"...do you think I'll believe it?"

Kisuke Urahara shook his fan and said with a smile: "Boss Duan Mu is really vigilant. If you really think about it, the two of us should be regarded as colleagues. I also opened a small shop, and I also helped the god of death who came to the world to deal with it." Some minor issues, on this point, I think the two of us should have a lot in common.”

Duan Mu recalled in his mind what the other party did after he came to this world, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

small issue? ?

"And oh."

Urahara Kisuke glanced at the Hell Butterfly flying around Duan Mu's body, and said, "This thing can't be dissected casually. After it dies, it will turn into spirit particles and dissipate directly, leaving no trace at all."

Duan Mu chuckled, did you ever co-author this?

"Because I think it's funny too."

Urahara Kisuke seemed to see through Duan Mu's thoughts, and chuckled: "The meaning of butterflies can be good or bad. It can symbolize freedom and beauty; but apart from freedom, or closely related to freedom, it is death and the soul."

"The appearance difference between butterfly larvae and adult butterflies is extremely huge. No one can tell from the appearance that they are the same life, just like the world of the world and the world of corpses and souls."

"Death in this world is not the end, but a kind of 'metamorphosis' like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon. The death of the body may be the liberation and freedom of the soul, but contrary to the life of a butterfly, it is not the appearance of human beings that changes after 'metamorphosis' , but the essence."

After Urahara Kisuke finished speaking, he looked at Duan Mu carefully from top to bottom with a look that made Duan Mu frown: "However... there are often some accidents in this world. They are clearly abnormal, but they are not abnormal to the end. , in short... the abnormality is not thorough enough."

"..." Duan Mu.

He seems to be giving me a biology class, and he seems to be scolding me...

"Sorry, if you just want to say these things when you come to me, then forgive me for not being with you."

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly: "Besides, since you know me so well, you should know about it, right? I am now a temporary worker who is secretly and maneuvering. You are a wanted guy, and you are so arrogant. In front of you, are you not afraid that I will report you?"

Duan Mu didn't lie about this.

Because before he came, when he accepted the tracking mark in the secret maneuver, the captain of the broken bee arranged a long-term commission for him, and the reward was extremely rich. .

Duan Mu naturally readily agreed, but in fact he didn't intend to do it at all.

the reason is simple……

Because whether it's Urahara Kisuke in front of you, Seireitei's Aizen, or the [-]th team's Nirvana Mayuri.

These three people are the people Duan Mu least wants to contact.

Compared with the previous two, Nirvana Mayori is not that strong, but this guy belongs to the same type as a vigilante in Gotham. Except for unprepared battles, he can always restrain the opponent in battle s things.

Even if you lose in an unprepared battle for the first time, as long as he is not dead and dares to fight you a second time, he is definitely sure of winning...

"Hahaha~~ Please don't report it. In addition to saying hello to you this time, I also have a newly made product that you may be interested in."


Facing Duan Mu's suspicious eyes, Kisuke Urahara took out a bag out of nowhere, and took out a set of clothes that were the same as Duan Mu's body, and matched it with the funny debut dubbing of "Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang" :

"This set of clothes is made by imitating your work clothes. It is extremely wear-resistant and has a self-cleaning function. It's a big clearance sale right now, as long as..."

Duan Mu interrupted speechlessly: "Is it only 998?"

"How is it possible, 998 can't even buy a single cable back." Urahara Kisuke chuckled, "500 million rings for a set, with a clearly marked price, no credit!"


Duan Mu's face darkened, even though he seldom swears, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, this bastard came to rob because of his strength, right?

You must know that his clothes are all made by himself from head to toe, and the cost of all the materials is less than 1000 rings.

"Hehe, does it mean that if I don't buy it, I can't leave?" Duan Mupi said with a nonchalant smile, thinking in his heart whether he might escape from the other party...

Hmm, very unlikely...

"how is this possible."

Kisuke Urahara shook his head: "I just thought you might buy this suit, so I brought it here to sell it to you. You can leave whenever you want."

"Sorry, then I won't buy it."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he directly transported Shunbu and left the place.

However, his attention was still on Urahara Kisuke, and when he was sure that the other party hadn't chased him, he frowned slightly.

"Boss Duanmu, my shop is in Karakura Town. If you want to buy, you can come to me at any time."

Ignore it~!

The voice from behind was directly ignored by Duan Mu. At this moment, his heart was full of doubts.

He really couldn't understand why the other party came to him.

It took so much effort to find me, just to amuse me?

A set of clothes that can be made in half an hour sells for 500 million rings, which is not as high as a robbery!

"Only a fool would buy it!"


After leaving the Cherry Blossom Nature Park, Duan Mu appeared under a bridge, and took out a magical command machine from his arms.

This is also what Jinyin will allocate to him before he goes on a mission, but unlike Hell Butterfly, the command machine is given to him directly by Xichuanyuan; in this way, as long as Xichuanyuan's son in this world is in danger, No matter where you are, you can receive the news as soon as possible.

It can be said……

He really did his best for his son's safety.

Duan Mu took out the magic command machine, not to contact the soul world, but to click on the map.

"I really don't know whether to say it is backward or advanced."

Looking at the extremely accurate map positioning on the screen, Duan Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

If you want to say that it is advanced, it only has the functions of making and receiving calls and sending and receiving messages;

But if you say it is backward, its map positioning is more accurate than any navigation in the present world, and once a ghost appears, the location of that ghost will be immediately marked on the map by the Technology Development Bureau.

Moreover, the control page is still a touch screen...

Although a small episode has passed, Duan Mu has not forgotten his purpose of coming to this world.

The last location of the three people who left the world without permission has been marked on the command machine. Duan Mu intends to use that as the center to start the search with the ghost way.

This time was different from the last time, his own spiritual pressure was restricted, he could only exert one-fifth of his spiritual pressure, and he could only use the improved slap toe chasing bird, the coverage area was extremely limited, so he could only search in one area.

"Did you see Kitagawase in Karakura Town for the last time?"

Duan Mu clicked on Kitagawase, which had a serial number marked by the Technology Development Bureau.

Area No. [-]-[-]: The area is called Kitagawa. It is located in the northwest of Karakura Town. It is sandwiched between Karakura Honmachi and Gakuen Town. The area is dotted with subway stations and various department stores. The bustling Commercial Street.

Warning: The current area is crowded with people, it is forbidden to fight in this area, and it is forbidden to release spirit powers above [-]th level.

If it is unavoidable to fight in the current area, sending Reaper must first submit a space freeze application before engaging in combat, otherwise, regardless of whether innocent people are involved, Reaper will be punished for participating in the battle!

"Haha~ These young masters and ladies are still in the mood to go shopping in the city center?"

Duan Mu chuckled, and after memorizing the route map, he walked out from the bottom of the bridge.

Bang bang bang bang~~

The tram passed slowly on the bridge rails, and it was full of passengers.

And at the window, a little boy with dazzling orange hair, who looks about 8 or 9 years old, is lying in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the tram.

When the tram passed the bridge, the little boy was slightly taken aback.

"Wow, what did I seem to see just now?"

"There's a naked man walking under the bridge."

"The skin is very fair, and the figure seems to be good."

"However... is a pervert!"

The tram passed by in a flash, and many passengers who looked out the window like a little boy couldn't help talking.

The little boy pulled at the suspicious mother beside him, and asked in a puzzled tone, "Mom, why do you say that brother is not wearing any clothes?"


The little boy's mother was silent for a while, as if she was thinking about how to answer, and then said after a while:

"...Maybe he really didn't wear it."



Duan Mu turned around and looked at the tram that had gone away, with doubts on his brows.

do not know why……

He seemed to suddenly feel a lot of attention just now, and he also had a response to spiritual pressure, but it was artificially blocked after only a moment.

Standing on the spot and pondering for a while, Duan Mu didn't rush after him to investigate, anyway, the spiritual pressure that appeared for a moment just now was not the target he was looking for.

The person who can block his own investigation will definitely not be weak, and the other party has blocked his own investigation, which means that he does not want to contact him, so it is better not to investigate further.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't care, but directly picked up Shunpo and disappeared in place.

Everything in the field of vision is blurred, and pedestrians on the road can only feel a gust of wind blowing, completely unaware that someone has passed by them.

All the way from Sakura Park to Kitagawase, the closer to Kitagawase, the more crowds on the street.

When Duanmu entered the area of ​​Kitagawase, he could only jump onto the building to avoid the crowd and move on to the location marked by the command god machine.


As the breeze blew, Duan Mu slowly fell from mid-air, and stood in front of a department store near the crossroads, looking down at the magical command machine in his hand.

"Well, it's here."

Both sides of the intersection were full of pedestrians.

However, Duan Mu didn't care, since they couldn't see him anyway, after confirming the location, he would use the slap toe chaser to start tracking.



The automatic door of the department store in front of Duan Mu slowly opened, and several beautiful girls in high school uniforms walked out, and then...

"Ah ah ah~"

The scream interrupted Duan Mu's thoughts, causing him to frown and look up at the screaming girl.


Eyes meet?



Duan Mu's face changed, and he found that several girls walking out of the department store in front of him actually had intersections with his eyes at this moment.

Among the few girls, some were screaming; some covered their eyes and looked at themselves through their fingers; some took out their mobile phones, as if they were videotaping themselves; and one dialed a number while watching themselves...


The gazes of several high school students made Duan Mu faintly realize something, and swallowed.

clack clack...

In the next second, his neck was a little stiff and he looked towards both sides of the intersection, only to realize that the world was so quiet.

No matter pedestrians or vehicles, they all stopped in this bustling area, and their eyes were all focused on themselves.

"Go wild in a place like this?"

"Maybe this is courage?"

"What do you know, this is a real warrior, who dares to face the eyes of idlers!!"

"It's pretty good-looking, but it's a pervert."


The sight and communication of the crowd made a sentence appear in Duan Mu's mind, and it continued to circulate.

I just thought you might buy this suit...

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