The sudden change made the Fujiwara brothers and sisters freeze in place.

But then Fujiwara Jiu staggered to his sister's side and began to examine it carefully.

"I'm fine, brother."

Rei Fujiwara looked at her brother's concerned eyes, suppressed the fear in her heart, and said with a smile: "Don't cry anymore."

After hearing this, Fujiwara hurriedly wiped away his tears and said in a panic: "I...I...where can I be?" After saying that, he hurriedly turned his head and looked at the tall figure in the field, with a look of gratitude in his eyes. .

This is a young man dressed in a white robe and holding a Zanpakuto.

"Are you all right?"

A smile appeared on the young man's face: "Don't be nervous, I'm just like you, I'm a god of death who was accidentally trapped in the void, my name is..."

"Zhiba Haiyan."


Hearing this surname, the Fujiwara brothers and sisters, who had just recovered some strength, couldn't help but be surprised: "Was it the Shiba family, one of the five great nobles?"

"Oh? Do you know the Shiba family?"

Hearing this, the young man who claimed to be Zhiba Haiyan was filled with joy in his tone: "Then do you know about Kuzuru and Ganju? I have been trapped in the virtual circle for these years, how are they doing? Is Ganjiu growing up healthily? ? Have you become a god of death now?"

A series of questions caught the Fujiwara brothers and sisters off guard.

But the joy from the heart of the other party made the only suspicion in the hearts of the Fujiwara brothers and sisters disappear.

Fujiwara shook his head, and said apologetically, "Sorry, because Shiba's house is located in Ruukon Street, we don't know much about the current situation of Shiba's house."

"That's it."

A look of regret appeared on the young man's face: "Then can you tell me about the current situation of the corpse soul world?"

"That's fine."

"By the way, it's too unsafe to stay here. The two of you come with me first. I have a hiding place that will never come in vain."

Fujiwara was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly helped his sister up.

"I suggest that you better not go with him."

But before the two of them walked towards Zhibo Haiyan, a voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

The sudden voice not only startled the two of them, but even Zhiba Haiyan's face in front of them couldn't help but change.

The three of them turned their heads to look at the same time, only to realize...

At some point in the field, a young man in black overalls and black boots appeared.

The young man did not look at the Fujiwara brothers and sisters, but looked at Shiba Haiyan with gloomy eyes, revealing an astonishing murderous intent all over his body.

The moment they saw the young man, the Fujiwara brothers and sisters only felt that the whole world became extremely scarlet at this moment, as if they could faintly see the numerous bones behind the young man!

This caused the Fujiwara brothers and sisters to change their complexions, and they all hid behind Shiba Haiyan at the same time.

Seeing this, Duan Mu frowned.


Zhibo Haiyan said with some surprise on her face, "There is really one more person?"

"Are you their companion too?"

Looking at Duan Mu with a gloomy expression, Zhibo Haiyan laughed: "Don't be so vigilant, I'm a god of death just like you, my name is Zhibo..."

"Do you want to die!?"


Chapter 131 Five Steps

"Do you want to die!?"

Before the young man who called himself 'Zhiba Haiyan' finished speaking, Duan Mu suddenly raised his head, and the murderous intent in his eyes was raised to the extreme in just an instant.

To be correct...

The moment he saw the other party, the overwhelming murderous intent that rose in his heart completely lost control at this moment and was completely released.

A strong gloomy aura centered on Duan Mu and swept towards the surroundings.

This eerie aura was unprecedentedly powerful, and it faintly condensed into a substance. When it spread, Duan Mu's whole body faintly became an area completely different from the virtual circle space.

The spirit patterns engraved on the long cloth bag on the back flickered, and the Zanpakuto in it trembled crazily. The sharp and sinister aura resonated with the area formed around Duan Mu, as if he was roaring, excited, or because of Feel the joy of the master's liberation!

Duan Mu in the area, with short and medium black hair fluttering, and murderous intent in his eyes, made the three people present feel endless fear at the same time, and even gave them the illusion of being pierced by a sharp blade.

After coming to Xuquan, Duan Mu once thought what would happen if he met Ten Blades?

There is only one answer...


How far, how far to hide.

Because of Xiaojie's matter, he had conflicts with that person, although judging from his reaction afterwards, he didn't take that conflict into his heart, and he was not interested in paying attention to a little bug like himself.

Provoking the other party again and again may still not arouse his hostility, because it is not worthy!

But a small bug crawling around in front of him and even jumping on his feet would inevitably make people feel bored.

And crushing an insect to death is never a difficult task, it's just a question of whether to lift your feet or not.

Because of this, when Duan Mu saw the Fujiwara brothers and sisters in contact with this person with the appearance of "Zhiba Haiyan", he immediately hid his breath and wanted to leave.


When the other party called himself 'Zhiba Haiyan', Duan Mu stopped involuntarily, and when the other party said the names of Sister Konghe and Brother Ganjiu with a disgusting appearance, Duan Mu felt even more worried. There was an unstoppable killing intent.

At this time, Duan Mu still maintained restraint, thinking that since he had accepted the commission, he would bring the two of them back to the Soul Soul Realm, so he walked out.

Duan Mu...

I overestimated my ability to restrain myself, because the moment the other party said the word 'Zhiba' with a smile that was no different from Miss Konghe's in front of him, Duan Mu felt as if something broke in his mind. crisp sound.


The shackles called restraint collapsed instantly.

What commissions, what Fujiwara brothers and sisters, what blue dye...all were left behind by Duan Mu, and now he only thinks of three words.

--kill him!

The eyes are filled with bloodshot eyes, but the expression gradually becomes calm and even indifferent at this moment; if Madarame Kazukaku and others are here, they will find that Duanmu's state at this the same as when he fought Saragi Kenpachi No two.

Mingming's expression is extremely calm and calm, but everyone who sees him can clearly feel the madness revealed from the depths of his soul!

After coming to the world of corpses and souls, although Duan Mu often gave people a feeling as if he was crazy when he fought with people, it was just embers that were released occasionally and only reflected on the surface, and he would eventually maintain restraint.

Because this shackle called 'restraint' has become his instinct, even Duan Mu himself can't control it.

"what are you going to do!?"

The person who called himself Shiba Haiyan instinctively took a few steps back, but then he seemed to feel that his behavior was a little shameful, so he took a few steps forward and said with a cold look: "It seems that you don't like the Zhibo family, don't you?" Is it the enemy of our Shiba family?"

The inexplicable murderous intent made him only think of this possibility, otherwise how could this person in front of him have such a terrifying murderous intent when he saw him.

Duan Mu didn't speak, but stretched out his hand to hold the root of the long cloth bag on his back.


As soon as the inscription on the long cloth bag lit up, it dissipated into pieces of cloth all over the sky in the next second, and the gloomy aura on the long knife was completely integrated into the area formed around Duan Mu's body, causing the scope of the area to skyrocket instantly, including the Fujiwara brothers and sisters All three of them were enveloped in it.

"Shut up~!"

There was a whisper from Duan Mu's mouth, like a whisper, but it was extremely clear in the ears of the three of them.

The shimmering light representing the seal on the long knife in his hand gave people the feeling that a bound person is constantly breaking free from the rope that binds him.

Sister Konghe once said that she doesn't like herself.

Because of his gloomy personality, he is too indifferent to life, and he also likes to pretend to be a "nice guy" to disguise himself.


All along, he has always regarded himself as a younger brother who is not easy to discipline, protecting himself openly and secretly.

Teach yourself the way of ghosts, teach yourself how to practice, help yourself resist the pressure of Seireitei...

It can be said that without Miss Konghe, Duan Mu might have died somewhere in Liuhun Street a long time ago.

Sister Konghe is right, some things are difficult to change, it is normal for her not to like herself, but some things can be changed.

I owe Miss Konghe too much, too much... so much that Duan Mu can even go out of his way to provoke someone who has never dared to provoke him for the sake of the reputation of the Zhibo family.

It doesn't matter to Duan Mu what the consequences will be, except...

"You must die!!"

As soon as he said this, the area formed around Duan Mu seemed to have become conscious, and all murderous intentions were focused on Shiba Haiyan... No, NO.9-Aroniello!

At the same time as the words fell, the long knife in his hand was firmly held by Duan Mu, and he took a step forward.


In one step, the air vibrated, and a terrifying spiritual pressure erupted.

The Fujiwara brothers and sisters, who were hiding behind Yaronilo, knelt down as if they had lost all their bones, and their whole body was drenched in cold sweat in a blink of an eye.

--monster! !

"Did you misunderstand something?"

Feeling the spiritual pressure around Duanmu, Yaronilo tore off the disguise, with sarcasm and killing intent on his face: "With this weak spiritual pressure, you want to kill me?"


Under the dazzling light, the Zanpakuto was drawn from the scabbard at his waist.

Although he prefers to pull a person's spirit into the abyss of despair, and then give him relief.

But since I met a guy who couldn't communicate, there was no need to continue talking nonsense with him, just kill him directly.

Almost the moment Yaronilo pulled out the Zanpakuto, Duan Mu took a step with the long sword in his hand.

When he landed the first step, thunder roared all over his body, and the long knife in his hand slashed forward. After the slash, there was a sharp piercing sound in the void. Aronilo beheaded.

When Aronilo saw this, the sneer on his face remained unchanged, and the Zanpakuto in his hand was changed from a straight hand to a backhand.

"Water and Sky Reverse Scroll·Blooming Flowers!"

During the surge of spiritual pressure, the waves entangled the blade, turning into a trident entangled in the waves, and thrusting forward fiercely, a blue glow suddenly condensed on the halberd, forming a monstrous sea wave, tumbling, rushing towards the head The coming Thunder Slash.

After doing all this, Aaronilo stood still and did not move at all, because in his opinion, tearing the Thunder Slash with the strength of his spiritual pressure with the waves is simply a piece of cake, even a bit overkill!


The moment the waves touched the slash, the roaring sound spread, and the waves exploded violently. Although the impact did not affect Aronilo, the Fujiwara brothers and sisters who were kneeling behind him were directly crushed like fallen leaves. Blown away.

But at this moment, Duan Mu took the second step, swung the long knife in his hand into a stab, and appeared directly in front of Aronilo as if he had traveled through space.

The speed of this knife was so fast that before Naironilo's eyes could be seen clearly, the sharp edge mixed with spiritual pressure and gloomy aura on the long knife exploded loudly, tearing the collar of his white robe violently crack.

how is this possible! ?

Yaronilo's pupils shrank suddenly, and the opponent's slashing and destroying his own waves was enough to shock him, and this sudden, teleporting stab made him feel a sense of crisis of death in his heart!

The opponent's Reiatsu is obviously not strong, but its lethality is unbelievably strong.

The first step, the first sword, defeated the ability of his Zanpakuto;

The second step, the second knife, appeared directly in front of him;

Whether it's timing or consciousness, Yaronilo's scalp is numb, but he is one of the ten blades after all, even the weakest ten blades are still ten blades!

At this moment, even though his heart was trembling with fear, he did not hesitate. He stepped back quickly, and the spiritual pressure of his whole body exploded. At the same time, the trident in his hand centered on the single wrist, spinning like a dance, and the waves on it were rushing, hitting him A water shield formed by waves was formed in front of him.

The water shield formed by overlapping waves of more than ten layers blocked Duan Mu's knife!


The water splashed everywhere, and Aronilo could only feel an extremely heavy force coming from the water shield. Through the water splash, what came into view was a pair of scarlet eyes and a chilling calm face.

Something's wrong~~

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