
Accompanied by a muffled sound, Yaronilo flew out like a cannonball, and before it landed, a male Pomian took it over, and quickly headed towards the Void Night Palace.

In place, it was replaced by Neutra's tall figure.


Without even looking at Yaronilo who was taken away, Neutra tilted his head to look at Duan Mu, licked his chin with a sharp tongue and said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to kill people, that guy's life and death I don't care at all, it's just that someone asked me to save his life."

Duan Mu didn't look at Neutra, but looked at the direction of Aronilo with gloomy eyes.



It is an extremely difficult goal to eliminate Yaronilo, who is favored by Aizen, in the virtual circle; so Duan Mu's plan at the beginning was to take advantage of the opponent's contempt, end the battle in an instant, and kill the Sorazuru-san is a guy who is proud of her brother's appearance.

However, the support came faster than Duan Mu imagined, even though he was crazy enough to spare no expense, it was still one step too late!

With Neutra here, he has no way to hunt down Yaronilo, and even wants to leave alive, it is an extremely difficult thing.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu withdrew his gaze and looked at Neutra not far away.

Although his complexion didn't fluctuate much, there was a solemn look in his eyes, which was different from Aaronilo, a survivor of the first generation of Ten Blades; although Neutra was only one level higher than Aaronilo in the sequence in front of him, no matter what Whether it is spiritual pressure or ability, it is far beyond what Yaronilo can compare.

"Although I think it doesn't matter if you continue the treatment."

Neutra waved the crescent-shaped weird blade in his hand, walked towards Duan Mu, and said indifferently: "But the battle that will end in an instant is really uninteresting." When the sole of his foot stepped on the ground, the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.


In the next second, a crescent-shaped blade appeared out of thin air on the top of the piece of wood, and slashed straight down.

And Duan Mu, who was in the same place, seemed to be unaware of the blow, and was directly split in two from it.


Neutra let out a sneer, and turned to slash, and the crescent blade swung out in a strange arc before it fell.


The sound of gold and iron mixed, and Duan Mu's body burst out like a football being kicked away.

On the spot, the section of wood that was divided into two gradually disappeared, replaced by a black overalls that was divided into two.

Even though his feet were tightly hooked to the ground, Duan Mu was still pushed back dozens of meters in an instant, and the huge force returned by the long knife made Duan Mu's wounded body spurt blood from his mouth.

But he didn't have time to wipe it, almost at the moment of stopping.

Duan Mu put all the remaining '[-]' experience points into his body.

Physique: Advanced (35377/100000)

In the last battle with the black cloak, Duan Mu discovered one thing, that is, a substantial improvement in physical fitness, which can not only adjust the disorder of spiritual pressure, but also allow the body to heal quickly in an instant.

The investment of [-] experience points stopped the blood flow from the exploding wounds on Duan Mu's body, and scars formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A rather unexpected surprise came from the top of Duan Mu's head, accompanied by the sound, and at the same time came the strangely shaped sickle.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's whole body was filled with thunderous light, and he entered the instantaneous body.

"61 of Binding Dao: Six Sticks of Light Prison."

Amidst the soft chanting, six pieces of light burst out of the air.

Seeing this, Neutra released the handle of the sickle in his hand, and then grabbed the iron chain under the handle to directly rotate the double crescent sickle.

clap clap clap...

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the six pieces of light were cut into pieces almost at the same time, turning into spirit particles and dissipating.

"Don't play this kind of little trick."


Before he continued to pursue, the six pieces of light that had been chopped into pieces suddenly stopped dissipating.


A strange color flashed in Neutra's eyes, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Duan Mu with a cold face in front of him, and there was a rapid whisper in his ear.

"The thunderous carriage, the gap in the spinning wheel, this thing has light, and it is divided into six!"

Sing later?

The six light sheets condensed in the blink of an eye, and appeared directly around Neutra's body, binding him in midair.

And at this moment, Duan Mu did not retreat but advanced, with his toes on the ground, his whole body appeared directly in Neutra's arms, and his palms were pressed on his chest.

"Breaking the Way 63 Thunder Roar Cannon!"


The thunder pierced through the void, and the air made an overwhelmed sound under this blow. The huge thunder beam instantly destroyed six pieces of light, and brought Neutra back quickly.


"I'm tired of it."

Neutra's voice came from the thunder, and the next scene made Duan Mu's pupils shrink slightly.

I saw Neutra's chest bulging, and with a bang, he smashed the Thunder Roar Cannon directly with his chest.

Steel skin!

Only then did Duan Mu recall that in his own memory, the other party claimed to have the 'hardest of the ten blades' steel skin.

Nothing can be done——!

Even if his own spiritual pressure has reached the captain level, it is still very different compared to it. Even if he has not added physique before, adding more than 4 experience points to the spiritual pressure, it is still more than tens of thousands, or even The gap in proficiency of hundreds of thousands.

Neutra wanted to kill himself without any usual despicable means. As he said, this is a battle that will end in an instant.

This gap cannot be made up by any technique.

No matter whether Duan Mu used the ghost way or the blade, it was impossible to cause the slightest damage to him.

Even turning around and running away will only speed up your own death.

Even the experience points have been consumed.

Desperate situation~!

In a truly desperate situation, no one will come to rescue him here.


Thinking of this, Duan Mu exhaled lightly, and the spiritual pressure in his body was gradually restrained back into his body.


Neutra stuck out his tongue, licked his chin with the tip of his tongue, and sneered, "Have you finally given up struggling?"

He stepped forward, as if deliberately bringing fear to Duan Mu, he did not rush forward immediately, but walked towards Duan Mu at a slow pace with a sickle in his hand, and said as he walked: "By the way, I forgot to ask Duan Mu just now. , what's your name, Reaper?"

"Forget it, for a guy of your level, even if it's just the moment before your death, I'm not interested in remembering it."

"I'm so weak, I'm really sorry."

Since the start of the war, Duan Mu spoke for the first time, causing Neutra to make a strange smile: "Are you ready to leave your last words?"

"Unlike you, I don't like to talk nonsense in battle."

Duan Mu slowly lowered his head and looked at the long knife in his hand: "And I'm not ready to give up struggling."


Neutra frowned, looking straight at Duan Mu's handsome face covered in blood, with a look of surprise in his eyes.


Even though he realized the gap between him and himself, this god of death still did not show the slightest look of despair, but remained calm from beginning to end.

That expression made him extremely uncomfortable.


This expression is the same as when that woman was challenged by herself!

It's as if he didn't take himself seriously from the beginning to the end.


Neutra restrained the strange smile on his face, and turned to reveal an extremely cold murderous intent, and the spiritual pressure of the whole body was injected into the sickle in his hand.

He didn't believe that in the face of death, the other party could still maintain this appearance.

However, to his disappointment...

Even though he would be chopped down by the sword in the near future, the God of Death still stared at the Zanpakutō which was flickering with inexplicable light in his hand.

Duan Mu stared at the Zanpakuto in his hand.

When fighting with Yaronilo before, Duan Mu found that his Zanpakuto had been trying hard to hit the seal on the sword, and even showed a little ability through the gap of the seal.

And the ability was the second knife that stabbed Aaroni. Duan Mu himself didn't understand the principle, but at that moment, he had an inexplicable feeling that the knife he stabbed in the same place could stab Aaroni lo.

Zanpakuto: Intermediate (5400/10000)

Current experience value: 0…——.56!

Zanpakuto: Intermediate (5400.56/10000)

Since getting the Zanpakuto, the value that has never changed has been slightly improved at this moment.

Although the improvement was incomparably small, the faint light on the Zanpakuto representing the seal suddenly lit up at this moment, and then...


There was a faint cracking sound, like a cracked egg.

next second...


The gloomy aura erupted suddenly, and even condensed into a substance, causing an extremely ominous gloomy light to appear around the blade, and the blade of the long blade changed from the original white blade to the black blade.

And the proficiency of Zanpakuto suddenly skyrocketed the moment the seal was broken.



Zanpakuto: Advanced (34860/100000)

All these changes ended with just breathing. The Reiatsu that was originally absorbed by Duan Mu broke out again at this moment, and all of it was instilled into the blade, making the dim light around the blade bloom like a bloom.


And at this moment, Neutra's sickle cut off his head.

Almost the moment he noticed the Zanpakuto in Duan Mu's hand had changed, he had already appeared in front of Duan Mu.

Although he didn't know what happened to the god of death in front of him, he faintly realized that something was wrong, so he didn't continue to put pressure on the opponent, but launched an attack.

Facing the attacking Zanpakuto, Duan Mu gritted his teeth slightly, and did not stop injecting spiritual pressure into the sword.

As if he had been hungry and thirsty for a long time, the long knife devoured Duan Mu's own spiritual pressure to his heart's content. Even with the spiritual pressure of his promotion to the captain level, he still consumed most of it in an instant.

When the double crescent sickle cut down, Duan Mu just took a step back, avoiding the head.


Blood bloomed like a flower on Duan Mu's chest, and the huge incision extended from his shoulder to his waist.

A strange look flashed in Neutra's eyes. According to his estimation, even if the knife avoided the vital point, it would be enough to tear Duan Mu into two without the Reiatsu defense.

But what he didn't expect was...

At the moment when the knife was cut, he actually felt a feeling similar to being cut on steel skin on the sickle.

However, he didn't care, anyway, it was just a question of another knife.

Turning the long handle of the sickle in his hand, the sickle of the double crescents swung out from the waist, no matter how defensive the god of death is, he will surely die!

At this critical moment, Duan Mu's preparations were finally completed, and before the blade that cut him in half came, he uttered a chant.

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