"Don't underestimate Duan Mu's spiritual pressure just because he is not strong. His actual lethality is far stronger than you imagined; and the Technology Development Bureau analyzed the spiritual particle data fed back from Duan Mu's command magic machine. Duan Mu's description is too conservative for the description of the two broken faces."

"Especially the second face-off. If Duan Mu's words are true, then he has already surpassed most of the captains in the field without releasing the sword."

Captain Yamamoto's words made the captains present shudder.

If these words came from Duan Mu's mouth, they wouldn't pay too much attention to them. First, Duan Mu Lingya was too weak compared to the captains present, and second, he didn't understand the strength of the captains.

Moreover, it is true that someone has a captain-level spiritual pressure, which is surprising, but it is limited to surprise, in fact, that's all.

After all, the captain-level Reiatsu and the captain of the [-]th Goutei are two different concepts.

But it is different when these words come from the mouth of Captain Yamamoto. All captains will accept the assessment of Captain Yamamoto before succeeding as captain, and they will pay more attention to their future progress.

Since he would say that, it means that after reading the data analyzed by the Technology Development Bureau, Captain Yamamoto has confirmed that there are many captains present who are not as good as the opponent.

Although a simple horizontal comparison of analytical data does not explain anything.

But they can increase Reiatsu after undoing it, and the same can be done with the liberation of swords and swords.


Some captains also noticed Captain Yamamoto's evaluation of Duan Mu, and couldn't help but look at Duan Mu strangely.

But Duan Mu didn't show the slightest strange color on his face, but he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Commander Yamamoto's remarks are certainly not groundless, and it is very likely that he has observed all the battles he has experienced in the soul world.

Captain Yamamoto looked at everyone's reaction, nodded, and then said to Duan Mu: "The information you brought back this time is extremely important to us. As a reward, I will ask Mao Room 46 for you to allow you to hold The 'Special Pass' is free to move around in any area of ​​Seireitei except the noble area and various important places."

Hearing this, Duan Mu's eyes lit up, and he respectfully said, "Thank you, Captain Yamamoto."

"The meeting ends here."

Captain Yamamoto glanced at the long knife on Duan Mu's back, then withdrew his gaze and said: "After the rest of the captains go back, they should prepare themselves, and when they know the existence of Pomian, they must deal with it. Don't wait until you encounter it before rushing to it. Think of countermeasures."



Chapter 139 Tsunayashiro family?

"Boss Duan Mu."

"How is your health?"

"Next time, please don't go to places like Xuquan casually."

"Boss Duan Mu, have you eaten yet?"


After cleaning up the nest of maggots, as soon as Duan Mu entered the building of the supervisory team, a noisy greeting sounded into Duan Mu'er.

The Supervision Team Building is actually somewhat similar to the Technology Development Bureau from the outside; the buildings in Seireitei are generally not too tall, but any building that presents this kind of high-rise building and has undergone dust-proof treatment and entry warning, Without exception, they are all places with various precision instruments.

Walking in the corridor of the supervision team building, Duan Mu would smile and respond to the greetings around him. It took nearly 10 minutes to reach the supervision department of the supervision team from the entrance of the building.

When he came to the gate, Duan Mu pushed the door open and walked in.

da da da da ~~

As soon as he entered the surveillance department, there was a burst of typing on the keyboard.

Looking around, I can see that in the huge room, there are similar to the computer in the world, but there are very different instruments scattered around the Surveillance Department. The displays on the monitors are all maps. In the center of the map is a red dot.

These instruments are provided by the Technology Development Bureau to monitor each supervision object, whether it is the god of death dispatched in this world, or the team members of the [-]th Guardian Team, their position and status will be fed back on these instruments.


The person in charge of the surveillance department was Qing Yuanfang, the deputy captain of the supervision team. When he saw Duan Mu approaching, he greeted Duan Mu immediately: "Why are you here?"

"Boss Duan Mu, I'll pour you tea right now."

"Go ahead with your work, don't worry about me."

Duan Mu waved his hand, stopped the supervision team members who were about to get up, and said with a smile: "I haven't come for more than a month, why did it seem like I haven't been here for several years." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu sat down On the sofa in the center of the Surveillance Section.

"It's not wrong to say that life is like years."

A female soldier said with a smile: "I stayed in a place like Xuquan for a month, and everyone was worried. Vice Captain Qingyuan has been asking the commander-in-chief to send a secret maneuver to welcome you back to Xuquan for a month. .”

"thank you."

Duan Mu smiled at Qing Yuanfang beside him: "Is there anything to eat? I haven't eaten since morning."

"Yes~~I have...there are snacks here."

"I have it here too."

"And I~"


As soon as Duan Mu finished speaking, a mountain of snacks was placed on the tea table in front of him.

"Uh...not so much."

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he waved his hand to the surrounding team members: "I'll just eat something."

That being said.

But Duan Mu was really hungry, so he was not polite to everyone, picked up the snacks and ate them.

It has been three days since he came back from the virtual circle, during these three days, Duan Mu found that his food intake has increased visibly with the naked eye.

He obviously didn't feel hungry in the virtual circle for a month, but as soon as he returned to the soul world, he felt as if he hadn't eaten for months.

However, for this feeling, Duan Mu knew exactly what was going on.

Because when you are in the virtual circle, although the high concentration of spirit particles can provide the energy needed by the spirit body, this kind of supply is somewhat similar to the "lightning energy" provided by glucose, although it can make people clear and full of energy in a short period of time; When you stop and leave the high spiritual environment, this energy will be consumed quickly, and you will feel hungrier than before.

"Mr. Duan Mu..."

A tense voice came, and Duan Mu looked up with some doubts, and saw a boy holding a bunch of snacks, standing in front of the coffee table with a flushed face, showing a feeling of embarrassment.

"You are……"

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback when he saw the boy: "... Fu Zhuhong?"

Hearing Duan Mu call out his name, the boy's expression brightened, but he was staggered by a slap, and the snacks in his arms spilled all over the floor.


A girl stood beside Fu Zhuhong, and said angrily: "Idiot, what is your name, Mr. We are also a member of the supervisory team now, we want to be called Boss!!"

"Nagano Huaxiu?"

Duan Mu was taken aback again, because the two people in front of him were exactly two of the three noble members he had saved from Ginjo Konggo.

Since the three people were rescued last time, except that Feng Yuanyu followed the family rules and joined the Xing Army and often met, the two had never heard from each other... If they hadn't appeared in front of them, Duan Mu would have almost forgotten about Fu Zhuhong.

Of course, Nagano Huaxiu Duanmu will never forget.

after all……

She is the only noble woman who has reached the full value of friendship with Duan Mu. Except for those who have never met, Duan Mu will firmly remember all the women who have a good impression of her, no matter their appearance. , age, characteristics, preferences...

This is done in order to avoid the loss of favorability due to not being able to recognize or call the wrong name when seeing the person, and the Nagano family generally has a good impression of him. After saving Nagano Huaxiu, they often hand over some commissions to Take care of yourself.

As for Ukitake Hiroshi...

Duan Mu actually had an impression, because he was too weak.

The sum of the experience points provided by a family's favorability is not as high as the experience points provided by the Feng family alone...

"The two of them actually submitted the application for joining the team together with Fengyuan Yu." Kiyohara Fang smiled and said, "But the two of them are different from Fengyuanyu. Due to family rules, he has received relevant training since he was a child, so after submitting the application, only Feng Yuanyu passed the review."

"In the end, the two of them were unwilling to give up. In the end, the Patriarch of the Nagano family found the Jinyinhui, hoping to let the two of them work under your command. Later, Captain Broken Bee was entangled and there was really no way..."

"In addition, although Ms. Nagano Huaxiu has not learned Zhanquan Guizao, she likes debugging equipment and scientific research very much. She even received an invitation from the Technology Development Bureau to join the team, and finally sent the two of them to us. coming."

"Don't call me Missy."

Nagano Huaxiu scratched his head, and then said a little anxiously: "Although we came in through the back door, but boss, the two of us will definitely work hard, and we will definitely not cause trouble for you!"

"do not worry."

Duan Mu looked at the two people who looked anxious, and showed a gentle smile on his face: "And you don't have to be so respectful to me. To put it bluntly, I am actually an ordinary member of the supervision team just like you... No, strictly speaking It’s not as good as you guys, I don’t have a position, I’m just a temporary worker for the supervision team.”

"So you can just treat me as a friend. Everyone gets along with me like this. I also hope to be able to work with you as easily as friends. Here, except for Master Kiyohara Spinning next to me, There are not so many rules.”

"That's right, that's right, respect for Boss Duan Mu, just keep it in your heart."

"Boss Duan Mu is dangerous, but it's still very easy to get along with."

"What is danger? Boss Duan Mu just likes to kill danger in the cradle. Those guys killed by Boss Duan Mu are not good people. This is our job."

"Yes, I was wrong."


Qing Yuanfang looked at the lively atmosphere in front of him, and didn't stop it, but smiled slightly.

I have to say that since Boss Duan Mu took over the supervisory team...Of course 'takeover' is what they think...but anyway, after Duan Mu came, the atmosphere of the supervisory team has changed a lot. The gloomy faces also became cheerful.

"Thank you boss!"

The two said in unison, but compared to Ukitake Hiroshi, Nagano Huaxiu's personality is much more free and easy, or with the full value of friendship, she is extremely relaxed when getting along with Duan Mu.

"Although I can't guide you in professional work, you can come to me at any time if you have any questions about cultivation. I will pick out a few days every month to test and guide your cultivation. Relax."

Duan Mu looked at Fu Zhuhong and said: "Especially you, I saw the last battle, you have a good talent in the ghost way, you can work harder in this direction, although there is basically no danger in the surveillance department, But it’s always good to have more skills on your side.”

"Yes, I will definitely practice hard!"

Duan Mu nodded, looking at the people in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a little weird.

Seemingly unknowingly...

It seems that many of them are their own people in the covert maneuver. I really don't know if this is good or bad.

However, as the captain, Broken Bee couldn't fail to see this. Since she didn't stop her and allowed the two to join the supervision team, there shouldn't be any problem.

Although from beginning to end...

Duan Mu has no plans in this regard, but Duan Mu will not stop the matter now.

The composition of stealth maneuvers has always been complex anyway.

Although Broken Bee has a very high degree of control over the secret maneuver, it is still not completely mastered. As far as Duan Mu knows, a considerable number of people in the secret maneuver are under the jurisdiction of Room 46 of Mao, and they will even hide it from the commander-in-chief of the secret maneuver when necessary. , to start the action directly.

Duan Mu checked the records of the supervisory team, and the previous commander in chief of the secret maneuver suffered a loss because of this. Room 46 bypassed her to mobilize the secret maneuver, and arrested Kisuke Urahara and others without Ye Yi's knowledge. catch.

Although those members who participated in the arrest mysteriously disappeared due to various reasons after Captain Broken Bee took over, it is impossible for the secret maneuver directly under the jurisdiction of Room 46 to be without the help of Room 46.

In addition to the people placed in Room 46, there are also many killers in the Xing army who were bought by the nobles, and they specially dealt with some shady incidents for the nobles.

Of course, these people are only a minority, and more people are diehards directly cultivated by Suifeng. Although some of them are loyal to Sifengyuan family, they are loyal to Sifengyuan family and loyal to Suifengyuan who is supported by Sifengyuan family. There is no difference...Anyway, the current owner of the Sifengyuan family trusts Suifeng very much.

It seems that she is not afraid that Broken Bee will reject her family because of the previous head.

However, the fact is also the same, although Broken Bee will show an expression of "resentment" when the word "Yeyi" is mentioned, but he is extremely friendly to the family of Sifengyuan, and takes good care of Yeyi's old department.

Duan Mu once saw Suifeng personally visit Omaeda's father, the former vice-captain of the second division, as the captain during festivals. He treated him with respect and treated him like an old senior.

Closer to home, judging from the complex composition of the stealth maneuver, it might be a good thing to have some of your own people in the stealth maneuver.

Didi Didi~~

At this moment, a siren interrupted Duan Mu's meditation.

Duan Mu looked up with some doubts, only to find that in the corner of the Surveillance Section, there was an extra large device at some point, with a huge display screen connected to various instruments, and the person sitting in front of the device It was Nagano Huaxiu.


I don't know what Nagano Huaxiu pressed. After the alarm sound stopped, an extremely clear image appeared on the display screen. It was not the image that only had maps and red dots on other screens, but an image like the monitoring of the world. The clarity is extremely high.

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, he got up and stood behind Nagano Huaxiu, and found out after careful observation.

The images that are constantly switching above, besides the soul world, there are many real-world images, and each image has the guards of the [-]th team who are being supervised, as if someone is following and shooting behind them.

"what is this?"


Nagano Huaxiu, who was concentrating on controlling the equipment, was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that Duan Mu was behind him, and subconsciously wanted to get up, but was pushed back by Duan Mu: "I said it, don't be polite, you continue to work on your work, I'm only concerned about this new set The equipment is just a little curious."

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