In such a short period of time, a person who may faint at any time wants to find a hiding place that will never be discovered.

The best hiding place...

It's hiding in Killian who is everywhere! !


Chapter 134 Wait...

Darkness, vibrating, shaking, stabilizing...

Time passed unconsciously, and Duan Mu, who completely lost his perception of the outside world, could only feel the changes in his environment.

Duan Mu woke up in a daze. He had a nightmare. The content of the dream was very familiar, because he had dreamed about it many times before, but every time he woke up, he completely forgot about it. There was only an inexplicable feeling. Anxiety remains.

But this time...

He did not forget, but was extremely clear about the content of the dream.

The opened black eyes were lifeless, like a dead person. After a while, the scattered eyes gradually gathered together, and gradually regained their spirits and a little more vitality.

Duan Mu exhaled lightly, the pain that came from all parts of his body due to this breath made Duan Mu's pupils gradually focus, and he was completely awake.

As soon as he woke up, he habitually observed the environment he was in.

This is an extremely dark space, but below him is a white and wide ground, the familiar environment makes Duan Mu feel slightly relieved.

Looks like he survived by luck.

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched. Although he didn't know how many days had passed, he still felt a bit of fear when he thought of the scene before he fell into a coma.


The place where he is hiding now is not some hidden place, but the feet of Killian completely wrapped in black clothes like a wizard's cloak!

He didn't even use any hidden body, or defensive ghost path and enchantment, he simply got in, and then passed out while lying on his feet; because whether it was ghost path, enchantment, Or the spirit pattern, it will reveal the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, and it will easily reveal one's own position.

At that time, his injury was too serious, so serious that he had no time to find a better place to hide.

However, this should be regarded as a mistake. Judging from the familiar surroundings, no one found himself.

Moreover, when Duan Mu was unconscious, the Kirian under him obviously didn't devour each other with its own kind, nor did it stride too far to throw him flying and trample him to death.

In general……

The result is still good.

However, this injury is not optimistic.

Duan Mu suddenly missed Captain Uzhihuali, because in the soul world, no matter how badly he was injured, Captain Uzhihua was able to save him; He has been out of danger, and he will be able to get the most perfect care from the fourth division team in the future.

Originally, he was just marveling at Captain Unohana's accomplishments in the back road, and didn't feel the importance of the fourth division; but now he suddenly discovered...the fourth division really belongs to the kind of people who are disgusted when they don't need it. Sometimes it's an indispensable team.

However, it is useless to miss it any more.

He is in the virtual circle, no matter what he thinks, it is impossible for Captain Unozhihua to appear here.

The most urgent task now is to find a way to heal the injuries on his body.

Before he fell into a coma, he only performed simple spiritual sutures on the wounds on his body to prevent himself from dying due to excessive blood loss in a coma.

If this kind of injury is placed on someone else, after so many days, even if the blood loss is avoided, it is basically impossible to wake up again.

For this point, Duan Mu, who is proficient in Hui Dao, naturally cannot fail to understand.

The reason why he was confident that he would not die was because he bet whether he could wake up on his body.

The addition of physique can not only enhance his pure physical strength and defense, but also greatly improve his body's self-healing ability.

Judging from the results, he won the bet!

Although his physical condition is still extremely bad, it is much better than before he fell into a coma, and he is barely out of the dangerous period... No, he can't be called out of the dangerous period until he regains his mobility and is able to escape in a blink of an eye. .

With this in mind, Duan Mu took a closer look at his own state.

The injury caused by forcibly integrating "Breaking the Way 88: Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" into his body has been mostly healed due to the addition of physical fitness. His most serious injury now is that he was chopped off by Neutra on the chest The wound, when he suffered the knife, he did not use the spiritual pressure defense at all, but took it off with his body.

This sickle not only cut his flesh and blood, but even cut off his chest ribs, and his internal organs were also damaged to varying degrees.

However, the stitching of spiritual seeds on the surface of the flesh and blood did not relieve the internal injury at all, and now Duan Mu is extremely difficult to even lift a finger.

In such a state, it is difficult for Duan Mu to stay awake, let alone heal himself.

The only thing that makes him happy is...

The concentration of spirit particles in Xuquan is extremely high, even if he hasn't eaten for many days here, he doesn't feel hungry.

Moreover, the concentration of spiritual particles is high, for Duan Mu, there is another benefit that only he can enjoy.

——Developing Spirit Patterns!

Before coma, in order to avoid self-absorbing spiritual seeds due to the "development of spirit patterns" and revealing his own location, Duan Mu dispelled the spirit patterns in his body at the last moment before coma.

The developmental spirit pattern he created can be engraved on the "Reipressure Core", so that the speed at which the "Reipressure Core" converts the spirit particles in the air into its own spiritual power will be accelerated. The higher the concentration of spirit particles in the atmosphere, the better the effect !

And the treatment of Huidao also has the ability to restore the target's spiritual pressure, or every time when using Huidao, the first step is to restore the treated object's spiritual pressure first, and then cooperate with the restored internal spiritual pressure and the caster's external pressure. Reiatsu cooperates to restore the body.

With the spiritual power generated by the development of the spiritual pattern, it circulates back and forth, even if it has no mobility, Duan Mu can still heal himself from the inside.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu hesitate is...

Once the treatment begins, his location is immediately revealed.

But he has no choice now. Although Duan Mu's physique is strong and his defense is even comparable to Yachukas's steel skin, he does not have the ability to regenerate super fast. With the current injury... if he has nothing If you do it, you may not be able to regain your ability to move after lying down for several years.

Duan Mu really wants to use the detection circuit to check the surrounding situation, but unfortunately he can't even use the detection circuit now.

A cold breath came from his hand, even if he didn't look at it, Duan Mu knew that it was the breath from his own Zanpakutao.

The handle of the long knife seemed to be covered with glue, even though Duan Mu had already let go of his palm, it was still firmly stuck to his hand.

Do childish children who are moaning because of sorrow and grief go to play freely and freely?


That subconscious disgust is not an illusion.

Although the liberation of Zanpakuto was realized in battle, Duan Mu had already experienced the presumptuous and joyful, unreasonable, and annoying feeling of doing things with complete disregard of the consequences, like a brat, a long time ago.

Too similar, but makes him a little disgusted.

I don't know if he sensed Duan Mu's thoughts, the cold breath in his hand became more and more intense.


Open your mouth slightly, exhale a long breath, try to close your palms, hold the Zanpakuto in your hands, and step into the Saber Zen state in a lying posture.

Indistinctly, the strange sound of children playing came to the ears.

Duan Mu didn't pay attention to it, but engraved the developmental spirit pattern in his body, and combined with the external spirit particles attracted by the blade Zen, he started healing for himself from the inside out.


The extremely rich spiritual particles in the atmosphere quickly condensed, forming a ray of light on the surface of Duan Mu's body.

The moment the treatment started, Duan Mu concentrated all his attention in his body, checking the injuries in various parts of his body, so as to adjust the spiritual pressure changes of the Hui Dao in time.


However, Duan Mu didn't know that almost at the same time as he started the treatment, there was a rather excited murmur from the outside world.

"Got you!"

The whispering was not loud, but it was extremely clear in this silent environment.

Looking around, I saw that in the dark forest of Daxu, Ji Lian was lined up in an extremely neat row, accepting the inspection of a young girl.

Tiruti looked excitedly at one of the Kirian, with a sweet smile on his face.

"You, put your feet up."

Kilian, who was pointed at by her, instinctively followed suit. The black coat was slowly lifted, and the soles of the feet that were the same color as the mask, as if wearing white boots, were stretched out in front of Tiruti; and on the soles... It was a young man whose clothes were torn and his trousers had been shredded into strips, barely able to hide his shame.

Duan Mu opened his eyes almost the moment he felt the light from the outside world. When he saw the purple-haired girl in front of him clearly, the corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly.

Although he has always wanted to find a female Xu after he came to the virtual circle...

But this timing is too bad! ?

Facing Duan Mu's gaze, Tiruti blinked.

Originally, her purpose of chasing him was just to kill this god of death, so as to prove her worth to that lord.

But after nearly a week of searching...

On the contrary, she was a little curious about how the god of death, who thought she had escaped, would show a desperate expression after she found it, or how she would beg for mercy.

But Duan Mu's reaction made her a little disappointed.

The expression was not so much despair as it gave people a feeling of 'are you kidding me?', and the behavior after seeing himself was also very strange. At first, he seemed to be instinctively happy for a moment, and then he was desperate.


This situation made Tiruti feel inexplicable for a while.

I don't know whether to be annoyed at the God of Death for not cooperating, or to kill the God of Death directly.

It seems that it would be good to capture him alive and bring him back to Xuye Palace, and lock him up.

After all, the Grim Reaper at the captain level of the Guarding Team Thirteen is an extremely rare creature in the virtual circle. It is obviously a very good way to deal with it, and it can humiliate the Grim Reapers to the greatest extent. .


This kind of thought, she just thought about it, the other party was the god of death who almost killed Yaronilo.

To be on the safe side, beheading him immediately is the best way to deal with it, so as to prevent him from passing the information about Pomian and Ten Blades back to Soul Soul Realm, which will cause trouble for that adult's plan.

How to deal with it?

One of them looked at each other, and these four words appeared in their minds at the same time.

The faint killing intent in Tiruti's eyes made Duan Mu understand that the targeted communication skills he had practiced for many years will finally become his life-saving straw at this moment.


Who came from this female face?

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly. Although there seemed to be such a person in his memory, even Duan Mu, who had always had a good memory, didn't have much impression of her.

"Forget it, let's kill you directly."

Tiruti showed a sweet smile to Duan Mu, but what he said made Duan Mu's heart tighten.

"Tiruti Sandavich."

Tiruti slowly drew out the Zanpakuto from his waist, and said in a cold tone: "This is the name of the person who killed you."

Tiruti Sandavich?

Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he finally remembered the identity of the girl in front of him.


No, she is very likely to be No. 5 among the ten blades now!

Although the time of being eliminated is uncertain, it should not be too far from the date when she loses her ten-blade status.

The blade was slowly lifted, and Tiruti looked at the god of death in front of him, and cut Zanpakuto without hesitation.


"I can make your face broken and become more perfect!"


The sharp piercing sound stopped suddenly, and the sharp light scratched Duan Mu's cheek, but seeing the blade so close at hand, Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Bet right!

He doesn't have a deep impression of Tiruti in his memory, he only knows that after being eliminated from the Ten Blades, the opponent has been eager to prove his worth, and wants to return to the Ten Blades by any means; Make all her efforts fail.

And she herself is even more obsessed with winning to the point of being crazy.

In order to win, she even forcibly peeled off the body that became a burden after returning to the blade. This kind of peeling is not a simple change of shape, but a permanent damage. Because of himself, he cut off his limbs abruptly and discarded them.

Whether it is towards the enemy or towards himself, it can be said that he is extremely cruel.

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