The thunder on the blade condensed and turned into a thunder crescent. The crescent expanded rapidly the moment it separated from the blade, and actually enveloped the Ginjo Kugo and Tsukishima in mid-air.

Seeing this, Yincheng Kongwu and Yuedao frowned, and they all dodged to leave the spot, avoiding the huge crescent moon.

Yue Dao, who came out of the way, just stood still, and the roar of Yincheng in the distance reached his ears.

"Be careful!!"

Be careful! ?

Yue Dao's face changed, and before he could react, there was a sudden burst of icy breath from behind.

Turning his head to look, a long knife zoomed in quickly in his eyes.

how come?

The knife came too suddenly and too quickly, and he didn't even have the slightest time to react.

Why is he here?

Could it be that he predicted where he would appear, and even came here ahead of time to wait for his arrival just based on his momentary dodging action?

how is this possible! ?

If this is the case, then his fighting consciousness...

It must be too scary! ?


At the moment when the knife was about to hit Yue Dao, a slash made of concentrated energy pierced through the air and directly attacked Duan Mu.

Feeling the power of the slash, Duan Mu's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

Can't resist!

Duan Mu stepped on the void with one foot, gave up killing Yue Dao, and instead held the knife in his right hand across his chest, pointing at Yue Dao with his left index finger.

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei."

Lightning pierced through and hit Yuedao's back heart, causing his whole body to shoot out into the distance.

Not powerful enough.

Duan Mu frowned, although he had a stronger Ghost Dao to use, but if he wanted to resist this slash, he couldn't waste too much spiritual pressure on this blow.


Chapter 123 Rules


The slash formed by the light of the Perfection Technique and the Reiatsu is like a dark green moon, which is still extremely dazzling even under a clear sky.

In comparison, Duan Mu is as insignificant as an ant under this round of bright moon.


The gunpowder smoke filled the void with a radius of more than ten meters, and the impact spread like a wave... Even the three of Feng Yuanyu who were far away on the ground seemed to be pushed hard by someone, and they all took several steps back.

When the three of them stabilized their figures, each of them showed shock on their faces.

Just by condensing one's own spiritual pressure, one can send out such a terrifying slash. Could it be that the spiritual pressure of the human holding a two-handed sword is already as strong as the captain level?

Changye Huaxiu stared at the center of the gunpowder, his expression extremely nervous.

"Come out!"

In mid-air, Ginjo Kugo showed a sneer on his face: "Or do you think I can't even feel the spiritual pressure?"

His words did not receive the slightest response, as if there was no one in the smoke.

There was a look of sarcasm in Yincheng Kongwu's eyes. As he twisted his body, the sword went with him, and the huge two-handed sword circled in mid-air!

Om ~ ~!

There was a trembling sound in the air, and a dark green slash roared out. The gunpowder smoke that gradually dissipated in mid-air, as if it had a substance, was actually broken into two by this slash, and then dissipated under the impact.


Empty! !


Yincheng Kongwu's pupils shrank, and in the smoke, a wisp of spiritual pressure gradually dissipated.

how is this possible! ?

He can be sure that he has been locking on the other party, not only the spiritual pressure, but also the breath; with the strength of that black-haired young man, even if he has a strong skill in concealing spiritual pressure, it is impossible to escape his detection, let alone use A ray of spiritual pressure diverted his attention.

But all this happened before his eyes, but he couldn't help but believe it.

Suddenly, Ginjo Kugo looked down sharply, only to realize that the black-haired young man had appeared below him at some point.

At this time, the black-haired young man was covered in blood all over his body, and the right arm holding the knife seemed to be cut by countless blades, becoming bloody and bloody, but...

But there was no trace of despair and pain on that face. When Yincheng Kongwu looked at it, Duan Mu moved his left hand in the void, and the spiritual particles in the atmosphere quickly gathered.

"...The Iron Chain of the Void City!——63 of Binding Dao, Locking with Lock Bars."

A chain as thick as a python arrived in the blink of an eye, and instantly wrapped around Ginjo Kugo!

Yincheng Kongwu frowned, and subconsciously aroused the whole body Reiatsu, and found that the strength of the chain was far stronger than the six-stick light prison that bound Yuedao earlier.

Full chant?

This black-haired young man's own spiritual pressure is not strong, he is probably between the senior officer and the vice-captain, but his fighting consciousness and ghost skills are a bit strange, not at all like a god of death with the intensity of spiritual pressure like him All it takes!

"The wall of iron sand, the tower in the shape of a monk, the glow of burning iron, because of its determination, it is finally silent..."

The chanting in Duan Mu's mouth continued, almost every time he read a word, blood would overflow from his mouth.

The difference is too big!

Even if he had already buffed all the spiritual pressure on the defense, under that slash, the spiritual pressure defense he had blessed on his body was instantly broken like tofu, and it only played a weakening role.

The reason why Duan Mu didn't die was because he relied on his strong physique to bear the knife!

Although the spiritual pressure was restricted, but the body was not affected in the slightest.

"The 75th Five-Pillar Tieguan of Binding Dao!"

Duan Mu threw the Zanpakuto in his hand, put his fingers together in front of his chest, and let out a stern shout.

Five giant iron pillars shining with light fell from the sky and smashed straight to the Yincheng Kongwu.


Amidst the heavy whistling sound, Ginjo Kugo, who was restrained in the mid-air by the 'lock bars', was smashed to the ground by the five huge iron pillars without any resistance.

"Cough cough cough~~"

In mid-air, Duan Mu caught Zanpakutao and forcibly released No. 75 Bindao, allowing blood to overflow from the corner of his mouth.

Is it too reckless to resist a slash that is infinitely close to the captain's level with your physique?

Former brother, former god! !

If you don't apply for the restriction to be released again, I really can't delay it!

Duan Mu restrained his mind and glanced at the five iron pillars on the ground. He would not naively think that this kind of forced release can restrict Yincheng Kongwu.

He could even foresee that the iron pillar would fall apart in a few seconds.


Those few seconds were what he wanted.

Compared with the powerful Ginjo Kugo, the other person makes Duan Mu even more troublesome.

Duan Mu stepped on the void, turned around and chased in the direction where Yuedao flew out.

In terms of strength, Yue Dao's own spiritual pressure is only at the vice-captain level, but his ability to fully manifest is extremely troublesome.

Unlike Reaper and Void, among the Fullbringers, apart from Yincheng's powerful Fullbringer, there are also many rule-based Fullbringers.


Its rules are so strong that it can even ignore the difference in spiritual pressure.

Strictly speaking, in terms of finishing skills alone, Ginjo Kugo also possesses the rule-based perfecting skills, which can be used to plunder the power of others to strengthen himself.

And Yue Dao's ability is far more terrifying than Ginjo Kugo, almost at the same time as confirming the other party's identity, information about the other party's ability has already emerged in Duan Mu's mind.

——The Book of the End!

He can use bookmarks as a medium, like Ginjo Kugo's two-handed sword, to transform into a knife, with quite high attack power and sharpness.

If it is only used in battle, its power can only be considered fair.

But in addition to its lethality, that knife also has the ability to trap existence. It can insert its own existence into the opponent's past and change its memory without hurting the opponent. It can even read the Clamp the memory before the point.

The battle of the god of death is the battle of Reiatsu!

Whether it is Xu, or Shinigami, this sentence can be used as the standard, and the powerful Reiatsu can even invalidate many rule-based abilities!


This sentence does not apply to the Fullbringer!

Duan Mu clearly remembers that although the opponent's own spiritual pressure is not strong, his ability to "clip into existence" can be used regardless of the difference in spiritual pressure, whether it is fighting Kuchiki Byakuya, or acting as an agent for a certain god of death Recasting Zanpakuto proves this point!

Not only fullbringers, but also many rules-based abilities can ignore this iron rule.

This sentence is nothing more than a joke to creatures other than Reaper and Void.

Precisely to guard against this...

Only then did Duan Mu pick up the Ghost Dao that he had planned to give up.

Can't be cut by it! !

Kill it as much as possible, even if it cannot be killed, it must be completely incapacitated.

Otherwise, even if the application for lifting the restriction is approved, Duan Mu will not have the energy to pay attention to Yuedao hidden in the dark when he is fighting Yincheng Kongwu.

He was not afraid that Yue Dao would be caught in his past, because if someone wanted to kill him, no matter how good his relationship with him was in his memory, Duan Mu was confident that he could kill him without hesitation.

But his memory must not be read by Yuedao, especially the memory related to the system! !


Below, Hachibuchi Yu, who was affected by the battle between Duan Mu and Yincheng, stabilized his figure, and immediately dialed Omaeda's phone number.

Although he didn't know Duan Mu's identity, he was no stranger to the vice-captain of the second team.


"Explain the situation."

The voice that came out of the command machine was not vice-captain Omaeda, but a cold female voice.

"Master Broken Bee?" Feng Yuan Yu asked hesitantly.

There was a long silence in the instruction machine, and Suifeng's tone became even colder: "I'll talk about your business later, what happened in this world, and who is fighting Duan Mu?"

Hearing this, Feng Yuanyu suppressed the fear in his heart, and habitually said in the tone of Xing Jun: "Report to the commander of the army, at this time, the Lord Reaper is fighting two humans. The two humans are extremely powerful, and the spiritual pressure is extremely strange. ; Judging from the mutual addressing among their companions, one is called 'Silver City' and the other is called 'Tsukishima', that Shinigami-sama asked me to contact Vice Captain Omaeda and ask for support!"

"Silver City!?" Broken Bee murmured.


Didi Didi~~

There was a busy tone from Feng Yuanyu's commanding machine, but the communication had already ended.


Feng Yuanyu frowned, judging from Master Suifeng's tone, she seemed to know the name 'Silver City'. Is that human being on the wanted list for secret maneuvers?


in the forest.

Yue Dao moved forward quickly. Although the blow of Bai Lei came suddenly, he did not suffer much damage under the defense of spiritual pressure invoked by instinct.

But the previous scene made him feel scared for a while.

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