After the questioning, Duan Mu did not leave immediately, but showed gratitude: "I have heard the matter from Vice Captain Omaeda, I really appreciate you being able to speak for me, if you need anything, please ..."

However, before Duan Mu could finish speaking, Sui Feng waved his hand impatiently: "If you have nothing to do, go down and don't bother me to organize the records."


The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

This person's favorability is really as difficult to improve as ever.

Since he came to the second team, Duan Mu has used countless methods, but no matter what he does, he can't improve Sui Feng's favorability towards him.

Of course, it is not completely helpless.

As long as he goes to the present world to catch a black cat and returns, it will definitely increase Broken Bee's favorability towards him.


With Duan Mu's current strength, if he dared to do this, he would be scratched to death by that black cat in minutes.

Shaking his head, putting aside the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Duan Mu did not continue to disturb Suifeng's work, turned and left the captain's office.

After leaving the Second Division, Duan Mu walked towards the outside of Seiring Court, and returned to Liuhun Street after a long absence.

The business had just started, but before the news of the business was fully spread, he lay in the comprehensive rescue center for another half a month. Although it was different from the last time, the business was not closed this time. Brother to finish.

But Brother Yanjiu and his younger brothers can only do some commissions that do not require skills and effort. Many commissions that require technical skills can only be completed by Duan Mu.

Duan Mu intends to work hard in the next few months to clear all the commissions accumulated in Liuhun Street and Seiritei.


Stepping into the tavern, being familiar with the hustle and bustle made Duan Mu feel extremely cordial.

Although the Seiring Court is a good place to gain experience points, Duan Mu always has an inexplicable sense of depression when he is in the Seiring Court.

But Liuhun Street is a place where he can relax.

"Boss Duan Mu, come back!!"

"Boss Duan Mu, I got some good wine, would you like to drink some together?"

"Listen, Sister Uzuki, you've been recovering from your injuries during this period, you won't have another fight with that lunatic Saraki, right?"

"No, I heard from that bald man that Boss Duan Mu had a fight with a guy who was wanted by the Seiling Court in this world."

"The guy who can hurt Boss Duan Mu must be very strong, right?"


Ignoring all the villains in the tavern, Duan Mu sat in front of the bar, looked at Uzuki who kept looking him up and down with concern, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, my injury is almost healed, and I will take care of it for half a month at most. fully recover.”

Hearing this, Uzuki breathed a sigh of relief, and then said angrily: "Why do you always meet some inexplicable enemies?"

"Hehe, I'm also surprised."

Duan Mu smiled, and after searching in the tavern, he asked, "Brother Yanjiu, have they gone out to work?"


Uzuki nodded, and said: "If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, you can recuperate for a while. Anyway, it is the season of farming, and most of the commissions received are for sowing and other work. I will give it to Ganjiu and the others. Can."

"It doesn't affect the work anymore. Is there any commission that Brother Ganjiu and the others can't do, show it to me."

"I do not know either."

Uzuki shook his head: "These days you are not here, we have a person here, according to what he said, he and his wife were also running Wanshiwu in this world, so after hearing about our Wanshiwu, he took the initiative to come to the door, hoping to be able to Work here with us."

"But because of your absence, I didn't agree. However, he repeatedly begged me to keep him, even if there was no salary, just to provide him with food and accommodation; he had no choice but to do it, and what you said last time If you want to hire a receptionist, I will let him temporarily live in Wanshiwu and be responsible for recording the commissions."

"It turns out that he is really familiar with the work process of Master House, and he can also complete many commissions that Gryphon and the others would not do, such as taking care of children, housekeeping, etc. He is much more professional than me, so I will transfer the business of Master House , leave it to him for the time being.”

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, is there a house of all things in this world?

Duan Mu really doesn't understand this point, because his inspiration for opening Wanshiwu didn't come from the real world, but from a certain silver-haired natural curly man with a wooden knife in his hands.

"How are you?"

"Except for being drunk and crying about wanting a wife and child, everything else is okay." Uzuki paused, and continued: "Also, I also asked the guests in the tavern to investigate with Madarame, and he is indeed just Death came to Soul Soul Realm not long ago, so there is nothing suspicious about it."

"Then I'll take a look later."

Duan Mu nodded, as what Uzuki said, he actually wanted to find someone a long time ago to be in charge of the guests of the Master House, so as to reduce Uzuki's burden, so that Uzuki would not have to run between the tavern and the Master House.

Especially during the peak season of entrustment, Uzuki had to run back and forth dozens of times a day, because the elder brother Ganjiu often came to talk to Duan Mu, and even suggested that Jin Yan Yinyan come to work in Wanshiwu, but was rejected by Duan Mu.

It's not that I don't believe them, but...

There are only two servants in Zhibo's family. If they come to help him, then Miss Konghe will not even have anyone to call her.

But it is hard for Duan Mu to trust anyone if he finds anyone.

After all, there are many commissions in his Wanshiwu that need to be kept secret. In addition, whether it is the branch of Seireitei or the Jinyinhui, they will pass the information to the person in charge of Liuhun Street Wanshiwu through the command magic machine to record, and then notify Duan Mu lives in Liuhun Street.

Therefore, Duan Mu has never found a suitable candidate.

If the other party is really as Uzuki said, has a good character and is very good at handling things in the house of affairs, then Duan Mu can definitely keep him.

After leaving the tavern, Duan Mu went up the stairs to the second floor, preparing to personally interview the new employee.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

As soon as he entered the Wanshiwu, a middle-aged man greeted him, and said in a gentle voice: "It's cheap, fast, and rest assured. From taking care of cats to searching for human flesh, we can take care of everything. We eels... No, our Wanshiwu accepts all commissions." , but because Boss Duan Mu is recuperating from his injuries, there are many businesses that can only be recorded, and there is no way until he comes back..."

"I am Duan Mu."

Duan Mu interrupted with a smile.


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, and he said nervously: "Huh... I'm sorry, Boss Duan Mu, I didn't know you were back..."

Duan Mu didn't speak, but carefully looked at the middle-aged man.

Judging from the aura, Uzuki’s investigation results are correct. The middle-aged man in front of him has indeed just died not long ago; although he has some spiritual power talent, it is not very good. After graduating from the academy, he joined the thirteenth Goutei team.

The appearance is well-behaved, giving people a relatively simple and honest feeling, and it does not look like a gloomy person.

"Don't be nervous."

Duan Mu walked into the reception room and sat on the sofa, pointed to the opposite sofa and said, "Come and sit down too, I want to ask you something."


The middle-aged man sat down a little awkwardly.

"About you, I heard something from Uzuki. Are you also a master of everything in this world?"

"I didn't drive it."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "It's a shop passed down from my wife's ancestors. The name of the shop is 'Eel House'. It's not a place that sells eel rice. It's the same as yours. It's a house of everything. Although the name is a bit weird, But according to my wife's words."

When the middle-aged man said this, a gentle smile appeared on his face: "She will not change either the surname or the name of the store!"

Eel house?

Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, vaguely feeling that the name of the store sounded familiar, but after careful recollection, he didn't seem to have seen a master house named 'Eel House' in his memory.

"By the way, my name is Unagi Oori. After I married my wife, I took her last name."

Duan Mu nodded: "It's not impossible for me to keep you, but there is one thing I hope you can abide by, otherwise I can only ask you to leave."

"No matter what the conditions are, there is no problem. I really hope to stay and work in the same place as my wife's shop."

"All entrusted content is prohibited from spreading outside. If you can do this, you can stay."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he changed the topic: "I advise you to think carefully before answering, because if you violate this point, the consequences will not only be dismissed."


Chapter 126 Excessive

"Morning ~ Maoyue~"

Duan Mu yawned, and habitually greeted Maoyue downstairs.

"Yo, Boss Duan Mu."

But unlike usual, it wasn't Uzuki who replied to him today, but Yu Erzhong, who was burly, carrying a tray and dressed as a waiter: "Long time no see, do you miss me?"

"Boss Duan Mu! And me, we are back too!"

As soon as Yu Erzhong's words fell, Da Ao and a few younger brothers jumped out.

"We have returned victorious."

"Boss Duan Mu, Beiliuhun Street will be our territory from now on!"

"Boss, I brought you a lot of good wines from the north, but while you were sleeping, Brother Griffin secretly drank a few bottles."

"What is stealing? As Duan Mu's boss, isn't it only natural for me to drink from him?"


The extremely noisy greeting made Duan Mu, who was still a little dazed, suddenly wake up.

Looking around, I saw that the tavern was full of people, not only was there no empty seats, but even the aisle and the backyard of the tavern were filled with people in twos and threes. Duan Mu only felt irritated for a while.

But while he was restless, he still felt a little nostalgic.

Right now, this scene really feels like I haven't seen it for a long time.

Yu Erzhong who acts as a waiter;

Da Ao with a few younger brothers to maintain order;

Take the younger brother and occupy the high chairs in front of the bar, so that no one will disturb Uzuki's Griffin;

And Takahashi-san, who everyone likes to liven up the atmosphere in the tavern...

Old faces that are familiar and haven't seen for a while are scattered all over the tavern.

The new guests who came during their absence, in front of these old faces, completely lost their arrogance in the past, and huddled in every corner like quails, drinking quietly.

And in the center of the tavern, the table that had been vacant finally welcomed its owner Nishijinori.

However, in addition to Nishijin Ori, there are two men in their 30s, one fat and one thin, who are all tied up there, and the whole body reveals the Reiatsu of the vice-captain level. At this time, they are looking at Duan Mu with scrutiny and resentment.

The condition of the two is extremely miserable, their clothes are tattered, and their bodies are covered with new or old scars; from Duan Mu's point of view, some of these scars were left a few months ago, and some were left recently...

Obviously, before coming here, the two should have suffered for a long time.

The great villain of the North?

Duan Mu shifted his gaze to Nishijin Ori who was sitting there drinking.

After nearly half a year of fighting, the spiritual pressure around him has become stronger and stronger. If we say that Nishijinori's spiritual pressure was around [-] six months ago, now his spiritual pressure has reached the same level as Duan Mu's. the point.

And when Duan Mu looked at Nishijinori, Nishijinori was also looking at Duan Mu.


After watching for a while, Ori Nishijin smacked his lips, turned his head and took a sip of wine.

This monster~! !

When he first met Duan Mu, this guy couldn't even bear his own spiritual pressure, but it didn't take long before he defeated Yuan Neicang. Although the strength of spiritual pressure was not as strong as his own, his fighting ability was so strong that he couldn't match it at all the point.

Originally, he thought that by constantly fighting against the four great villains in the north in the past six months, he might be able to open up a gap with Duan Mu... Yes, it was 'maybe' rather than 'should', because Duan Mu's growth rate was too fast. It's amazing, even Nishijinori feels that his progress in the past six months has exceeded the progress of more than ten years.

But he still didn't have a clue in his heart, and it was the same in fact. In just half a year, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure had surpassed his own.

And after Nishijinzhi came back, he found out that Duan Mu actually had a fight with Saraki during his absence.

Just thinking about it...

"Gudong Gudong~~"

Nishijin Ori seemed to be venting, drinking the wine that Yu Erzhong kept passing, one pot after another.

This guy is really talented.

Duan Mu looked at Nishijinori who was drunk and nodded, then turned to Yu Erzhong and the others.

Although the progress is not as great as that of the Nishijin weaving, there is still a lot of progress.

Yu Erzhong's spiritual pressure has become much stronger than half a year ago. Although it has not reached the strength of the vice-captain, the spiritual pressure is already stronger than most of the senior officers of the [-]th Guarding Team.

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