2007, April 2.

This is the date Duan Mu saw in the department store before. It is precisely because it is Valentine's Day in this world that there are so many onlookers around Duan Mu when he is in the department store, and this also makes Duan Mu in this world... Little sensation!

"Look at the news."

"what happened?"

"The Valentine's Day Guoben incident, it's going crazy on the Internet now."

"Ah, I've seen that too. I heard that the person involved did that kind of thing because he was dumped by his girlfriend on Valentine's Day and was insane."

"It's a pity that a boy who is obviously handsome has been beaten into this look."

"Huh? Do you have a picture?"

"Of course, many people in the group are posting it."


Hearing the discussion of pedestrians on the street, Duan Mu hid his figure without hesitation, came to the side of the two OLs who were talking, and looked at the mobile phone screen between them.

When he saw it clearly, Duan Mu couldn't restrain the spiritual pressure all over his body.


So clear!

Moreover, the back, side, and even the front...are all clearly recorded, and it can be said that there are no dead ends in all directions.

"Tsk, this skin, this muscle, wow, you actually dumped such a boyfriend on Valentine's Day?"

"It's totally my thing."



Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, then as if he had thought of something, he turned his attention to the system interface in his mind.

[Xiao Lin Yu's favorability +1, gain 0.01 experience points. 】

[Uno Chiyo's favorability +1, gain 0.01 experience points. 】

[Eryoko's favorability +1, gain 0.01 experience points. 】


Looking at the series of prompts on the system interface, the corner of Duan Mu’s mouth twitched slightly. He roughly counted and found that there were nearly a thousand system prompts densely packed. Although everyone provided only 0.01 experience points, only ordinary residents of Liuhun Street one percent of.

Even if nearly 1000 people favored him, it would only increase his experience points by less than 10 points.


This way of obtaining it made Duan Mu completely unable to be happy.

Generally speaking, shouldn't you feel disgusted and disgusted when you see this pervert?

There are still people who not only don't feel disgusted, but also increase their favorability for themselves. What kind of psychology is this?

And the experience value provided is too little, right?

The ordinary residents of Liuhun Street are not much different from the human beings in the present world. Many people even live a harder life than the present world. If there is any difference to be found, it is probably only that they live longer.

Because of the difference in nature?

Duan Mu recalled what Urahara Kisuke said in his mind.

A reminder from the system interface in my mind still appeared from time to time, giving Duan Mu the urge to dig a hole and bury himself, because the system prompt made Duan Mu understand...

The undressed photos of myself have probably been widely spread on the Internet.

And only with the backing of a huge population base, can we select these few oddities...


Duan Mu's face revealed a look of deep thought.

This incident also brought him new inspiration. Sometimes the degree of favorability does not necessarily mean that you must contact the other party, such as the current idol stars.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu's expression became a little strange.

In order to become stronger, I want to debut as an idol?

It works...but it doesn't work...

It is feasible because although the experience points provided by a single person are small, the current population base is huge. As long as the popularity reaches a certain level, it may be faster than the speed at which he can gain experience points in Liuhun Street.


Duan Mu shook his head and put aside this unrealistic idea.

It is not so easy to have a million fans who like you in this world, and even if you reach 100 million, you only have 2 experience points. This experience point only needs to increase Huche Yuyin's favorability by [-] points. get.

Moreover, he doesn't have the capital to be an idol star, he can't sing or dance; he looks handsome compared to ordinary people, but he is far inferior to those big stars, there is no need to spend so much money Da Jin is an idol in this world.

In addition, pure idol stars are only at the beginning, and they are easy to gain 1 or 2 points of favorability. Apart from a few immature young people, it is impossible to be regarded as friends and loved.

But increasing exposure is a very good idea.

Although there are no idol stars and no Internet in the soul world, there is Seireitei communication!

If it publishes information about yourself that is easy to arouse the favor of others, then you should be able to get a lot of experience points from the huge reader base.

Different from the present world, even if death is not discussed, an ordinary resident of Liuhun Street can provide Duan Mu with 1 point of experience for 1 point of favorability.


But how to do it?

writing a novel?

There is a serialized novel on Seireitei Newsletter, it is an action-adventure novel called "The Rejection of Pisces", which describes the story of the protagonist "Pisces" guarding the villagers and fighting against evil forces.

Each chapter of the novel is an independent story. The plot of punishing the enemy and persuading others to do good is very popular among children.

And the author of this novel is the captain of the [-]th squad, Ukitake Shishiro.

However, due to the author's own physical condition, the update is often interrupted, and Duan Mu has only seen it a few times in the Seiritei newsletter. It is said that it has been serialized for decades and has not reached 100 chapters...

This is a good idea, but Duan Mu can't write novels.

think carefully……

It seems that apart from teaching others some ghost ways, he really has no way to arouse readers' favor, but it is obviously impossible for the thirteen Goutei to agree to this.


To teach ghosts?

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, why should he bother with Seiling Ting communication?

If you record the ghost way, back way and other knowledge in your mind, engrave it into a book, and then put it in the library of the Shino Spiritual Art Institute, or the library of each team, you can also gain the favor of the viewers!

It is best to leave a photo of yourself on the first page, and then write your name.

feasible! !

Leaving aside the other teams, there is absolutely no problem with the libraries of the second and fourth teams.

If it is distributed in the Women's Death Association, as long as they can get the approval of those vice-captains, they should not refuse to put the books in the libraries of their respective teams.

Two, four, five, ten, twelve, and thirteen are basically determined.

As for the eleventh team...

Although it is also possible, but those people don't read books at all, and they are extremely contemptuous of ghosts, Huidao, etc. The most important thing is that there are no female soldiers at all except Yaqianliu

Thinking of this, Duan Muyun took a short step and quickly walked towards Nanchuanse, wishing to complete the commission immediately and go back to Soul Soul Realm to make preparations for the book.


Chapter 121 Accident~! !

On the south side of Karakura Town, Onose River.

"Sister Xiu~~"

Fu Zhuhong stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the high-rise, with a complicated look in his eyes: "Is it really okay for us to stay here all the time?"

Among the three people who fled the world privately, he can be said to be the only one who made a temporary decision. The reason why he came to the world was because of his excellent relationship with Nagano Huaxiu on weekdays, and because...often... A member of the Thirteenth Division told him interesting stories about the present world, which made him extremely curious about the present world.

So when his head got hot, he agreed to sister Xiu's proposal, but after coming to the present world, Fu Zhuhong regretted it.

Because their Fuzhu family is different from the other two, their waywardness is likely to bring trouble to the family.

Leaving aside the Nagano family with strong financial resources, although the Ukitake family is a lower-level noble like the Feng family, the members of the Feng family have been regular members of the Xing army; and the Ukitake family... neither has the same strong financial background as the Nagano family. Financial resources, nor the status of the bee family in the Xing army.

It can be said that even among the lower-level nobles, the Ukitake family is the bottom family.

the whole family...

The only pillar is the head of the Ukitake family, the current captain of the [-]th Division, Ukitake Shishiro.

This point has not changed since countless years ago.

As the head of the family, Mr. Shishilang not only supports his 5 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters, but also supports the relatives of other branches alone; it can be said that the head of the family raises a family alone, and the reason why they can still enjoy His status as a lower-level nobleman and his affluent life are all due to Shishiro-sama alone.

And among family members...

After so many years, no matter in terms of force or business, there is no talent at all.

It's not that they are not self-motivated. Every generation of family members thinks that they can share the pressure for the frail Lord Fourteen Lang, but often after some operations, let alone help, it often brings greater pressure to Lord Fourteen Lang. trouble……

Fortunately, Master Shishiro has a high prestige both in the noble class and among the ordinary soldiers, so the [-]th Goutei Team and the nobles have always taken good care of the members of the Ukitake family, and they are living well.

Over time, the members of the Ukitake family gradually gave up struggling, and no longer expected to share the burden for Master Shishiro, but did their best not to be a burden for Master Shishiro!

But this time I escaped to the world privately, it is very likely to bring trouble to Mr. Shishiro. Every time I think of this, Ukitake Hiroshi regrets his impulsiveness.

clap clap ~ ~

The back was patted several times, causing Ukitake Hiroshi to grin in pain, and then a hearty laugh came from behind.

"Hahaha, Ah Hong, we are here to relax in this world, take it easy."

Turning around, I saw a cheek that was not particularly beautiful, but it looked comfortable from the bottom of my heart: "I used to think that you were suppressing yourself all day long, and it was rare that you came out for a while. You still have a gloomy face, I really don't understand what you are thinking all day long."

Nagano Huaxiu, the eldest daughter of the mid-level noble Nagano family.

Fu Zhuhong looked at the hearty smile on Huaxiu's face, and couldn't help showing a slight smile on his originally gloomy face. He and Huaxiu were friends since they were young. His sister usually takes care of him.

A large part of the reason why Fuzhuhong's head is hot is because Huaxiu proposed this escape.

"Before I came here, I made up a lot of knowledge in this world."

Nagano Huaxiu smiled: "Although the Onose River where we are now is close to Karaza Town, it is not under the jurisdiction of Karaza Town. It is located between Karaza Town and Naruki City. In addition, I bought it from the Technology Development Bureau. The spirit tool that came here will never be found by Seireitei!"

"And did you know? Onosegawa holds a fireworks display every summer, attracting many people to visit, and there will be extremely rare red dragonflies here in autumn. It is a famous tourist destination in the world. Next, my sister will take you... "

Listening to Nagano Huaxiu's eloquent explanation, Ukitake Hiroshi showed a gentle smile on his face.

At this moment, it seems that only he and Hua Xiu are left in the whole world, of course...

The premise is to put aside the harsh sound of games in the living room.

"Hey! Ah Yu, can you lower the tone of the game!!" Hua Xiu shouted dissatisfied.

On the sofa in the living room, a teenager wearing a hooded top, holding a controller, and staring at the screen of the video game intently, replied without raising his head: "I'm already the quietest, no matter how small I am, I won't have that presence." The feeling of the place."


Ukitake Hiroshi looked at the boy with a strange expression.

This is probably the otaku in this world, right?

Unlike him and Huaxiu, Feng Yuanyu has basically never gone out since he came to this world, and stayed at home every day to play games.

Obviously, he fled to the present world at first because he didn't want to join the criminal army, but now...it has become a manga and game in the present world, so don't go back to the world of souls no matter what.

Fu Zhuhong looked at the two people who were arguing, and habitually stepped forward to persuade them, but at this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ding dong ~ ding dong ~

The ear-piercing doorbell made the three people in the room freeze in place.

"Did any of you order takeout?"

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