"Boss, this is the image I received from the imaging hall."

"The video hall?"

Duan Mu frowned slightly.

"The Imaging Hall is a surveillance organization under Room 46. Its video surveillance system is spread throughout the Soul World and the present world. There are even rumors that it can even monitor some areas in the virtual circle." Qingyuan Fang walked up and laughed: "However, It has never had anything to do with our supervision team, because receiving the 'surveillance loop' of the imaging hall requires very professional technical support, and we don't have this kind of talent here."

"In the entire Surveillance Section, only Ms. Nagano can use this thing."

"I was just fooling around."

Nagano Huaxiu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Boss Duan Mu, you also know that I am very interested in the present world, so I asked my father to help me buy a whole set of equipment from the Technology Development Bureau, and think about it when I am free. , The reason why I know so much about the present world is because of the existence of this equipment."

"After joining the supervision team, I found that... it seemed to be usable, so I brought this set of equipment together."

"It's more than useful."

Looking at the extremely clear image on the screen, Duan Mu couldn't help sighing, and then asked with some doubts: "But isn't that video hall under the jurisdiction of Room 46? Why did you buy the equipment from the Technology Development Bureau?"

"Because the Technology Development Bureau is closely related to the Image Hall, they can monitor the soul world and the present world through a cooperative relationship with the Image Hall, and analyze the situation based on this. Due to the excessive degree of cooperation, the Image Hall was even used Ridiculously as an agency under the jurisdiction of the 'Technology Development Agency'."

"Generally speaking, except for the relevant personnel of the imaging hall and the Technology Development Bureau, it is impossible to use the system except for some open loops."

It was not Nagano Huaxiu who answered Duan Mu, but Kiyohara Fang who was on the side. After a pause, he continued: "Even our supervision team is no exception. We have always passively accepted the images from the Technology Development Bureau. At first This set of equipment can only be seen in some areas of the present world, and Captain Broken Bee personally went to the Technology Development Bureau to ask for it, and then they agreed to share the 'surveillance loop' of the objects supervised by our supervision team with us."

"But it's also limited to the objects of supervision, which means we can only watch what they allow us to watch."

When Qingyuan Fang said this, his face could not help showing admiration: "Our supervision team has applied for this technology for a long time, but let alone helping to train or transfer technical personnel, the Technology Development Bureau is not even willing to treat us with equipment. Make a sale."

"It can be said that the ability to see this kind of equipment in the supervision team is entirely due to the strong financial resources of the Nagano family and the participation of professional and technical personnel such as Ms. Nagano."

"It's not a professional, I'm just idle at home and thinking about it."

Having said that, Nagano Huaxiu showed a look of pride on her face. You must know that after buying this set of equipment, she completely relied on her own efforts to research and use it, and even intercepted many surveillance threads about the present world. ...Although it was warned after being discovered by the Technology Development Bureau and the Image Hall.

But after that, the Technology Development Bureau invited her to join the team more than once.


Nagano Huaxiu was a little afraid of the director of the Technology Development Bureau, and there were too many weird people in the Technology Development Bureau. In order to avoid becoming one of the weirdos, she did not accept the invitation of the Technology Development Bureau.

Video hall?

Duan Mu nodded, then seemed to think of something, and frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Qing Yuanfang asked with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

"Since we have been shared by the Technology Development Bureau, we have received the monitoring loop of the supervised subject under restricted circumstances; then the Technology Development Bureau can only receive the 'surveillance loop' shared by the imaging hall ?”


Qingyuan Fang nodded: "However, the actual person in charge of the imaging hall basically doesn't manage it very much. Now the imaging hall seems to be a subordinate organization of the Technology Development Bureau. They should be able to check all the monitoring loops."

"Then the incident that happened to the Fujiwara brothers and sisters last time, was the information also obtained from the monitoring loop of the imaging hall?"

"Yes, after you were trapped in the virtual circle, I went to the Technology Development Bureau to inquire about the details. The video footage on the scene was fed back from the monitoring loop."

After Qing Yuanfang finished speaking, he asked with some doubts: "Boss, is there anything wrong?"


Duan Mu smiled when he heard the words: "It's just a little curious." After that, he pretended to be unintentional and asked: "You just said that the actual person in charge of the imaging hall is Mao Room 46?"


Nagano Huaxiu seemed to have found an opportunity to express himself, and jumped out and said: "The imaging hall is managed by the Komi Dai family, who is in charge of managing the corridor of the Great Spirit Book and knows all the history and information about the world of corpses and souls. , When I was researching the surveillance circuit of the imaging hall, I bought the research materials from the Komiyo branch.”

"The four nobles..."

A smile appeared on Duan Mu's face, and he said, "That's really a big shot."

Although there was nothing on his face, but when he said these words, Duan Mu was not as calm as his face.

High status, enough to influence Room 46, able to guide the Golden Seal Society, and...

Duan Mu glanced at the screen in front of Nagano Huaxiu.

It is also possible to monitor the present world and the soul world at any time, and even some areas of the virtual circle.

This so-called Koyashiro family is completely consistent with Duan Mu's previous guess.

When he first accepted the entrustment, although Duan Mu had doubts about the information provided by the Technology Development Bureau, he didn't think too much about it...because although the director is a pervert, the Technology Development Bureau has always been very conscientious and has never provided any errors. or uncertain intelligence.


What if the intelligence they got was wrong in the first place?

According to Qingyuanfang, the supervision team can only watch the surveillance loops that they are allowed to watch under the restrictions of the Technology Development Bureau.

In the same way, the credibility of the monitoring loop accepted by the Technology Development Bureau will be greatly reduced, because no matter how closely the Technology Development Bureau cooperates with the imaging hall, they are not the actual person in charge, and the images obtained are most likely obtained through processing, or deliberately let them watch.

However, there is too little information, and it cannot be inferred that the person who led him to the virtual circle this time is the Koyashiro family.

And Duan Mu can be sure that he has never had any contact with the Tsunayashiro family, and he has no information about the Koyashiro family in his memory.

Of course, although my own speculation is a bit outrageous, there must be precautions and investigations, and they must be sufficiently secretive.

after all……

None of the four major nobles, or the five major nobles, is easy to provoke. If it is not necessary, Duan Mu does not want to arouse the hostility of the Koyayo family.

"Sister Xiu, can the video of the supervisor number 432 be recalled?"


Nagano Huaxiu was slightly taken aback: "Ah, that Quincy who has always wanted to cooperate with Death? Wait a minute."

At this moment, the conversation between Ukitake Hiroshi and Nagano Huaxiu caught Duan Mu's attention.

Duan Mu subconsciously looked towards the big screen, only to see an image appear on the screen.

In the image, an old man standing in front of an undead, holding a crossbow made of spiritual particles, directly pierced a small Xu's head with a spiritual particle arrow.

"It's this guy again, they say they won't let him be wiped out." Qing Yuanfang said in a dissatisfied tone.

"It seems that he is trying to protect that 'Zheng'."

"What should I do? Do you want to pass the data to the Technology Development Bureau?"

"Where does the Technology Development Bureau need our information?"

Qing Yuanfang replied casually, and continued: "Notify the God of Death to be stationed in the present world, and warn him again, so that he will not be wiped out after encountering Xu, and we will be purified by the God of Death."



1 Chapter [-] Duan Mu’s idea


On the outskirts of West District [-], near Shiba House in the north.

Standing under the banner stretched by two huge arms, a look of hesitation flashed across Duan Mu's face.

It has been a full week since returning to the Soul Realm from Xuquan. During this week, he has been hesitating whether to tell Sister Konghe what he saw and heard in Xuquan.


Zhiba Haiyan has always been the pride of Sister Kuzuru and Ganjiu, and every time this brother is mentioned, the faces of the two will show pride.

If possible, Duan Mu didn't want to let Sister Konghe and the others know about it.

the most important is……

I failed to kill the other party! !

"Master Duan Mu?"

Just when Duan Mu was hesitating what to say, two tall figures walked slowly from a distance holding a pile of ingredients, and it was Jin Yan and Yin Yan who asked, "What are you doing standing here? Why don't you go in? "


Hearing this, Duan Mu opened his mouth and said with a sneer: "I'm about to go in."

"You came just in time. The two of us are about to prepare lunch. Let's stay and eat together." Jin Yan held up the food in his arms, then looked around Duan Mu, and said suspiciously: "Master Yanjiu, I didn't come with you." come back?"

"He took a few younger brothers and went to play in the West District."

Duan Mu shook his head. Although he planned to tell the truth about Xuquan's experience to Sister Konghe and Sister Konghe, Yanjiu's overly impulsive character made Duan Mu hesitate to tell him. Before coming here, the Griffin was sent to the West District [-].

Because of the Griffon's personality, once he knows that there is a ghost facing his elder brother's face, he might do something stupid, so Duan Mu is going to let Big Sister Konghe decide whether to tell him or not.

Following behind Jin Yan and the others, Duan Mu walked down the stairs and came to the bottom corridor.

As soon as he entered the corridor, Duan Mu was taken aback.

"Have you made up your mind to come in?"

Zhiba Konghe, who was leaning on the side of the promenade, exhaled smoke, and said, "I was thinking just now, if you don't come in within 10 minutes, or turn around and leave, then even if I chase you to Wanshiwu, I will let you go." Taste my fist after a long absence."

"It seems..."

Duan Mu observed Shiba Kuzuru's expression, and sighed: "Has anyone already been here before me?"

"Jin Yan Yin Yan, you go and cook, let this busy man stay here for lunch at noon."

Zhibo Konghe didn't answer, but gave orders to Jin Yan and Yin Yan, and then looked at Duan Mu and said, "Come here." After finishing speaking, he directly opened the sliding door on the side and walked in.

Seeing this, Duan Mu hurriedly followed.

As soon as Zhiba Konghe sat down, he went straight to the topic and said, "About my elder brother, Ukitake ran here with a sick body and told me about it the night after your report." After that, she looked at Duan Mu, said angrily: "Let's not talk about Ganjiu for now, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who will rush to the virtual circle impulsively?"

"What's more..."

Zhiba Konghe took a puff of cigarette, knocked on the ashtray beside him and said: "That's just a Xu, you don't need to fight desperately because of it."

"I didn't try my best, I just happened to hit..."

Duan Mu subconsciously showed a smile, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Shiba Kuzuru.

"come over."


Duan Mu, who had just sat down, got up with a confused face and came to Shiba Konghe.


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, but he squatted down without hesitation.

next second...


The very familiar fist slammed on Duan Mu, making Duan Mu who had just squatted down directly lie on the ground.

"Next time you use this smiling face to perfuse me, I'll shoot you to Seireitei with a crane cannon!"

Zhiba Konghe pressed Duan Mu's head with one hand, rubbed against the floor, and said with a dark face: "Do you think I am the captain of the Goutei [-]th team? If you don't want to fight, with your hidden Reiatsu skills , even if you go all over the virtual circle, you won’t be discovered.”

"I thought that compared to Griffin, you bastard at least knows how to restrain himself, and won't cause trouble because of impulsiveness like him."

"Unexpectedly, you bastard became impulsive, even more exaggerated than Ganju. Do you think that the virtual circle is Ruhun Street? You fight against the shamen in that kind of place, and you are still a shamen who is comparable to the captain of the thirteenth guard team. , do you want to kill yourself?"

"..." Duan Mu.

to be frank……

Regarding the current situation of being pressed and rubbed on the floor, Duan Mu had already anticipated it when Sister Konghe asked him to squat down.

When being pressed and rubbed, he subconsciously mobilized the spiritual pressure to defend, but after listening to Miss Konghe's words, Duan Mu released the spiritual pressure, trying to make Miss Konghe press more comfortably...

Zhibo Konghe let go of his hand, thinking of something, and a strange color flashed in his eyes: "The virtual circle is far more dangerous than you imagined. You are lucky this time, and you didn't meet those really scary guys. Otherwise, you will be considered hidden." No matter how good the Reiatsu technique is, it will be very difficult to leave the virtual circle safely, you have to know that there are many ways to find people besides probing the circuit."

"The one with the big brother's face on it is just a head. It doesn't represent the Shiba family, let alone Shiba Haiyan. You don't need to take risks because of it."

Duan Mu didn't speak when he heard the words, Sister Kong He didn't seem to care, but when she mentioned that Xu, she could obviously feel a kind of uncontrollable annoyance and anger. Just go and find trouble with that one.

"Do you guys have any special hobbies?"

Zhiba Konghe looked at Duan Mu who was lying motionless on the ground, rolled his eyes and said, "Get up, let Jinyan Yinyan see, and think I'm abusing you."

"...How can it be called abuse?"

Duan Mu got up, didn't wipe his face, sat beside Kong He and said with a smile: "Sister Kong He taught me a lesson, I promise I won't be impulsive again next time."

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