On the other hand, Ou's Reiatsu has grown to a level similar to that of Daimaru. As the first opponent who almost killed him, Duan Mu has not forgotten Daimaru so far; Instantly ended Daimaru's life.

Because unlike Daimaru who has a high-ranking officer's Reiatsu, but doesn't know how to use it, and his actual combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a low-level officer, Ooku's white fighting was taught by Duan Mu himself.

For their progress, Duan Muting is happy for them, but...


Listening to the head-scratching noise in the tavern, blue veins popped up on Duan Mu's forehead.

He was obviously a little happy when he first saw these people, but in just half a minute, Duan Mu already had the urge to make this group of people disappear! !

"Hey, it's really lively here today."

As the door of the tavern was pushed open, Madarame Kazukaku and Ayase Chuan walked in, but unlike Madarame's excitement after seeing the situation inside the tavern, Ayase Chuan walked out without hesitation after entering the door. And slammed the door shut.

"Come, come, fight!"

At the corner of Madarame, there was a smirk, and he glanced at the villains in the tavern with his Zanpakuto in his hand: "I'll let you go together."

As soon as this remark came out, those villains who had just returned from victory and were full of self-confidence immediately exploded, and rushed to the backyard with weapons.

"..." Duan Mu.

Well, it's getting more and more lively.

Ignoring the corner of Madarame who ran to the backyard and kept shouting, Duan Mu rubbed his aching head and came to the bar.

Uzuki looked at the irritable Duan Mu, and joked: "Do you think this scene is very memorable?"

"Well, I miss them so much that I wish I could kill them."

Uzuki smiled when he heard the words, and brought out a bowl of ramen from under the bar, which was more like 'noodle soup' than 'noodles', and handed it to Duan Mu.

Unlike Nishijinori and others, her cooking level has not improved at all.

However, with the improvement of living standards, the original muddy soup ramen has become a beef-filled ramen... Although after Uzuki processing, the thick beef slices are miraculously mixed with the 'noodles' called noodles. , The color and taste are very strange.

The corners of Gansu's eyes twitched as he watched from the sidelines. No matter how many times he watched it, he admired Duan Mu's ability to eat the noodles cooked by Uzuki.

"Second Brother Duan, sit here with me." Hawke said as he moved away from the high chair in front of the bar.

"Don't call me Brother Duan!!"

Duan Mu replied habitually, then shook his head and said, "Sit down, I'll eat over there." After saying that, he carried the noodles and walked towards Nishijinzhi's table.

In the entire tavern, it was relatively quiet there.


The two villains, one fat and one thin, had been staring at him for a long time, Duan Mu thought it would be better to go over and say hello.

However, before taking two steps, his thigh was hugged by someone.

"Ahhhhh~ Ikumi...Xiaoxin...I miss you so much."

Seeing Eel Yaoori who hugged his calf and kept rubbing his face back and forth on it, Duan Mu's mouth twitched: "How did he drink like this?"

"Ask Dao."

Ganjiu chuckled: "When the boy heard that Wanshiwu had a new employee, he said that as colleagues, we must drink together...and that's it."

Hearing this, Duan Mu's face darkened, and he looked at Da Ao.

It was discovered that Da Ao, who was still extremely energetic before, was lying on the ground like a dead body, motionless!

Duan Mu rubbed his head, kicked the eel house tail weaving that was getting higher and higher, and stretched out his hand to lift a villain from his side, and said with a gloomy expression: "Throw this thing to me upstairs to the Wanshi room."

"……Yes Yes……"

The villain who was held by Duan Mu hurriedly nodded.

"Don't stop the two of you."

Looking at Eel House Oori who was being carried away, Duan Mu said to Ganjiu and Uzuki: "If you get him drunk, what should we do at Wanshiwu?"

"Let's hold a celebration banquet for Sister Yu and the others today, let him have a good rest." Uzuki said, jokingly said: "I didn't know who it was at the beginning, and I didn't want to let them stay, so I only passed two Yue, can't we do without him?"


"Besides, Zhi Zhi hasn't had a day off at the end of these two months, so I just took this opportunity to give him a good day off."

"I haven't taken a break, and I basically did all the commissions."

Uzuki said angrily: "Do you think that everyone is like you, who feels uncomfortable if they don't work for a day?"

"..." Duan Mu.

Why do these words sound so awkward? I seem to be a workaholic.

However, as Uzuki said, it's time for Eel Yaoori to rest.

He gave Duan Mu the feeling that he was using work to numb himself, so that he would not think about it, and would not miss his wife and children.

But that's normal for him.

Because as far as Duan Mu knew, just a few days after the birth of Eel Yaoori's child, he, a father, came to the world of corpses and souls, and felt extremely guilty for both his wife and the child.

to this end……

Duan Mu comforted him many times, after all, it is not easy to find someone who is so good at dealing with things in Wanshiwu.

In order to relieve his pressure, Duan Mu not only changed the unused room in Wanshiwu into a bedroom for him, but also offered him a very high salary, and promised that as long as his wife died, he would help him take over his wife...

Although this promise made Eel Yaoori feel extremely complicated.

Personally, Duan Mu really hoped that his wife would come down early, and then come to work together in his Wanshiwu, which happened to be symmetrical with the Seilingting branch, with a combination of a man and a woman.

Sitting next to Nishijinori with his face in his face, Duan Mu looked at the two villains while drinking the noodles.

And the two big villains were also looking at Duan Mu, their eyes filled with resentment and murderous intent, but the next second it turned into horror.

"Why not just kill it?"

Duan Muxu narrowed his eyes and said: "Why do you bring these two things back? It's troublesome. You can deal with it yourself, and then let someone bury it in the backyard."

"..." Two big villains.

"Yu proposed."

Nishijinori's reply was as concise as ever.


Yu Erzhong stood behind Nishijinori, with a bold smile on his face: "I suggested that the boss keep the two of them. First, because the boss thinks that killing the villain is no longer a challenge, so I suggested that he should be captured instead of killed." Second, I think you have more and more customers here, so it would be good to keep two big villains to help Uzuki with some errands."

"If you think they are not pleasing to the eye, then I will mention the backyard and kill them. When we go to the east after a while, we will catch the one you like."

"..." Duan Mu.

Is this bitch getting more and more tiger?

The two big villains, one fat and one thin, turned pale when they heard this.

Before being brought here, they had already heard about Duan Mu from those villains, and they always thought that he was such a terrifying and powerful guy.

But I, let them down.

With a kind face and a gentle temperament, they looked like good old men who were disgusting and easy to bully, which made them even more reluctant to surrender.

But Duan Mu's words made the two of them realize...

This guy only looks like a human being, but he is completely in the same category as them.

"Then kill and bury him."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he stopped looking at the two of them, and instead said: "It's rare to come back, so just relax, I will clear all the accumulated orders today, buy more meat and come back, and then I will hold a celebration banquet for you all. It's free."

"Long live Boss Duan Mu!!"


As soon as this remark came out, there was cheers in the tavern.

While everyone was cheering, the two villains couldn't be happy at all.

"Miss Yu Er, let me handle them!"

"Go, go, you took care of it last time, I'll do it this time."

"The last time, it was half a year ago, and how do those little guys compare with the big villains."

"I think before deciding who will come, you should consider where to bury it? I remember that the last time the backyard had already buried a corpse?"

"You are stupid, half a year has passed, and those corpses have long since dissipated into spirit particles, contributing to the killers in Seilingting."

"Ah, yes."


Seeing the crowd of villains vying for the right to dispose of the two, the two big villains couldn't help swallowing, and after looking at each other, they said in unison: "Wait! Boss Duan Mu, we have admired you for a long time, and we have always respected you." I look forward to joining your team!!"

"You guys are really cruel." A corner of Madara came over at some point.

"Stop pretending to be a good person, as if you weren't a bad person before."

Duan Mu looked at the backyard while talking, and sure enough, those who challenged the corner were already lying outside: "By the way, is the third seat of the [-]th team so free? Tavern, hit my customer!"

"What is leisure, I am at work!"

Madarame smiled proudly: "Don't forget, Liuhun Street is in charge of our eleventh team."


Duan Mu let out a heck, then pointed at Maoyue, and said to the two wicked people:

"It's up to her whether to keep you or not."


Chapter 127 New Commission from the Golden Seal Society

the next day.

Duan Mu became leisurely for a long time... No, it's not so much leisure as calm.

Working between Liuhun Street and Seireitei, practicing at the Dakonghe Martial Arts Field, and treating illnesses and saving lives in the comprehensive ambulance center, these are basically Duan Mu's current living conditions.

In his free time, he would spare time to teach Yu Erzhong and others skills such as slashing fists and ghost walking, or recruit some students from the Zhenyang Lingshu Academy. However, as the old batch of students who knew Duan Mu graduated, the new batch Because the students don't know the business of Master House, there are only a few students who come to him to study.

Although the peaceful and waveless life is a bit boring, Duanmu will not feel too boring at work.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu a little depressed is...

The experience points gained are really too little.

He can only be active on the periphery of Seireitei, except for the second and fourth teams, he has no chance to gain experience points from other people, especially those senior officers and vice-captains, who spend shopping Most of them will only go to Noble Street, not Commercial Street.

This also caused Duan Mu to meet those powerful women except when he was at the gathering of the Women's Death Association.


During this period, the members of the association are in a state of attrition.

It is said that Nie Yinmeng is researching something with the captain of the [-]th Division, and has never come to the association.

In addition, due to the appearance of Ginjo Kugo, the fifth team received an order. In order to ensure that they can go to the real world immediately after receiving a call for help, the captain and vice-captain must remain on standby, so Chisen Tao also missed the monthly meeting. regular meeting.

In addition to the two of them, also absent are Yuyin's younger sister, Kotoru Qingyin, and captain Suifeng.

The reason for Huche Qingyin's absence is very simple. Her captain has been on the street again and again. It is said that he fell ill because he stayed up late writing "Pisces' Rejection". Huche Qingyin has been taking care of the captain in the team.

Duan Mu has been in Seireitei for nearly two years, and he has never seen this frail Captain of the Thirteenth Division.

Every time he hears about him, the label basically suffers from occasional colds, is seriously ill, is in a deep coma, has a persistent high fever, and keeps coughing up blood... To be able to live with such a body until now, in a way, it is considered fate.

Broken Bee didn't know what she was busy with, but if there were no accidents, the reason for her absence should be similar to that of Chisentao.

Because since the battle between Duan Mu and Ginjo Kugo, the supervisory team has started working in three shifts, cooperating with the Technology Development Bureau, and monitoring and dispatching the living god of death 24 hours a day. Duan Mu complained that he wanted Duan Mu to ask Sui Feng to reduce the work intensity of the supervision team.


In recent months, Duan Mu has not even seen the Beebreaker a few times, let alone asked to reduce the intensity of his work.

What's more, if the hard work of the supervision team can increase Suifeng's favorability towards him, Duan Mu doesn't mind acting as a dog's leg at all, and personally supervises the work of the supervision team members to prevent them from sneaking fish.

The rest of the people were not absent, but it was a bit difficult to increase their favorability.

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