Sending God of Reaper to be killed by Xu, this is the internal affairs of each team, and it will be said that it is nosy to intervene in secret maneuvers."

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words: "Is this kind of thing very common?"

"It's not very common, and most of the incidents of dispatching Shinigami to die happen in the town of Karakura, which is in charge of the [-]th division." Omaeda reached out and snatched the snacks on the coffee table, and said while eating: "However, this time I have heard of eating and dispatching the god of death a few times."


"It's a ghost code-named 'Grand`Fissure', and it is estimated that its strength is probably at the level of a low-level officer."

Omaeda swallowed the snack in his mouth, and continued: "Whether it is the thirteenth division in charge of Karakuza Town, the tenth division in charge of Naruki City, or the divisions in other cities, each division sends The gods of death in the present world were all ordinary soldiers; in the face of this kind of strength, it is impossible to be an opponent, and it is normal to die."

Grand `Fissure?

Duan Mu frowned slightly, he always felt that this code name sounded familiar.

"Then why don't you send an officer to kill it?"

"Easy to say."

Omaeda said angrily: "Do you think all the officers are as idle as you? Each team only has 20 officers, and some teams don't even have all the officers. There are less than 200 people together, and these less than 200 people manage more than 6000 soldiers and also handle various affairs in the soul world, how could they be sent to the present world."

"So except for the extremely severe situation, it is basically impossible to send the chief officer to station in this world."

"Even if it is sent to the present world, it won't stay for too long, and the ghost code-named 'Grand`Fissure' is extremely cunning, every time it eats the dispatched god of death, it will immediately hide itself, it can be as short as a few years, and as long as Then it will not appear for more than ten years; which chief of the team can guard it for so long in this world?"

"What's more, the location of appearance is not fixed, it is impossible for every city to arrange a seat officer?"

Omaeda said indifferently: "So in the past few decades, several gods of death who have been dispatched to the world have been eaten by him."

"It's not easy for you either."

Duan Mu nodded clearly: "However, is there no countermeasure?"

"Yes, but not worth it!"

Omaeda shook his head: "If it is in a state of first-level alert, the 'Communication Technology Research Section' and the 'Radio Wave Measurement Research Section' of the Technology Development Bureau will maintain full-time operation, and the Goutei [-] team will also maintain full mobilization. They will even send Ghost Daoists down to various divisions to keep the 'world-transmitting gate' open at all costs, instead of only the thirteenth division having the world-transmitting gate to the present world."

"In this way, as soon as an alert is received, one can immediately go to any place for support."

After Omaeda finished speaking, he gave a strange smile: "But entering the first-level security requires the permission of Captain Yamamoto and Mao Room 46, and it consumes a lot of resources. It is not worth it for a low-level officer; anyway, I After so many years of being the god of death, I have never encountered a first-level alert state."

"There is only one possibility to kill that Xu, and that is the God of Reaper stationed in this world. He did not get killed immediately and applied for support. Before the support arrived, the Xu did not hide again."

"This kind of situation has happened a few times, but it's a pity that Xu is very cautious. Every time before the support arrives, it will escape early."

After Omaeda finished speaking, he gave Duan Mu a strange look: "Why do you suddenly care about Xu Xu? Don't tell me that you are pity for those dead dispatchers."

"That's not it."

Duan Mu curled his lips, he is not a god of death, the life and death of those gods of death has nothing to do with him, unless it is his female friend who died...

But this fictitious code name made him inexplicably concerned.

However, Duan Mu did not continue to struggle.

He couldn't move freely in Seireitei, so how could he control the world.

"I'm going to reopen the business. You get off work at night, please help me inform Huayin and Qiao Ze."

"Then let's go now."

Omaeda glanced at the time: "It just so happens that I'm going back home for lunch."

"Captain Broken Bee actually allowed you to go home for lunch?" Duan Mu asked with a strange expression.

"Why not?"

Omaeda chuckled: "The lunch break is at your disposal, as long as I come back before work, Captain Broken Bee won't care about this kind of thing."

"Uh, that time... Ah, by the way, you have transfer piles."

Only then did Duan Mu recall that for the convenience of commuting to and from get off work, this guy bought a set of transfer piles from Captain Nie Yuli at a high price. He also used the transfer piles to go back home for lunch.

"Then you go, I'll go to the comprehensive ambulance station." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu got up and left.

"Do you want to come together?"


"Ah, what, I said, do you want to come to my house for dinner?"

Duan Mu looked at Da Maeda in surprise: "Is this okay? Your house is in the noble area, and that is the area where Captain Suifeng absolutely does not allow me to go."

"What's the problem with inviting friends to my house for dinner, besides, we still send it directly, as long as you don't leave my house." Omaeda chuckled: "Just let you have a taste, what is food, I said the food in the cafeteria is not good. It's delicious, you still don't believe it."

"Uh, then excuse me."

Duan Mu's eyes lit up. Although he didn't have much appetite, Duan Mu still wanted to taste the delicious food that O Maeda had blown in front of him countless times.

"Let's go."

"By the way, when did we two become friends?"

"...don't come here."



Chapter 115 The Omaeda Family

Accompanied by a sense of weightlessness, Duan Mu appeared in an extremely spacious room. After seeing the environment clearly, Duan Mu didn't feel the slightest surprise, but had a feeling that it was so.

There is no doubt that this is a bedroom that can be described by the four words 'golden and magnificent'.

The level of luxury is basically the same as Duan Mu expected, and it matches Omaeda's own style of local tyrant, especially the wall at the head of the bed, which is inlaid with diamonds of various colors to serve as a mural, which fully interprets the word "local tyrant"! !

In comparison, Duan Mu's extremely narrow bedroom surrounded by iron fences is like a dog cage.

"Don't be dazed, my servant should have already prepared lunch." After saying that, Omaeda pushed open the bedroom door and walked out.

Seeing this, Duan Mu hurriedly followed. Although he didn't come in from the outside, he didn't know how big the building was, but he could already imagine the size of the house from the bedroom, so it's better to follow Da Maeda closely so as not to get lost.

After leaving the bedroom, Duan Mu, led by O Maeda, passed through the extremely gorgeous hall, came to the extremely gorgeous courtyard, and then walked towards another extremely gorgeous building...

For everything in sight, Duan Mu can use the word 'gorgeous' to describe it, even the latrine exudes a gorgeous smell of copper...

"Hey, did Xi Chiyo bring friends to play?" A voice came from outside the courtyard.

Turning his head to look, he saw a middle-aged couple walking in from the gate. Both of them were about the same size as Omaeda.

The man's brown hair was combed into an airplane hairstyle, he wore a pair of purple-rimmed sunglasses, and a gold necklace hung on his chest. He didn't smell like copper from head to toe like Omaeda, but instead gave off a smell of copper. A sense of déjà vu of a gangster...

The woman is dressed as a noble lady with a pearl necklace on her chest.

When he saw the two of them clearly, Duan Mu's eyes flashed with surprise, because although the two of them gave people the posture of a noble lord and a lady, they were extremely tyrannical in their spiritual pressure.

The woman is okay, probably only equivalent to a high-ranking official, but the spiritual pressure around the man's body is stronger than most of the vice-captains Duan Mu has seen, and it is infinitely close to the captain's level.

When Omaeda saw the two, he introduced to Duan Mu: "This is my father Nozomi Omaeda."

"Hi Uncle, I'm a friend of Vice Captain Omaeda, Duan Mu." Duan Mu smiled slightly.

Xi Zhijin looked Duan Mu up and down, and smiled boldly: "I've heard of you, yes, except that you are not as good as me, you are pretty similar to me when I was young."

Duan Mu restrained the twitching of the corners of his eyes, and forced a smile: "...you are welcome."


"This is my mother, Xihua."

"Hello, Auntie."

Xihua covered her mouth and let out a 'roar roar' laugh: "Why are you dressed in such shabby clothes? Come on, auntie will give you some pocket money to change into a good set of clothes. You don't look very good. , how can you still dress so poorly?"

After finishing speaking, she directly took out a stack of banknotes from her arms and handed them to Duan Mu.



Looking at the wad of banknotes, Duan Mu restrained himself easily and showed a bright smile: "Auntie, you are right. I am different from you. I look older. In Omaeda Before the introduction by the vice-captain, I thought you were his sister."

"Ho ho ho~ You kid is really sensible. Come on, take your pocket money and come to my sister's house to play more often."

[Xihua’s favorability +3, gain 240 experience points, current favorability: 3]

"Since you gave it to me, I naturally have to accept it." Looking at the prompts on the system interface in his mind, the smile on Duan Mu's face became brighter: "However, judging from Auntie's fair skin, you should have just finished skin care." Nursing."

"Hey, how do you know?" Xi Hua glanced at Duan Mu with some surprise: "That's right, I just came back from Zhenyang Pharmacy Hospital."

"Personally, I still have some experience with herbal medicine. Judging from the medicinal fragrance you exude all over your body, it should be treated with herbs such as Lingqing, Feather Root... and so on. If you go again, you can ask the Shiyaoyuan The person from here will add some flower orchids to the original recipe for you."

"The formula you are using now is too focused on the effect. After a long time, the skin will feel tight. Hualan can be used to activate the spiritual power in the body. Adding it to the formula you are using now can let the spiritual power in the body soothe the skin. It can calm the tightness of your perfect skin, and it can also make your skin shine even more."

"Really, I do feel that my skin is a little tight, can I just add the Hualan you mentioned?"

"You can try it. With the nursing attainments of those people in the Pharmacy Institute, if they find it harmful, they won't use it for you."

"And I have always worked in the comprehensive rescue center of the fourth team. I dare not say anything about other skin care, but I am still very confident in herbal medicine."

"Also...look at your hands...don't be careless about...hand care. Look at this...sister, although you are young, you must pay attention to maintenance..."

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