"That's why I don't want to join the stealth maneuver."

"A brilliant idea."

A voice suddenly entered the ears of the three of them, and the faces of the three of them couldn't help but change: "Unfortunately, you have no chance to go to Karakura Town."

The three of them only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then a heavy whistling sound came out.

Puff-! !

The blood exploded in mid-air like rain, and splashed on the faces of Feng Yuanyu and Nagano Huaxiu. The next second, the two of them seemed to realize something, and turned their heads to look.

The scene that caught their eyes made the eyes of the two tear apart.

I saw the huge two-handed sword piercing Ukitake Hiroshi's body, lifting him up, and below it, Ginjo Kugo looked at the two of them indifferently, exuding an extremely weird and terrifying aura around him. breath.



The faces of Feng Yuanyu and the others changed drastically, and they subconsciously rushed forward to rescue Ukitake Hiro. However, before they could take any action, Ukitake Hiro, who was penetrated through the chest, screamed: "Quickly... go..." After that, , he completely ignored the injury that penetrated his chest, condensed the spiritual pressure on his hand, and slapped it down fiercely.

"The Nine of Binding Dao: Collapsing Wheel!"

The golden rope was generated out of thin air, and the moment it appeared, it entangled Ginjo Kugo like a python.

The blood in the mouth continued to flow down the corner of the mouth, Ukitake Hiroshi gritted his teeth hard, endured the pain and continued to chant: "Destroy yourself, Rondanini's black dog..."

This kind of low-level ghost way that abandons singing does not have strong binding power, and it is basically impossible to restrain the opponent with this.

Only by finishing the chanting described later will it be possible to buy some time for Sister Xiu and the two to escape! !

"...burn it up and cut your own throat after reading it!"

When the chanting described later was completed, the golden rope wrapped around Ginjo Kugo's body became tighter, and the spiritual pressure revealed on it became more intense.

But Ginjo Kugo, who was bound by the golden rope, did not change his expression, as if he hadn't found the rope on his body.

next second.

Yincheng Kongwu's whole body's spiritual pressure was shaken, and there was only a bang, and the rope condensed with spiritual power shattered like glass, turning into spirit particles and dissipating.

How can it be?

Fu Zhuhong's eyes were full of disbelief, he never thought that he had exhausted all the spiritual pressure of the bound way, and he couldn't hold on for even a second, and then collapsed.

Not far away, Feng Yuanyu and Feng Yuanyu couldn't help showing despair on their faces.

Feng Yuanyu looked at Ukitake Hiroshi whose aura was getting weaker and weaker, and did not choose to flee with Nagano Huaxiu, but stopped in mid-air.

There is no escape!

If Ukitake Hiroshi’s way of binding just now could restrain the opponent, he might still take Nagano Huaxiu and escape to Karakura Town, but now... with the speed of the opponent, even if he escapes, it will be a waste of effort. It's better to die here with Hiroshi Ukitake.


Ginjo Kugo laughed strangely: "Aren't you going to run away?" While speaking, he turned his wrist slightly, preparing to absorb the spiritual pressure on Ukitake Hiroshi before he died.



Ginjo Sora's expression changed, he couldn't move?

How can it be?

The weak bondage was obviously destroyed by him in an instant, so why didn't the feeling of bondage disappear?

Ginjo Kugo subconsciously raised his head and looked at Hiroshi Ukitake above his head. At this time, Hiroshi Ukitake had already passed out due to excessive blood loss, and the breath around his body became extremely weak, and he looked like he might die at any time.

not him!


Feng Yuanyu looked at Ginjo Kugo, who was still holding his sword, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes. At this moment, distortion marks suddenly appeared around Ginjo Kōgo, like a transparent barrier being gradually lifted. Open, on the trace of the golden rope that had originally turned into spirit particles and dissipated...

Unexpectedly, the same golden rope appeared again! !

"how is this possible!?"

Yincheng Kongwu's tone was full of disbelief, he couldn't figure out why the Bound Dao destroyed by himself would re-condense.

wrong!It's not recondensation, it's...

"Curved Light!?"

Yincheng Kongwu's face changed drastically: "Who!!"

It's not a re-condensation, but it existed from the very beginning. Someone released the 'Crash Wheel' at the same time as Ukitake Hiroshi, and at a speed that he didn't even notice, he used the 'Bindao Zhi 26 Curved Light' to hide the condensed golden rope .

Such a terrifying attainment in the ghost way is by no means what the three little ghosts in front of me can do, there must be other people hiding in the dark.


A heavy roar came, and a leg expanded rapidly in Ginjo Kugo's field of vision.

Bang! !

Ginjo Kugo only felt an indescribable force coming from the side of his neck, even under the defense of Reiatsu, it still made his eyes go dark, and his whole body shot downward like a kicked football out.

Accompanied by his departure, Ukitake Hiroshi, who had been pierced through his chest, finally freed himself from the two-handed sword and fell downwards, but just as he fell, he was held up by one hand.

All of this can be done in an instant.

Hachibuchi Yu and Nagano Huaxiu didn't even understand what happened, a black-haired young man was already standing where Ginjo Kugo had stood before.

This black-haired young man is Duan Mu who came all the way.

Looking at the young man in his hand, Duan Mu turned his left hand back to cover his chest.

The young man was seriously injured, and even with his attainments in Hui Dao, he could not heal him under such circumstances; so Duan Mu was not treating him, but sutured him with the spirit seeds in Hui Dao, and forcibly healed him. The wound was sealed and his life was suspended.

Visible to the naked eye, the silk thread of the spirit seed was suturing the wound on Ukitake Hiroshi's chest as if consciously.

While suturing, Duan Mu pressed his right hand in the direction of Yincheng Kongwu, and softly shouted: "Broken Way 63 Thunder Roar Pao."


The thunder light was like a pillar, and the last shot came first, swallowing the Yincheng Kongwu that shot out backwards, like a thunder dragon, smashing it from a height of [-] meters into the forest on the ground.

Boom--! !

Violent explosions came out immediately, and looking down from a high altitude, I saw that with the impact of the Thunder Roar Cannon as the center, the impact visible to the naked eye spread out, forming impact circles one by one. Trees, everything was rolled up and shredded by the impact!

The terrifying scene made both Feng Yuan Yu and Nagano Hua Xiu swallow their saliva.

Who the hell is he?A god of death sent to live in this world?

But since when did the gods of death stationed in this world become so strong?

No. 63's broken way and abandoning singing can still exert such power. I'm afraid that even the deputy captain of the thirteenth team of the guardian court may not be able to do it, right?


Just as Feng Yuanyu was about to say something, Yihua appeared in front of the two of them without warning.

"Come on!"

After all, he didn't care about the reaction of the two of them, and directly threw the long cloth bag on his shoulders into Nagano Huaxiu's arms, Nagano Huaxiu took it in a hurry; before she could ask, he felt a burst of spiritual pressure wrapped around him , like an invisible big hand, lifted her up.

Feng Yuanyu on the side was no exception, also wrapped and supported by spiritual pressure.


Accompanied by the piercing sound of piercing the air, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and the two of them only felt that everything in their field of vision had become illusory at this moment.

"So fast!" Nagano Huaxiu couldn't help admiring. Compared with the young man in front of him who looked as old as them, the Shunpo of the three of them was like a turtle crawling.

And Feng Yuanyu seemed to realize something, turned his head to look at the place where Yincheng Kongwu fell, and almost at the same time as he looked, a figure shrouded in green light soared into the sky, and quickly moved towards them chase after.

How can it be?

Feng Yuanyu's face paled instantly, and his eyes were full of horror and shock.

Forcibly receiving a high-level breakthrough, he was able to chase them immediately, and judging from the stable aura around him, he might not even be injured.

this human...

Do not!

Is that really human?

Too careless~

Although Duan Mu didn't look back, he could still feel what happened behind him, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Haven't applied for the lifting of restrictions yet?

Although before coming here, he had already guessed vaguely and made mental preparations; but when he confronted him head-on, Duan Mu discovered that the opponent's strength was much stronger than he imagined, although his spiritual pressure was still far inferior to that of the guardian. The captain of Team Thirteen.

But at this time, Ginjo Kugo has already stepped into the threshold of the 'captain level', if viewed from the system panel, it is probably at the level of just breaking through to the top level.

If that's the case, it wouldn't make Duan Mu so nervous, but Duan Mu, who knows the identity of the other party, knows that in addition to the power of death, the other party also has the technique of full manifestation, which can pull out the "material soul" to control it or change its form. Ability, but also has virtual power!

With the combination of human beings, god of death, and void, the lethality they can exert is far stronger than the spiritual pressure displayed!

Not to mention being in a limited state, even if you are in your prime, you may not be able to defeat the opponent.

The reason why I was able to bully the other party before was entirely because I concealed my breath, and because Ginjo Kugo's attention was attracted by Ukitake Hiroshi.

Fighting head-on is extremely detrimental to oneself!

With this in mind, Duan Mu's Shunbu speeded up again, and he couldn't catch up with him before the restriction was lifted anyway.


Without warning, Duan Mu, who had just sped up his steps, suddenly caught a cold light from the corner of his eyes.


The slender sword tip pierced Duan Mu's heart.

Looking along the blade, I saw a young man with shoulder-length short hair who appeared in front of Duan Mu at some point, looking at Duan Mu whose heart was pierced by him with a slight smile on his face.

This young man was none other than Tsukishima who had never shown his face.

"You guys still stay here...huh?"

Yue Dao's voice stopped abruptly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This is?

Looking around, Duan Mu, who was pierced through the heart, and Feng Yuanyu, all disappeared like phantoms, replaced by a black overalls.

"Tsukishima, below!!"

In the distance, the voice of Yincheng came.

Yue Dao suddenly lowered his head and looked down, only to see that Duan Mu, who had no coat, was leading the three of them, swooping down into the forest on the ground.

The third of the secret step method 'Four Maples', Kong Chan!

This is the footwork that Duan Mu learned from the scroll left by Ye Yi. It is a way to attract the attention of the attacker with external objects when he is approached by the enemy. Mobilize the spiritual pressure to enhance the instant explosive escape footwork.

It gives people the feeling that it is somewhat similar to the technique of substitutes.

Almost at the same time when Yue Dao looked at it, Duan Mu raised his hand and pointed.

"Tao Binding 61·Six Stick Light Prison!"

Six pieces of light shot out, instantly binding Yuedao in midair.

Duan Mu didn't look at the effect of this Tao binding, but rushed into the forest with the three of them without looking back.

As soon as he landed, Duan Mu threw the three of them to the ground, and while taking the long cloth bag from Nagano Huaxiu's arms, he took out something from his pocket and threw it at Fengyuan Yu.

"Is this... the magic command machine?"

"Find O Maeda in the contacts, call him, explain the situation, and ask for support!" After Duan Mu said, he stepped on the ground with his feet and soared into the sky.

Although it took only a few seconds to evade Yue Dao's attack, during these ten seconds, Yincheng Kongwu had already come to the sky above Duan Mu and the others, joining Yue Dao.

If there is no blocking from Tsukishima, then the advantage of distance can be used to delay time, but now that there is no distance, at the speed of Ginjo Kugo, continuing to escape will only speed up his own death.

"In a blink of an eye

With a soft drink in his mouth, the moment thunder appeared on the surface of his body, the long knife was unsheathed.

Draw the knife and slash, all in one go.

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