"You childish child, let's have fun!"

After the singing fell, Neutra only felt a glint of light in front of his eyes, and everything in his vision changed in an instant.

"Pick up stones, throw stones, jump, hopscotch. Lift with left foot, hop with right foot, turn around and change feet..."

The looming singing sound came to Neutra's ears. The voice was very similar to that of the death god, but it seemed extremely immature.

"I'll find you again."

At the same time as the singing came, Duan Mu's voice also came from all over the space.



Nearly half a minute later, Neutra emerged from the void with a gloomy face, and stretched out his hand to press the ground the moment he appeared.

"how is this possible?"


Except for the first two weak spiritual pressure, the aura of the god of death who fought with him disappeared without a trace.


Chapter 133 Tiruti’s search

Seireitei, Technology Development Bureau.

"Have you found a signal yet?"

Qing Yuanfang looked at the members of the Technology Development Bureau who were fiddling with the instruments, and his face was a little ugly: "Did the command magic machine you gave to Boss Duan Mu really enhance the signal? It has been five days. If there is really an increase, Why can't I find Boss Duan Mu's location for so long?"

"It's not impossible to find."

A steady voice came: "It's an order to destroy the god machine, please don't make me repeat the same words over and over again."

Qing Yuanfang frowned slightly, followed the sound, and saw a young man dressed in a researcher's costume with three horns on his head, yawning, coming from outside: "The command god machine that has strengthened the signal from our Technology Development Bureau , if it is not damaged, the tracking signal will never be lost."

"Five days ago, when Duan Mu, the boss of your supervision team, arrived at the virtual circle, he showed no sign of unstable signal, and was under our surveillance from the beginning to the end; until he received the command signal from the Fujiwara brothers and sisters , and shortly after meeting the two, we lost track of him here."

The triangular young man looked up at Qingyuan Fang, and continued: "According to our speculation, it is very likely that he had a fierce battle with someone... or with Xu during this period, which caused the destruction of the command magic machine he carried with him."

Qing Yuanfang looked at the young man with long horns, his eyes were a little cold.

Although the young man named 'Ajin' in front of him is the third member of the [-]th division, and his status is much higher than his status as the fifth member of the second division, but today he is not here as the second division, but It is the identity of the deputy captain of the secret mobile supervision team.

Moreover, there is the most important point...

Although Ah Jin is now the third seat in the [-]th division, like his captain, Ah Jin was once a prisoner of the maggot nest supervised by him.

"What about the solution?"

"no way."

Ah Jin spread his hands and said: "Besides, before he went to the virtual circle, we have repeatedly reminded him not to let the command magic machine be damaged no matter what. This is the only way we can locate where he is."

Although, as a former prisoner, he hated the jailer in front of him extremely, but his words were not false, and he would not deliberately add obstacles to the supervision team for the sake of previous grievances.

"Couldn't it be possible to find a random location to open the black cavity first, and then wait for Boss Duan Mu to come over? Or simply open the black cavity at the position where Boss Duan Mu just arrived at the virtual circle."


Ah Jin shook his head: "Do you think that the black cavity can be opened so easily? The black cavity I designed can only last for less than 1 minute, and it is extremely unstable. Passed." At this point, he paused, looked up at Qing Yuanfang and said:

"There is one thing I forgot to say before, even if the command machine is not damaged, the captain of your supervision team will not be able to come back through the black cavity."


"Because I installed a self-inspection program in his command machine, which was originally installed to collect the 'spiritual body change data' when he came back from the black cavity, but 1 minute before the command machine was destroyed, His spirit body density suddenly skyrocketed for some reason, and he was raised to the captain level in an instant, which has already exceeded the upper limit of the strength of the spirit body that Heiqiang can pass through."

"This is a change in the spiritual body. It's not that you can pass through the concealed spiritual pressure. Entering the black chamber with the strength of his spiritual body will only make the black chamber collapse instantly."

Qing Yuanfang's pupils shrank sharply, and he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Boss Duan Mu...

Reached the captain level?

how can that be! ?

As the deputy captain of the supervision team who has been monitoring Duan Mu since Duan Mu came to Soul Soul Realm, he knows the strength of Duan Mu's boss better than anyone else.


There was a time when the supervisory team, under his leadership, had been keen to dig out black material from Duanmu boss by all means.

Although after becoming one of his own people, the supervisory team who knew Duan Mu very well turned from a black fan to a loyal fan in an instant; but because of Captain Suifeng's order, the daily monitoring of Boss Duan Mu did not stop, and Boss Duan Mu was also very concerned. It was tacit understanding to cooperate with their surveillance.

He can be sure that Boss Duan Mu's spiritual pressure has always been at the level of the vice captain.

It's just that the record is so horrible that he doesn't look like a vice-captain at all. Whether it's fighting Zaraki Kenpachi or holding Ginjo Kugo in a limited state, it shows that the lethal power that Duan Mu can exert far exceeds that of Ling Pressure on performance.

And this guy in front of him actually said that the spiritual pressure strength of Boss Duan Mu has reached the captain level.

"...What's the matter with your 'sudden peace of mind' expression on your face?" Ah Jin watched Kiyohara Fang's expression gradually returning to calm, and couldn't help but said: "Don't forget, there is a virtual circle there, even if it is the captain level It is entirely possible for a character to die there if he is trapped in it."

"No, Boss Duan Mu is different!" Qing Yuanfang said.

With the vice-captain-level spiritual pressure, Boss Duan Mu can barely fight against the captain-level people. Now that the strength of Duan Mu's spiritual pressure has reached the captain-level, even if he is in the virtual circle, there will be absolutely no problems.

You must know that Boss Duan Mu has extremely strong attainments whether it is Zhanquan Ghost Walk or other fighting skills.

Members of the five teams of Secret Maneuvers, if they encounter problems in cultivation, just ask Boss Duan Mu, no matter what the problem is, they will be cleared up; The vice-captain Omaeda has all received guidance from Boss Duan Mu.


Ah Jin looked at Qing Yuanfang with a strange gaze: "I suddenly became a little curious about the temporary captain of your supervision team, and he was able to convince you so much."

"Then, besides the black cavity, is there any other way?"

After hearing the good news, Qing Yuanfang's tone softened a lot: "Or is it possible to get in touch with Boss Duan Mu through other methods?"

"Wanting to bring him back is easy and easy to say, but difficult to say."

Ah Jin paused for a moment, then continued: "The easiest way is to find a ghost, open the cavity, and send him to the present world."

"What else?" Qing Yuanfang asked directly.

As a god of death... Well, although Boss Duan Mu is not a god of death, in Xu's eyes, he should be no different from his sworn enemy, the God of Death.

"When I talk about opening the empty cavity, I'm not looking for Xu to open the empty cavity specifically for him, but to hitch a ride when Xu opens the empty cavity to go to the present world just like when he left."

When Ah Jin said this, he shook his head: "However, our technology development bureau did not monitor the opening position of the virtual cavity in advance for him. In such a large virtual circle, he happened to meet the virtual who went to the present world, and within a few seconds The chances of rushing into the void cavity can be said to be very small."

"And the second method... is to ask your captain Suifeng to come forward and apply to the first team. After obtaining the permission of Captain Yamamoto, he will issue an order. Our captain will create a stable black cavity and let it be in a complete state. Captain class can pass freely."

"Based on our captain's ability, it probably only takes two or three months to make it."

Hearing this, Qing Yuanfang frowned.

Because it is not an easy matter to invite Captain Suifeng to come forward, or to get the permission of Captain Yamamoto, and three months is really too long!

In comparison, the probability of finding a false hitchhiker is higher.

"Thank you."

After pondering for a while, Qing Yuanfang nodded and said: "I will report the information I got to Captain Suifeng first. If there is any news about Boss Duan Mu, please inform our supervision team immediately."



At the same time, the outer circle that is extremely far away from the Xuye Palace.

One by one runs, fights and devours each other on the barren white sand.

This extremely bloody scene can be said to be the norm in the virtual circle, and it continues to be staged almost every moment.

Quartz-like dead wood is interspersed among the white sands. These dead trees are actually much more than they appear on the surface, because all the dead trees are actually the tip of a big tree, and the roots of the dead wood grow under the white sand. Forest of Great Void!

Being able to pass through the extremely thick white sand from the Daxu Forest to reach the surface of the virtual circle is enough to explain the hugeness of the trees in the Daxu Forest.

In the shadow of a sand dune, low dead trees propped up a hole that only one person can pass through.

After going deep into the entrance of the cave, there is a tunnel that has been forcibly opened, along the tunnel all the way down, when you walk out of the tunnel, you will see a forest composed of trees that reach the sky.

Forest of Great Void!

Unlike the virtual circle surface, there is solid soil here.

Among the tall trees, figures as tall as mansions shuttled among them.

These figures all have the same appearance, a long black body tens of meters high, which looks a bit like a witch's cloak, and a clown-like long nose and a white mask on the face.

The tall figure was the so-called Killian.

Different from the void on the surface of the virtual circle, Killian presents a state of living in groups, wandering aimlessly in the forest of the great void.

However, among the Daxu wandering at the same speed, there was a Daxu who broke away from the team and walked in other directions, and a petite girl sat on its shoulder.

The girl is about 1.4 meters tall, with purple wavy curly hair, and her white feet in suspenders are dangling on Killian's shoulders.

This girl is none other than No. 5 among the Ten Blades - Tiruti Sandaviki.


Tiruti yawned tiredly, and murmured, "Where did you hide?"

Five days ago, she learned from her subordinates that a powerful death god had come to Xuquan, so she also rushed to the report point.

But when she arrived, the battle was over.

But unlike Neutra, who was sealed for half a minute, she saw the back of the death god who fought with Neutra.

But the back figure only stayed in her field of vision for a moment, and when she went to look for it, it suddenly disappeared without a trace, no matter whether it was spiritual pressure or breath, she couldn't detect the slightest trace, as if the back figure was just her own illusion generally.

And when Neutra came out of that unknown space, he immediately found Tiruti who had come from a distance, and in an extremely arrogant tone, he asked where Tiruti, the god of death, went ; This made Tiruti, who hadn't planned to tell her, completely lose the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with her.

Seeing this, Neutra, who has always been extremely contemptuous of women's faces, didn't ask any questions, but returned directly to the Void Night Palace.

Because he couldn't even find the person with his 'finger search', the trash who was about to be eliminated in front of him, it was impossible to know the location of the god of death.

The reason why he is so confident is entirely because his search fingering method is different from the general detection circuit. This is a technique of searching the opponent by touching objects, such as white sand on the ground, and can even judge the opponent's potential situation. and strength.

It can be said that as long as the other party is still within his detection range, it is absolutely impossible to escape his own search.

And his search fingering technique can cover nearly half of the imaginary circle. With the speed of that god of death, it is absolutely impossible to cross nearly half of the imaginary circle in just half a minute; there is only one possibility to escape his search, and that is After being pulled into that inexplicable space, the other party left the virtual circle by some means.

Neutra's inexplicable self-confidence also saved Tiruti a lot of trouble.

After she left, she began to search along the direction where the figure was last seen, but her search range was not large, only limited to the approximate location where the figure disappeared.

Because like Neutra, Tiruti also doesn't think that the opponent can escape from his vision in an instant.

He must have used some tricky method to hide, and then concealed his breath.

And the result was the same as her guess. It didn't take long for her to find the tunnel leading to the Daxu Forest. After arriving in the Daxu Forest, Tiruti, like the surface, did not leave this area, but stayed in this area. Search within the slice area.

But this time the search was not as easy as on the ground. After five days, she had almost searched the area, but still did not find the slightest trace of the death god.

This made Tiruti couldn't help wondering if he was chasing in the wrong direction.

"Or did he still forcefully leave the area with such a serious injury?"

Tiruti frowned, a little hesitant to expand the search range.

The forest of Daxu is different from the surface of the virtual circle, it is extremely broad, both the outer circle and the inner circle where the Xuye Palace is located are included.

To expand the search range, it is necessary to find an accurate direction, either to expand toward the inner circle, or to expand toward the outer circle.

After all, any technique of detecting the breath could not find the death god, all she could do was search with the naked eye in every corner where people could hide.

The huge virtual circle, relying on the naked eye to conduct a large-scale search...

It may take her decades, and that's as long as the other party is not eaten by Killian.


Tiruti raised his brows, as if he had thought of something in his mind.

Although Killian can be controlled by her as Yachukas, most of them, except for a few, don't have any consciousness, and rely entirely on instinct to search for targets and devour them.

If a person without the slightest breath was hiding somewhere in the huge Kilian's body like myself, it would be absolutely impossible for the mindless Kilian to discover the existence of the other party.

From the other party running away to her chasing after him, the time in between was extremely short.

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