But he really didn't expect that the Guarding Team [-] would actually hold a captain's meeting because of him. No wonder Suifeng would come to the world to pick him up in person with this attitude of arresting people.


Chapter 138 Captain’s Meeting

The first team, located on the side of a mountain in the central area of ​​Seireitei, hangs on the mountain like a hanging temple.

This is the real center of Seireitei, and the other [-] teams are basically in a circle, with the first team as the center and divided into various parts of Seireitei.

After entering the area of ​​the team building, there is a long corridor on the left.

This corridor is not the road leading to the team building of the first team, but to the headquarters of the Gotei [-] team connected to the team building of the first team, and it is also the place where Captain Yamamoto gives orders and holds the captain's meeting.

Duan Mu and Da Maeda walked side by side, followed behind Suifeng, walked through the long corridor, and stopped in front of a building with a huge door, with a huge "one" engraved in the center of the door.

Standing in front of the door, Broken Bee didn't knock on the door, or shout anything, but stood still for more than ten seconds, and then directly opened the door in front of him.


As if they had found a vent point, the dull air flowed out along the gaps. Even though everyone in the building restrained their spiritual pressure, the gathering of more than a dozen captains and adjutants still made the air extremely heavy.

Duan Mu's expression froze, and the slack that had appeared in his heart due to being promoted to the captain rank disappeared in an instant.

It is true that he has a leader-level spiritual pressure...

But in front of these people, he is just a kid who has just entered the captain rank.

There is never a shortage of talents in the world of souls, and the captains of many teams will go through a replacement every few decades or nearly a hundred years; among these people present, even if they add all 24 experience points to the spiritual pressure, probably It is equivalent to the captain who has been in office for a short time, and this is still without a swastika.

Duan Mu raised his eyes and saw a group of captains lined up in two rows according to their team numbers, and behind each of them was the deputy captain standing close to the wall.

"The handsome guy from Division [-] took sick leave, and the researcher from Division [-] locked himself in the laboratory without notification."

After seeing Suifeng walk in, a middle-aged man wearing a hat and a floral dress over the captain's haori, smiled slightly, and said in a funny tone: "All the rest of the captains are here, is it okay?" The meeting has started, and I've only drunk half of the wine, so I'll be warm if I don't hurry back."

"Well, to be able to see a new face with captain-level spiritual pressure, this meeting has been very fruitful."

A gentle voice came, and the person who spoke was a man with glasses standing second on the left. The man's eyes were gentle, which naturally gave people an inexplicable sense of intimacy. It seemed... When talking to Duan Mu and a woman They are very similar, the only difference is probably that he has the same attitude regardless of gender.

And Chu Sentao behind the man with glasses secretly winked at Duan Mu.

Besides her, Matsumoto Ranju, who was standing behind a white-haired elementary school student, also waved at Duan Mu boldly. Fortunately, she also knew that this place was not a place where you could yell at will, and she did not see Duan Mu as usual. Duan Mu yelled to have a drink.

"That's true."

The middle-aged man in Huayi who spoke first nodded: "If the handsome guy is here, he should be very interested in him."


Standing in the first place on the left, the young man squinting his eyes with a fox-like expression said with a smile, "It's scary to be able to possess such a strong Reiatsu without making a sound."

The man with glasses standing beside him shook his head and said, "It's appropriate to say this from anyone, but it's not appropriate to say it from you and Captain Hitsugaya."


The white-haired boy in front of Matsumoto Rangiku said angrily, "Don't bring me into your conversation."

Suifeng walked towards the hall, and Duan Mu subconsciously wanted to keep up, but before he could take a step, he was dragged back by Da Maeda behind him.


"Take off your shoes!"

Omaeda lowered his voice, pointed at the steps of the conference hall with a speechless face, and saw a whole row of straw sandals and some other shoes on the ground. Duan Mu raised his eyes to look into the hall, only to find... All the captains and vice-captains were barefoot, some wore shoes and socks, and some were barefoot.

Even Broken Bee, who had just walked in, left her shoes outside at some point.

"Ah, sorry, I'm used to it."

Seeing this, Duan Mu hurriedly took off his boots: "I'm used to staying in Liuhun Street, and I don't have the habit of taking off my shoes when I enter the house over there. I didn't notice just now...Huh?" He stopped because he found that everyone in the conference hall was looking at him for some reason.

There was a clear look of disgust in his eyes.

Da Maeda beside Duan Mu moved a few steps to the side and said in a low voice, "How long has it been since you washed your feet?"

Hearing this, Duan Mu subconsciously looked at the soles of his feet, they were very white and tender. Although he hadn't washed his feet in Xuquan for a month because of lack of water, the dust on his body disappeared with a shock of spiritual pressure. It looks as if you just washed your feet.

"You can come in with your shoes on."

At this moment, the old man at the head of the conference hall said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, everyone in the hall withdrew their 'don't come in' gazes.


Duan Mu put on the black boots again, although he didn't show any expression on his face, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

Can't you wear socks?

Saraki Kenpachi didn't wear it either, and his feet didn't look as clean as mine.

Duan Mu and O Maeda walked into the conference hall together. After entering the conference hall, O Maeda pushed Duan Mu from behind to signal Duan Mu to move forward, while he walked along the wall behind the captains and stopped at Behind the Broken Bee.

There are so many rules...

Duan Mu stepped on the clean floor wearing boots, making a rattling sound, causing a vein to bulge slightly on the forehead of the broken bee standing at the forefront. He suddenly regretted that he didn't teach this guy what is etiquette before he came here. !

"How is it? Is virtual circle fun?"

Zaraki Kenpachi's excited voice came: "I heard from a corner, you seem to have met a very good enemy, bring me another next time."

"That's the end of the vulgar chat. The captain's meeting is not called for you to come here to chat."

The tall figure wearing a wooden bucket-like mask turned his head and glanced at Kenpachi Zaragi: "If you want to chat, you can talk about it after the meeting."

"Stop interrupting!"

Zaraki Kenpachi glanced at the other party sideways, and said with an unhappy tone: "What I told him has nothing to do with you, or do you mean that you want to fight with me?"

This scene did not attract the attention of the other captains, as if they were used to it.

Something is wrong.

Duan Mu quickened his pace, and quickly walked past Saraki Kenpachi and the other two who were about to perform Lingatsu, pretending not to hear them.

"Hey, you seem to have become stronger again."

Zaraki Kenbayi grinned, and his fighting spirit became more and more intense: "Let's go out later, let's fight again, or simply fight in the old man's martial arts hall."

As soon as these words came out, the corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched.

The fact that he was beaten up violently by Saraki was already known by many people, but it was not a well-known thing.

However, Duan Mu didn't care too much.

Anyway, he will report the experience of the virtual circle truthfully in front of the team captains, or 'Blue Ran', and it will also attract attention at that time.

Because of this, Duan Mu did not hide the spiritual pressure, but directly appeared here as the spiritual pressure of the first captain.

"To shut up!"

Captain Yamamoto, known as the 'Old Man', poked his crutches hard on the floor, and opened a gap in his squinted eyes: "Saraki, go back to the queue, don't let me say it a second time."


Zaragi Kenpachi snorted, but didn't continue messing around.

As Duan Mu walked, he wondered where he should stop, and glanced at the Broken Bee in the forefront from time to time.

Fortunately, Broken Bee didn't give up because of his embarrassment. When Duan Mu walked between the first row and the second row, he said, "Duan Mu, tell us your experience in the virtual circle and the enemies you have encountered. Let's report in front of all the captains."


"Start with your career, first tell the reason for going to the virtual circle."

Broken Bee added again, the captains didn't respond, but the vice-captains by the wall who didn't know Duan Mu couldn't help but show curiosity when they looked at Duan Mu.

Could it be that this strange face with powerful Reiatsu is from the Second Division?

They have participated in more than one captain meeting, and basically never saw Captain Broken Bee talking about things unrelated to the meeting, let alone teaching others how to report.

"You don't have to be too nervous, the captain called you here, it's just a routine inquiry."

Uzhihualie, who was standing next to the broken bee, comforted Duan Mu at the right time: "I see that your injury has not completely healed, after the meeting is over, go to the general ambulance for a check-up. Yongyin has been very sick these days. Worrying about you."

Unozhihualie's words made everyone who guessed that Duan Mu was a member of the second team couldn't help but mutter again.

"Yes, Captain Unohana."

Duan Mu didn't pay attention to the gazes of the vice-captains, first he replied respectfully, then nodded to Yong Yin behind Uno Hana Ritsu, adjusted his standing posture, and started the report in a calm tone.

"Before I talk about the experience of the virtual circle, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Duan Mu who runs Wanshiwu in the 38th district of Liuhun Street. I also have a branch in the commercial street outside Seiringting. The main business is everything. Then, if you have any needs, whether it's house repairs, housekeeping, searching for people, finding things..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Broken Bee interrupted in a cold tone.


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he gave up advertising his shop, and instead said: "Well... due to the nature of the work, in addition to undertaking the commissions from the residents of Rukongai and Seireitei, my Wanshiya also works with There is cooperation between the Golden Seal Society, and they will entrust some troublesome noble matters to me in the form of entrustment. This is exactly why I went to Hueco Mundo."

Straight to the point, Duan Mu first explained the contents of the Jinyinhui's commission, and then narrated what he had said with Kisuke Urahara from the beginning to the end.

"The one holding the Zanpakuto?"

"Broken face?"

Duan Mu's words made the faces of the captain and vice-captain more or less fluctuate.

"If it is true as you said, that Pomian with the crescent sickle defeated you in an instant." The white-haired boy called Hitsugaya frowned and said, "How did you escape?"

Duan Mu's face remained unchanged when he heard this, and he said in a calm tone: "I think the captains should also know that I have something to do with hidden maneuvers, and I have some unique skills in concealing spiritual pressure. The other party's contempt fled to the forest of Daxu."

"I can prove this point." Broken Bee said.

Duan Mu looked at Suifeng gratefully. He didn't say anything about the fact that he released the Zanpakuto in the battle. Anyway, if no one asked, he was not going to blow up his cards at all. Even if someone asked about the Zanpakuto ability, Duan Mu will try to be as vague as possible.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was focused on Po Mian, and no one asked Duan Mu in detail how to escape.

Hitsugaya nodded, and continued to ask: "About the opponent's spiritual pressure strength and specific abilities, can you describe it?"

"The Pomian who came later with the 'sickle', I can't figure out his specific strength, but the strength of the spiritual pressure is probably much stronger than that of Captain Saraki when I fought with me."


Zaragi Kenpachi was not annoyed when he heard the words, but suddenly became interested: "That's really exciting."

"As for the first..."

Duan Mu was silent for a moment, organized his words well, and then said in a deep voice: "He once called himself 'Shiba Haiyan' in front of the Fujiwara brothers and sisters."


As soon as this statement came out, the middle-aged man in Huayi, who hadn't had any special reaction, said in a cold tone: "What do you think he calls himself?"

"Please listen to me first, the leader of the Beijing band and all the captains."

After a pause, Duan Mu continued: "The Pomian who calls himself 'Zhiba Haiyan' has the ability to devour other voids. According to him, he has swallowed nearly thirty thousand voids; and why did Master Haiyan die? I have learned from Sister Konghe, and according to my guess, he should have swallowed the spirit child of the Void Return Void Circle that merged with Master Haiyan, so he has the shape and ability of Master Haiyan."

"His strength is not strong, but his ability is extremely terrifying. After releasing the Zanpakuto, it once claimed in front of me that it can use the abilities of more than 3 virtuals at the same time. The spiritual pressure is complex and powerful." I glanced at the battle process, and then scanned the faces of the captains with a look of wanting to see the reactions of the captains.

The big guy wearing glasses didn't seem to have much reaction.

The other captains reacted differently, some frowning, some indifferent, and some looking pensive.

"Do you have the spirit pressure of the god of death?"

Broken Bee didn't know what to think, and his tone became extremely cold.

"It's no wonder that the captain will hold a meeting because of this. It is indeed important information worthy of vigilance." The man wearing glasses, that is, the captain of the fifth division Aizen Soyousuke nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Although it's just me Personal opinion, but I think Boss Duan Mu's description of Pomian is somewhat similar to...the incident a hundred years ago."


For some reason, being called the boss by this person made him feel a sudden shock in his heart. After all, a certain boss with whom he had a cooperative relationship was sent to the present world by this person.

Aizen's words made the captains who were more than a hundred years old frown, while those who became captains within a hundred years showed doubts.

There is no record of the events of a hundred years ago.

Apart from the fact that relevant personnel conducted an investigation and was later ordered by Mao 46 to prohibit the investigation, the specific details and even many captains who have experienced this incident are extremely limited.

Duan Mu's face also showed doubts at the right time.

"This topic ends here."

Captain Yamamoto glanced at Aizen, and then said to the adjutant next to him: "After the meeting is over, send the meeting minutes to the [-]th division, and order the Technology Development Bureau to always pay attention to the trend of the virtual circle." After finishing speaking, he turned his head again Looking at the captains: "All teams must also be vigilant."

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