It was so wrong, with his spiritual pressure, how could it be possible to have such a strong lethality.

What's the matter with this inexplicable speed?

wrong! !

As if thinking of something, Yaronilo suddenly looked at the area of ​​nearly ten meters around his body that was completely different from the virtual circle.

Since Duan Mu took the first step, it has only been a few breaths of time, and his attack is so fast that Aaronilo has no time to think about other things. It is only now that he reacts belatedly; The area filled with eerie aura is different, it's not just a pure aura covering a range of nearly ten meters.

Being in this area, he didn't feel any strangeness himself, but the second knife stabbed at him by the young man in front of him was definitely not something that could be done simply and quickly!

That knife was not so much stabbing at him, but rather a certain force that pulled him, who was defenseless, to the knife.

Otherwise, he would not be able to retreat in time for the knife stabbed at pure speed, and he would form a water shield to resist it.

This is the prototype.

The embryonic form of the field!

Although I can't see the specific ability, but in this area, the inexplicable fear in my heart is definitely not an illusion.

Maybe it's not yet perfect, but after realizing this, the strange feeling that he ignored for some reason became so clear, which made Aronilo have a strange smile on his face.


Too fragile!

From the moment of awareness, it is illusory.

Hands can break!

There were a lot of thoughts in my mind, but in fact, it was only for a moment, and dozens of layers of water shields turned into sprays and collapsed under Duan Mu's stab.

One, two, three...

In an instant, more than ten layers of water shields turned into water splashes and collapsed, and as the water splashed everywhere, Duan Mu took the third step!

The long knife that was originally held by one right hand was changed to two-handed knife, and the thunder and spiritual pressure all over the body poured into the long knife at this moment.

The sword was raised above his head like a thunderbolt.


The void is distorted, and the rudimentary form of the domain formed by the surrounding gloomy atmosphere is as solid as it is, absorbed by the long knife.

The moment the surrounding space returned to its original state, the power of this knife was also accumulated to the extreme!

This scene made Yaronilo, who was about to forcibly break the whole body domain, look down.

The moment you realize it, does the other person also realize that you are aware of it?

Otherwise, it would be impossible to release it on its own, and instead concentrate its strength on one point to forcibly start a head-to-head duel with itself.

"Don't be too arrogant!!"

Thinking of this, Aronilo's face instantly became extremely ferocious, and as he roared, a kind of spiritual pressure far surpassing the previous one and completely opposite to the god of death burst out.

"Who do you think I am!?"

He didn't choose to dodge, and the 'Xinghua' in Aronilo's hand was twisted, turning from a trident into an organ like a sea anemone's mouth and connected to his left hand.

"Eat him up, Guxu!"


At this moment, the atmosphere became extremely heavy, and the spiritual pressure rising into the sky continuously raised the upper body of Aronilo.

Looking around, although its upper body still looks like Shiba Haiyan, its lower body has become huge and ugly, in the shape of an octopus composed of tentacles.

Duan Mu frowned suddenly, but the movement of slashing with the long knife in his hand did not change, he just stepped forward again.

The fourth step since the start of the war!

With one step down, the spiritual pressure around him suddenly increased.



Reiatsu: top (0/1000000)

Current experience value: 41080.

not enough!

Even if the remaining experience points are added to the spiritual pressure, the enhanced lethality is just a drop in the bucket for the opponent's "returning edge" spiritual pressure, and it is very difficult to kill him with this blow.

What I need now is lethality, stronger lethality!

[Broken Way 88. Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon] Low Level (125/1000)

Intermediate, advanced!

The input of 10875 experience points directly upgrades this ghost path to advanced level.


The sound of dragon roar erupted from Duan Mu's body.

bang bang bang~~

A series of explosive sounds kept ringing in his body, fist-sized bumps popped up on his skin, and they exploded the moment they appeared, but what flowed out was not blood, but thunder that had poured into the blood vessels.

There is no integration, let alone adaptation, because...

Can't do it.

The high-level flying dragon-attacking thief-shaking thunder cannon alone cannot be integrated into the Shunfu small town like the 'Thunder Roar Cannon'.

So what Duan Mu did was...

Breaking this path, using the developed spiritual patterns around the core of spiritual pressure as a wedge, the flying dragon blasting thunder cannon is released directly into the body, forming a formation similar to the instantaneous male body.

The strengthening didn't stop there, because the power of this knife was already enough.

However, it cannot be cut out!

In other words, his physical condition was unable to bear the knife he slashed.

Until Duan Mu spent 30205 of the remaining 20205 experience points on his body.


The fifth step was taken by this, centering on the point where the soles of his feet landed, the ground in front of him collapsed suddenly, and the white sand continued to sink deeper into the ground, but Duan Mu stepped on the empty space as if he was walking on flat ground.

The addition of Duanmu can only be completed within a few breaths.

And the moment he finished adding points, Yaronilo's Returning Blade also ended.

Almost at the same time, the two launched a final blow towards each other.

"It's an honor to see my returning blade!"

The tentacles on Yaronilo's lower body danced around, each showing different abilities, they all gathered on the reappearing trident in his hand, and stabbed fiercely towards Duan Mu.

"So far, my ghouls have devoured nearly [-] ghouls, and the strength of the [-] army is condensed into one point. How can you compete with me!"

Duan Mu raised his head, raised the knife above his head, and chopped it down from the air.

"Thirty thousand ants, gathered together..."


At this moment, the world seems to have been pressed the mute button.

In the next second, a black thunderbolt soared into the sky, covering the entire area.

The white sand of the earth was divided into two, and the world in Aronilo's eyes was completely swallowed by the thunder strike. He could only watch helplessly as the strike destroyed his own trident and all the power condensed on it, without stopping Assault on himself.

"It's still an ant!"

The indifferent voice in his ear was clearly audible, echoing in his mind.


The silence ended and the roar was deafening.

The white sand formed a sandstorm, which spread wildly towards the surroundings.

Everything is so scary.


Painful wailing pierced the sky, and Duan Mu, who heard the wailing, slowly raised his head, looking coldly at the top of his head.

There, at an unknown time, a figure appeared.


Allowing myself to slash and deflect, saved Aronilo's life!


Chapter 132 Picking up stones

The strong wind rolled the white sand and scattered it in all directions.

On the ground, a huge ditch with a width of more than ten meters was gradually filled up under the flowing white sand, as if the world was repairing itself.

Tick ​​tock~tick tock...

Accompanied by the power of the 'Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon', it was vented in just one blow, and the wounds on Duan Mu's body that exploded because they couldn't bear it all spewed out blood one after another, killing them in the blink of an eye. Dyeing a blood man, there is almost no intact place on his body.

Still one step too late?

Duan Mu looked up into the void, and saw a man wearing a pure white dress similar to Aaronilo's, but with a disc-shaped collar appearing in the sky at some point.

The man is tall, wearing a monocular blindfold, with a head of black mid-length hair, and holding a double crescent-shaped scythe in his hand.

NO·8 - Neutra Gilga!

Almost the moment he saw the other party, the other party's name and strength appeared in Duan Mu's mind.

In fact, when he was fighting Aaroniello, he had already felt the opponent's approach. Otherwise, after the spiritual pressure was raised to the captain level, Duan Mu would not have had to forcibly integrate the flying dragon-striking thief-shaking thunder cannon into the Shunfu school. The leech is reflected in the distance and the dou mu is hanging.

It was just a waste of time, but what he lacked just now was time.

Even if you have tried your best, it is still a step too late.

As Duan Mu said before...

Thirty thousand ants, even if combined together, are still just ants. From the beginning to the end, Duan Mu never thought about the possibility that he would lose to Aronilo.

Yaronilo's ability of "infinite evolution" is indeed very strong. He even used it to devour [-] Voids with various abilities, and abruptly raised his spiritual pressure to the captain level. Maybe it is amazing enough in the eyes of others , but his actual combat ability may not even be as good as Ginjo Kugo.

Whether it is fighting skills, fighting awareness, or even fighting instincts, they are all completely confused.

It is said that the abilities of [-] virtuals are used at the same time, but the result is that the abilities of [-] virtuals are only condensed into one point, and then released based on Zhibo Haiyan's '捩花'.

From Duan Mu's point of view, apart from the fact that the spiritual pressure has become stronger and more complex, his fighting ability behind the blade is not even as strong as when he fought with Zhibo Haiyan's appearance.

No wonder, though.

Among the [-] ghosts he devoured, the one that fused with Shiba Haiyan can be said to be the strongest one among them, and it is also the one that helped him the most.

But this also limits his upper limit, because in his consciousness, Shiba Haiyan's mimicry is his strongest ability, and even affects his own evolution. ...Otherwise, Kamiji, who returned to the blade, would not be based on Shiba Haiyan's mimicry.

However, even with all the abilities and memories of Zhibo Haiyan, he still cannot inherit Zhibo Haiyan's "heart", or the behavior pattern; the strength he has displayed, except for the spiritual pressure, everything is possessed by Zeng Zhibo Haiyan stuff, no progress.

To put it simply...

Captain-level Reiatsu, and vice-captain-level fighting skills, fighting awareness, and fighting instinct.

Obviously changing the way of fighting, based on the captain-level spiritual pressure, and releasing [-] kinds of "xu" abilities at the same time, Duan Mu can experience the feeling of facing [-] virtuals at the same time.

But in the end, he was limited by the strongest ability in his consciousness, so he chose to condense all the abilities of the [-] ghosts and release them through 'Zhiba Haiyan'.

Such a person is not difficult to kill.

Provided no one bothers!

The rolled up white sand receded gradually, revealing Aaronilo who was covered under the white sand. At this time, half of his body and the lower half of his body behind the blade were cut off by Duan Mu's knife, and the white sand under him was completely cut off. dyed red.

The original appearance of Zhiba Haiyan disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a glass cylinder filled with a red unknown liquid, and floating in the liquid were two small broken faces with only heads.

At this time, the two small Arrancars, who only had their heads, were wailing in unison: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh help... help us, it hurts so much, so uncomfortable, help me... Lan..."

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