at the same time.

Using the long knife as a fulcrum, Duan Mu's body rose into the air, and almost at the same time as he left the spot, a thin knife cut across the waist where he was before, and the person holding the thin knife was Yue Dao.

With a single swing of the knife, Yue Dao subconsciously wanted to pursue him.



Six piercing sounds came out, and six pieces of light arrived in an instant, directly fastening him in place.

"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

The six light sheets were like iron clamps, fastening Yue Dao in place, no matter how much he struggled, the light sheets would remain motionless.

"The Breaker..."


Just when Duan Mu was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, Yincheng Kongwu, who was suppressed by him, suddenly let out a roar, and the crimson highly concentrated spiritual pressure quickly condensed on the blade of the two-handed sword that collided with Duan Mu's long knife.

It wasn't the Reaper's pressure, nor was it the light of the full manifestation technique, it was... the breath of the void!

- Flicker! !

Duan Mu gave up chasing Yue Dao, raised his right hand, and the thunder light all over his body gathered towards his right hand.

Instant 簟だ谆鳎

The ghost way in the body condenses into one point and vents out.

The thunder light collided with the red light.

At this moment, the world seems to have been pressed the mute button, like the calm before the storm.


The strong wind raged, the deafening roar resounded through the sky, the impact exploded like a tsunami, and endless soil rose into the sky.

The six pieces of light around Yue Dao were instantly shattered under the impact, but Yue Dao's face was full of horror instead of joy.

Although not at the center of the impact, Yue Dao still felt as if his body was being torn apart at the moment of the impact, and turned into a blood man in an instant, suffering heavy injuries.

Just when he thought he was going to die, the tall figure of Ginjo Kugo suddenly stood in front of him, and the spiritual pressure exploded all over his body, forming a protective shield, blocking all the aftermath of the impact.

When everything is at peace.

The lush green forest has disappeared, replaced by a huge pit with a radius of tens of meters.

On both sides of the deep pit, Duan Mu and Yincheng Kongwu looked at each other across the air.

At this time, both of them looked extremely embarrassed, but unlike Yincheng Kongwu who only suffered some skin trauma, the knife edge on Duan Mu's back that was treated with "spiritual suture" for emergency treatment burst again during the confrontation just now, blood Outflowing like a fountain.

The blood flowed away, making Duan Mu's face become extremely pale, and he immediately exited.

When you are seriously injured, use the instantaneous attack! �

Is it the limit?

Duan Mu's face was a little gloomy, it was too late for the restriction to be lifted.

If he hadn't been restricted at the beginning of the battle, he wouldn't be in such a mess at all. As long as Tsukishima was dealt with first, even if he couldn't kill Ginjo Kugo, he would still be sure to hit him hard instead of falling into the current situation ! !

On the other side, Ginjo Kugo's face was also gloomy, but there was deep fear in this gloom.

Very strong!

Under that kind of inexplicable lightning, although the opponent's spiritual pressure is not as good as his own, the lethality is extremely terrifying.

If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent had been severely injured before, the direction of this battle might have completely changed!

"Is the restriction lifted?"

There was a sarcasm on Yincheng Kongwu's face, and he already understood why Duan Mu suddenly became so much stronger: "It's really pitiful, if it wasn't for the limited Reiatsu, you might not have died..." Between the words , he disappeared directly in place.

When it reappeared, it had already reached the sky above Duan Mutou.

"...If you want to blame, blame Seireitei!!"

The spiritual pressure on the two-handed sword condensed, Yincheng Kongwu looked at Duan Mu who was standing still, and slashed downwards, and the dark green slash came out of the air.

But just when the slash was about to hit Duan Mu, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if blocked by an invisible barrier.

This is……

"Bound Dao 81: Is it empty?"

A strange look flashed in Yincheng Kongwu's eyes. He didn't expect that this young man could even give up singing for No. 81 Bindao.

Although he was surprised in his heart, Ginjo Kugo didn't think that he could block his own slash by abandoning the Duan Kong after singing.

And so is it.

clack clack...

The moment the dark green slash collided with the transparent wall, cracks appeared on the transparent wall.

At the same time, Yincheng Kongwu stepped into the void and attacked Duan Mu from the side, not giving him a chance to escape during this time.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure surged all over his body, he gave up treating the stab wound on his back, and raised his hand to point at Yincheng who was rushing towards him.

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: Black Coffin!"


The pitch-black wall blocked Ginjo Kugo in front of him, making him stagnate in mid-air, with shock in his eyes.

Give up singing and release NO.90 Breakthrough! ?

Who is this young man, and why does he have no idea that such a person exists in the Thirteenth Guarding Team?

But Duan Mu didn't give him time to think. On one side, two sides...four sides, the walls that first appeared continued to spread outward through the interface, forming a cube that hindered Yincheng Kongwu's front, left, right, up, down, and up. Only the dark wall behind remained intact. It is in a cohesive state and is not completely blocked.

With Yincheng's speed, it is absolutely possible to leave the black coffin through the rear gap before the ghost path is completed.

A flash of hesitation flashed in Yincheng Kongwu's eyes. If he withdraws now, he will lose the best time to kill the opponent; but if he does not withdraw, it means that he has to bear this black coffin!

The slow speed of formation is enough to show that the other party abandoned the black coffin that was chanting, and just barely released it.

The power must not be strong!

It may even collapse under one's own attack.


What if this is an illusion deliberately shown by the other party?

Even though he knew that this possibility was very slim, there was still struggle in Ginjo Kugo's eyes.

And at this moment, behind the black iron wall in front of him, there was a soft groan.

"The turbid coat of arms reveals faintly, the unruly and arrogant talent..."

Sing later! ?

This chanting sound was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The light of the perfect manifestation technique erupted under Yincheng Kongwu's feet, and he retreated before the black iron wall behind him was completely condensed!

Almost at the same time he escaped from the black coffin, the singing stopped abruptly.


The black coffin that was condensing collapsed like building blocks.

This scene made Yincheng Kongwu's face darken immediately, he stopped his fleeing steps, turned his head to look, and only saw Duan Mu's back quickly going away.

be cheated……

Yincheng Kongwu immediately realized that the black coffin was just a model that was so powerful that it would collapse at the touch of a button.

If he didn't stop just now, but kept going, he didn't even need to attack, he could walk through it.


A huge explosion sounded immediately, and the transparent barrier formed by Duan Kong collapsed. Without the barrier of Duan Kong, the dark green slash directly hit the place where Duan Mu stood before.


The impact caused Ginjo Kugo to dance wildly with his mid-length hair, and his face was distorted.

Only one step away, as long as you take another step.

That kid will either die from his own two-handed sword, or he will die from his own slash!

Humiliation ~ The unprecedented sense of humiliation made Ginjo Kūgo's face turn red, his expression almost crazy, and the murderous intent in his eyes almost took shape.

"Stop chasing!"

But just when he was about to catch up, Yue Dao's voice came from behind: "Feel it carefully."

Hearing the words, Yincheng Kongwu subconsciously released his own perception, and then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the void.

Can faintly feel...

There are several extremely strong auras, coming from the broken world, which are constantly approaching the present world.

Support from the Soul World is here!

Yincheng Kongwu looked in the direction Duan Mu left, gritted his teeth fiercely, turned around and returned to Yue Dao, hugged him by the waist, and galloped towards Naruki City, and disappeared at the end of the sky in the blink of an eye.


Feeling the disappearance of spiritual pressure behind his back, Duan Mu's figure paused.

As soon as he stopped, his body shook for a while, and finally he sat down on the ground.

"Cough cough cough~~"

Accompanied by a violent cough, viscous liquid mixed with blood and organ fragments spit out from his mouth.

With a slight sigh of relief, he raised his head and looked towards the void, feeling the familiar spiritual pressure quickly approaching the present world, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"How come the gang of Hidden Maneuvers are like the detectives in those film and television dramas, always one step too late!"

During the speech, Duan Mu only felt a sense of dizziness coming continuously, and he hastily bit his tongue forcefully.

Can't be unconscious.

His injuries were too serious, not even much worse than the last battle with Saragi Kenpachi. If he didn't do something, he would most likely die in the broken world.

As for the upcoming secret maneuver...

Expecting them to treat him, Duan Mu might as well dig a hole and bury himself while he still has the energy left, so as not to become a mad scientist's collection after death.

Unfolding the pure energy enchantment, Duan Mu began to take emergency treatment for himself.

The only thing that makes him happy is...

Although the injury is serious, the spiritual pressure in his body is still sufficient, enough to properly deal with himself, so that he won't go straight to the street after the fight like the battle with Jianba. Whether he survives depends entirely on luck.


Duan Mu is directly above the top, and the void opens to both sides like a door.

Broken Bee took the lead in rushing out, but did not stay, and chased in the direction where Ginjo Kugo and the two left as soon as they appeared.

Immediately, inside the door, a group of black-clothed and masked figures rushed out and landed around Duan Mu one after another.

Da Maeda appeared outside the pure energy barrier, first carefully observed Duan Mu who was treating him, and then grinned: "Tsk, are you possessed by the God of Poverty? Why do you always meet Those dangerous people."

Duan Mu ignored him...

If the bastard was faster, he wouldn't be in the situation he is now.

Omaeda smiled when he saw this, turned to look to the south, and said to Xing Jun behind him: "Go and bring those noble members back. After you go back, except for the seriously injured, everyone else will be detained in a secret maneuver for questioning."


Several Xing Jun disappeared in place.

At this moment, the pure energy barrier around Duan Mu suddenly turned into spirit particles and collapsed.

Seeing this, O Maeda rushed over and found that Duan Mu, who was still treating him before, had already passed out.

After pondering for a while, Omaeda said: "Notify the [-]th division to open the gate, and at the same time contact the [-]th division to prepare them for receiving the patient. By the way, don't forget to tell them that the patient is Duan Mu."


"Captain Broken Bee, I'll just go."

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