"You don't need to stop me, I just hope you can find a reason to send someone to arrest my child first, and release him after the next dispatcher is decided."


Duan Mu, who was eating dumplings, couldn't help coughing a few times.

When a father came to find the vice-captain of the secret maneuver to arrest his son, this is really a kind father and a filial son...

"Do you think I'm the captain of the stealth maneuver?"

Omaeda couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words: "The police patrol team I'm in charge of can't arrest people for no reason."


"For this kind of thing, you should go to Captain Broken Bee. Only with her consent can I arrest people."

After Omaeda finished speaking, he directly issued an order to evict the guest: "If you have nothing else to do, please leave. I really can't help you with this."

President Xi Chuan frowned, and when he saw that O Maeda ignored him, his face suddenly became a little ugly, and finally he snorted, turned and left.

The restaurant fell into silence again, only the sound of Duan Mu's continuous eating could be heard.

"...Aren't you full?"

"How is it possible, I only took a few bites." Duan Muxu said with narrowed eyes, "I see that he doesn't seem to want me to listen here, that's why he said that."

"It's good to have you here. If you're not here, that old guy will definitely use his status as the president of the Golden Seal Society to suppress others again."

Duan Mu smiled when he heard the words, and didn't ask what Jin Yinhui was, since he was not a nobleman anyway.


Duan Mu asked with some doubts: "Wouldn't most of you gods of death who came from aristocratic backgrounds join the Sixth Division?"

Different from other teams, the sixth team can be said to be an exclusive team for nobles. Its purpose of existence is to allow nobles who want to become God of Death to go in and be gilded.

Of course, Duan Mu heard these from the members of the [-]th team, and he didn't know much about the actual situation.

Omaeda sneered when he heard the words: "Hehe, he wanted the child to join, but Captain Kuchiki rejected it directly."


"Golden Seal Society is the abbreviation of 'Golden Seal Noble Conference'. Its main duty is to complete some commissions from nobles and mediate disputes between nobles. You can understand it as a house of everything that is 'exclusive to nobles'. However, the Golden Seal Society is also responsible for Registration and marriages of members of the nobility."

There was a sneer on Omaeda's face: "In general, it is similar to the combination of the current household registration office and your Wanshiwu. There is a lot of power among the nobles."

"When Captain Kuchiki was going to marry the commoners of Ruhun Street, apart from the opposition within the Kuchiki family, the families of several resident members of the Golden Seal Association also held an opposing attitude."

"I think that the head of the Kuchiki family, one of the four nobles, as a role model for the nobles, must never marry the untouchables of Ruhun Street."

"And it was the Xichuan family who took the lead in opposing it."

"Even though Captain Kuchiki personally came to ask for it, that President Xichuan did not register Captain Kuchiki's marriage, and refused to admit the identity of Captain Kuchiki's wife, although Captain Kuchiki finally registered after persuading his family."

"But since then, Captain Kuchiki has been extremely disgusted with President Xichuan, and secretly caused the Xichuan family to suffer a lot."

"It wasn't until Captain Kuchiki adopted his younger sister that the terrified President Xichuan tried his best to register Kuchiki Rukia in the noble register, and the grievances between the two families came to an end."

"But even so, the Sixth Division does not accept Shinigami from the Xichuan family at all."

A house of masters among nobles?

A pensive look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, although he didn't like the nobles of Seiling Court.

But I have to admit that the Shinigami of noble origin basically have good strength, and among them, there are countless Shinigami who have retired like Omaeda's parents.

"The Golden Seal Association, can people who are not nobles join?"


Omaeda was taken aback: "Why are you asking this?"

"Although my Master House has been opened to Seireitei, I have never received any entrustment from nobles."

Duan Mu paused for a moment, and continued: "Since the responsibilities of the Golden Seal Association are somewhat similar to those of the Master House, then I would like to see if I can take some entrustments from the Golden Seal Association that they are unwilling to do, and let me do it. Finish."

Money is a trivial matter, but it is a good thing if you can get online with those nobles.

You must know that the nobles and ordinary residents of Seireitei live in two worlds, and it is basically impossible for the two sides to have contact. Even when nobles and commoners join a team, most of them contradict and reject each other!

It is simply impossible for Duan Mu to have any contact with the nobles if he opened the Wanshiwu on the outskirts of Seilingting.

But it would be different if he got on the line of the Golden Seal Society. Even if he was only a peripheral member, he could take over the jobs that the nobles of the Golden Seal Society were unwilling to do, or that were dangerous.

Not for any status, but...

There are many daughters of nobles who have good strength, but the family does not allow them to join the [-]th Guarding Team and become the god of death.

The eldest sister of Omaeda is an example. Even if someone in the family must join the secret maneuver for generations, she is unwilling to let her daughter join. There are countless examples like this.

For Duan Mu, these people are a very large group of experience points! !

"It seems to work."

A moment of thought flashed in O Maeda's eyes, Duan Mu's words were indeed feasible to a certain extent.

Among the noble entrustments received by the Golden Seal Society, there is no shortage of dangerous and troublesome entrustments. There are countless examples of family members leaving privately, or using the family's world-traveling gate to go to the present world and leave home.

There is a saying that makes sense:

Never underestimate those who have nothing to do, live too long, and live a worry-free life, let them use the word "death" to the fullest!

It was once popular among the nobles to lock up Xu, and let the two parties catch Xu in the ring to fight like crickets, which set off a trend of nobles sending people to the Xu circle to catch Xu. Later, Mao 46 room explicitly banned Only then is it over.

But now from time to time, there will be children of nobles who go to the virtual circle together to kill virtuals in this world, which is called 'hunting', or holds a so-called 'courage meeting'.

The Jinyinhui has no ability to complete similar commissions at all, and can only commission secret maneuvers through Room 46 of Mao.

If Duan Mu is willing to pick it up, it will be much easier for them to maneuver secretly.

Thinking of this, Omaeda said: "If you are interested, I can talk to Jin Yinhui for you, but that old thing is really disgusting, especially for people from Liuhun Street. Look, it's not that easy to convince him to transfer the entrustment to you."

"What if I help him protect his son?"

"Hey hey hey~~"

Omaeda was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses and couldn't help but ask, "Did you forget that you are just a non-staff member of the secret maneuver?"

"Anyway, the duty of our supervisory team is to monitor the Shinigami, so it would be nice to let them pay more attention to the dispatching Shinigami in Karakura Town."

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "If there is something that his children can't resist, I can definitely help his children, but I need to borrow your nobleman's world-transmitting gate."

"I think he cares a lot about his son's appearance. Using this as a bargaining chip, he should be able to make a deal with him, right?"


O Maeda nodded, because President Xi Chuan cherished his son so much, Duan Mu's bargaining chip was indeed completely sufficient.


He didn't want Duan Mu to leave Soul Soul Realm through the noble's world-transmitting gate. The reason is very simple. With Duan Mu's spiritual pressure strength, if he frequently goes to the present world without restrictions, it may have an impact on the present world.

If this bastard suddenly went crazy like he did when he fought Captain Saraki last time, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

Friends are friends, duties are duties.

Seeing Omaeda's uncertain appearance, Duan Mu could faintly guess what he was thinking, and said:

"Of course, I will first ask Captain Broken Bee about this matter. If she agrees, I will do it again; and after completing the commission, I promise to return to Soul Soul Realm immediately and never stay outside."

When Omaeda heard the words, hesitation appeared on his face, and Duan Mu pushed again when he saw this: "Even if I go to the present world, there is no problem in restricting my spiritual pressure."

As soon as this remark came out, Omaeda nodded: "I can help you communicate with him, but you must first obtain the consent of Captain Broken Bee."

"no problem!"

Duan Mu's eyes lit up: "Then let's go now."


The second team, the captain's room.

"...so Duan Mu wants your permission."

Da Maeda stood in front of the desk and told Sui Feng about Duan Mu's idea.

Broken Bee frowned slightly, but did not give an answer immediately.

Just as Oh Maeda thought, Jin Yin would use the secret passage in Room 46 of Mao to issue a commission for the secret maneuver, which has always made her extremely dissatisfied.

If Duan Mu is willing to accept it, it is indeed a good thing, and the god of death prohibits private travel to the present world, and there is no restriction on Duan Mu who is not the god of death.

From this point of view, his Master's House is indeed the most suitable place to wipe the ass of those nobles, and there is a golden seal to mediate in it, so Room 46 of Mao will not use this to embarrass Duanmu.

But what Omaeda was worried about, she was also worried about.

The present world is different from the world of corpses and souls. Once many defected gods of death lose their traces in the present world, it will be extremely difficult to find them again.

This point, for her who has been searching for someone's whereabouts, is clearer than anyone else.

Once Duan Mu is hidden, it is basically impossible to catch him with stealth maneuvers.

"It's not impossible for me to agree."

After pondering for a while, Broken Bee continued: "But if the mission you received is to go to the present world, you must be restricted and tracked by spiritual pressure. Maneuver leaves its mark on you."

"If you can accept this, then I can allow you to order the supervisory team to take more care of the kid from the Xichuan family, provided that the normal work of the supervisory team cannot be affected."

"no problem!"


Chapter 117 First Job

Seireitei, the peripheral commercial street.

"is it here?"

Looking at the shop in front of him, Xi Chuanyuan frowned slightly, and turned to ask the woman behind him.

"That's right, this should be the shop Mr. Omaeda mentioned."

After pondering for a while, the woman continued: "According to your instructions, President, I investigated the information about the owner of this 'All Things House', he is very famous in Liuhun Street and the outskirts of Seireitei, so it is not difficult to investigate. "

"According to my investigation, he was originally a commoner in Ruukon Street, but somehow he obtained a court certificate issued by a secret maneuver, allowing him to freely shuttle between Ruhun Street and Seireitei."

"I am very capable. All the commissions he accepts can be perfectly completed and the customers are extremely satisfied; while running the Wanshiwu, he is also working in the comprehensive ambulance station of the Fourth Division. It is said that his attainments on the road are He is not weaker than the vice-captain of the [-]th division at all, and many members of the [-]th Gotei team who have received his treatment can attest to this."

"But these are only his superficial identities. I conducted an investigation using the internal channels of the Golden Seal Society according to your order, and found that it was deeply related to the secret maneuver, but the further investigation was stopped by the secret maneuver; but... It is rumored that the person who fought with Captain Saragi Kenpachi of the [-]th squad not long ago was precisely this Boss Duanmu."

Xi Chuanyuan nodded when he heard the words, and there was no surprise on his face. The information Aoi investigated was consistent with what Vice Captain Omaeda said, and the information he got from Vice Captain Omaeda was even more detailed.

After confirming each other, it is basically certain that Vice Captain O Maeda did not deceive himself.

Thinking of this, Xichuanyuan didn't continue to hesitate, and walked directly into the Wanshiwu.

"Welcome, do you need anything?"

As soon as they stepped into the shop, a man and a woman greeted them, but when they saw Xi Chuan Yard, they couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously asked, "President Xi Chuan?"

Are you from the Omaeda family?

A look of surprise flashed in Xi Chuanyuan's eyes. He didn't have much impression of the male clerk, but he had seen the female clerk yesterday when he visited Omaeda's house. It was Omaeda she led him to meet.

"Excuse me, is Boss Duan Mu here?"

Xi Chuanyuan asked in a calm tone, and there was no aristocratic feeling in his tone, even better than the attitude of many ordinary guests.

Hua Yin and Qiao Ze looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

Regardless of the status of the president of the Golden Seal Society, Xichuanyuan is equally noble as the head of the high-ranking aristocratic Xichuan family; and Xichuanyuan himself is an extremely old-fashioned nobleman. The residents of Seilingting Court are also regarded as untouchables by him.

That's why he prevented Captain Kuchiki from the Sixth Division from marrying the untouchables of Ruhun Street.

However, it is said that the reason why he dared to do this in the first place was also because the Kuchiki family always supported him behind his back.

But generally speaking...

Even if there are people who support him behind the scenes, very few people dare to resolutely refuse when the patriarch of one of the four great nobles comes to visit in person. Marrying the untouchables of Liuhun Street, otherwise the attitude would not be so firm.

This made Captain Kuchiki, who has always been known for his calmness, retaliate against the Suchuan family afterwards, and the way of revenge was impulsive and irritable, which was completely inconsistent with Captain Kuchiki's usual impression. suffering.

But the Kuchiki family was not surprised by this.

"Boss Duan Mu is currently entrusting Liuhun Street, but yesterday he contacted us and said that he will come to Seireitei before noon. From the time point of view, it should be coming soon." After Hua Yin finished speaking, he hesitated After a while, he said: "President Xi Chuan, if you have any entrustment, you can register with us first..."

"Don't bother, I'll just wait for him here."

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