Omaeda shook his head: "You take those noble young masters and Duan Mu back to Soul Soul Realm, lest the attackers come back again."



Duan Mu slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar white ceiling came into view.

Didi Didi~~

There are tubes inserted into his body, which are connected to various medical instruments around him. He can clearly feel those medical instruments, transform the spiritual seeds into nutrients that are beneficial to his recovery from injuries, and guide them into his body along the tubes. delivery……

The familiar feeling, familiar room, and familiar smell made the corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitch slightly under the mask.


It had only been more than four months since the battle with Jianba, and he was sent in again.


The business lost a lot this time. Although it was possible to cooperate with the Jinyinhui, it seems that Wanshiwu, which has just opened, is about to close down again.

Duan Mu wanted to sigh, but he couldn't even sigh under the mask.

He checked his physical condition, and as he expected, he had been properly treated. Judging from the residual spiritual pressure at the surgical site, the person who treated him this time was still Captain Unohana.

The treatment method is as superb as ever. Although he is still unable to move, according to Duan Mu's feeling, it is probably the same as last time. He will be able to recover in five or six days. However, if he wants to fully recover, he needs at least half a month of recuperation .

However, as long as the ability to move is restored, the business of Master House will not be delayed!

Duan Mu wanted to try to sit up, but when he moved, he realized...

He was actually tied to the hospital bed, which made Duan Mu look a little weird.

... What kind of gameplay is this? ?

Does Captain Unohana still have this kind of interest?


If there is no accident, it should be tied by Yong Yin.

After the last battle with Jianbayi, he sneaked out of the intensive care unit and hid in the nest of maggots. Afterwards, he was severely reprimanded by Yongyin. At that time, she said that if there is a next time, he must To tie yourself to a hospital bed.

Duan Mu thought it was a joke, but unexpectedly...

She actually did it.

Giving up on getting up, Duan Mu wanted to continue to sleep, but couldn't sleep, he could only look at the ceiling like a vegetable.

Finally, he simply turned his attention to the system interface in his mind.

In this battle, the more than 3 experience points that he had saved with great difficulty were once again consumed.

Fortunately, unlike the last time, this time it was all added to the spiritual pressure.


Duan Mu's eyes widened suddenly.

Current experience value: 35960.

Looking at the value behind the current experience value, Duan Mu couldn't help wondering if he was dazzled even though he was obviously not looking with his eyes.

How could there be so many experience points suddenly?

Duan Mu unfolded the favorability interface, and found that at the end of the densely packed names, there appeared many names that Duan Mu had never seen before.

[Nagano Huaxiu, current favorability: 60]

[Nagano Arashi, current favorability: 44]

[Fuzhuqing, current favorability: 54]

【Bee Feather, current favorability: 29】

[Nagano Ayaka, current favorability: 2]


These names are surprisingly consistent, Nagano, Feng, Ukitake... These names of people he has never heard of are basically members of these three families.

Among them, Nagano Huaxiu, who is full of friendship with Duanmu, is equivalent to the level of a member of the 13220th Goutei team in terms of the experience points provided, and has provided Duanmu with a total of [-] experience points.

As for Nagano Arashi, if there is no accident, it should be Nagano Huaxiu's mother. Although this girl's favorability is not as high as her own daughter's; but she is much stronger than her own daughter in terms of strength, and the experience points provided are equivalent to those of low-level officials. , for Duan Mu's 9160 experience points.

The remaining scattered experience points should be the elders and sisters of Nagano Huaxiu, etc. The high ones have more than 10 favorability points for Duanmu, and the low ones have 2 favorability points for Duanmu, although the experience provided by a single person The value is not much, but there are 2420 experience points when stacked.

The Nagano family alone provided Duan Mu with 24800 experience points.

If there is no accident, Ukitake Kiyoshi should be Ukitake Hiroshi's mother. Unfortunately, her strength is not very good, and the experience points she provides are not as good as Nagano Huaxiu, which is basically the same as the students of the Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts; 54 points of favorability, just for Duan Mu provided 4690 experience points.

Including other members of the Ukitake family, the total experience value is 5320.

Compared with the above two, Fengjia is much more indifferent.

Duan Mu looked around and found that there was only one person named 'Feng Yu', who was probably Feng Yuan Yu's mother.

However, this is no wonder, in the eyes of other bee family members.

Feng Yuanyu's family members who escaped to join the Xing army should be exiled as usual, and no one cared about whether they died or not except Feng Yuanyu's mother.

Fortunately, the strength of this 'Bee Feather' is far stronger than the other two mothers, equivalent to a high-ranking official, with 29 favorability points, Duan Mu will be provided with 5520 experience points.

It crushed the entire Fuzhu family.

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, how desolate is this Fuzhu family?

As for the last 320 experience points, Duan Mu looked through it carefully and found that it was actually provided to him by Broken Bee.

[Smash Bee's favorability +1, gain 320 experience points, current favorability: 8]

made money……

Sit up in shock from dying!

If he hadn't been tied to the bed, Duan Mu would probably have jumped up by now.

Although he almost died in this world this time, the harvest was extremely huge, enough to make Duan Mu ignore the pain in his body.

Not only reached the cooperation with the Golden Seal Association, but also gained a lot of experience.

the most important is……

As long as Duan Mu adds all the experience points to the Reiatsu, he can truly step into the threshold of the captain level and reach the same level as Ginjo Kugo.

Although he can only be regarded as a captain-level goalkeeper, and he cannot be liberated by the Zanpakuto, he may not even be as good as a corner.

Of course, it is under the condition that one corner of the swastika is fully activated.

Until then, it won't be hard to beat him!

However, Duan Mu did not use these experience points.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't encounter captain-level enemies like this time, his current spiritual pressure strength of more than 7 points is enough to deal with most battles.

It's better to keep the experience points, just in case.

And with the development spirit pattern, even if he doesn't consume experience points, he can break through to the captain level on his own within six or seven years.


Chapter 125 The long-lost sunshine...

Standing outside the comprehensive ambulance station, Duan Mu actually had the feeling of seeing the light of day again.

It has been half a month since the battle with Ginjo Kugo and others in the present world. Although Duan Mu regained his ability to move in less than a week, Toru Yune tied him to the bed for half a month .


Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly: "Why are you here?"

"My uncle came to pick you up and leave the hospital. It's fine if you don't say thank you. What does this look of disgust mean?" O Maeda said angrily.

Duan Muxu narrowed his eyes and said: "Thank you for your concern, although if you had acted faster, I wouldn't have been lying here for half a month."

"You've been complaining about this for half a month, isn't it bothering you?"

Omaeda paused, and continued: "What's more, when the restrictions are in place, I have reminded you that the procedures for applying for 'removal of restrictions' are extremely complicated; if I hadn't persuaded Captain Broken Bee to omit a lot of procedures and directly order the Technology Development Bureau to carry out If the restriction is lifted, how can you stand here and complain to me?"


Duan Mu hehe, he didn't believe a word of Omaeda's words.

Having been together for so long, Duan Mu already has a deep understanding of Suifeng's character. In terms of rigidity, she can be said to be second only to Captain Yamamoto among the thirteen captains; It will never be mixed with personal emotions...

At least with the current favorability, she will not break the law for Duan Mu.

The reason why Suifeng omitted a lot of procedures was not for Duan Mu, but for Duan Mu to drag the wanted criminal 'Yincheng Kongwu' as far as possible until she led Xing Jun to the present world.

Although a bit ruthless, Suifeng's character is really suitable to be the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers. This is one of the reasons why the Sifengyuan family chose to support Suifeng after Ye Yi left, instead of letting family members serve as the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvers one.

"Let's go, since you've been discharged from the hospital, come back to the team with me."

"I knew that it would never be a good thing for you to come to me."

Having said that, Duan Mu did not refuse, but asked with some doubts: "Haven't those young masters and ladies already reported? Do you need me to report again?"

"The three of them don't know the details at all. They have been hiding in the distance, and they don't know anything about the process of the battle." Omaeda curled his lips and continued: "The information they brought back is very important for analyzing the 'Yincheng Kong The strength of the two of us has no reference value."

"Both Mao Room 46 and Captain Yamamoto attach great importance to this incident."

"According to the normal procedure, you should have been sent to Room 46 for questioning as soon as you regain consciousness." When Omaeda said this, he looked at Duan Mu with a strange gaze: "But you are really popular. That's great, besides Captain Broken Bee, Captain Unohana also reported that your physical condition is not suitable for questioning."

"In addition, the Nagano family commissioned the Kininkai to go to room 46 to lobby at a large price, and the Ukitake family went to ask Captain Yamamoto, which made an exception and delayed the inquiry until now."

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words. During the half month in the intensive care unit, he had doubts about the fact that no one came to ask him, but he didn't think too much about it. After Fu Zhuhong and the three of them reported it, he no longer needed to do it himself. report.

Otherwise, with the group of old antiques in room 46, it would be impossible for him to stay in the intensive care unit for half a month.

He really didn't expect that his rest for half a month was actually obtained with the help of so many people.

"Then do I still have to go to Zhenyang Room 46 to report?" Duan Mu frowned slightly.

"That's not necessary."

Omaeda shook his head: "After you and Captain Sapphire describe the battle in detail, Captain Sapphire will organize and analyze it, and then report it to Room 46 and Captain Yamamoto."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words. If possible, he really didn't want to have direct contact with those people in Room 46.

The two walked and talked, and they had already walked outside the second team before they knew it.

"Master Duan Mu."

Before the two entered the second team, Xing Jun, who was acting as the guard, suddenly bowed to Duan Mu and said, "Thank you for saving the three of us."

Duan Mu stared blankly at Xing Jun in front of him, and it took him a while to recognize the identity of the other party with the fluctuation of spiritual pressure. This Xing Jun was one of the three people he rescued from the present world half a month ago.

"You are... Feng Yuanyu?"

Feng Yuanyu nodded vigorously when he heard the words, and said with reverence: "Yes, Mr. Duan Mu." After finishing speaking, he paused, and continued: "What happened half a month ago made me realize that The importance of stealth maneuvering, so I have passed the team entry assessment and become a member of the Xing Army."

"If you need anything, you can call me anytime."

Duan Mu looked at Feng Yuan Yu with a respectful face, and nodded gently, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If only he was a woman.

The reverence and gratitude of a male creature is really useless to Duan Mu.

After casually encouraging Feng Yuanyu, Duan Mu and the two entered the second team and went straight to the captain's office.

Regarding the battle process, except for Yue Dao's ability, Duan Mu did not hide anything, but reported the battle process in great detail.

As for Yue Dao's ability, Duan Mu certainly didn't want to help him conceal it, but he didn't know how to explain the source of the information.

Recording everything Duan Mu said in detail, Sui Feng picked out some key points, and repeatedly asked and recorded.

This inquiry lasted for several hours.

It wasn't until Duan Mu became a little impatient that Sui Feng nodded in satisfaction: "It's ok!"

Hearing this, Duan Mu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sui Feng, who has entered the working state, is really delicate to the extreme. Many details that Duan Mu ignored and did not explain, were all remembered by him under Sui Feng's inquiry.

"Captain Broken Bee."

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