For such a person, a further evolution is definitely very attractive to her!

But this alone doesn't make her escape, she needs to believe that she can do it.

"Although it's just some personal thoughts, as long as you provide me with enough research materials, it will be the best if you can personally cooperate with my research; if you don't believe me, you can try to hold my hand first, although it's just a Rough idea, but more or less should work."

Duan Mu looked at Tiruti with a cold face, and added fire again.

And he dared to say that, naturally he had his confidence.

Duan Mu had studied some Xu before, and he already had a certain understanding of Xu's body structure, but the knowledge that allowed him to analyze Xu so easily was not due to ghosts, nor was it because of his understanding of the broken face in his memory. , but instead...

Develop Spirit Patterns!

Duan Mu's development spirit pattern was created on the basis of the Shiba family's magic spirit pattern.

Although there is a lot of core spirit pattern knowledge, only the blood of the Zhibo family can learn and display it.

But after creating the developmental spirit pattern, Duan Mu also obtained the advanced knowledge of the spiritual pattern that is slightly different from that of the Shiba family under systematic deduction. It was this knowledge that allowed him to research the virtual structure so quickly.

To know……

When every shallow sword is forged, the inscription for "extradition of the soul and purification of the void" will naturally appear on the handle. This inscription was created by the ancestor of the Shiba family and integrated into the rules; it can be said that Zhibo In addition to studying the method of becoming a living sacrifice, the family spirit pattern also has a very high attainment in the study of virtual reality.

Duan Mu has studied it before, although his own developmental inscriptions cannot be applied to the god of death, but it has an unexpected effect on Xu. After that, it was directly exploded by the greatly increased spiritual power in the body.

But if there are enough experimental materials, even breaking the surface to cooperate with their own research, coupled with systematic deduction...

Although Duan Mu can't create a broken face, he still has a certain degree of confidence in further evolving the existing broken face, although the purpose of his initial research was to turn Xu's innate abilities into his own.

Tiruti stared at Duan Mu's eyes, and didn't give an answer immediately.

After the two looked at each other for a long time, Tiruti slowly withdrew the Zanpakuto, and said in a gloomy tone, "I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise I will definitely let you usher in the most painful death."

While speaking, she slowly bent down and reached out to hold Duan Mukong's left hand.

Almost the moment her hands came into contact, she felt a wave of spiritual power covering her body along the palm of her hand, as if she was depicting something.

A look of wariness flashed in Tiruti's eyes.

But the next second...

This vigilance turned into unbelievable! !


Chapter 135 Research Progress


The strange howling sound was deafening, full of wailing.

Standing in the extremely vast and huge cave, Tiruti looked a little strange, and the uninterrupted wailing made her feel a little uneasy.

I saved a god of death...

If only that's the case.

But at the same time as saving the god of death, he actually kept capturing his own kind for him to study.Of course, she didn't feel guilty, or felt sad.

After all, the void is the existence of devouring each other.

In Tiruti's eyes, those animals with worrying intelligence, or even no intelligence at all, are just some snacks and tools.

It doesn't matter if Xu dies or not, but to help Death God study Xu, no matter how she thinks about it, she thinks it is very problematic.


The increasingly fanatical expression on Duan Mu's face made her even more uneasy. After half a month, she always felt that the guy looked at her more and more dangerously, as if she wanted to pull herself from the inside to the outside. Study everything outside.

I just want to become stronger so that I can help that adult more.

Tiruti kept repeating in his heart, as if trying to convince himself.


The screams gradually weakened until they disappeared.

Duan Mu stared intently at Killian who was gradually disappearing in front of him, a pensive look flashed in his eyes.

"Any gains?"

Duan Mu's contemplation was interrupted by Tiruti's voice, he shook his head slightly: "It can be said that there is, but it can also be said that there is no."

It is impossible to research a method that can make the broken face evolve within half a month.

No matter how comprehensive the knowledge given by the system in Duan Mu's mind is, it is extremely difficult to study new life forms, so Duan Mu did not aim too high.

In the past half a month, the direction of his research is not the method of making the face evolve, but to find out the direction of the evolution of the face.

Breaking the face can also be called the deification of death.

Ordinary Void, Killian, Yachukas, Vastord... No matter what Void, you can break the upper limit of life level by breaking the face, so as to obtain the Reiatsu of the God of Death, and let the Reiatsu of your own Void and the spirit of the God of Death Press mix, and both will be further enhanced.

And after breaking the face, Xu will get the Zanpakuto like the god of death, but unlike the god of death, the Zanpakuto of the broken face is actually the sword of part of Xu's own power, which is sealed by the "spiritual core" of the broken face made.Therefore, the ability of Shamian Zanpakuto is often related to the ability of Shamian Zanpakuto, but it has evolved with the improvement of life level.

Therefore, the liberation of the broken sword is also called returning to the edge. After the liberation, all the power can be released, and the true posture of returning to the virtual can also be said to be the most suitable posture for fighting.

However, the true posture returned after returning to the blade is not the posture of the "xu" in front of the broken, because whether it is an ordinary virtual, or Killian, Achukas, etc... after their face-shattering, the returning blade still assumes a human form , instead of completely changing back to the various forms before breaking the surface.

And here is the problem.

The release of the sword of the god of death can display the various abilities of Zanpakuto and increase one's own spiritual pressure. It is a method to enhance combat effectiveness.

But the returning edge of breaking the face is to release the power of its own seal, that is to say, this is the power already possessed after the breaking of the face, but it is usually in the sealed state.

Take Tiruti, whom Duan Mu is most familiar with, as an example. Before she broke her face, she was a Yachukas in the shape of a finch.

After breaking the surface, after breaking the limit barrier, while raising the upper limit, she also forcibly raised her lower limit because of the integration of the Reaper Spirit Pressure; even in the current normal state, she has both Reaper and Void Spirits She is so oppressive that she has the spiritual pressure strength of the top vice-captain level.

After returning to the sword, he can increase his spiritual pressure proficiency by about 10 to 20, and become a captain-level existence.

Forced often means harmful.

According to Tiruti, most Yachukas, including her, have an evolutionary limit, and face-breaking is the way to forcefully break through this limit; after forcibly breaking through the limit, the strength can be greatly improved, but it is not It's not that this evolution limit will never exist, but it has been raised as mentioned earlier.

Moreover, due to the forced breaking, coupled with the imperfect breaking method, her upper limit has become more indestructible, and the possibility of further evolution is zero.

Although it's just a guess...

But Duan Mu has a feeling that after Lan Ran got the complete Bengyu, the reason why he gave up the original ten blades that were completely researched and created by himself; it is very likely that these first generation ten blades were completely lost because of the imperfect breaking method possibility of evolution.

Tiruti has reached the upper limit again, and if she wants to improve her strength, she can only continue to evolve; and if Duan Mu's guess is true, it means that she has lost the possibility of evolution.

Therefore, it is impossible to break the life level barrier again and raise her upper limit again, because when she first broke the surface, she no longer had the so-called 'barrier'; it can also be said... the current posture is her ultimate life Form, in her body, there is no such thing as breaking the "upper limit of life forms"!

The 9th Ten Blades: Yaronilo Eluruyeli.

He is also the first generation of Ten Blades, and the reason why he was not eliminated is precisely because his ability allows him to gain strength enhancement in the "ultimate life form".

The "infinite evolution" he mentioned is not the evolution of "life form", but the evolution of strength obtained through one's own ability.

As for the other ten blades that were eliminated, they didn't even have the possibility of 'evolving in strength'. With the improvement of their face-shattering skills, it's normal for them to be eliminated!

What Aizen can't do, Duan Mu naturally can't do.

So at the beginning of his research, he gave up the path of 'evolution of life form', and turned to research to make Tiruti in the 'final life form', like Aronilo, capable of 'evolution in strength' possibility.

And this possibility is exactly the developmental spirit pattern created by Duan Mu after a little bit of feasibility... and then deduced by the system.

His developmental spirit pattern is a technique that acts on the core of spiritual pressure and forcibly improves the efficiency of the core of spiritual pressure to transform his own spiritual pressure. The increase in pressure is far faster than the normal death.

Although Xu does not have the core of spiritual pressure in the body of the god of death, he has a "spiritual core" after breaking the surface. This spiritual core is the same as the core of spiritual pressure, and it is also the core of spiritual pressure, and it is also the core of life. Energy, if damaged, will die on the spot...

It can be said that although the two forms are different, their functions are exactly the same, except that one is the core of the spiritual body and the other is the core of the incorporeal body, and the nature of the spiritual pressure is different.

This shows that it is entirely possible for the development of the spiritual pattern to act on the spiritual core, and then let Tiruti, who has lost the possibility of growth, further increase the spiritual pressure.

But before that, it is necessary to fully understand the nature of the spiritual core.

The reason why Duan Mu was able to create a developmental spirit pattern... Even if it is only a trace of feasibility, is entirely dependent on his contact with and research on many spiritual bodies.

Ordinary people in Liuhun Street, prisoners in the nest of maggots, patients in the comprehensive rescue center... There are at least tens of thousands of people in total to create such a possibility.

Ordinary voids don't have a 'spiritual core', only broken voids have this kind of 'spiritual core', so no matter how much Duan Mu studies voids, he can't figure out the nature of the spiritual core.

But he can only deduce the birth method and structure of the spiritual core by studying the void, the reason is very simple...

There are too few broken faces! !

In the past half a month, at his request, Tiruti arrested some subordinate officials or face-shattering experimental subjects in the Void Night Palace in the name of 'offended', but the total was less than ten people.

Even if Duan Mu has been very careful with these rare experimental products, the longest survival time among them is only three days.

Fortunately, under the alternate research of Xu and Pomian, he has gradually felt some feelings.

Although I really want Tiruti to go back to the Xuye Palace to catch a few Pomian... but catching ten Pomian in half a month has already caused dissatisfaction among other Pomian. This kind of thing happened often, but no one suspected that Tiruti scratched his face for other purposes.

But continuing to catch it like this will inevitably attract attention, but the superficial attention is actually good, but it is not good to be targeted by the actual BOSS of Xuye Palace.


Duan Mu felt that the news that he was in the virtual circle and that he had fought with Ten Blades might have already reached that person's ears.

Duan Mu couldn't help feeling uneasy every time he thought of this.

Although Seireitei seems to know a little bit about Pomian, the existence of the 'Ten Blades' is a secret. Who knows if that person will keep himself in the The virtual circle, or... simply get rid of yourself when you leave the virtual circle and return to the present world or the soul world.

Is it okay if you don't report it?

Do not……

Because it is impossible for him to run up to Aizen and tell them, I know Ten Blades is your subordinate, and I swear that I will never tell Seireitei about Ten Blades; if he does this, Duan Mu will either be killed directly, Either find a way to become Aizen's lackey.

Instead of going to Aizen, he simply did not report to Sei Lingting what he had encountered in the virtual circle, so as not to attract Aizen's hostility, which is even more unacceptable.

Because of the news of the battle between him and Ten Blades, it is impossible for Aizen to not know. With that character, if he doesn't say anything, he will doubt whether he has discovered something, or have some secret plans, and what will happen to Duan Mu at that time Ditto.

So after Duan Mu returned, he had to report his experience in Xuquan and the existence of Ten Blades. This was not for Seireitei, but for Aizen... Although it is a bit weird to say so.

For Duan Mu, the best result is that Aizen doesn't care about Ten Blades' information being known to Seilingting, anyway, Duan Mu has only two Ten Blades in contact with him.

As for the fact that this will expose Aizen as the 'king' of the virtual circle, there is no need to worry at all.

Because of the existence of the Void Night Palace...

In fact, Seling Court has always known, and it is very clear that the king of Xuye Palace is Balegon Ruisenbang. Even now, the "king" on the surface of Xuquan has not changed, and even many Xu don't know their identity. 'King' is no longer the one sitting on the throne of the Xuye Palace.

So after knowing the existence of the ten blades, Seireitei would only think that the ten blades were summoned by Balegon from all over the virtual circle.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid suspicion, the last possibility is the highest.

After all, Duan Mu was killed outside just after he left the virtual circle, and some smart people in the Lingling Court will inevitably wonder if there is someone in the Lingling Court who doesn't want Duan Mu to bring some news back.

But killing Duan Mu in the virtual circle can avoid this kind of trouble.

For the sake of safety, Duan Mu hid all his aura during these days, and in this cave, with Tiruti's spiritual pressure as the core, he laid out various spiritual patterns such as sound insulation, vibration reduction, and odor elimination... and it is still in Tiruti. Ruti went out and opened up a series of secret passages.

It can be said that as long as Tiruti doesn't betray him, Duan Mu can get away even if Aizen comes to find him in person.

Although the consequences of fighting with Ten Blades made Duan Mu feel uneasy.


No regrets! !

Duan Mu still has no regrets about the war with Yaronilo, even if he is awake.

In the past, every time Duan Mu added experience points to attributes other than Reiatsu, he would regret it afterwards, but this time, he only regretted not killing Yaronilo with the last blow.


"Can you do it?"

Tiruti looked at Duan Mu who was frowning, and said with a complicated expression: "And..."

After hesitating for a while, Tiruti swallowed back the next words. She originally wanted to ask you, the god of death, why you want to help me improve my strength.But when the words came to her lips, thinking of the two weeks together, she didn't know whether she should ask.


For the past half month, the other party has really been looking for ways to help him improve his strength.

Even in order to make himself feel at ease, without her request, he mutilated himself again and again, slowing down the speed of his recovery from his injuries, and letting his life be completely under his control.

And as the time spent together got longer, he seemed to believe in himself more and more. Without affecting his ability to move, his self-harm injuries became more and more serious.

(I will definitely make you stronger!!)

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