If it wasn't for Yincheng, he might have died at the hands of that black-haired young man just now.

Who is he?

Yue Dao frowned, hesitating in his heart whether he should continue to entangle with him, because the commotion of this battle was too great, it must have been noticed by the soul world, and the two of them had to rush to the rescue when the reinforcements from the soul world arrived. before leaving here.

It can't be delayed any longer. After reuniting with Yincheng, it's best to be able to deal with the black-haired young man. If he can't be dealt with, he must leave here immediately! !

Thinking of this, the green stars under Yuedao's feet shone brightly, and the speed skyrocketed again.

And at this moment~~

A long knife appeared in his field of vision very abruptly, and behind the knife, Duan Mu's cold cheek came into his eyes.

This made Tsukishima's pupils shrink.

Did not feel the slightest breath! !

Tsukishima didn't even know when the other party appeared.

He couldn't dodge it, and he didn't have time to raise his knife to block it.


At the foot of Yuedao, the light of the full manifestation technique lit up, and at the same time as he retreated, the long knife that was originally hanging by his side flashed and turned into the original bookmark.


The sound of gold and iron clashing was deafening.

Yue Dao held a long knife and looked at Duan Mu through the gap between the two swords.

It was indeed too late to lift the knife to block, but it didn't mean he couldn't block the knife. When the long knife turned into a bookmark, the bookmark turned into a long knife again, but instead of hanging from the side of the body, it stood vertically in front of the body. .

The previous confrontation made Yue Dao dare not underestimate the black-haired young man in front of him. Almost at the same time as he blocked him, he poured his whole body's spiritual pressure into the long knife in his hand.

The green full manifestation light and the Reiatsu complement each other.


Accompanied by a crisp sound far exceeding the previous one, the two figures retreated at the same time.

Yue Dao immediately stabilized his figure, raised his head and looked towards Duan Mu, and the scene that caught his eyes caused a strange look in his eyes.

Because when he looked at it, the black-haired young man didn't stabilize his figure, and was still in a backward state.

This scene caused a flash of doubt in Yue Dao's eyes, before he realized it...

Although he almost died in the opponent's hands several times, it was not in a direct confrontation, but the opponent used a concealed spiritual pressure to sneak attack him.

It also means...

The strength of his spiritual pressure can't confront him head-on!

As long as he can force him to fight him head-on, even without Yincheng's help, he can completely kill this young man on his own.

Thinking of this, Yue Dao stepped forward, and with the green light shining, he rushed out.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's heart trembled, and he instantly understood the opponent's plan, but he could only passively raise his knife to block it.

Just as Yue Dao thought, a head-on confrontation would be extremely unfavorable to Duan Mu.

So since the start of the war, Duan Mu has not chosen to confront the two of them head-on, relying entirely on his own ability to conceal his aura, as well as the way of ghosts, to surprise and restrain the two of them.


Duan Mu frowned, but misfortunes never come singly!

At this moment, Duan Mu suddenly felt a wave of extremely powerful spiritual pressure coming from behind.

Even without turning his head to look, he knew that Ginjo Kugo had already chased him.

With Duan Mu as the center, Yincheng and Yue Dao attacked Duan Mu at the same time.

During Yincheng Kongwu's rush, he condensed all the spiritual pressure in his body onto the two-handed sword in his hand, turning the spiritual pressure on the two-handed sword from dark green to dark green, with a grin on his face.

Regardless of whether the sword hit Duan Mu...

This battle is over! !

Duan Mu's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't turn his head, but stared at Yuedao who had already rushed in front of him.

next second.


The dark green sword glow soared into the sky, and everything it passed was turned into ashes.

When everything cleared up, a bottomless ditch appeared on the ground, extending all the way to the end of the forest, as if the whole world was cut in two by this sword.

Ginjo Kugo stood where he was, frowning.

And Yue Dao, who was beside him, also showed doubts.


Under the attack of the two of them, the black-haired young man actually ignored Yincheng, focusing on himself from the beginning to the end.

Judging from the power of the move alone, normal people would choose to block Yincheng's attack instead of themselves.

Originally, he wanted to use this knife to find out the opponent's identity. For this reason, he deliberately weakened the power, just to make the opponent despise him and turn around to defend Yincheng's attack.

But what they didn't expect was that...

Not only did the opponent not underestimate Tsukishima, but even knowing that he might die, he didn't expose his back to Tsukishima's eyes. In the end, Tsukishima had no choice but to abandon his original plan in order not to be implicated by Yincheng's attack!

"Is that kid a fool?"

Ginjo Kugo sneered, but didn't pay too much attention.

Although according to his original plan, when he was leading him to defend against his own attack, he would dissipate the spiritual pressure on the sword, and instead use Tsukishima's ability to insert himself into his past.

But that's fine too.

Anyway, he is just a small character, so his identity is not worth caring about at all.

On the side, Yue Dao's frown did not relax, because after carefully recalling what happened after meeting the black-haired young man, he found that the other party had maintained extremely high vigilance against him from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, he ignored Yincheng, a powerful enemy, several times, and wanted to kill himself wholeheartedly.

Tsukishima could only think of one possibility for this.

That is……

The other party knows their abilities! !

"He is already dead, what are you still struggling with?"

Yincheng Kongwu looked at Duan Mufei's direction: "Let's go, go and make sure. If you are lucky and survived, absorbing his spiritual pressure is also a windfall."

Yue Dao nodded when he heard the words, and the light of the perfect manifestation technique shone under his feet, followed closely behind Yin Cheng, and quickly walked towards the end of the forest.

As Ginjo said, there's no need to dwell on a dead person.

As for luck...

With the intensity of spiritual pressure of the black-haired youth, no matter how lucky he is, it is absolutely impossible to survive Yincheng's blow.

The two came to the end of the forest in the blink of an eye. At the end of the ditch created by that slash, there was a figure covered in blood and lifeless.

"Is it dead?"

Yincheng Kongwu clicked his tongue, and said in a disappointed tone: "If I knew it earlier, I would have used some strength."

"Even if you put in some effort, it's impossible to survive with the strength of his spiritual pressure."

Yue Dao looked at the lifeless corpse on the ground, and shook his head: "Let's go, the support from the Soul Realm may arrive at any time, with those three noble young masters and ladies here, at least this trip is not in vain... …Um……"

Yue Dao's words paused, and his eyes, which had already been moved away, looked at the corpse on the ground again.


"what happened?"

Ginjo Kugo said with some doubts.

"There's something wrong with the amount of blood."

Yue Dao frowned. Although the corpse looked miserable, there was very little blood on the ground, as if the blood had not flowed for a long time, and the bleeding was blocked.

As soon as his voice fell, a wave of spiritual pressure suddenly appeared on the back of the corpse in his vision, covering the huge scar.

"It was an oversight on my part."

The originally lifeless corpse slowly stood up from the ground, although miserable and embarrassed...

But there is a kind of spiritual pressure in that body that far exceeds the previous one, and it comes out through the body, making the air in the whole area thicker, forming a pressure like the deep sea.

"I didn't expect to rush to stop the bleeding, but it became a loophole."

"how is this possible!?"

The faces of Yincheng Kongwu and Yuedao changed, and they instinctively distanced themselves from Duan Mu.

After Duan Mu got up, he didn't look at the two, but turned his gaze to his chest.

The 'Wengcao' pattern originally engraved on the chest has disappeared without a trace!

Current experience points: 0

Reiatsu: Advanced (70960/100000)

In fact, at the moment when Yincheng's attack came, Duan Mu really planned to use all his strength to block Yincheng Kongwu's attack, although this would allow Tsukishima's ability to spy on his memory.

But people are going to die, so there is no need to care about memory or not.

Just when he put all his experience points into Reiatsu and was about to turn around to defend against Ginjo Kugo's attack, the limited pattern on his chest was hot.

At this critical moment, the restriction is lifted!

After discovering this, Duan Mu instantly changed his mind, changed the 'Bai Lei' that had been integrated into his body into 'Thunder Roar Cannon', and concentrated all the spiritual pressure on his back, and forcibly took Yincheng's blow!

The soaring strength of Reiatsu combined with advanced physique.

Receiving Ginjo Kugo's blow hard, although he suffered heavy injuries, he would not die immediately or lose his fighting ability.


Duan Mu slowly raised his head, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth. This smile was very plain, but it gave off a kind of suppressed madness, which made the hearts of both Ginjo Kugo and Kugo tense.

Along with the smile, there was also a strange and gloomy aura, emanating from the depths of Duan Mu's soul, which complemented the long knife in his hand.

for a while...

The temperature in the whole area became freezing cold.

"It's my turn!"


Chapter 124


A dazzling thunder exploded on Duan Mu's body, and he disappeared in place very abruptly.

Ginjo Kugo's expression changed, and he dodged to stand in front of Tsukishima.

Almost the moment he came to Yue Dao, Duan Mu's figure appeared in front of the two of them.


The clash of gold and iron followed.

Yincheng Kongwu only felt an indescribable force coming from the giant sword in his hand, spreading along the blade to his whole body, the hands holding the hilt were shaken so that the tiger's mouth split open, blood flowed horizontally, and the two-handed sword in his hand almost fell out.

Good weight……

Strength, spiritual pressure!

They are completely different from before!

The black-haired young man who looked like a madman in front of him seemed to be a different person suddenly.

What happened to him?

The spiritual pressure around Duan Mu's body swelled to the extreme, his body twisted, and he held the long knife with both hands and pressed down again, unexpectedly submerging Ginjo Kugo below the knees into the soil.

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