Both of them went to the present world after obtaining the family's permission. The reason was that Fujiwara Jiu wanted to celebrate his younger sister's birthday in the present world; Just a few hours after arriving in this world, a person encounters an accident.

The incident passed, and there was no problem.

After cooperating with the Golden Seal Society, Duan Mu knew exactly how free these 'noble members' were. It is actually very common among nobles to spend a lot of money to celebrate their birthdays in this world; It was to go to the present world to find someone, and the reason for that noble member to secretly go to the present world was just... to try the ice cream of the present world.

But Duan Mu didn't look at the information provided by the Fujiwara family. What he had been looking at just now was...

Xing Yankui's evaluation of the two.

According to Xing Yankui, she has known the two brothers and sisters Fujiwara Hisashi and Fujiwara Rei since she was a child, and they are very familiar with them; although these two people have good spiritual power talent, both elder brother and younger sister tend to be cowardly in character, so He didn't choose to be a god of death.

If Xing Kui's description of the two is true, would the two cowardly people really watch the battle between the god of death and Xu out of curiosity?

Xing Kui was obviously puzzled by this point, otherwise he would not have recorded the personalities of the two in detail in the incident report, and written these in a conspicuous place, as if he was afraid of being ignored by Duan Mu.

After pondering for a moment, Duan Mu asked, "President Xi Chuanyuan, did the Fujiwara family suggest you come to me?"

"It's not."

The president of Xi Chuanyuan shook his head: "The Fujiwara family hoped that we could use the secret order of room 46 to send the secret maneuver to the virtual circle to search; but before the news was conveyed to the secret maneuver, it was rejected by room 46, saying it was a secret Mobility has more important things to do now, and we can't lose the big because of small things."

"Finally, after deliberation by a member of the House of Representatives, it was decided to let you try it."

Duan Mu laughed when he heard the words, co-authoring me is the second choice?

However, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Because, except for the noble families who have entrusted Duan Mu before, they will regard Duan Mu as their first choice, other nobles will entrust Duan Mu, basically because they have no other choice, they entrust with the idea of ​​letting Duan Mu try. .

From the nobleman's point of view, compared to Duan Mu alone, it is obvious that the chances of finding it will be higher if the secret mobile team is dispatched to the virtual circle to search for it.

"Don't the two of you carry a positioning tool such as a magic machine?" Duan Mu asked again.

"I carry it."

President Qi Chuanyuan shook his head: "But the signal disappeared after they entered the virtual cavity. If the command magic machine is intact after entering the virtual circle, the position of their command magic machine will also be synchronized with your command magic machine."


Duan Mu nodded and did not continue to ask questions, but went through the incident report and the information provided by Xing Kui from beginning to end.

Apart from the fact that the two chose to watch and send the God of Reaper to fight Xu, there was nothing strange about it.

And this point is only Xing Kui's speculation, even she herself is hard to be sure.

Duan Mu, who has never met the Fujiwara brothers and sisters, is even more impossible to speculate on the psychology of the Fujiwara brothers and sisters based on Xing Yankui's evaluation.

As for whether someone wants to use this pair of brothers and sisters to lure him into the virtual circle, Duan Mu has not never thought about it, but the possibility of this is extremely slim.

Because the Fujiwara family originally wanted to ask the secret maneuver to go to the rescue, not themselves.

However, Room 46 rejected the request from the Golden Seal Association on the grounds that the secret maneuver had a more important task. This was very normal in Duan Mu's view, because as a temporary worker of the secret maneuver, he knew exactly what the secret maneuver was busy with right now. It is true that there is no time to control the life and death of the two noble members.

As for whether Room 46 is under control or completely slaughtered, this is impossible at this stage.

The reason is very simple, because the guy who makes Duan Mu fear the most is not ready yet, and he has not found what Urahara Kisuke hid.

Although he had entanglements with him, from the beginning to the end, he didn't show any signs of discovering anything, so Duan Mu didn't think that the other party would start planning for him in advance.

And the most important point, even if that person wants to deal with him, he will not lead him into the virtual circle.

To sum up, even if someone really wants to lure him to the virtual circle, that person is absolutely impossible to be Aizen.

Of course, it's more likely that...

I think too much.

Judging from the existing information, this is just a very common tracing entrustment, but the search is a little different.

If Xing Kui didn't write a description of the two of them on his own initiative, Duan Mu would not have thought about it for so long, but would have accepted this commission without hesitation.

"This commission..."

Thinking of this, Duan Mu nodded and said, "I'll take it."

After thinking about it, Duan Mu finally decided to accept this commission, because if he missed this opportunity, it would be almost impossible for him to find another opportunity to go to the virtual circle.


Now that he had made up his mind, Duan Mu didn't hesitate much, but went directly with Xichuanyuan to the world-transmitting gate of the Golden Seal Society.

Unlike going to the present world, going to the virtual circle does not require spiritual pressure restrictions, and there is no need to leave a tracking mark on Duan Mu.

After all, the virtual circle is not a good place. Anyone with a normal mind would not choose to stay in the virtual circle.

What's more, even if Duan Mu's brain really has a problem and he wants to stay in the virtual circle, that doesn't matter to the soul world. It's better to say that he is such an unstable factor, staying in the virtual circle will make Room 46 happy.


Standing in front of the world-transmitting gate of the Golden Seal Society, Duan Mu asked with some doubts: "Isn't this the world-transmitting gate to the present world?"


Xi Chuanyuan nodded: "Going to the black cavity of the virtual circle, even the technology development bureau needs a long time to prepare, but the Fujiwara brothers and sisters in the virtual circle can't wait that long; so in the technology Under the suggestion of the Development Bureau, you need to go to the present world first, and then enter the void cavity before the void cavity closes when the void comes to the present world, so as to go to the void circle."

"The place where the portal will appear is determined by the Technology Development Bureau, and the Technology Development Bureau can predict the location of the virtual appearance in advance, so there is still plenty of time."

After Xi Chuanyuan finished speaking, before Duan Mu asked, he said, "Of course, you don't have to worry about not being able to come back. The structure of the black chamber will take at least two days. After two days, the black chamber will be erected directly based on the signal of your command god machine." , bring you and those two back."

"But because it is a temporary black cavity, the effect is not stable, and the duration is extremely short; that is to say, after two days, no matter whether you find them or not, you must return to the soul world from the black cavity immediately, otherwise you can only go to the same place , go to the present world with Xu, and then contact the Soul Realm to open the world-transmitting gate."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words. Although he has traveled from the world of corpses and souls to the present world many times, this is the first time he has traveled from the world of corpses and souls to the virtual circle.

And judging from his memory, it seems that the current corpse soul world does not have a direct passage to the virtual circle. In the future, the captain of the twelfth division team will make the battle with the virtual circle, and it will be done in a very short period of time. The production was completed within a short period of time. According to me, it is semi-permanent and the effect is extremely stable.

But it is basically impossible for that person to serve the nobles and maintain a black accent.

The temporary black accent that Qi Chuanyuan said should be the work of a member of the Technology Development Bureau.

After asking some more details, Duan Mu stood in front of the crossing gate and waited for the signal from the Technology Development Bureau. After about 5 minutes, the command machine in his arms, which was enhanced by the Technology Development Bureau, suddenly rang.


Accompanied by a rush of sirens, Duan Mu led the hell butterfly and rushed into the world-transmitting gate without hesitation.


Meanwhile, the Koyayo family.

"Have you left?"

In the dark room, there was a murmur of soliloquy.

In the corner of the dark room, a young man in a white robe asked in a puzzled tone: "Master Shitan, can you tell me why you did this?"

"Because it's fun."


"I observed the subordinates of the manifester in this world, and some interesting information was sent to me."

The man named Shi Tan chuckled and didn't explain in detail, but stood up and said, "Come with me to the video hall in room 46, and you'll know why, I hope you can get some new inspiration from it. "

When the young man in the white robe heard the words, doubts flashed in his eyes, but he still responded respectfully:



In the night sky a hundred meters above the ground, a torn gap gradually healed like a wound.

From the original size of tens of meters, it has been reduced to only a few meters. At the moment when the crack is about to disappear, a figure rushes out of it with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Almost the moment the figure rushed out of the crack, the crack healed completely, and there was no trace of a dark passage here before.


Duan Mu fell to the ground, his face darkened slightly: "Is this easy??"

If it wasn't for his fast enough speed, he might have been locked in the empty cavity before.

However, now is obviously not the best time to complain about the Technology Development Bureau.

Because the moment he came here, Duan Mu felt an unknown amount of emptiness filling his surroundings, as if vultures who smelled carrion were gathering towards Duan Mu's place.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu restrained his breath and habitually observed the environment he was in.

Looking around, everything as far as the eye can see is a grayish white.

Unlike the Soul Realm and the real world, there are no streets, buildings, or city-like areas in the imaginary circle, but only barren ground like a white desert and dead trees made of quartz.

Duan Mu looked up at the sky, where there was a huge full moon.

According to the information he collected when he came, there is no difference between day and night in the virtual circle, but always night.

"The concentration of spirit particles is really frighteningly high."

Originally, Duan Mu thought that the concentration of spirit particles in Seireitei was already extremely high, but when he came to the virtual circle, Duan Mu found that the concentration of spirit particles in the virtual circle was much higher than that in Seireitei. Every move can make Duan Mu feel an inexplicable stickiness.

Duan Mu didn't stay in place for long, after confirming the environment he was in, Duan Mu chose a direction and galloped out.

It's not that they found the traces of the two Fujiwara brothers and sisters, but that the previous movement has attracted many Xuqian to check. Duan Mu didn't want to start a battle rashly before he found out whether there was a Xuqian stronger than himself in this area, so as not to Attract the attention of some powerful beings in the virtual circle.

Now, what he had to do was not to look for those two, but to ensure his own safety first.


Start your own experiments.

This is also Duan Mu's real purpose in coming to Xuquan.

In comparison, whether those two little ghosts die is not important to Duan Mu. The reason why he is so eager to come to the virtual circle is because he wants to try...

The female Xu, if she has a good impression of herself, can she gain experience points?


Duan Mu's face is a little weird, let's put aside how to tell Xu's male and female apart, what should I do to make friends with Xu?

Beat him to death first, and then let him go?

Or grab a virtual belt with you?

Duan Mu shook his head.

Let's do some commissioning and do research at the same time.

Anyway, plenty of time.


Chapter 129 Duan Mu’s Research


The screeching sound was deafening, and a monster standing upright, several meters tall, with a bone mask on its face, swooped forward fiercely. The moment it bit the prey's neck, its body turned, and it directly threw the virtual monster in front of it that looked similar to it. Shake it up.


Painful screams continued to come from the bitten mouth, and the huge body rolled wildly, stirring up white sand all over the sky.

But no matter how much it struggles, the upright Xu, its mouth remains motionless like iron clamps.

As time passed, Xu who was attacked gradually stopped struggling, and finally even the spiritual pressure around his body gradually disappeared.


Strictly speaking, it is not disappearing, but being gradually swallowed.

The humanoid stared at the prey in front of him, opened his mouth on the bone surface, and bit on the bone surface of the prey with one bite, and there was a faint emotional fluctuation in those emotionless pupils.

But the next second...

The world in its eyes was suddenly turned upside down, causing a flash of confusion in its eyes. It didn't realize what had happened until it saw the headless corpse on the ground.

Behind the headless corpse, there appeared at some point a ghost that was also humanoid but had a pair of front claws like a mantis sickle.

Before it could look at it in more detail, its head fell into the bloody mouth of the sickle's front paw.

Mantis Xu let out a pleasant laugh, and before the laughter stopped, a larger figure appeared behind it, directly devouring Mantis Xu's upper body in one gulp.

The Xu that appeared this time was an upright...sheep!

The upright figure looks like a human, but its physical features are more animal-like than the previous ones, which looks extremely strange.

And the expression on that bone is more humane than the previous three.

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