
The corner of Omaeda's mouth twitched slightly, he glanced at his father who was slightly darkened, and stretched out his hand to grab his mother's hand, and dragged back Duan Mu who kept calling for his sister.

"Mom, it's almost done. We two have to go back to work in the afternoon after dinner."

"That's it, then there's nothing we can do." After Xihua said that, he smiled at Duan Mu: "Xiao Duanmu, did you just say that you are working in the comprehensive ambulance station of the Fourth Division?"

"That's right, it's just that I have other jobs, and I'm not there often. Of course, sister, if you need it, you can always contact the comprehensive rescue center."

"Vice-captain Omaeda is my dear friend, sibling brother, and his mother is my mother. No matter how busy I am, I will wait for you at the comprehensive rescue center!"

"Hohoho~~ Xiqianyo is really lucky to have you as his friend."

[Xihua’s favorability +1, 80 experience points gained, current favorability is 7. 】

Being half dragged by O Maeda into the side building, Duan Mu felt a little pity. He felt that if he chatted for a while, it would not be difficult for him to raise O Maeda's mother's favorability to 10 points.


In the future, you can think more about the relatives of the members of the [-]th Guarding Team, especially those retired members of the [-]th Guarding Team. This is also a very large experience income group, and the favorability of the older generation is relatively low. It's easier said than done.

"What's your sister and my mother's name?"

Omaeda said with a speechless face, and then seemed to think of something, his eyes showed vigilance: "You bastard, don't you covet my mother's beauty?"

Beauty? ?

Duan Mu looked at Omaeda with a strange face, and when he found that this guy showed no signs of disobeying his will, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

He finally understood why the couple felt that they were not looking good.

The vision of this family is very problematic!

"Isn't this the first time I've met, I want to make a good impression on my uncle and aunt."

"...Is it a good impression? If I don't take you away, my dad may have to take out his own Zanpakuto that has been dusty for many years."

Da Maeda glared at Duan Mu angrily, but he didn't doubt whether Duan Mu had taken a fancy to his mother.

After all, this guy has the same attitude towards other people. He has always been very popular among middle-aged women on Xiliuhun Street, and Omaeda is no longer surprised.

"It's a pity that my eldest sister Ximei is not at home. She likes to make friends just like you; and she is no less beautiful than my mother. If you want to find a sister, she is very suitable. I will introduce you to you next time."

"..." Duan Mu

What do you mean I want to find my sister...

Although, Duan Mu is indeed a little interested in Omaeda's sister.

The reason is very simple, because the reason why the nobles in Seireitei are nobles is precisely because people of noble origin have very good spiritual power talents, and the elder sister's strength should not be too weak.

Omaeda continued: "In addition to my eldest sister, I also have a younger brother named Kijiro Saburo. Although he is at home, he has been working hard to join the Technology Development Bureau recently. Please don't bother him."

"And I!!"

As soon as Omaeda finished speaking, an angry voice said, "Really, brother, it's a pity that I came to help you cook your favorite side dish, and you didn't even introduce me to your friends!?"

Following the prestige, I saw a little girl wearing an apron walking out of the restaurant, about ten years old, with extremely dazzling blond hair and delicate cheeks, she looked like a doll.

The little girl walked up to the two of them and bowed politely to Duan Mu: "Hello, I am brother Chiyo's younger sister, Kiyo Omaeda, my brother has been taken care of by you."

"This stupid one is my younger sister Xidai, she is the only one in my family who looks a bit ugly."



Duan Mu was silent for nearly five seconds, and then carefully felt Xidai's Reiatsu, and after confirming that it was more than 50.00% similar to Omaeda's Reiatsu, he gave up the idea of ​​reporting the kidnapping of children to Omaeda's family with Captain Suifeng.

A little ugly?

Although I haven't met Omaeda's sister and brother, his parents are very husband and wife. Combined with Omaeda's words, I think this family should be carved out of the same mold.

Only Xidai in front of him seems to have changed the mold...

No, this is simply a change of manufacturer! !

"Um... ex-brother, did your family members look good before they were underage?" After finishing speaking, Duan Mu silently added in his heart: When he grows up, he became fat because of genetics, so he became ugly?


Omaeda nodded without hesitation, which made Duan Mu understand, but his next sentence left Duan Mu speechless again: "Only Xidai is ugly when she is young."

"Brother! You are too much."

Well, I see, this is probably the so-called genetic mutation! !

Duan Mu bent down, with a gentle smile on his face, and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Xiao Xidai, I'm Duan Mu."

Seeing Duan Mu's outstretched hand, Xidai froze for a moment, then came to his senses, wiped his hand on the apron hastily, then held Duan Mu's hand with a blushing face and said, "Hello, Brother Duan Mu. "

[Kiyo Ohmaeda's favorability +4, gain 80 experience points, current favorability: 4]

Duan Mu couldn't help squinting his eyes due to the reminder in his mind.

It's been a long time since I've seen a little girl who fits her appearance so well, and whose favorability can be easily improved.

Moreover, this experience value is already equivalent to that of ordinary members of the Guarding Team [-]. Compared with the children of the same age in the Liuhun Street Orphanage that Duan Mu has been funding, the experience value she provides is much higher.

However, it's no wonder that no matter how genetically mutated, one is born as a nobleman, and is born with a certain amount of spiritual power; as one grows older, one's own spiritual pressure will steadily increase even if one does not deliberately practice it.

Under the guidance of Hidai, Duan Mu and O Maeda stepped into the restaurant.

As soon as you enter the door, you will be greeted by an incomparably alluring aroma. Looking around, you can see that the huge long table is filled with all kinds of dishes.

"Sit down, what are you waiting for?"

Omaeda sat down on the main seat, and said with a proud face: "I can't take you to the restaurant 'Hua Hong' on Noble Street, but my chef's skills are not much worse than that of the restaurant 'Hua Hong'."

"Uh, why don't you wait for Uncle and Auntie?"

"Why wait for them?"

Omaeda was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "This is a lunch I prepared for myself, and they have already eaten."

"..." Duan Mu.

Well, I am less knowledgeable.

But that's fine too, if he eats with Omaeda's family, Duan Mu will inevitably still be a little bit reluctant.

Since there were only the two of them, Duan Mu didn't show politeness to O Maeda, he just pulled the chair and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"Tsk tsk, your reaction is so boring."

Looking at Duan Mu, who didn't say a word, Omaeda said with a bit of disappointment: "Shouldn't I boast that it's delicious? You know, every time Hisagi comes here to eat my leftover food, his reaction is watching It’s all very interesting.”

"What? Do you want to see me blow your clothes off?"

After Duan Muxu replied, he ignored Da Maeda.

The food is indeed better than the cafeteria of the second team, but that's all. Except for the side dishes when drinking, Duan Mu doesn't have high requirements for what he eats; Every morning when Mu goes out to work, he can even drink the noodle soup.

As for the appetizers...

Since the last time he made a big fuss about the [-]th team, Duan Mu has suppressed his alcohol addiction. In the past few months, he has been relying on the smell of alcohol to satisfy his cravings, and he couldn't help but just licked a drop.

He was really scared!

Every time he thinks back to that incident, Duan Mu can't help but rejoice that what he attacked was the [-]th squad, otherwise...it would definitely not be so easy to solve.


Duan Mu was taken aback, looked down at the dumpling that had a bite in his hand, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "What is this?"

Da Maeda glanced at the dumpling in Duan Mu's hand and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Derry is the best."

Xidai, who didn't know what he was doing in the kitchen, poked his head out and said, "When I was out shopping today, I saw the leader of the Jing band standing in line at the 'Kuri House' to buy this kind of dumpling. I thought I would give it to you, so I bought it. Ordered one."

"Beijing band leader?"

Omaeda was a little curious when he heard the words, picked up a dumpling and tasted it, and then...

"Bah, what the hell, this is too unpalatable." Omaeda picked up the water and rinsed his mouth.

Seeing this, Xidai blinked his eyes: "Isn't it delicious? I saw that the head of the Beijing band narrowed his eyes after eating it?"

"No, it's delicious!"

Duan Mujiang turned to Xidai and asked, "Where is that shop called Kuri House?"

"On Noble Street."

"Noble Street..."

Duan Mu frowned, it's not good where, but it's where he can't go.

"The owner of Kuri House said that this is a glutinous rice and red bean snack with wine lees added." Xidai showed a cute smile on his face: "Brother Duanmu, if you like it, I will buy it for you next time."

"No wonder."

Da Maeda glanced at Duan Mu, and immediately understood why both the band leader of Beijing and Duan Mu liked to eat this kind of food. Just as he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door outside the restaurant.

Bang bang bang.


Chapter 116 Golden Seal Nobility Meeting

"come in."

Omaeda responded casually, and a familiar figure walked in.

When she saw Duan Mu sitting next to Da Maeda, she was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Boss Duan Mu?"

The person who came in was Hanyin, one of the two employees of the Wanshiwu branch.

"You came just in time, wait until you go down and tell Qiao Ze that Duan Mu's Wanshiwu will be open tomorrow."


Hua Yin responded, and then said: "Master, President Xi Chuan of the Golden Seal Association came to visit and said that he had something to discuss with you."

"What is he doing here?"

O Maeda frowned slightly, as if he didn't like people very much, but finally nodded: "You bring him here."

"Yes, sir."

Huayin responded, turned and left, and walked in with a gorgeously dressed middle-aged man after a while.

When Omaeda saw the person coming, he didn't stand up to greet him, but said in a casual tone: "President Xi Chuan, what do you want from me?"

Chairman Xi Chuan did not reply, but glanced at Duan Mu who was beside O Maeda.

Seeing this, Duan Mu picked up the plate of rice dumpling and said, "Talk first, I'm almost done eating." After that, he got up and left.

But then he was dragged back by Omaeda, and said to President Xi Chuan: "If you have anything to say, you can just say it. This is my friend, and he doesn't care if he hears it."

"..." Duan Mu.

To be honest, he was really not interested in what the two of them were going to talk about, but Omaeda had already said so, if he insisted on leaving, it would embarrass Omaeda, so he could only sit back and continue eating with his head bowed.

President Xi Chuan hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and finally said: "Vice Captain O Maeda, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"Didn't my Xiaojiu join the Thirteenth Division?" President Xi Chuan paused, and a look of worry flashed across his face: "Not long ago, the God of Reaper sent by the Thirteenth Division to the present world cut off contact. Today, I received the news. It is said that he died in this world."

"I know, I was the one who notified the Thirteenth Division about this."

"Actually, before the death of the sending god of death was confirmed, the thirteenth division was already selecting the next dispatching god of death, and my child...you know, he especially admires Captain Ukitake, and volunteered to take over this job. Just now Come back and tell me about it.”

President Xi Chuan said with an ugly face: "He dared to take such a dangerous job, and no matter how much I tried to persuade him, it was useless. Originally, I wanted to discuss it with Captain Ukitake, and let him find a way to stop it. However, Captain Ukitake was infected with the wind and cold. , is now in a coma..."

"Feel sorry."

Omaeda directly interrupted President Xi Chuan's words: "Forgive me for being helpless, as the president of the Golden Seal Association, you should also be very clear that the dispatch of the Shinigami of each division is the internal affairs of each division, and as long as the dispatched Shinigami does not If you refuse, neither the Golden Seal Society nor our secret maneuver can stop it."

"I see."

President Xi Chuan nodded, and there was more pleading in his tone: "But you also know that there is only such an only child in our family. No matter what, I can't let him do such a dangerous job."

"What's more, the god of death sent to the present world stays for a few years. Xiaojiu has never suffered since childhood. How can he bear it?"

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