The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly, and the smile on his face couldn't be maintained for a moment.

Hmm... He is still a child... There is no need to argue with him. At most, he will be more careful when he gets to Soul Society!

"Jinta, don't talk nonsense."

Kisuke Urahara reprimanded him, then stepped aside to open the store door, and said with a gesture of invitation: "Boss Duan Mu, please come in and have a rest first, you must be very tired now after staying in a place like Xuquan for a month ?”

"The news about store manager Urahara is really well-informed as always."

Duan Mu chuckled, not feeling the slightest surprise.

Because although this guy is in the real world, he has full control over the movements of the soul world, knowing that it is normal for him to be trapped in the virtual circle during this time.


Duan Mu took a closer look at Kisuke Urahara, and a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, it wasn't him?

As soon as he arrived in the virtual circle, he encountered Aronilo and Neutra one after another. He had never had any conversations with the Fujiwara brothers and sisters, so even now, Duan Mu didn't know why the brothers and sisters were trapped in the virtual circle. .

Although he had the opportunity to take the two of them away during the half minute of controlling Neutra, but he was able to conceal his breath and escape Neutra's detection circuit, but it was impossible for his brother and sister, and they could only choose to give up in the end. Go save the two.

Before leaving the virtual circle, Duan Mu tried to search, but did not find the slightest trace of the two brothers and sisters. If there is no accident, the two brothers and sisters should have been killed by Neutra as a prop to vent their anger.

Although I haven't figured out why the Fujiwara brothers and sisters are trapped in the virtual circle.

But there is one thing Duan Mu can be sure of. When he first arrived in the virtual circle, someone had been watching him secretly. It wasn't until the end of his battle with Neutra that he hid his breath and fled. disappear completely.

Duan Mu chose to hide traces of his own existence during the month in the virtual circle. In addition to guarding against Lan Ran, the inexplicable sense of surveillance is also a reason.

There are not many people who can monitor the virtual circle, Kisuke Urahara in front of him is one of them.

However, after seeing Kisuke Urahara, Duan Mu had a faint feeling that the person who watched him should not be Kisuke Urahara.


After entering the shop, Duan Mu went directly into the back room of the shop, and replaced the tattered cloak that Tiruti had given him with a new set of black overalls.

After putting on the loose overalls and black boots, Duan Mu felt extremely comfortable all over his body.

"How does it feel?"

Kisuke Urahara looked at Duan Mu who came out of the back room, unfolded the folding fan in his hand, and said with a strange smile: "This time, don't just treat it as a consumable."


Duan Mu who had just walked out of the back room was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned dark.

"Since I found out, as a partner, shouldn't you come and help me?"

The only time I used the black overalls given by Kisuke Urahara as consumables was when I was fighting with Ginjo Kugo.

"Boss Duan Mu, have you forgotten that I am still a 'Wanted Criminal' in Soul Society?"

Kisuke Urahara supported the brim of his hat: "Last time when you fought those two full-managers, both the supervisory team and the Technology Development Bureau focused on you alone. In that case, I can only choose Watching from the sidelines." After that, he chuckled: "Besides, with your strength, Boss Duan Mu, I believe you will be able to survive."


Duan Mu let out a hehe, and sat cross-legged on the tatami mat with his shoes on. Seeing this, Ling Tiezhai at the side subconsciously wanted to stop him, but then he remembered that this set of clothes, including the shoes, was brand new... There is no problem on tatami.

"Of course, in order to prevent Boss Duan Mu from encountering the same incident as last time, in addition to the one you are wearing, I also made five additional sets of replacement costumes for you." Kisuke Urahara paused, with a smile on his face. Smiling: "However, according to the content of the contract, Boss Duan Mu, you need to provide me with some research materials."

research material……

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, why did this sound so awkward?

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you later."

Duan Mu didn't refuse, but instead asked for another purpose: "Since you know that I went to Xuquan, you should also have some understanding of why I went to Xuquan."

"of course."

"What happened to the Fujiwara brothers and sisters?"

"Five additional blood."

"I don't want to bargain with you, one share per person, you tell me how their brothers and sisters went to the virtual circle, I will provide you with two extra blood, anyway, my commission this time also failed, and the reason for the investigation is not in the content of my commission .”

"make a deal!"

Urahara Kisuke's face suddenly burst into a smile, and then his tone changed, and he said with a serious expression: "I don't know what happened, because when I went to investigate afterwards, someone had already cleaned up the scene, and I was still there Traces of space freezing have been detected."

"The so-called space freezing refers to the frozen area. No matter what happens, it will not cause damage to the surrounding environment, and no breath will escape; in addition, the incident happened 22KM away from Karakura Town. Kagamino City, so when the incident happened, even I didn’t notice anything unusual.”

Duan Muxu focused his eyes and said: "Such a well-known matter, can it be called intelligence?"

"Well, well, listen to me."

Kisuke Urahara waved his hand, and said with a smile, "Although I went a bit late, I still used some special methods to restore some remnants of spirit seeds."


When Duan Mu heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

If it was to collect the remnants of spirit particles, it would not make him have such a big reaction, but recovery... As the name suggests, it is to reunite the spirit particles that have already dissipated by unknown means. Even the technology development bureaus may not be able to do it.

Moreover, it is still in this world where spirit seeds are weak.

Sure enough, I still can't relax my vigilance against this guy.

"Although there are not many samples, according to my analysis, I found that besides the samples of Shinigami and Xu, there was also a very special sample of spiritual seeds." Kisuke Urahara looked up at Duan Mu and said, "Then You are no stranger to the owner of the spiritual seed sample, Boss Duan Mu, he was the Fullemerent who had a brief contact with you when you came to this world last time."


Duan Mu frowned slightly, and the fog of doubt in his heart not only did not dissipate, but became more and more dense.

He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that a fullbringer would be involved in this matter.

Is it Ginjo Kugo and the others?


Although Ginjo Kugo is good, but under the pursuit of the soul world, he is just a street mouse. It is not easy to hide his tracks, and he is not qualified or capable of planning such a sophisticated plan.

Although this incident took place in the present world, there are various indications that the high-level officials of the soul world were secretly involved.


The status of this high-level must be extremely high!

Because whether it is to issue a space freeze command or to guide Jin Yinhui to come to him, and he knows Mao 46 very well, he knows that Room 46 will not launch a secret maneuver for the two noble members, plus he can monitor the person in the virtual circle. Own……

No matter which point, it is not what Ginjo Kugo can do.

But apart from Ginjo Kugo and his gang, even if Duan Mu searched through all his memories, he couldn't find any information about the Fullbringer other than Ginjō Kugo and his gang.

"I've finished sharing the information in my hands. I don't know Mr. Duan Mu, you..."

Kisuke Urahara looked directly at Duan Mu, and said in a solemn tone: "Can you tell me about your experience in Xuquan."


Duan Mu chuckled: "Three sets of super-light speed transfer piles or..." Duan Mu turned his head to look at Lingtiezhai who was standing aside, and said softly: "This former leader of ghosts, the time stop and space transfer Teach me two forbidden techniques."

"I advise you that it is better not to use forbidden techniques."

Hishitsuzhai shook his head: "This kind of forbidden technique that will cause time and space disorder in the soul world will be discovered by Mao Room 46 once it is cast, and you will end up in the same end as us."

For Duan Mu to know his identity, Hualing Tiezhai is not surprised at all.

Because strictly speaking...

This young man can be said to be Mr. Urahara's successor, and now he is the captain of the third secret mobile unit and supervision team. It is not easy to look up the information of these wanted criminals.

"Is it impossible to hide the fluctuations cast?"

"no way."

Holding Ling Tiezhai shook his head: "It is not the local space that is affected, but the world of Souls and Souls itself. That kind of influence cannot be concealed."

"Then three sets of transfer piles."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words. He couldn't use it after learning it. Naturally, there is no need to learn it. Anyway, he has mastered some space skills that have no negative effects, but they are not convenient to use.

If the side effects are really as what Lingtiezhai said, then even if Room 46 did not prohibit it, Duan Mu would not use it at will.

In comparison, the transfer pile is more useful.

In this way, he can quickly shuttle through Liuhun Street in the east, south, and north. When he is free in the future, he can also go to other areas to receive some commissions, earn some experience points, and make friends with the death gods from each department.


After this incident, Duan Mu found that there are still many fogs that have not been uncovered in Seiringting, which he thought he knew very well.

He wanted to make his old lair, that is, the connections in Liuhun Street as strong as possible.

The water in Seireitei is really too deep, and there are countless monsters hidden in the water. Compared with it, Liuhun Street can be called a paradise in terms of safety.

"no problem!"

Kisuke Urahara agreed very readily: "However, this is something created by Captain Mayuri Mayori. I probably need to study it for a while, and then I will find a way to send the transfer pile to Ms. Kuzuru."

"Seven sets of clothes, please send them along with the transfer pile."

Duan Mu nodded, and then told Kisuke Urahara what happened after he arrived in the virtual circle, as well as the information about Aronilo and Neutra. Report, Kisuke Urahara will not be difficult to find out by then.

In Duan Mu's view, exchanging this kind of information that will soon be known to the public for three sets of transfer piles is simply a lucrative deal.

However, he will not reveal anything about Tiruti, whether it is Urahara Kisuke or Soul Society.

He just said that after barely escaping, he recuperated for half a month, then searched for nearly half a month, and finally beheaded a void after tearing the space, and returned to the present world using the void created by it.

After exchanging information, Duan Mu glanced at Kisuke Urahara with a pensive expression on his face, got up and said, "I have to leave, this time is different from the last time, if my breath disappears for too long after I come back, it is very likely that it will cause trouble. Come to doubt."

"rest assured."

Urahara Kisuke smiled and said: "I have already prepared for this point. When you came here, I have already used the spiritual pressure you left last time to let 'you' wait in the Cherry Blossom Natural Park when you came to this world last time." , It will take about 10 minutes from capturing your breath to opening the world-transmitting door and crossing the broken world."

"And since you entered my shop, it's been exactly 6 minutes, which is quite ample in terms of time."

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words, subconsciously released his perception, and found that it was exactly as Urahara Kisuke said...

At this time, my spiritual pressure reaction is in the cherry blossom natural park.


Duan Mu thanked him, although it was only a few minutes of disappearance, it was not difficult to deal with it perfunctorily, but the place he was in before was too special, Kisuke Urahara's measures could save him a lot of trouble.

Although there is plenty of time, Duan Mu did not continue to stay in the Urahara store.

Anyway, the purpose of coming here has already been achieved, and Ye Yi is not in the store, and staying there is meaningless except to chat with the newborn little loli to improve her affection.

After arriving at the Cherry Blossom Nature Park, the spiritual pressure that belonged to Duan Mu dissipated immediately, and Duan Mu released his own spiritual pressure at the same time as it dissipated.

About 3 more minutes passed.

The void opened like a door, and black-clothed and masked figures stepped out of it, surrounding Duan Mu.

"Duan Mu, come with us."

Broken Bee's icy voice came from the world-transmitting gate, but she didn't walk out of the world-transmitting gate, but stood in the broken world and waited for Duan Mu to come by herself.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's frown relaxed.

Because although the broken bee's tone is cold, it is obviously not the posture to arrest him, otherwise, with the broken bee's character, he will rush out of the world-transmitting gate immediately before Xing Jun, blocking his escape path, not as he is now Standing in the middle of the world-transmitting gate like this, let yourself go there on your own.

This has implicitly expressed her attitude to Duan Mu.


Omaeda, the idiot, was standing behind Sui Feng, winking at himself, as if telling himself not to be nervous.

However, after being glared at by Broken Bee, he hastily turned his head aside.

"Thank you."

Duan Mu smiled slightly at the surrounding Xing Jun, and all the Xing Jun shook their heads subconsciously, but then realized that they should not respond now, and all froze in place with their heads tilted.

"Captain Broken Bee."

Duan Mu stepped into the world-transmitting gate, stood behind the broken bee and said, "I have some information about the virtual circle, and I need to report it to you."

"I'll talk about it after I go back. Now that the captain's meeting has been held, you can go to the first team with me later, and report at the meeting."

Captain meeting?

Duan Mu was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly became a little strange, although he had expected to be asked about his experience in the virtual circle when he came back.

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