This outfit you might buy...

might buy...

purchase! !

"You fucking!!"


Chapter 119 Signing the Contract

Hoo hoo ~ ~

With the whistling wind in his ears, Duan Mu was running crazily and shuttled between the cities in an instant, his whole body was boiling like a boiling kettle, and his delicate cheeks were as black as the bottom of a pot.

What entrustment, what prohibition, all have been left behind by Duan Mu, he just wants to figure out one thing now.

That is……

Urahara Kisuke this lunatic! !

What the hell did you do to yourself?

Duan Mu looked at the black overalls on his body, and couldn't figure out why he was seen by humans... It's fine to see him, why he only saw people but not clothes?

For this, he could only think of one possibility.

That's what he did to him when he was in contact with Kisuke Urahara.


Did he unknowingly put a layer of righteousness on himself?

But if this is the case, why would I feel nothing?

Regarding the research on the spirit body, although he is not as crazy as those scientists, he dissects a few researches at every turn, but from the residents of Liuhun Street to the prisoners in the maggot nest, and then to the patients in the comprehensive rescue center... the spirit bodies he has studied There are not ten thousand, but eight thousand.

Duan Mu can say with certainty that his current body is a complete spirit body, no different from the residents of Liuhun Street and the god of death!



At the same time, in the Urahara store.

A black cat was lying on the floor, patting the floor with its paws, out of breath laughing.

"...Hahaha...ah, no way...this kid's reaction is so funny!"

Urahara Kisuke shouted to the shop with a smile on his face: "Jinta, Xiaoyu, stop making trouble, and prepare to welcome the distinguished guests."

"What distinguished guest?"

Two finely carved jade children, who seemed to be only 2 or 3 years old, looked from the front shop to the back room one after another.

"A distinguished guest who can bring us a lot of income."

Urahara Kisuke got up and straightened his clothes, straightened his hat, stepped on clogs and walked out of the back room, standing at the door of the shop waiting for Duan Mu's arrival.

In less than half a minute, a tyrannical Reiatsu approached from far away.

The two children only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Duan Mu in black overalls appeared at the door of the shop. As soon as he stood still, he raised his hand and swiped in front of him.

"Tao Binding 26 Curved Light."

Ripples appeared in the void, like the refraction of the water surface, hiding Duan Mu's body, leaving only one head outside.

After finishing all this, Duan Mucai looked at Kisuke Urahara with a cold gaze.

"What the hell did you do to me?"

I want to chop him... I want to chop him... I want to chop him! !

During the speech, the three words kept repeating in his mind, but Duan Mu forcibly restrained him, the reason was very simple...he couldn't beat it!

Don't say that the limit of his own spiritual pressure is only one-fifth of the usual limit, even if he is not limited, with his current strength, he can't be Urahara Kisuke's opponent.


Kisuke Urahara didn't seem to notice Duan Mu's gloomy gaze, and half-hid his face with a folding fan in his hand, and said, "Hehe, Boss Duan Mu, you came really fast." After finishing speaking, he turned around and made a gesture of 'please' : "What's the matter, it's better to go into the store and talk about it, standing here will not have a good influence."


Duan Mu was silent for a while, and finally stepped into the store according to Kisuke Urahara's instructions.

Although this place is remote, it's not that there are no people passing by, otherwise he wouldn't use curved light to hide his figure as soon as he stood still.

But before entering the store, Duan Mu couldn't help observing the two children who were looking at him. These two children were much smaller than he remembered, and they should have been born not long ago.

It was also because of the fact that they were born not long ago that the spiritual pressure of the two children was extremely unstable. On the contrary, Duan Mu, who was very familiar with spirit bodies, could see their weirdness at a glance.

After entering the shop, Duan Mu habitually observed the environment.

The store doesn't look big from the outside, but the interior should use space technology, which looks much bigger than it looks from the outside.


When Duan Mu walked into the shop, Kisuke Urahara closed the door directly, and smiled at Duan Mu, "Don't get me wrong, I just think it's easier to talk with the door closed."

Duan Mu nodded, but he didn't remove the light from his body. He still doesn't understand what happened to him, and he doesn't know whether he is wearing work clothes in the eyes of others.

"Actually, Boss Duan Mu, it's not a problem for you to remove the ghost power from your body."

Kisuke Urahara smiled when he saw this: "What happened to you has nothing to do with me at all, it's better to say that even I am curious about what you have experienced."

Duan Mu frowned, and did not interrupt, but waited for Urahara Kisuke's explanation.

"Whether it is judged by the naked eye or by the senses, your body is undoubtedly a spirit body, but the weird thing is..."

Urahara Kisuke looked at Duan Mu with a strange light shining in his eyes: "Your spirit body has the characteristics of a 'vessel', and can be seen by people in the world without the need to install a 'spiritual sub-converter'" But passing through the world-transmitting gate also shows that your body is composed of spirit particles, so I can only think of one possibility..."

"Your soul and body merged due to some accident, making your body a special substance between 'vessel' and 'spirit'."

"Normally speaking, if human beings in this world want to pass through the 'world-transmitting gate' without dying, they need to set up a 'spiritual converter' on the world-transmitting gate to convert the 'vessels' that make up all the material in this world into the main components that make up the soul." Only the material 'spirit' can."

"Your situation is somewhat similar, but somewhat different."

"Because your spirit body is the same as the human body, with extremely high density, even reaching the point where you can contain the destructive power of ghosts with your body." After finishing speaking, he glanced at the black cat lying on the shelf licking its paw, and smiled: " This makes Miss Yeyi very curious."

"It's not difficult to confirm this point, but I don't know if Boss Duan Mu is willing to cooperate with me."

After Urahara Kisuke finished speaking, he looked at Duan Mu expectantly.

Seeing this, Duan Mu couldn't help taking half a step back, because he always felt that the meaning revealed in this guy's eyes made him feel cold hands and feet.

But after hesitating for a while, Duan Mu gritted his teeth slightly: "How can you be sure?"

Although he is very resistant to being studied, if this kind of thing is not clear, Duan Mu will not be able to act in this world in the future, and...

After listening to Kisuke Urahara's words, Duan Mu actually felt a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, it was Kisuke Urahara who discovered this.

If it was Aizen or Nirvana Yuri who discovered this, just thinking about it would make Duan Mu shudder.

Fortunately, judging from Urahara Kisuke's words, it is impossible to distinguish the difference between himself and a normal spirit body without borrowing the vision and equipment of human beings in this world. However, we must be careful, careful, and careful when we act in this world in the future!

And the most suitable person who can help him conceal this point is without a doubt Urahara Kisuke in front of him.

The premise is that what Kisuke Urahara said is true!

"It only needs to pass a small experiment."

Urahara Kisuke smiled slightly, raised the crutch in his hand, and showed the bottom to Duan Mudao: "I set a function similar to the 'soul-enlightening gauntlet' on the bottom of the crutch. Props, if you still have a soul, you can use this to escape."

"The other way is to take Yihun Pills. I don't know Boss Duan Mu, which one do you want to try?" Kisuke Urahara smirked: "I personally hope you can take Yihun Pills, because if you If your body and soul are really fused, taking the Yihun Pill may produce some unexpected effects..."

"The first!!"

Duan Mu interrupted without hesitation.

It is impossible for him not to know what Yihun Pill is.

Combining the knowledge instilled by the system and Duan Mu's own research on the spirit body, after taking the Yihun Pill, it is very likely that the "Yihun" inside the Yihun Pill will fuse with his own soul because the soul cannot be separated.

There are too many uncertainties in this fusion.

It’s okay if it’s just an unaffected fusion, because the purpose of the birth of the righteous soul is to put the spiritual pressure that has nothing to do with oneself in the body, so as to improve the level of self-power, not simply used for death after leaving the righteous skeleton. The safety of the body is protected by the righteous soul.

But Duan Mu is afraid that due to his own particularity, there will be changes in the fusion, so that the "righteous soul" in Yihun Pill, which is conscious, has its own way of thinking, and transformed from a human soul, will affect himself.

"Tsk tsk, that's really a pity."

Kisuke Urahara said in disappointment, but then pointed the end of the crutch to Duan Mu's forehead.


Duan Mu, who restrained his instinct to dodge, didn't feel anything except a cold forehead.

The two looked at each other and fell into silence.

Duan Mu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why don't you use some strength?"

"It has been determined."

Kisuke Urahara shook his head: "You are indeed the same as a normal spirit body, there is no distinction between body and soul, otherwise, even if you cannot escape, you will tremble for a moment when you are touched, instead of being unresponsive like now .”

After this experiment, the research desire faintly revealed in Urahara Kisuke's eyes not only did not dissipate, but became more and more intense.

"Yawn~ How long are you two going to stand here stupidly?"

The black cat on the shelf said impatiently: "Anyway, there are so many machines in your laboratory, let this kid go over and check carefully."

"Let me refuse!"

Hearing this, Duan Mu retreated directly to the door of the store, putting on a posture that if you take one more step forward, I will run away.

"rest assured."

Kisuke Urahara comforted, "I'm not a mad scientist either. Without permission, I wouldn't conduct research on you, Boss Duan Mu."

"...Do you believe this yourself?"

Duan Mu is basically convinced that this guy is definitely not watching him for a day or two, and it is very likely that he has been under his observation since the last time he came to this world.

It's okay to cooperate with some small experiments, but Duan Mu can't accept it if it is studied in depth.

The ghost knows whether he will make props that can restrain himself after studying himself deeply like Nirvana Mayuri. You must know that lunatic Nirvana Mayuri was released from the nest of maggots by Urahara Kisuke in front of him.


A Jin, deputy director of the Technology Development Bureau;

Bulbulus, head of the Communication Technology Research Section and the Radio Wave Measurement Section;

There are also countless members of the Technology Development Bureau;

These were once prisoners of the maggot's nest! !

Members of the supervision team complained to Duan Mu more than once that the Technology Development Bureau always came to the maggot's nest to recruit people...

And the person who set this precedent is Urahara Kisuke in front of him!

Don't look at him as normal now, but after studying the above, he is crazier than anyone else, otherwise he wouldn't make something that he regrets after creation and cannot be destroyed.


Kisuke Urahara let out a smirk, did not refute Duan Mu's words, but took out the bag that Duan Mu had seen before from somewhere, shook it and said: "I don't know if Boss Duan Mu has any idea about my new invention now?" interest?"

"During the previous introduction, I was interrupted by you, Boss Duan Mu, and I haven't finished talking about the function of this suit. In addition to the 'wear-resistant' and 'self-cleaning' functions, this suit can also be used according to the surrounding environment. The material that constitutes itself is converted between the 'vessel' and the 'spirit'."

"In short, as long as you wear this dress, it will be just like ordinary clothes whether in this world or in the soul world."

After Urahara Kisuke finished speaking, he looked at Duan Mu with an emotional expression, and continued: "And I specially added the function of spiritualization for Boss Duan Mu, so that even if other people come to the world with you, you can also Like the people who travel together, they will not be discovered by the human beings in this world."

"But you have a body after all. This suit can only hide your body, but not eliminate your existence. You also need to avoid contact with humans while walking."

"..." Duan Mu.

This bastard definitely did it on purpose! !

When I first came to this world, if he had mentioned this ability, I wouldn't have...

Duan Mu shook his head, and expelled the images that reappeared in his mind from his mind.

Having said that...

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