Duan Mu took out the magical command machine, clicked on the prompt, and a dark map appeared, but there were two signal sources on the edge of the map.

This is a function added by the Technology Development Bureau for him to command the magic machine before he came to the virtual circle. Within a certain range, the signal source of the Fujiwara brothers and sisters commanding the magic machine can be detected.

"Is it still alive?"

A flash of hesitation flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, he was a little hesitant to find the two of them to take with him, after all he still had a lot of things to do next.

But if he ordered the god machine to receive the signal source, the Technology Development Bureau would also get the same information.

It would be fine if I did my best but didn't save the two of them; but when I received the entrustment, I was completely unmoved after discovering the two of them. After returning, it was easy to be suspected that he came to the virtual circle for other purposes.

And most importantly...

After Duan Mu came to the virtual circle, he could always feel an inexplicable sense of peeping.

After hesitating for a while, Duan Mu finally went in the direction of the signal source.

No matter how advanced Xu's life form is, he doesn't intend to stay in Xu's circle at all, let alone become Xu's kind.

In the end, he will go back to the Soul Realm.


This is the world in which he exists, and it also belongs to him!


Chapter 1 Shut up

virtual circle.

This is a world made entirely of white sand like ashes, and there is no conventional division of streets, cities, etc., but I don’t know when, the virtual circle is centered on a building, and is divided into an outer circle and an inner circle. .

The inner circle, as the name suggests, is where the building named 'Xuye Palace' is located.

As long as you are in the inner circle, no matter which direction you look from, you can clearly see the... the only and extremely majestic Xuye Palace. low building.

But I don't know when, the low building has become like a mountain. The farther you stand, the more you can feel the majesty of the building, as if it is close in front of you.

Even standing on the outer circle close to the inner circle, one can faintly see the Xuye Palace.

But if someone wants to go to Xuye Palace from the outer circle, they will find that the clearly visible building is so far away, and they will experience the magnificence of this building when they come closer.

Most of the Hollows who can enter the Hollow Palace are Arrancars, extremely powerful Arrancars.

And on top of these broken faces, there are ten outstanding fighters with superior killing ability, who are honored as...

— Ten blades!


"...Master Tiruti, according to the report sent back, it has been confirmed that there is a god of death invading the virtual circle. The intruders are a man and a woman. Both of them are extremely weak. At this time, they are in the area between the inner circle and the outer circle. .”

In a spacious room in Xuye Palace, a tall woman with a mask on her face knelt in front of the big bed, and said in a respectful tone: "It is said that the 9th Ten Blades—Yaronilo Eluluye Li, has gone to investigate."


On the big bed surrounded by tulle, a female voice with a bit of disdain came from the tone. Along with the voice, a figure sat up from the big bed.

"That guy really likes the god of death." During the words, a pair of white and petite feet protruded from the tulle.

The woman kneeling in front of the big bed saw the situation, immediately took the suspenders from one side, put them on carefully, and then put on the shoes.


With the sound of crisp heels, the figure behind the tulle got off the bed. This is a petite girl with excellent figure and appearance.

The girl has purple wavy braids, teardrop-shaped marks on her face, and deep purple lips. She looks about 16 or 7 years old in appearance, with a small piece of broken face like a hair ornament on her left forehead.

If you just look at the appearance, it is no different from a human being from head to toe. No one would have guessed that this girl who looks like a human high school student is actually...

Ten Blades!

NO·5——Tiruti Sandavich!

Tiruti ignored the female face on the ground, but looked into the distance from the window.

Every time she wakes up from sleep, she will stand here and look into the distance, not because of how beautiful the scenery is, after all, there is no beautiful scenery in the virtual circle, the reason why she likes to stand here is just to remind herself, Don't forget why you can stand here!

The Ten Blades may seem powerful, but in fact, members of the Ten Blades have been eliminated several times since their birth.

Among those eliminated, some have already died, while some have become three-digit losers.


Dorudoni Alexandra del Sokaccio, who was once one of the first batch of Ten Blades with himself, was originally No. The broken face of the number.

Not only him, but the first batch of Ten Blades is running out, and the Pomian that replaced them is extremely powerful.

Just the thought of...

One day, she will be like Doludoni, and she is not qualified to stand here and look at the boring scenery, so she feels a kind of sincere fear.

And she can faintly feel that that day is not far away, because the new ten blades have become stronger and stronger, even to the point that she can't understand.

Leaving other people aside, Nelliel du Odeshovank, who took over the No. 3 position of Dorudoni, is so powerful that she already has a feeling that she dare not approach.

However, his character is extremely weak. He obviously possesses incomparably strong strength, but he allows No. 8 Neutra Gilga, who is weaker than him, to offend him repeatedly without punishing him, and finally ends up missing.

Although he has not deliberately investigated it, the reason for his disappearance is definitely inseparable from Neutra.

For her, Tiruti has no mercy, only contempt for her weak character, even though she knows very well that she is not Nilu's opponent.

Because the battle must be won, there is never a loser who can be forgiven.



Tiruti smiled self-deprecatingly, what right did he have to despise her?

Now the first batch of ten blades, only No. 5 himself, No. 7 Gangtenbein Moskeda, and No. 9 Yaronilo Elu mentioned by the previous women's face Ruyelli.

Tiruti believed that his own fear was also the fear of the other two.

Otherwise, Yaronilo wouldn't have rushed to check upon hearing that the god of death had come to the virtual circle. He wanted to become stronger, strong enough to keep the title of Ten Blades.


Both himself and Gangten Byrne may be eliminated, but he is absolutely impossible to be eliminated. The reason is very simple, because the adult wants to keep him.

Due to the particularity of NO·10, NO·9 is actually the weakest existence among the ten blades.

But since the birth of the ten blades, no one has challenged Yaronilo. No matter how the ten blades are replaced, he still sits firmly in the No. 9 position with his weak strength.

Every time I think of this, Tiruti can't help feeling for him...


Just because of his special ability, he can be favored by that adult.

And no matter how hard I try to become stronger, I can only tremble in front of those incomprehensible new ten blades like an old antique that is about to be eliminated.

"...Lord Tiruti...Lord Tiruti..."

The subordinate officer's call brought Tiruti back to his senses, and he turned his head to look at his subordinate officer and said, "Since Aronilo has already gone to check, then I don't need to go any further. If there is nothing else, go down." .”

The female subordinate officer hesitated for a moment and then said: "...In addition to the two weak Shinigami, there is also an unknown true or false news. It is said that a Shinigami with extremely powerful spiritual pressure has also come to Hueco Mundo; but after the appearance of He disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his existence could not be detected no matter what method was used, so some people reported that it was just a false alarm from the detection instrument."

A powerful god of death?

As if thinking of something, Tiruti turned to the subordinate officer and asked, "Where did he first appear?"

"It's in the same area as the two gods of death who arrived first."


At the same time, between the inner ring and the outer ring.

Two figures in ragged clothes fled in a panic between the white sands with fear on their faces, and behind them were five roaring Xu Xu.

Without exception, these voids are all low-level voids that have just been born, without the slightest sense of reason at all, and act entirely on the instinct of devouring people with strong spiritual power.

"Hoo hoo~~"

The sound of rapid breathing continued to come from Fujiwara's mouth, dizziness, vertigo, and the consumption of physical strength and spiritual pressure had almost reached the limit.

But he didn't dare to stop, because once he stopped, not only would he be swallowed by the ghosts behind him, but even his younger sister Fujiwara Rei would end up in the same fate as him.

The spiritual pressure of the two of them is not weak, they both have the spiritual pressure between the guards of the thirteenth team and the low-level officials, otherwise they would not be able to survive until now.

Normally speaking, with the strength of the spiritual pressure of the two brothers and sisters, even if they can't kill the five ghosts at the same time, they are fully capable of restraining and defeating them one by one. Those villains are like those, fighting only with their own spiritual pressure.

This made Fujiwara extremely regretful. He once gave up the idea of ​​becoming a god of death because he was afraid of fighting Xu.

Otherwise, at least I can now have the power to protect my sister, instead of taking my sister to such a horrible place and fleeing in a hurry.

What the hell is this place! ?

Why no matter how you call, there is no death to rescue the two of you?

Even now, he doesn't know where he is.

The last memory of Fujiwara Hisahi and his sister was the back view of a woman with short blue hair and wearing a tight black coat, and then lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he and his sister appeared in this strange and desolate world.

"Hu~~Brother...brother...you go first..."

The exhausted voice of his sister behind him made Fujiwara realize that his sister had reached the limit.

"Don't give up, there will definitely be a god of death sent to this world to save us!"

Fujiwara Jiu held his sister's hand tightly to prevent her from breaking away, and comforted her in as calm a tone as possible: "We are nobles... someone will definitely come to save us."

The premise is...

This is not the virtual circle I guessed.

In fact, after coming here, Fujiwara Jiu faintly realized what kind of world this is, because no matter whether it is the world or the world of corpses and souls, there is no such a rich spirit in the atmosphere, and there is only one world with such a concentration of spirits... That is the virtual circle!

But he is unwilling to believe it, because once he believes it, it means...

No matter where I flee with my sister, no matter how long I continue to flee, no one will come to rescue the two of them. Even if they are nobles, the [-]th Guarding Team will not come to the virtual circle rashly for the two of them!

Rei Fujiwara turned her head and glanced at Wu Zhixu behind her. She could naturally think of things her brother could think of.

With the continuous loss of physical strength, the speed of the two became slower and slower. Her spiritual pressure and physical fitness were not as good as her brother's, but she had already reached her limit.The reason why she was able to continue running was entirely because of her brother's pull. If she continued to run like this, it would only cause her brother to exhaust her physical strength and spiritual pressure.

She really wanted her brother to escape by himself and leave him alone.

But she, who knew her brother's character very well, knew that no matter how she tried to persuade him, he would never let go.

If this is the virtual circle, then there is no problem in continuing to run, because whether it is to escape, or to stay to attract Xu's attention and take the opportunity to let the brother escape, they will all die in the end; The elder brother was swallowed by the void together.

But like Fujiwara Hisahi, Fujiwara Rei also held a sliver of hope... hoping that this place is not a virtual circle, as long as her brother abandons him and takes the opportunity to escape, he will definitely wait for rescue.

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Rei let go of the hand held by her brother, and then pulled it outward with the remaining strength.

Due to the sweat all over her body, her hand was pulled out smoothly.


After losing her support, Rei Fujiwara staggered and lay down in the white sand.

The shaking on the ground became more and more intense, and the shadows of the five ghosts under the moonlight had already enveloped her.

"Little Li!!"

Seeing this, Fujiwara's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously turned around to go back, but after turning around, he realized that Rei Fujiwara had been overtaken by five xu, and one xu pushed away the others and grabbed Rei Fujiwara on the ground. In the hand, send it to the open mouth.

At this scene, Fujiwara's eyes were tearing apart, and his sister's cry came from his ear.

"Hurry up and run!!"

Time seemed to be slowed down, Fujiwara Jiu looked at the younger sister who was slowly put into his mouth, and his whole body seemed to have suddenly lost power, kneeling on the white sand.


Just then, a mutation arose.

Under the refraction of the moonlight, a dazzling blade flashed, and the arm holding Fujiwara Rei slammed on the ground with a bang, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

next second!

The five voids collapsed like building blocks, and before the blood flowed out, the endless pieces of flesh turned into spirit particles and scattered.

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