Urahara Kisuke was right about one thing, it was true that he hadn't listened to what he had to say at the beginning, so he left there because he didn't want to contact him.


"Sorry, small business, refuse to bargain."

"Then owe it first..."

When Duan Mu came, he only brought his belongings with him, and the sum of all the money in his purse was less than [-] rings.

"No credit!"

Urahara Kisuke smiled slightly, looked at Duan Mu's slightly darkened cheeks, and continued: "There is something I forgot to say just now, because this is my hiding place, so before you come here, I blocked the Track everything; please forgive me for this, after all, I am still wanted by the soul world."

This inexplicable sentence made Duan Mu frowned, but then his expression changed.

Because if his whereabouts disappear, then the secret maneuver will inevitably launch an investigation, and even request the assistance of the Technology Development Bureau if necessary.

That is to say...

After leaving here, he is likely to be exposed to the eyes of the Technology Development Bureau.

"Do you threaten me?"

"How can it be called a threat?"

Kisuke Urahara unfolded the folding fan to cover his face, and said with a smile: "Boss Duan Mu, you are not ignorant of my own situation. Before you came here, you have already realized that I will hide my body in order to 'hide myself'." Are you being tracked by the world? Otherwise, you wouldn't let me erase your own traces."

"Isn't it too late to pretend to be 'I just noticed' to bargain now?"


Duan Mu clicked his tongue, and the expression on his face returned to calm, completely without the panic and worry before.

The expression management is so strong that the gazes of the few people who have been watching all the time can't help but become a little weird.

Ye Yi, who turned into a black cat, glanced between Urahara Kisuke and Duan Mu several times, and the cat's face showed human surprise.

Although the two met for the first time, they always felt that there was an inexplicable tacit understanding between them.



Kisuke Urahara laughed, "A drop of blood can be exchanged for a suit of clothes."


"Then, Boss Duan Mu, please give me 500 million rings."


"Hmm... no, I still want blood!"

Duan Mu said in a cold tone: "I will report you immediately."

"is this okay?"

Kisuke Urahara chuckled, "It doesn't matter if I was arrested, but without me, Boss Duan Mu, it seems that your situation would not be better, right?"

Duan Mu was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Blood is fine, but all research results must be shared with me, and cannot be known by others, and you cannot create props that target me indirectly or directly. If you can guarantee this One point, in addition to sufficient blood samples, I can also provide you with spiritual samples."

"no problem!"

Urahara Kisuke directly agreed, took out a contract from his body and said: "Boss Duan Mu, I have recorded all the conditions you mentioned on it. This contract is provided by a friend you are familiar with and you can rest assured. I left a spiritual pressure in it as a witness, and finally created a perfect rule contract through me."

"Based on your understanding of the spirit pattern, it shouldn't be difficult to see that if you violate it, both you and I will be backlashed by the rules in the spirit pattern. On this point, you should know better than me."

Duan Mu took the contract and checked it carefully, and finally confirmed the spirit pressure in the middle, and said with a vacant eye: "Boss Urahara, you are really well prepared."

"In order to reach a cooperation with you, Boss Duan Mu, I racked my brains."

Duan Mu heheed, without replying, he directly imprinted his Reiatsu in the empty space of the contract, and threw it to Kisuke Urahara.

If the witness of the contract is someone else, it may be difficult for Duan Mu to make up his mind.

Only Miss Konghe...

It is an exception. Over the years, if there is no big sister Konghe, the troubles he encounters are far more than what he is now, and even he who stays in Liuhun Street may not have the opportunity to grow up!

After the contract was signed, Duan Mu directly grabbed the clothes from Ki Urahara's assistant and walked into the back room of Urahara's shop.


Chapter 1: Increase exposure

"I will adjust the frequency of tracking marks, so that the soul world will think that your breath disappears only because of local spiritual disorder."

Urahara Kisuke looked at Duan Mu who walked away without paying any attention to him and grinned: "Ah hahaha~ Welcome boss Duan Mu to visit next time."

"Tsk tsk tsk~~"

The black cat on the side walked gracefully to Kisuke Urahara, and the cat showed a humanized look of surprise on its face: "It's not like you at all to do this in order to gain his trust."

"Miss Yeyi, it sounds like I'm mean."

Yoruichi didn't speak, but looked at Kisuke Urahara with an expression of 'did you just find out'.

"Because I have to earn his trust."

Urahara Kisuke changed the subject, looked at the test tubes in his hand, and murmured, "Miss Yeichi, do you still remember what I said?"


"I said..."

A bright color flashed in Urahara Kisuke's eyes: "His body, which is between 'vessel' and 'spirit', once restrained his own spiritual pressure, no matter whether it is breath, spiritual network, or the most basic life fluctuations, it will be as fast as possible. All disappeared, making it impossible for people to notice his existence."

"And judging from the samples I took when he came to the world last time, the special substance that makes up his body can not only cover his own spiritual pressure and other auras, but can also cover... any aura that is exposed. "

Cover up any breath exposure?

Ye Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then the vertical pupils unique to cats shrank suddenly.

"So, gaining his trust and getting him to work with me is an extremely important thing for me."

"You don't intend to use that thing..."

"Initially I did have this idea, but in the end I gave up."

Kisuke Urahara laughed: "It's not that he's afraid of what he might do with that thing, but because he's extremely good at the study of spirit bodies and the mastery of sacrifices in the Shiba family. He found it impossible."

"And with his character, after being discovered..."

"It's very likely that he took it out on his own and threw it in some public toilet."




As soon as Duan Mu left the Urahara store, he couldn't help regretting it.

It's not that I regret giving Urahara Kisuke blood and Reiatsu samples, but...

He actually forgot to make friends with Yoruichi because he didn't want to have too much contact with Kisuke Urahara.

But after everyone came out, would it be too deliberate to go back suddenly and say 'please make friends with me'?

Forget it.

Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

Duan Mu looked down at the black overalls that were the same as when he came, and had to admit that Urahara Kisuke was amazing, he couldn't see any difference between the clothes he was wearing now and the ones he made.

But when he appeared on the street, he didn't cause any reaction.

And when he injects a small amount of spiritual pressure into his clothes, he can turn himself into a spirit body similar to the god of death, without being noticed by people in the world.

The sample provided was not the only one this time. According to Kisuke Urahara, he hoped that Duan Mu could provide him with some samples from time to time to study the special substances that make up his body.

The exchange condition is to provide free all props that can help Duan Mu hide his special body, including but not limited to the clothes on his body.


Duan Mu's eyes flashed a look of contemplation. Although he had this purpose, he always felt that Kisuke Urahara was not only doing research, but also had other purposes.

However, Duan Mu didn't think deeply, for someone like Kisuke Urahara, the more he thought deeply, the easier it would be for him to arouse his interest.

Sister Konghe once said to Duan Mu in a chat: That guy is just like you, especially good at doing bad things sneakily...

Kisuke Urahara is not a person who follows the rules, perhaps because of his excellent brain power, he is very clear about where the boundaries of exceeding the rules are, and then he can properly control the speed of his actions.

Didi, Didi, Didi~~

Duan Mu's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the command machine in his pocket.

Duan Mu took out the command magic machine and took a look, and found that it was an alarm sent by the Technology Development Bureau to all the command magic machines in Karakura Town.

Looking in the direction of the marked point on the map, a big mouth slowly opened in the void, and a strange figure jumped out of it.

After Duan Mu glanced at it, he withdrew his gaze.

The purpose of his coming to this world is not to kill Xu, not to mention that this is the jurisdiction of the Thirteenth Squadron, and the Thirteenth Squadron's Reaper is responsible for the appearance of the Void, and it would be a violation of the rules for others to intervene without authorization.

"Hahaha~ It's coming! It's coming!!"

However, before Duan Mu got up to leave, an excited voice came into Duan Mu's ear.

Hearing the sound and looking around, I saw an excited young man in a domineering outfit running past Duan Mu as if no one was there, and rushed straight towards the Xu that appeared in midair.

The strength of the youth is not strong, probably between ordinary soldiers and low-level officers.

But with this kind of strength, there will be basically no problems against Xu who came to this world, which makes Duan Mu feel relieved... He is really afraid that the opponent's strength is too weak, and if he wants to keep this young man in the future, he may be at every turn. To come to this world once.

Withdrawing his gaze, Duan Mu turned himself into a spirit body and headed straight for the previous department store.

When he stood in front of the department store again, the corners of Duan Mu's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly, because several living police officers were questioning passers-by.

"There are perverts appearing in front of the intersection, please pay attention to safety..."

The loudspeaker in the department store told Duan Mu's glorious deeds over and over again, making Duan Mu wish he could blow the whole building up with ghost power.

However, thinking about the consequences of doing that, Duan Mu gave up this tempting idea and slapped the ground with one hand instead.

"The 58th of Binding Dao · Slapping the Toe and Chasing the Bird · Change!"

The invisible fluctuation spread around Duan Mu as the center, covering the entire Kitagawa Seto almost instantly.

There's none?

Duan Musan released the ghost road in his hand, Sannomiya District and Kitagawa Seto, where the Urahara store is located, have searched, and found no aura that is the same as the samples provided by the three companies.


Duan Mu glanced to the north of Kitagawase, where he felt a kind of spiritual pressure that was different from the god of death.

If there is no accident, it should be the spiritual pressure of the Quincy Master.

"This broken place is really lively enough."

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly. He had only been here for a long time, and he had met several people who could easily cover him from his investigation. This small empty town was almost as dangerous as Seireitei.

Without further entanglement, after confirming that there were no signs of the three of Kitagawase, Duan Mu then checked the areas of Karaza Honmachi, Tsubakidai, Mazhi, Gakuencho, Yumizawa...etc. one by one.

But there is still no sign of the three of them, which makes Duan Mu doubt whether the three of them escaped his own ghost way by some means.

"After Kasaki, only Minamigawase is left."

Duan Mu frowned slightly. Starting from Kita Chuanse, he searched from the north of Karakura Town to the south. If he couldn't find it in the last Minami Chuanse, then the three of them must have escaped their ghosts somehow. , or have already left Karakura Town.

Compared with the second possibility, Duan Mu hopes that it is the first possibility.

It took him a long time to search Karakura Town alone. If the three of them left Karakura Town, he could only temporarily put aside the commission and come back to the present world to search for traces next time he found traces.

The present world is so big, it is obviously impossible for him to search area by area in this way.

There was only the last area left, and Duan Mu simply didn't use Shunpo to rush on the road anymore. Instead, he canceled the reiki in an unoccupied corner, took a comic book, and walked slowly towards Minamigawase.

He picked up this comic book from a bookstore when he was on his way earlier. He just wanted to pass the time, but after reading it for a while, he found it surprisingly interesting.

Compared with the "Seireitei Newsletter" which is the only publication in the soul world, the publications in this world are much more abundant.

And along the way, Duan Mu collected a lot of information about the present world.

For example, the age and the development of technology in this world.

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