"Do you believe this yourself?"

Shiba Kuzuru curled his lips, picked up the pipe, lit it, and took a puff.

She has always noticed Duan Mu's changes, and she can say that she understands Duan Mu's character better than anyone else.

Although he usually looks gentle and gentle, and has strong restraint, but when he is impulsive, he is more crazy than anyone else, and he is more terrifying than anyone else, and he does not think about the consequences at all.

If it was in the world of souls, she could barely support Duan Mu behind his back, but in a place like Xuquan, even the Shiba family could not provide him with any help at all.

When she heard about this from Fu Zhu, she already understood that the reason why Duan Mu went to war with that Xu was not because of any entrustment or accidentally bumping into each other, but because of himself and the griffon.

After hearing this, Shiba Konghe's first reaction was not anger, or gratitude to Duan Mu, but fear! !

Although she didn't like Duan Mu's character very much when she first came into contact with him, she felt very hypocritical and disgusting.

But although Duan Mu's personality is flawed, he has been working hard to change, and he is getting along with them sincerely. Unknowingly, Kong He has regarded Duan Mu as a family member like a griffon.

There is no need to say words of thanks, but a lesson must be learned, because if what Yoichi and Kisuke said is true, the degree of danger in the virtual circle today makes people shudder just thinking about it. Go to the virtual circle to take risks because of yourself.

Thinking of this, Zhibo Konghe glared at Duan Mu: "You can continue to accept the commission from the shit-like Jinyinhui, but you should stop accepting any commissions related to the virtual circle. Knowing that you ran to Xuquan again, then don't come to my place from now on, I'm too lazy to collect the corpse for you!"


Duan Mu nodded. If it was not necessary, he never thought of going to Xuquan again.

Anyway, he has already completed the research on the things that should be studied.

To study Xu's life form, Duan Mu only needs to put experience points into Xu Wen, and there is no need to go to Xu circle, let alone contact Xu.

Zhiba Konghe changed the subject and asked suddenly: "Have you not had any commissions lately?"


Duan Mu nodded, as in previous years, after winter at the end of the year, commissions from Xiliuhun Street became more and more rare.

Although I got the transfer pile from Kisuke Urahara, there are no stores in the east, south, and north, and there are no suitable receptionists.

In addition, Captain Yamamoto allowed him to move freely within Seireitei with a "special pass". Duan Mu has been working hard to expand the scope of work in Seireitei these days, and he really has no time to go to the other three parts Rukon Street to prepare for the opening of stores matter.

However, Duan Mu was not in a hurry.

Because Nishijinori and others, who have been idle for a while recently, have already planned to attack the Eastern Rukon Street, and when they unify the numbered areas of the Eastern Rukon Street, it will save a lot of trouble to open a store by themselves.

"Then continue to practice the ghost way with me this winter."

Zhiba Konghe paused for a moment, and continued: "With your current spiritual pressure strength, it is enough to support you to release the top-level ghosts above number 90, but you should also understand the truth of chewing too much, I will teach you these things." The way of ghosts, but the way of ghosts practiced this winter is still based on the way of ghosts learned last winter."

"After dinner, come with me to Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, and let me see how well you master those ghost ways."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words, but did not refuse.

Although he really wants to use this winter to visit other teams other than the sixth and seventh teams, and try to get to know more female team members.

As for why the sixth and seventh teams were removed, it was because the area where the sixth and seventh teams were located was still a restricted area for Duan Mu.

The No. [-] team is the Noble Team, and the team building is built next to the Noble Street. Duan Mu has not yet been authorized to enter that area.

The Seventh Division is the inner court guard force, which is responsible for guarding the major places in the soul world, and Duan Mu also has no authority to enter.

But since Miss Konghe asked him to stay and practice, Duan Mu would not refuse, anyway, those female soldiers would not run away when they stayed there, and sooner or later he could make friends with them.


Duan Mu is very clear that Sister Konghe wants to express her gratitude by guiding her ghost way; although in Duan Mu's view, Sister Konghe doesn't need to thank herself for this kind of thing at all, but if it can make her feel better If it is a little bit, Duan Mu will not refuse the kindness of Miss Konghe.

However, mastering the proficiency of ghosts.

Duan Mu sighed slightly, because the advanced ghost ways "numbered 60-89" were far more difficult to master than Duan Mu imagined.

Except for "Broken Dao: 88 Flying Dragon Striking Thieves Shocking Thunder Cannon" which he has promoted to a high level with experience points, most of the other high-level ghosts are still at low level even after a year of practice, only Duan Mu is extremely valued Duan Kong has been cultivated to an intermediate level by him.

However, he didn't learn many high-level broken ways, only two kinds. In addition to flying dragons and thunder cannons, he only learned 'Breaking the Way 73. Shuanglian Canghuo Pendant'; , and has been upgraded to the advanced Thunder Roar Cannon, he has only learned three advanced breaking ways.

Because from Duan Mu's point of view, his means of attack are sufficient, and learning too much will delay his practice. After all, he does not intend to invest experience points in any ghost way except for immediate use.

As for the top breakouts above No. 90, Duan Mu only learned the trick of 'Black Coffin', and he is still at the entry level...

The last time he fought against Ginjo Kugo, he used an entry-level black coffin. In fact, if Ginjo Kongo hadn't been scared back, he only needed to touch it lightly...the black coffin would collapse on its own, without any damage at all. With any lethality.

Different from breaking the way, Duan Mu has learned five kinds of advanced binding ways to deal with any situation, while none of the top-level binding ways has been learned.

the reason is simple……

Because the advanced "abandoned singing" can only make Duan Mu release the full power of the ghost way when he releases the ghost way below the advanced level. With the advanced "abandoned singing" to release the high-level bound way and ghost way, some can only exert the original One-fifth of the power, the higher the number, the weaker the power after abandoning singing.

In addition, Dao Binding is mostly used in the battle against time, and there is no time to chant. Even if you learn the top Dao Binding, you will not have the slightest binding ability after giving up singing.

It's better to concentrate on improving the proficiency of the advanced binding method, so that although the power will be weakened when the chant is used, the binding force can be improved with the improvement of proficiency.

Breaking the way is different from binding the way. After binding the enemy, as long as the binding force is sufficient, there is enough time to chant.

Duan Mu also thought about whether to use [-] experience points to increase the abandonment chant to the top level, so that he can give full play to the abandonment chant no matter whether he is casting the sky or flying dragons to attack thieves, but in the end he gave up this idea.

Instead, he took out 24 from the nearly 20 experience, and added it all to the spiritual pressure.

Reiatsu: top (200444/1000000)

Before the experience value reaches the limit barrier, Duan Mu intends to add all the experience points to the spiritual pressure.

Because, after the spiritual pressure reached the captain level, he suddenly had an inexplicable premonition that it might be difficult for him to raise the spiritual pressure to the limit with a simple 100 million experience.

As if some kind of vaguely foreseeable barrier, the stronger Duan Mu's spiritual pressure is, the clearer the barrier becomes.

It's not that you will reach this barrier when you have a proficiency of 100 million, maybe you will encounter a barrier when you have a proficiency of 90, maybe 80...or even 50.

According to the different talents of each person, the upper limit of this extreme barrier is also different, and Duan Mu has never felt that his talent in spiritual pressure is so good...

After all, his talent for spiritual power at the beginning was actually inferior to many students of the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy.

And when the spiritual pressure reaches this limit, it is very likely to encounter the situation that Zanpakuto cannot be activated before the shallow strike is obtained.

Duan Mu intends to use all the experience points he will gain in the future for his own spiritual pressure, except for the experience that he keeps just in case. When he encounters a barrier, he will use other methods to break through.

According to what Aizen said in memory, in addition to Reiatsu, the four skills of chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking also have limit barriers like Reiatsu. limit and cannot grow.

Aizen was able to draw this point, which means that after the spiritual pressure reached its limit, he specialized in one or two of the four skills of chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking for a period of time, together with the ability to break through the spiritual pressure. The limit, but also encounters the limit barrier.

But in this process, his spiritual pressure is very likely to break through a layer of barriers, but in the end he gave up this long road and turned his attention to foreign objects!

Although this is just Duan Mu's own speculation, the possibility of the speculation being true is extremely high. After all, according to Duan Mu's conclusions when studying Xu, the God of Reaper is evolving step by step through techniques such as chopping fists and walking ghosts. It has reached the point where it is equal to the imaginary life form.

With the help of the system, Duan Mu intends to retrace the path Aizen has taken after Reiatsu encounters a barrier.

The system is his biggest advantage and also his confidence.

to this end……

I still need to make more and more friends! !


Chapter 141 Duan Mu’s tangle

"Thank you so much, Duan Mu."

The flaxen-colored short-haired girl wearing glasses said gratefully: "It has been idle for more than four months, and your master house just reopened. It should be the busiest time, but you still took time to help me research new styles. Glasses, I really don’t know how to thank you.”

[Yin Meiyu’s favorability +1, gain 1280 experience points, current favorability: 40]

Looking at the prompt on the system, the smile on Duan Mu's face became more gentle: "There is nothing to be grateful for among friends. In my heart, you are my best friend. Could it be that you don't regard me as a friend at all? friend?"

His voice, like a spring breeze blowing on the face, made the people who heard it feel an incomparably warm feeling rising from their hearts.

Yin Meiyu blushed and waved her hands hurriedly: "No...I didn't mean that..."

"That's fine."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "As long as you need it, you can come to me at any time, no matter how busy you are, no matter what, as your best friend, I will come to help you."


Yin Yinjiro stood behind the bar, looking at Duan Mu who was talking and laughing happily with his daughter.

... This little bastard is definitely brainwashing, right?

He didn't know how many times he had heard similar words, and the listener was not only his own daughter, but also the daughter of the owner of the medicine store opposite, the female owner of the clothing store next door, and even the grandmother of the Dafu store...etc. Similar words.

Emphasizing it over and over again, as if brainwashing, gave her daughter the illusion that he was her best friend.

For this reason, Yin Yinjiro has warned his daughter countless times, but in the end, he didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup he was poured into by that bastard. Not only did Miu not cut off contact with this bastard, but he even said that he was a father with a small stomach...

cut him...

Or just cut him off! !


Two years ago, he might be able to do this kind of thing by himself, but now Duanki... According to Captain Kuchiki, his strength is already comparable to the captain of Goutei [-]th Team.

You can't push it away, you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

In the end, he could only watch the bastard from the sidelines, to prevent him from doing anything to his precious daughter.


Although this bastard is like a 'spirit', a bastard who wants to hang around other women, but he has never messed with any women, but he gives people a gentle and refined feeling.

And he didn't pretend to be in front of him. He monitored Duan Mu for several years and found that this guy really didn't have any dirty thoughts.

Yin Yinjiro couldn't help wondering if this kid was a man.

His interaction with those women is not so much a relationship between a man and a woman as it is more like...

Girlfriend?brother?Admired person?

Although different communication methods will be used according to different objects, but no matter which method, there is no dirty idea in it.

And once it goes too far, even if the other party takes the initiative to post it, he will immediately express his thoughts and clearly reject it with words that do not hurt the other party as much as possible, without procrastination.

For example, the obese daughter of the owner of the Daifuku shop on the corner fell in love with this boy, but was gently rejected by him.

If it's just her, that's fine, after all, where is her figure...

It can be used as a commercial street in Duanmu's base in Seireitei. I don't know how many women have a good impression of it.

Among them are young girls, young women, grandmothers, and even little girls... ranging from three or four years old to hundreds of years old; all kinds and varieties, and there are many beautiful and moving women among them.

But no matter how proactive they were, this kid remained unmoved as if he lacked the emotion of 'love'.

Now on the commercial street, an organization called "Duanmu Support Club" has appeared, and its membership is extremely complicated. My own daughter is the vice president of the support club; In just a few years, Xia Yanyou, who was promoted to the 13th seat of the fifth team, served.

It is said that...

Even the team members of the fourth division and the female members of the secret mobile team joined in after hearing the news.

"Uncle Ginjiro, I'm leaving, I'll visit you next time."

Yin Yinjiro opened his mouth, and finally said helplessly: "Who wants you to visit."

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand. Although this kid is a jerk, his words and deeds are very polite, which makes people feel very good, even he is no exception.

Sometimes I even think about...

If her daughter is really with Duan Mu, it seems like a good choice.

Although he is not a god of death, but he has the strength of the captain of Goutei Thirteen, and is qualified to move freely in Seireitei, so it doesn't matter if he is a god of death or not.


When he saw Duan Mu leaving the optician's shop and walking directly into the medicine shop opposite, Yin Yinjiro's face turned dark.

no! !

Absolutely not the bastard.


Feeling the knife-like sight behind him, Duan Mu knew that Boss Ginjiro was staring at him again without turning his head.

I don't know where I provoked him, and every time I see myself, I put on an appearance that I wish I could kill myself.

"Yo, didn't Duanmu go to work?"

The one-legged Uncle Xia Yan, seeing Duan Mu coming from outside, smiled generously: "How is the business recently? I heard from Xiaoyou that you can move around freely in Seilingting now?"

"Well, Captain Yamamoto gave me the right to move freely in Seireitei."

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