"And after the formation of virtual lines, it will not make you stronger now."

Facing Tiruti's puzzled eyes, Duan Mu smiled and said: "Creating and evolving Poface are far from what I can do, what I can do is... let your 'spiritual core' reorganize , and evolved, so there will be no increase in your current posture."

"Is it the increase of the returning blade?" Tiruti's eyes lit up.

Although her normal state would not be boosted, she felt disappointed for a moment, but if her Returning Blade could become stronger, it wouldn't matter how normal it was, after all, they would choose to use Returning Blade in battle.

"Yes, but also no!"


"The existence of Xuwen will not make you return to the blade stronger, or even the same as before. But the existence of Xuwen can absorb spiritual particles by itself, and store these spiritual particles, so that you can perform..."

"Second Return to Blade!"

"It's not impossible even to return to the blade three times, so I said that this is the strengthening of the 'spiritual core', and it can also be said that it is the strengthening of the Zanpakuto in your hand."

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu continued: "You can take your first returning blade as breaking the seal and display your true strength; the second returning blade is regarded as the initial solution of the Shinigami Zanpakuto, and the third returning blade is the death sword. The Swastika of the soul knife and the evolution of the spiritual core will drive the change in the shape of your return blade, and what the final change will depend on your own ability."

The second time... or even the third time?

Tiruti's pupils shrank, is such a thing really possible?

This is the first time she has heard that Pomian can perform a second return to the blade, and even that adult has not done it! !

Although she believed in Duan Mu very much, it was too unbelievable for her to return to the blade twice or three times.

"Is such a thing really possible?"

"Because it's me, it's possible."

Duan Mu said confidently, and secretly added in his heart: There is still a system...

"I hope what you say is true."

Tiruti nodded, restrained all the spiritual pressure in his body, and lay down in front of Duan Mu defenselessly and unreservedly. If Duan Mu wanted to... he could be killed in an instant.

"You are free and easy."

Duan Mu shook his head with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Tiruti's abdomen, but then he seemed to have thought of something, retracted his palm, and turned to use spiritual pressure to condense a spiritual blade, and cut it off... Part of the flesh and blood was cut off abruptly.

The blood continued to flow down the place where the flesh was peeled off, making Tiruti's face change involuntarily while lying on the stone platform.

"You should have discovered it too. My body is a bit special, and I have the ability to hide my breath."

As Duan Mu said, he ground the cut flesh and blood into a bloody mud with spiritual pressure, and penetrated his own spiritual pressure into it: "I will use my flesh and blood to form a spiritual pattern to hide my Breath, so as long as you don't use the second returning blade, no one but me will be able to notice the changes in you, and this should be able to avoid a lot of trouble for you."

Speaking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but laugh: "Does this mean that you have my flesh and blood in your body?"

Tiruti couldn't help but glanced at Duan Mu when he heard the words, and then turned his head to the side: "Hmph, instead of helping me avoid trouble, why not help yourself avoid trouble?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "I don't want that adult you speak of to know about me."

"Don't worry, if it's true as you said, I can perform the second return of the blade, as long as I don't encounter a life-and-death crisis, I will not use the second return of the blade, nor will I tell other people about you ...including that adult."

After Tiruti finished speaking, he changed the topic: "Don't think too much, I didn't do this for you, I just kept my cards. Anyway, with my strength, in most battles, I only need to return to the blade once. Already!"


Duan Mu nodded, then changed his expression, and said in a serious tone: "I'm going to start!"

Flesh, blood, and spiritual pressure, the mixture of the three changed rapidly in Duan Mu's hands, and finally turned into transparent runes like branches.

Almost at the moment when the rune appeared, the incomparably rich spiritual particles in the virtual circle rushed towards the cave where the two were located like a tsunami.

All kinds of hidden spirit patterns engraved around the cave were buzzing and trembling in front of the massive number of spirit particles, as if they were about to collapse at any moment.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's expression darkened, and he quickened his movements.



The berserk spirits quickly gathered. If viewed from the outside of the cave, there seemed to be a huge hole above the cave, and the spirits were poured into the cave crazily along the funnel.

But apart from the visual effects, due to the existence of those hidden spirit patterns, there was no aura; it just attracted countless eyes around the cave, and an inexplicable sense of longing emerged in my heart, and I couldn't help walking towards that place. The caves where the huge funnel is located converged.

In the blink of an eye, dense voids gathered outside the cave.

clap clap ~ ~

At this moment, there seemed to be a sound of collapse, followed by an incomparably manic spiritual storm, which spread to the entire virtual circle in an instant, even the broken souls in the virtual night palace. His expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to find the location of the spirit storm.


The spiritual storm only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. The short time made it impossible for them to detect where the inexplicable breath came from.

Except for the countless virtual ones scattered around the cave.

The moment the spiritual storm appeared, all of them were agitated, and even Ji Lian tended to instinctively gather towards this side.

Time passed by little by little, just as these ghosts were about to enter the cave.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a petite figure like a dexterous swallow appeared out of thin air, with a scream from its mouth.

brush brush brush...

In the area covered by the screeching sound, all creatures collapsed one after another as if cut by an invisible blade.

In the blink of an eye, the entire area.

Whether it's those miscellaneous fish, Kirian, or even Yachukas!

Everything was turned into dust under the sound waves formed by the screams.

But the figure that turned into a flying swallow didn't stop, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Duan Mu's figure appeared in front of the cave, looking at the direction Feiyan was going away with a look of shock in his eyes.

Always felt……

I seem to have created a monster! !

He could clearly feel that those biological auras that could witness the previously changed areas were disappearing at an incredible speed.

— Extinction!

Even though he knew very well in his heart that Tiruti was trying to hide it for himself, but this kind of crazy solution made Duan Mu couldn't help grinning.

Moreover, this is only the second return to blade.

If Tiruti has mastered Returning Blade three times...

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly decided that in the future, he must never remake the broken face indiscriminately!

I don't know if it's because of the addition of his own flesh and blood, but the effect of the "spiritual core" after Tiruti's recasting is far beyond the original effect of Xuwen, and Duan Mu even felt at that moment. Overwhelmed by fear, there is a feeling that he has created a creature that should not exist.

Good thing...

[Tiruti's favorability +1, gain 13000 experience points, current favorability: 60]

As Duan Mu expected, at the moment when the spiritual core was successfully recast, Tiruti's favorability for him directly increased from the original 40 points to the full value of 60 points.

Moreover, the experience value added by each point of favorability has also been greatly increased after the soul core is recast.

Originally 40 points of favorability, 1 point of favorability only provided Duan Mu with 4800 experience points, but after the spiritual core was recast, 1 point of favorability directly provided Duan Mu with 6500 experience points; when it reached 50 points, Each point provided Duan Mu with 13000 experience points.

Current experience points: 239450

It was more than 4 experience points higher than what Duan Mu originally estimated.

Although this value is far less terrifying than that of Uno Hana Lie, it has already surpassed Captain Broken Bee. It can be said...

According to the system's judgment, the strength of Tiruti's second-stage return to the blade is much stronger than that of Broken Bee or the captain of the same level.


There is no way to judge how strong it is, but killing the current self is probably the same as playing.

After all, in just half a minute, the Xu who died in the hands of Tiruti has reached the point where there are countless pieces of wood.

The only pity is...

Tiruti's favorability towards him did not break through to 61, otherwise he would have nearly 37 experience points now. If all of them were added to the spirit pressure, his spirit pressure strength would immediately be comparable to those of the captains who are in the middle comparable to.

No wonder, though.

Because the void is transformed by the undead after years of mourning and torture, the unique void represents the emptiness in the heart; this makes many voids lack a lot of emotion, and even do not understand what the "heart" is, so what to talk about What to like or not.


The void shook, and Tiruti, who had returned to normal, leaped down from the midair with an excited face, and then hung directly on Duan Mu's body.

"You are too powerful, I have never felt so powerful!"

Holding Duan Mu's neck, Tiruti jumped for a while. After Duan Mu gave a wry smile, in order to avoid being dragged down, he had to bend down so that Tiruti's feet could touch the ground.

He didn't think much about it, because the favorability already showed that this was just a celebration after Tiruti was happy.

Rather than being ambiguous, it's better to hook shoulders between brothers!

And the fact is the same, after being excited for a while, Tiruti jumped down, and said expectantly: "Is it really possible to realize the three-stage return to the blade?"

"It's entirely possible!"

Duan Mu pondered for a while and nodded: "But don't worry, when I have a better grasp of Xuwen, I will make changes for you again."


Tiruti was overjoyed when he heard the words, but then he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Although I have eliminated all the ghosts who saw the abnormal situation, the previous movement may attract others, so I will send you there now." present world."

"Wait, before that, can you teach me something first?"


"The technique of tearing space and virtual flash, virtual exclusive abilities!!"


Chapter 137 The perfect master?

Karakura Town and Sannomiya District.

In the early morning, office workers and students step out of their homes one after another, crowding in every corner of the city, making the city extremely noisy at this moment.

But not all places are so lively. The Urahara store, which is only one street away from the main road, is extremely deserted on the small road outside the store. It takes a long time for an old man with heavy steps to walk by the road in front of the store.

But even these elderly strollers don't take a look at the Urahara store.

In front of the Urahara store, a little boy with red hair waved a broom and chased after a little girl with two braids.

"Who is afraid of an idiot like Tessai... I only sweep the floor because I want to, not because he... huh?"

The broom raised by the little boy stopped him in mid-air, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move it at all, as if he was caught by an invisible hand.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there really is a distinguished guest here."

The sliding door of the shop was slowly opened, and two men, one tall and one short, came out, and the shorter one who spoke was none other than Kisuke Urahara.

"Jinta, Yu, stop making trouble."

And the burly man next to him yelled at the quarrelsome Er Xiao: "Get ready to welcome the distinguished guests."


The little girl named Xiao Yu nodded, while the little boy looked at the broom that was stagnant in mid-air, and saw a hand holding the broom at some point, and behind the broom was a human head.

That's right.

It is the head.

The visitor seemed to be hidden by the refracted light, with only one hand and head exposed.

"Little Red Hair, don't bully girls casually."

Duan Mu met the eyes of the two children, smiled gently, and then let go of the broom.


Mrs. Jin took back the broom, curled her lips and said, "I don't want to be educated by an adult who runs wild in the street."


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