Feng Yuanyu said directly: "I don't."

Ukitake Hiroshi also shook his head.

Seeing this, Nagano Huaxiu frowned, then came to the door and clicked on the cat's eye display screen at the entrance.


Looking at the picture on the display screen, Nagano Huaxiu's eyes flashed with doubt: "Human?"

Standing outside the door was a tall and strong man with a back combed hair and a silver cross necklace around his neck. He looked about 30 years old.

He didn't feel the breath of spiritual pressure, so he should be just an ordinary human being.

As if aware that she was watching, the man smiled into the cat's eyes. The moment he saw that smile, Hachibuchi Yu's pupils on the sofa in the living room shrank suddenly, and he disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in Nagano Huaxiu's side.

As soon as he appeared, before Nagano Huaxiu could react, he pulled Huaxiu and quickly retreated to the rear, away from the door.


Almost at the moment before the two of them left the door, a slender knife tip penetrated the anti-theft door and instantly cut the door into pieces. If Yuan Mingyu hadn't pulled Nagano Huaxiu away, she might have been like that door now. was cut into several sections.

"Yincheng, your acting skills are really as bad as ever. If you don't laugh, I've already solved one just now."


Another voice came: "What does this have to do with my poor acting skills? It's obviously the kid in the hoodie who sensed your killing intent, Tsukishima."

"how is this possible."

Accompanied by the voice, two people walked in slowly.

One of them is the tall and strong man Nagano Huaxiu saw on the display just now; the other is a young man with shoulder-length short hair, black eyes, wearing a shirt and suspenders, holding a book in his left hand and a knife in his right.

The two looked like ordinary humans, but they both had a gloomy and dangerous smile on their faces.

"Who are you?"

Fu Zhuhong stood in front of Hua Xiu and Feng Yuanyu, looking at them with vigilance.

"Be careful, Fuzhu, the two of them are very dangerous."

There was a cold sweat on Feng Yuanyu's forehead. Even though he was extremely resistant to becoming Xing Jun, he had been receiving training from Xing Jun since he was sensible, and he was extremely keen on killing intent. It was because of this that he was able to kill Nagano Huaxiu in the first place just now. Pull away from the door.

The two humans in front of him made him feel frightened from the bottom of his heart, and the terrifying pressure even made his fingers tremble.

"Definitely not an ordinary human!!"

This point, even if he didn't say it, Ukitake Hiroshi could faintly feel it. Although the two of them didn't reveal the spiritual pressure fluctuations, the scene of cutting the door into pieces at that moment just now is far beyond what ordinary humans can do. of.

"Floating bamboo?"

The tall and strong man, known as Yincheng, had a sinister smile on his face: "It's really a nostalgic surname." After he finished speaking, the murderous intent revealed on his body became extremely strong, making the temperature in the apartment All became extremely cold.

The killing intent made both Ukitake Hiroshi and Nagano Huaxiu's faces pale. Unlike Feng Yuanyu, who had been trained by Xing Jun since childhood, the two of them had never felt such a terrifying killing intent.

"It's just a few noble young masters, don't waste time on them, just leave after absorbing their power." Yue Dao reminded: "It will be troublesome if you are noticed by the Soul Realm."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time."

Yincheng stretched out his hand and pulled down the cross necklace around his neck, and made a gesture of waving his hand. With a flash of light, a huge two-handed sword appeared in front of the three of them; The center of the sword is inlaid with red gemstones, and the part of the sword body close to the guard is hollow and decorated with golden brackets.

At the same time as the huge two-handed sword appeared, Ginjo took out a board with a black skull and a cross pattern in his pocket, and inlaid it on the two-handed sword, so that the original ruby ​​in the center of the sword was replaced by a skull.

Yue Dao at the side heard the words and didn't try to persuade him any more.

He who has been by Yincheng's side all the time, understands better than anyone else the meaning of the name 'Fuzhu' to Yincheng, so let him vent.

And just as Yincheng said, over the years, they have been very cautious in choosing their targets. They only choose the God of Reaper who secretly came to this world like the three and actively avoids the monitoring of the soul world. It is basically impossible to be targeted by the soul world. aware.

Even if they were discovered, by the time the people from the Soul Realm arrived, they would have already achieved their purpose and left here.

"Do you know who we are!?"

Nagano Huaxiu's pretty face was a little terrified, but she still mustered up her courage and said: "We are nobles in the soul world. If you are against us, you are against the entire thirteenth Goutei Squad."

Although she didn't know the identities of the two people in front of her, since they knew the world of corpses and souls, they also knew what a nobleman was, so she revealed her identities immediately, hoping to make the two of them afraid of their identities. identity and leave.


As if hearing something extremely funny, Yincheng let out a strange laugh.

"I like you noble nobles very much, because your Reiatsu is far more delicious than those ordinary gods of death!" During the words, Yincheng touched one foot on the ground, accompanied by a flash of green light, the whole person Disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, the man had appeared above the heads of the three of them, holding a sword in both hands, and slashed down towards the three of them with heavy energy.

What kind of movement is this?

Feng Yuanyu's pupils shrank, even when the other party disappeared, he had already sensed the danger, but the speed of the other party was so fast that he couldn't react at all; The center expands rapidly, even if you haven't touched it, you can faintly feel the terrifying power revealed in it.

And at this moment, Fu Zhuhong, who had been bowing his head and muttering silently, raised his head sharply, and softly shouted: "...cut off in the sky—Bound Tao 39. Round gate fan!"

While the spiritual pressure surged, a circular protective shield appeared in front of the three of them.


In the next second, there was a dull impact sound, and the protective shield that had just been condensed instantly shattered.

And just when Yincheng was about to continue attacking, Ukitake Hiroshi's voice sounded again: "Bound Dao 21 Chiyandun!"

Red smoke filled the entire apartment in an instant, the glass in the living room was directly broken by the smoke, and the sound of glass shattering could be heard endlessly for a while.


Yincheng stood there in surprise, with a strange smile on his face: "Not bad?"

With a wave of the two-handed sword, the force of the roll blows the red smoke out of the burst window of the apartment, attracting the attention of passers-by on the street.

In the apartment, the three of Hachibuchiha had disappeared in place, and from a distance, one could faintly see the backs of the three of them, galloping quickly in the direction of Karakura Town from mid-air.

Seeing this, Yue Dao shook his head. If Yincheng wanted to, he could have killed the three little devils in an instant, but Yincheng obviously didn't want to end the battle immediately, but wanted to leave a glimmer of hope for the three of them, and then make them completely despair.

And the reason why he acted like a cat playing with a mouse was entirely because of that young man named 'Fuzhu'.

However, he did not stop.

There was plenty of time, even if Yincheng wanted to torture that young man again, he still had his own measure, knowing that now was not the best time to have a head-on conflict with the Soul Society.

The three of Feng Yuanyu's faces were pale. Although it was only a momentary contact, the tyrannical spiritual pressure revealed by the tall and strong man when he attacked had already made the three of them understand the horror of the opponent's strength, which was far beyond what the three of them could resist.

If it wasn't for Ukitake Hiroshi's accomplishments in the ghost way, the sword just now might have made them incapacitated.

"Huaxiu, come and release the spiritual pressure, and try to attract the attention of the God of Death sent by Karakura Town as much as possible."

Holding Nagano Huaxiu with one hand, Hachibuchi Yu said to the two of them while running Shunpo: "Those two people are not us who don't have Zanpakuto, we can compete. Only by attracting and dispatching the god of death can we survive. come down."

Nagano Huaxiu nodded, and released all his spiritual pressure without hesitation.

Although her status is the most noble among the three, she has no interest in becoming a god of death, not to mention ghosts, she has never even studied Shunpo; and due to the nature of the family, she was trained mainly in business since childhood , did not force her to learn fighting skills.

This also caused her to have a spiritual pressure comparable to that of a low-level official, but she didn't know how to use it.

The two of Feng Yuanyu should keep the spiritual pressure just in case, she is undoubtedly the most suitable person to draw the attention of the god of death by consuming the spiritual pressure.


At the same time, Karakura Town, Minamigawase.

"Of course not?"

Duan Mu sighed slightly, and withdrew the Ghost Dao from his hands. Although he had expected it before coming, the first commission he received from Jinyinhui ended in failure, which would inevitably make him fall into trouble in the next cooperation. passive.

However, without knowing the area where the three of them were, it was impossible for him to conduct a large-scale search with his current spiritual pressure.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu took out the magic command machine from his pocket, found O Maeda from the contacts and dialed it.

Although the search failed this time, he did not intend to inform his employer of the failure of the entrustment. Instead, he planned to return to the Soul Soul Realm first, and then search for those noble young masters in the present world after they were discovered by the supervisory team again.

"What? Has the commission been completed?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Omaeda's lazy voice came over.

"No, the three of them have probably left the empty seat town. I don't have the contact information of the thirteenth division. You can apply for the opening of the world-transmitting gate for me... huh?" Looking south of the town.

"what happened?"

Sensing Duan Mu's strangeness, Omaeda asked with some doubts.

"found it."

"real or fake?"

O Maeda on the other side of the phone said with some doubts: "Didn't you say that there is no sign of them?"

"It was true just now, but now..."

A strange color flashed in Duan Mu's eyes: "The supervision team who has been monitoring my surroundings should have noticed it too."

As soon as his voice fell, Omaeda on the other side of the phone fell silent. After nearly half a minute, his voice came again: "Well, I have received a report from the supervision team. Since it has If you find their traces, then bring them back..."

Duan Mu casually put aside the magical command machine, drew a circle on the ground with one hand, and started to run again. After a while, doubts flashed across his expression, and after a moment of thought, he picked up the machine. Instructing Shenji: "Brother Qian, help me lift the restriction!"


Omaeda was puzzled for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something. He didn't ask too much, but asked in a calm voice: "Is someone chasing them? Are they strong?"


"Save them as much as possible. If you can't save them, hide them first. Don't touch them rashly. I'll go to Captain Broken Bee to apply for the restriction to be lifted!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the communication directly.

Duan Mu looked at the magical command machine in his hand, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He thought that Omaeda would ask in detail, but he didn't expect him to understand what happened immediately.

"This guy has a delicate mind."

Duan Mu put away his magical command machine, opened the inner shirt of the black overalls, looked at the 'Wengcao' pattern on his chest, and took off the long cloth bag on his back and held it in his hand.

While the feet were spinning, the whole person disappeared in place very abruptly.

Although I don't know the identity of the other party, but from the investigation just now, the spiritual pressure on the other party's body is extremely weird, giving people a feeling of being strong and weak at times, and it is impossible to accurately judge the strength of the other party.

Moreover, the spiritual pressure is a bit like a god of death, and a bit like a void... It's extremely messy. If you have to choose the person who is most similar to Duan Mu's aura from the people he has met before, then the source he met on Liuhun Street. It is most similar to the breath he feels now!

But unlike Yuan Neicang, the other party gave Duan Mu a feeling similar to that of a Quincy Master, not in terms of spiritual pressure, but the same human breath as Quincy Master.

This made Duan Mu faintly have some guesses about the other party's identity.

Complete performer! !


Chapter 122 Escape


In the southern part of Karakura Town, Ukitake Hiroshi and the others quickly galloped towards Karakura Town. Before they knew it, the three of them had arrived at the edge of Minamigawase of Karza Town, and they could enter the range of Karza Town in just a few minutes.

But the closer to Karakura Town, the uglier Hachibuchi Yu's face became.

After escaping from the apartment, he has been observing the surrounding movements, but no matter how hard he searches, he can't find the traces of the two male humans, as if they didn't catch up at all.

Where exactly?

He didn't think that a person with such a strong killing intent towards the three of them would let them go so easily.

"Who the hell are they!?" Ukitake Hong asked with an ugly face.

"do not know."

Hachibuchi Yu shook his head, and Nagano Huaxiu, who was hugged lazily by him, seemed to have thought of something, and said in a hesitant tone: "Is it really okay for us to involve the god of death dispatched by Karakura Town?"

Before making up their minds to escape from the present world, the three of them made a lot of preparations, and used their authority to check a lot of information, so they also had a certain understanding of the strength of the god of death sent to the present world.

The God of Reaper dispatched in Karakura Town, if Zanpakuto is not discussed, the strength of the opponent may not be stronger than that of Ukitake Hiroshi and Hachibuchiha who have been trained at home since childhood; even if the enemy is led there, the three of them may not be able to be rescued. It will only make one more victim.

"How about we..."

"No, we have to go to Karakura Town, no matter what!"

Feng Yuanyu said resolutely: "Even if this will kill the god of death dispatched by Kuza Town, we must go, the reason is very simple..." Feng Yuanyu paused, and said to the two with a serious expression: " Those two humans are extremely dangerous, even if we die here, we must let the [-]th Guarding Team know of their existence, only in this way can we prevent others from being attacked by them like us."

"And we who don't have any means of contacting Seireitei, if we want to spread the news, we can only involve the god of death sent to the present world; in this way, even if he is killed before he can deliver the news, the death god who sent the god of death , will also arouse the vigilance of Seireitei."

"What's more, every Reaper who goes to the present world will be monitored by the secret maneuver. If someone attacks the dispatched Reaper, he will be discovered by the Secret Mobile and Technology Development Bureau immediately."

After Feng Yuanyu finished speaking, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

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