As the vice president of the Female Bleach Association, Ise Nanao, according to Matsumoto Rangiku's evaluation, is too rigid, and as the only person in the Female Bleach Association who is really fulfilling the obligations of the association, she is special in every routine meeting. Serious, discussing how to improve the status of female death.

As for the others...

Although there is participation, it is more for relaxing and having fun in the association, and does not care much about improving the status of female death.

After all, the Guarding Team Thirteen is a place where the strong are respected. As long as they are strong enough, both men and women can sit in high positions. It is said that it is to improve the status of women... In fact, most of the time it is just to make changes to the appearance of some new products, so that New products are more suitable for women.

Wherever new products are developed, whether it is the Technology Development Bureau or the manufacturers selling new products in Seireitei, they will humbly accept the request of the Women's Death Association.


After making changes in accordance with the requirements of the Female Death God Association, the sales of new products among the Female Death Gods will immediately skyrocket, allowing them to make a lot of money.

From this point of view, it is true that the matters decided by the association are more influential than Mao Room 46.

Closer to home.

Business matters are discussed at the meeting, but there is no way to contact them in private.

After a few months, Ise Nanao's favorability towards Duan Mu only increased by 8 points, reaching 9 points of favorability. These 8 points are the result of Duan Mu actively putting forward suitable suggestions and helping her prepare meeting materials.

Secretary of the Vice President.

This is Duan Mu's current position in the Women's Death Association.

Matsumoto Rangiku's favorability increased by 10 points, reaching 26 favorability points.

Huche Yongyin increased by 1 point, reaching 52 points, directly contributing 5120 experience points to Duan Mu.

During these days, Duan Mu often observes Hui Meili's reaction when he sees him. Although the feeling of getting along with him is slightly different from before, it is not too intimate. Instead, it gives Duan Mu a feeling that he does not want to be alone with him , or even avoid it.

If the love value of 69 points is just like this, then in Duan Mu's opinion, breaking through 60 points should not be a problem.

So Duan Mu is going to try it with Yongyin first, and try to increase her favorability to 60 points. Once Yongyin's favorability to him reaches 60 points, each point of favorability of 5120 experience points will be directly multiplied by By ten times, Duan Mu can gain up to [-] experience points.

However, to be on the safe side, Duan Mu plans to only raise to 60 points, and then stop improving, or find a way instead of becoming a family member like Uzuki and Sister Konghe.


The idea is beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Because after reaching 50 points of favorability, it is very difficult to increase it by 1 point; if there are no major fluctuations, it is difficult to continue to improve.

And Yaqianliu's favorability is the same, the favorability can no longer be improved simply by feeding, her favorability with Duan Mu has always been at the level of 39.

If you want to improve, Duan Mu will probably need to fight Zaraki Kenpachi again.


As for Saraki Kenpachi, Duan Mu hid as far away as possible, as long as he felt his spiritual pressure, he immediately hid the spiritual pressure and left, anyway, he tried not to meet him as much as possible.

In the end, Rukia, on the contrary, was the one who increased her favorability the most, from the original 11 points to 35 points in a few months. As for the way to increase her favorability, it is even more simple... as long as you come to the association every time , just tell her about Renji's recent situation.

Current experience value: 68000.54 points.

Lying on the recliner outside the second floor of Wanshiwu, Duan Mu looked at the favorability interface with a dull face.

Excluding the original 2, the members of the Female Death Association provided him with more than [-] experience points; and the addition of those other people only provided Duan Mu with about [-] experience points.

However, it's no wonder...

The highest combat power among the female gods of death, except for those who were absent, are all in the association of female gods of death.

And those ordinary players can only rely on numbers to win.

But Duan Mu was really at a loss for resources, so he wrote a book titled "Duan Mu's Ghost Dao Experience" and sent it to the libraries of Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute and various teams, but many people who read the book were curious. Those who don't increase their favorability will only have one or two points.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a picture of myself on the first page of the book?"

Duan Mu murmured, and then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, giving up this idea. He felt an inexplicable sense of fear for the word 'photo'.

Because even after more than half a year, he still received 0.01 experience points from this world from time to time...

And every time he sees these experience points, Duan Mu can't wait to go to the present world to find Yincheng Kongwu and kill him.

500 million! !

His 500 million sets of clothes were directly damaged in World War I, and Kisuke Urahara, a profiteer, still has the face to say that the clothes are very wearable.

Of course, it's just a thought.

Without the consultation from Jin Yin, it is basically impossible for Duan Mu to go to this world.

Eel Yaoori walked out of the Master Room, smiled at Duan Mu and said, "Boss Duan Mu, you really are a veritable workaholic."


"You are almost writing the word 'boring' on your face now."


Duan Mu moved a bit, making the reclining chair behind him sway: "Maybe."

Although he didn't want to admit it, his body let Duan Mu understand it honestly.

Compared to such peaceful days, he prefers exciting battles, especially those where the enemy is far stronger than himself, and he will die if he is not careful.

Even if Duan Mu clearly understood in his mind that he should avoid fighting and attracting attention.

But as long as he is free, he will relive the feeling he experienced in every battle.

Daimaru, Kosu, Gennaikura... Saraki Kenpachi, Ginjo Kugo.

Those battles that ended in an instant were basically forgotten by him after recalling them a few times after the battle, but those enemies that brought him a sense of life and death crisis, no matter how long it has been in the past, Duan Mu can clearly recall the feeling when fighting them, Even Daimaru is no exception.

Because what he wants to experience is not the strength of the opponent, but the comfort, excitement, madness...and the sense of danger of dying in his body, mind and soul when facing an opponent whose strength is far superior to his own.

Putting aside those battles that ended in an instant, in real life-and-death fights, Duan Mu can say that he loses more than he wins, and even if he wins, he wins by a narrow margin.

that feeling...

It really made him obsessed! !

However, his strength is now in a rather embarrassing situation, neither rising nor falling.

When confronting an opponent of the same level and slightly stronger than him, he will win in an instant, and he will not feel the sense of comfort at all; and for those powerful captains, even if he adds all the experience points to the spiritual pressure, it is just a beginner. Captain level, compared with them, there is not a small gap.

the most important is……

It is impossible for Duan Mu, who has strong restraint, to attack the captain in order to make himself comfortable.

The attack on Saraki Kenpachi was just an accident. After that, Duan Mu became timid when drinking, and never dared to let himself get drunk.

"Hiss, it's really cold."

With a gust of cold wind blowing, Eel Yaoori shivered: "Boss Duan Mu, you wear the same style of clothes all year round, don't you feel hot and cold?"

"I can feel it, but not strongly."

Duan Mu replied casually, and muttered: "In the blink of an eye, it's going to be winter again, why is there so little work every winter?"

That's all for West Ruukon Street, and there have been fewer commissions in Seireitei recently.

Duan Mu has thought about opening Wanshiwu to Liuhun Street in the south and north, but at Duan Mu's speed, if he wants to go back and forth, it will take at least three to five days even to go to the nearest area... From Baidaomen in the west to The Southern Black Ridge Gate will take nearly seven or eight days.

As for just opening a branch, and then let his people stay in the south and north to do it...

That would be putting the cart before the horse, because he cares more about the favorability of female customers than making money; and doing so will not keep him busy, and he will still be in the current boring state.


Eel Yaoori twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, glanced at the black high boots Duan Mu was wearing on his feet, and wanted to persuade Duan Mu to at least change into a pair of straw sandals in spring and summer, but he didn't know what to do when the words came to his mouth to say...

ding ding ding~~

At this moment, a piercing bell sounded from inside the house.

Hearing the ringtone, Duan Mu stood up immediately: "Look, who is calling!"

Eel Yaoori glanced at Duan Mu strangely, turned around and went into the room to pick up the magical command machine on the table, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the number on it.

"Did you call from the Seilingting Branch?" Duan Mu asked.


Unagi Oori shook his head and said, "It's Jin Yin who will call." After saying that, he answered the phone.

Golden Seal?

Duan Mu was slightly stunned, because he hadn't accepted the commission from the Golden Seal Society for a while.

Because the three of Feng Yuanyu almost died in this world last time, those noble young masters who were fearless did not feel anything, but the elders of their family paid great attention to them, and took a close look at their younger generation who liked to run around. Don't give them a chance to run around at all.

As for general noble affairs, Jinyinhui can solve them by itself, and there is no need to entrust the master house.

This account must also be settled on the head of Ginjo Kugo!

I hope it's a big business. If he continues to be idle like this, he will really get rusty.

Duan Mu recently, under the constant persuasion of Yaqianliu, even had the idea of ​​calling Saraki Kenpachi to fight in order to increase Yaqianliu's favorability, but of course Duan Mu forcefully suppressed him in the end.

Fighting with that guy, he will most likely become stronger in the battle, and then hack himself to death with a miss...

If they were all hacked to death, he would rather go to fight with Captain Unohana. If he survived by luck, he would also be able to increase his favorability.


Captain Unohana got excited, he was much more terrifying than Saraki Kenpachi. The reason why the areas with lower numbers firmly believed that the Goutei [-]th Squad was a killer organization was that Unohana Retsu took nearly half of the responsibility alone and fought with her ...the death rate is infinitely close to [-]%.


Unaware of what he heard, Unagi Oori's expression changed: "I'm sorry, but for this commission, I need to ask Boss Duan Mu for his opinion first."

"What commission?"

Seeing Eel Yaoori's reaction, Duan Mu's eyes lit up.

"It's for you..."

Seeing Duan Mu's reaction, Unagi Oori saw a flash of hesitation in his eyes, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"A commission to go to the virtual circle."


Chapter 128 Arrival

Seireitei, branch of Manshiwu.

"...The content of the entrustment is roughly these."

After the president of Qichuan Academy finished speaking, he looked at Duan Mu who was thinking in thought, and continued: "If it's difficult, I'll help you refuse."

What he said was not for the occasion, nor was it a retreat to advance, but that he really didn't want Duan Mu to go to the virtual circle.

Because it is different from the present world, the virtual circle is full of too many uncertainties, if you are not careful, you will be left there forever. If you encounter any danger, it is basically impossible for the soul world to go to support.

Of course, he was not worried about Duan Mu's safety.

Instead, he was worried that his son in this world would be in danger during Duan Mu's trip to the virtual circle.

After more than half a year of cooperation, he understood that what Vice Captain Omaeda told him back then was not a lie. The young man in front of him who was not a god of death was indeed extremely powerful, and he was the honorary captain who monitored all the supervision teams that dispatched gods of death.

With him here, the safety of his son can be guaranteed.


Duan Mu is really easy to use! !

Although the number of cooperations is limited, no matter how difficult or dangerous the commission is, Duan Mu can easily complete it; even many accumulated commissions issued to Hidden Maneuvers for many years have been solved one by one by him, making the always picky Selingting nobleman, Praise to the boss of Master House.

Duan Mu didn't speak, but just looked at the information compiled by Xing Kui in his hand, and asked after a while: "That is to say, two members of the middle-level noble Fujiwara family, when they were playing in the present world of Kagino City, came across Kagino City sending the God of Death and Fighting with Xu, staying on the sidelines and watching, but when Xu escaped, he was accidentally involved in Xu's cavity?"


Xi Chuanyuan nodded, and sighed softly: "According to Kagamino City's dispatch god of death, the Fujiwara brothers and sisters did not leave despite his repeated warnings, which eventually led to the incident. I have already learned from the Technology Development Bureau Confirmed."

"At the time of the incident, the opening of the virtual cavity was indeed captured, and then the god of death dispatched by Kagano City was notified; when the virtual cavity escaped, the fluctuation of opening the virtual cavity was also captured by the Technology Development Bureau. Through technical means, the approximate scope of the exit has been determined .”

"If you want to accept it, I will ask the Technology Development Bureau to synchronize the approximate range to your command god machine."

Duan Mu nodded, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This event report compiled by Xing Zhikui is extremely detailed. Since Xing Zhikui has always been responsible for receiving nobles, Xing Zhikui knows the members of the various noble families very well. In addition to the information provided by the Fujiwara family, there is also Xing Zhikui himself. evaluation of the two.

There are two brothers and sisters in the Fujiwara family, the elder brother is named Fujiwara Hisashi, and the younger sister is named Fujiwara Rei.

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