After Xi Chuanyuan finished speaking, he turned his head and pointed to the girl behind him and said, "This is Xing Kui, one of the members of the Golden Seal Association, who is in charge of noble affairs in the Golden Seal Association, and she will contact you if necessary in the future. "


Huayin hastily withdrew her eyes from looking at the girl, because the Xingzhi family, like the Xichuan family, is also a high-ranking nobleman, and is also one of the resident families of the Golden Seal Society. They were selected from these two families.


Contact us by her?

Both Huayin and Qiao Ze couldn't help flashing doubts in their eyes, wondering why Jin Yinhui would contact Boss Duan Mu's Wanshiwu.

As if seeing the doubts of the two of them, Xi Chuanyuan said: "In the future, the Jinyinhui will pick out some matters that the Jinyinhui is not convenient to deal with, and transfer them to your Wanshiwu for handling by entrustment. This is a deal between me and your Boss Duan Mu."

Seeing the shock of the two, Qi Chuanyuan shook his head slightly, but didn't say anything more.

He has lowered his posture as much as possible.

If the other party was just the owner of a small shop, he would naturally not have this attitude, but according to Vice Captain Oh Maeda, the other party's identity in the secret maneuver is enough for the secret maneuver to pay attention to his son and protect his son. Safety.

Thinking of this, Xi Chuanyuan couldn't help but sigh.

Because what Vice Captain Omaeda said to him was not so much a deal as a threat.

It may be because of the business for generations, when that bastard came to negotiate a deal with him, what he took was not a contract or something like that, but...

A death statistics table of dispatched Shinigami in this world, a virtual strength analysis code-named 'Grand Fisher', and a transfer order given by Captain Broken Bee to Duan Mu.

After reading these to Qichuanyuan, Vice Captain Omaeda came out to find his purpose.

He said a lot, but basically it can be summed up in one sentence:

"Your son's life is in Duan Mu's hands!"

So he couldn't help but have a bad attitude. After all, his son had already set off for Karaza Town this morning, and according to his investigation, Karaza Town was indeed as dangerous as Vice Captain Omaeda said.

"Hey, Boss Duan Mu, are you back from work?"

At this moment, there was a wave of greetings from the street outside the store, causing several people in the store to look outside.

I saw a young man in black overalls coming from outside with a big package on his back. The young man seemed to be very popular in the commercial street. Anyone who saw him would come out to say hello, and the young man smiled politely. one response.

Sure enough it was him!

Xi Chuanyuan thought to himself, in fact, when Vice Captain O Maeda came to him, he had vaguely guessed that 'Duan Mu' might be the young man sitting next to O Maeda at that time.

On the other hand, Xing Kui frowned when he saw Duan Mu, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes; when Duan Mu walked into the Wanshi House, he walked away as if hiding from garbage.

Is it finally here?

Looking at the two people in the shop, a bright light flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, with a signature smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said, "Sorry, there are a lot of commissions, and President Xichuan has kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay."

Xi Chuanyuan looked at Duan Mu who was covered in dust and sawdust, and then looked at the hands that were somewhat fair but covered with dust, his cheeks twitched, but he still reached out and shook Duan Mu, saying: "I It's only just gotten here."

"You sit down first, I'll put away the tool bag, and then change clothes."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he glanced at Xing Kui who was hiding aside, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, with my current attire, this beautiful lady may not be able to communicate with me properly."

Observation is good.

Xi Chuanyuan nodded secretly, it is impossible for him who has been working with Xing Kui to be unaware of Xing Kui's severe cleanliness.

But being able to notice this immediately after entering the door is enough to show that Duan Mu's observation skills are very good.

But he doesn't know...

In fact, before entering the store, Duan Mu's eyes were on Xing Kui, and he instinctively thought about how to make friends with him.

Compared with a male creature like Xichuanyuan who couldn't provide him with experience points, it was obviously more important to make a good impression on this woman whose spiritual pressure was comparable to that of a senior official.

Xing Yankui nodded subconsciously, then shook his head slightly as if he felt that he was being rude in doing so.

Seeing this, Duan Mu smiled slightly and entered the lounge.

First, he cleaned the dust off his body very carefully with water in the bathroom, and then put on a brand new black overalls and walked out of the lounge.

After seeing Duan Mu walking out, Xing Yankui looked Duan Mu up and down, and after confirming that Duan Mu had carefully cleaned up his appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little fond of the boss Duan Mu whom he met for the first time.

Although the first impression was not very good, the other party's attitude of leaving Chairman Xi Chuan aside and thinking about herself changed her impression.

Moreover, judging from the nature of Wanshiwu's work, it is understandable that he would appear in front of his eyes with such a posture.

On the contrary, his reaction was a little too intense.

[Xingzhikui's favorability +1, gain 80 experience points, current favorability: 1]

The system prompt in his mind brought a gentle smile to Duan Mu's face: "The nature of my work in the shop makes it inevitable that the clothes will get dirty. I didn't know about your arrival, Miss. Please bear with me if I'm rude. .”

"No, it's my rudeness."

There was a smile on Xing Kui's face: "This is my own problem, and it has nothing to do with you, Boss Duan Mu." After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, I am Xing Kui, a member of the Golden Seal Association One of them is responsible for recording matters related to nobles, please give me more advice in the future."

Duan Mu stretched out his hand to hold Xing Kui's hand, and it fell apart with a touch, and said with a smile: "Miss Xing Kui, please take care of me in the future."

"Boss Duan Mu, you are being polite."


Seeing the two people chatting happily, Xi Chuanyuan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, although he was a little annoyed at Duan Mu's behavior of ignoring himself, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't step forward to interrupt the conversation between the two.


Five minutes passed, but the conversation between the two showed no sign of stopping at all.

Just how talkative is this guy?

Unlike him, Xing Kui has a beautiful appearance, and he is clearly a candidate for the Patriarch of a higher-ranking noble, but he has no airs. He treats all nobles equally when handling noble affairs, even if the other party is only a lower-ranking noble.

He has always been very popular among the nobles, and can be said to be the image ambassador of the Golden Seal Association.

The reason why he brought Xing Kui here was to leave a good impression on Duan Mu so that he could take more care of his son.

The goal was achieved, but...

Isn't it a little too much for you to just chat with Xing Yankui and leave me, the president, alone! ?

"Boss Duan Mu."

Finally, Qi Chuanyuan couldn't help but said: "Should we talk about the cooperation between Jinyinhui and Wanshiwu?"


Duan Mu froze for a moment, then remembered...

Today's main purpose is not to make friends, but to discuss the cooperation between Jinyinhui and Wanshiwu with Xichuanyuan.

The purpose of the cooperation is very simple, that is, the Golden Seal will act as an intermediary, and the matters entrusted by the nobles to the Golden Seal will be completed by Duan Mu's Wanshiwu, thus opening the door between Wanshiwu and the nobles.

"Ah, look at my head, I was so busy chatting with Miss Xingzhi that I forgot about business."

After Duan Mu said, he nodded apologetically at Xing Kui, and went straight to the point: "I think Vice Captain Omaeda should have told you about the specific situation, so I won't describe it anymore. Regarding the entrustment, only You need to inform Huayin and Qiao Ze of the entrustment."

"After I receive the news, I will proceed immediately, but I personally hope to have direct contact with the client as much as possible so as to obtain more detailed information."

"no problem."

Xi Chuanyuan nodded directly, and then looked at Xing Kui who was on the side: "Kui, you can hand over the recorded documents to Boss Duan Mu."


Xing Yankui responded, and handed the document in his arms to Duan Mu, and after Duan Mu took it, he said: "President Xi Chuan has already discussed with all the councilors about the matter of cooperation, but he wants to entrust the nobles to the Golden Seal Association to handle it." For matters related to the transfer to your Master House, you need to obtain the approval of those nobles first."

"This document records a request submitted by the lower-level noble families Fengjia, Ukitake, and middle-level noble Nagano family a month ago. I hope that the Jinyinhui will come forward to help find the family members who went to the present world privately."

"The member of the Hachi family is Hachibuchi Yu, who went to the present world because he didn't want to follow the family rules to join the secret maneuver; the member of the Ukitake family, Ukitake Hiroshi, went to the present world for unknown reasons, it is said that it was for fun; and the last Nagano Huaxiu was angry with his parents, As the leader, he brought the other two to the present world privately through the Nagano family's world-crossing gate."

"During this month, our Golden Seal Association has exhausted all methods to search, but because the three people were extremely well prepared before they left, no matter what method they used, they could not be tracked down; according to the report sent back by the secret maneuver, the last detection The three of them responded with Reiatsu, and the location is Karakura Town."

After explaining the details of the commission in one breath, Xing Yankui continued: "Boss Duan Mu, if you can find the three of them and bring them back safely, you should be able to gain the noble's approval."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words, but did not reply. Instead, he opened the document in his hand and read it carefully from beginning to end.

Duan Mu didn't know about the other two families at all, but Duan Mu did some research in order to increase Sui Feng's favor.

The Feng family is a lower-level nobleman who has made a living by execution and assassination for generations. If members of the family cannot join the criminal army, they will be exiled by the family.

Many people in the secret maneuver, especially in the Xing army, are from the Feng family. Duan Mu has always thought that people from the Feng family would not refuse to join the secret maneuver.But now it seems... It seems that some people are unwilling to join, and even run away at the risk of being exiled.

However, it is also very normal, Omaeda once talked with Duan Mu.

Captain Broken Bee is the youngest sister among the six brothers and sisters of the ninth generation of the Feng family, and her five elder brothers all died in the line of duty. Such a high-risk occupation, if they are all willing to join, it will be abnormal!

"No problem, but I need to borrow the world-transmitting gate from your Golden Seal Society."

"Please rest assured, before coming, I have already prepared people."


Chapter 118 A True Warrior

Karakura Town, Sakura Nature Park.

Accompanied by the distortion of the void, a figure slowly walked out of the void.

"Tsk, I've been in the world of corpses and souls for a long time, and I feel a little nostalgic when I smell this kind of air full of abandoned sources."

Duan Mu grumbled, stretched out his hand and let the hell butterfly that Jin Yinhui lent him land on his fingertips, and carefully looked at the little guy lying on his finger.

The last time he came to this world, Duan Mu followed behind Omaeda and others, and they carried the hell butterfly, so he didn't have a chance to watch it closely.

Now holding it in his hand, Duan Mu can clearly feel... the hell butterfly lying on his index finger is feeding on his own spiritual pressure. From a distance, it gives people an extremely dark feeling, but when he holds it in front of his eyes, he will find it , Hell Butterfly has a pair of blue wings, looking magnificent and weird.

After it ate its own spiritual pressure, Duan Mu faintly had an inexplicable connection with it, and could use it to transmit messages; and the most weird thing was that in the Broken Realm, no matter how fast Duan Mu ran, this All the butterflies flew in front of him like a guide.

Duanmu is fast, it is fast; Duanmu is slow, it is slow.

The two seem to be one, no matter where Duan Mu goes, this butterfly will surround him.

Looking at the extremely beautiful butterfly on his index finger, Duan Mu's eyes were full of curiosity: "Suddenly I want to dissect it to see what's inside."

"I advise you not to do this." A voice suddenly entered Duan Mu's ear.


Duan Mu's pupils shrank, he turned around and jumped back, all done in one go!


The moment he appeared in this area, Duan Mu had checked the surroundings and found no one there, otherwise he would not have stood there calmly looking at the Hell Butterfly.

However, the moment he saw the person coming, Duan Mu was not so surprised.

Because with the opponent's strength, it is not difficult to hide from his own detection.

This is a scruffy uncle who looks about 30 years old, with a little stubble on his chin, wearing a dark green short jacket and light green underwear, and a green and white striped hat on his light yellow short curly hair , holding a cane in his hand.

—— Kisuke Urahara.

Former Captain of the [-]th Division, and Founder of the Technology Development Bureau!

One of the people Duan Mu least wants to see in this world.

"Well, don't be so nervous."

Kisuke Urahara laughed, and shook the fan in his hand: "However, your reaction seems to be that you know me, because of the little broken bee? Or..." Kisuke Urahara paused, looking directly into Duan Mu's eyes: " Are you as interested in me as I am?"

Duan Mu didn't speak, but looked into Urahara Kisuke's eyes, trying to see something from them, but it was doomed to be futile.

The other party's performance looked like an ordinary person, and only curious thoughts could be faintly seen in those dark green pupils, as if they were curious about himself.

But Duan Mu didn't feel that there was anything in him that could arouse the other party's curiosity.

"Isn't it impossible not to be nervous?"

Duan Mu didn't let down his vigilance. Although if the other party wanted to harm him, it would be difficult to escape no matter how vigilant he was, but there is nothing wrong with being more prepared.

after all……

Strictly speaking, this is the first face-to-face contact between him and the other party!

For this kind of guy who doesn't know what he's thinking about in secret, it's better not to contact him as much as possible; even if his memory is very clear that the other party is unlikely to hurt him, but in Duan Mu's heart, it is the other party's relationship with Aizen. In between, draw a '=' sign.

"I stayed in the broken world for only 5 minutes, but you were able to use these 5 minutes to determine where I will appear, and wait for me here in advance." Duan Muxu focused his eyes and said helplessly in his tone: "Do it! At this level, it shouldn’t be possible for you to just come and say hello to me, right?”

"No, no, I really just came to say hello to you."

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