"Captain Yamamoto..."

Uncle Xia Yan smacked his mouth, and sighed sincerely: "You are really amazing, you are actually able to get the approval of the captain!!"

Although I don't know how Duan Mu did it, but a resident of Ruhun Street who is not a god of death can be recognized by Captain Yamamoto, which is enough to show Duan Mu's strength.

But while being surprised, he felt that it was normal for Duan Mu's ability to be recognized by Captain Yamamoto.

Because, since my daughter met Duan Mu, under the meticulous guidance of Duan Mu, she has risen from an ordinary soldier a few years ago to a senior officer, and now she even has faint signs of becoming a top ten senior officer.

"Xiaoyou, will you rest today?"


Uncle Xia Yan nodded, but he was not as wary of Duan Mu as Yin Yinjiro was, because in his opinion, Duan Mu completely regarded his daughter as a disciple.

And her own daughter also worshiped him as a longing person.

"She's reading in the back room." Uncle Xia Yan pointed to the back room.

Duan Mu opened the curtain and walked into the back room with ease. When he saw the black-haired girl in casual clothes inside, a warm smile appeared on his face: "Are you reading a book about flower arrangement?"


Xia Yanyou, who was concentrating on the book in his hand, was startled by Duan Mu's voice, and then saw Duan Mu standing at the door.

"Mr. Duan Mu, why are you here?"

"I told you not to be so polite." Duan Mu smiled slightly: "I've heard what Mei Yu said, what are you going to do?"


Xia Yanyou looked at the book in his hand, and his face was a little nervous: "I'm still a little nervous, after all, it was the flower arrangement meeting organized by Captain Unozhihua himself, I was a little hesitant to ask Vice Captain Hina Mori to choose other officials to accompany her. "

"Huh? Vice-Captain Hinamori is also going to participate in the flower arrangement party?"

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words. Although he had just talked with Yin Meiyu and learned that Xia Yanyou was going to participate in the flower arrangement party organized by Captain Unohana, but Xia Yanyou was accompanying Hina Morita to participate in this event, but Yin Meiyu did not say anything.

"Vice-captain Hina Mori has actually participated in it all the time, but in the past two years, because the fifth team received an order to maintain a state of preparation and provide support at any time, that's why he has not participated."

Xia Yanyou hesitated for a moment, but still said: "However, the state of preparation for battle has been lifted recently, so after receiving the invitation, Vice Captain Chu Mori is also ready to participate."

"The reason why I'm going is to accept the request of Vice Captain Hina Mori and go together."

"That's it."

Duan Mu nodded, has the state of preparation for battle been lifted?

However, he didn't delve into it.

It is also a good thing for Duan Mu that Morita Hina came to participate in the flower arrangement meeting. Since the incident with Kugo Ginjo, Morita Hina has been absent from the regular meetings of the Women's Death Association because of her preparations.

Since it was canceled, she should come to the next meeting as well.

Although it is extremely difficult to improve the favorability of these female vice-captains.

Even if they attend every meeting, those members of the association will have very limited improvement in their favorability towards Duan Mu.

Even Kuchiki Rukia, who is the easiest to improve, can't increase her favorability simply by telling her about Renji's recent situation.

Duan Mu thought about simply bringing Lianji to her, but although the two of them cared about each other, they seemed to have nothing to do with each other...

"I've made an appointment with Meiyu. The three of us will set off to the fourth team together later. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me on the way."

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "Although I'm not good at it, I have participated in flower arranging meetings many times, and I still have some experience."

"You are too modest."

Xia Yanyou looked at the smile on Duan Mu's face, and said softly: "I heard from Vice Captain Hina Mori that you are now an honorary director of the Flower Arrangement Association founded by Captain Unokana, and you are also the vice-chairman of the Flower Arrangement Association together with Vice Captain Huche. President."

"It's just Captain Unohana taking care of me."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, he couldn't help sighing in his heart. In order to gain the goodwill of Captain Unoka, he used countless days and nights to make up for the knowledge of flower arrangement.


Now that he has become the vice president, Uzhihua's favorability towards him has only increased by 1 point, to 2 points.

Every time he thinks of this, Duan Mu can't help but miss Tiruti.

It is too difficult to increase the favorability of the captain level. It would be great if everyone was as simple as Tiruti.

The sudden increase of more than 20 experience points, that kind of pleasure, can hardly be described in words.

He returned to Soul Soul Realm for nearly half a year, but he only gained more than 4 experience points.

The experience points provided by the residents of Liuhun Street and ordinary people in the Commercial Street are really too little.

And Xia Yanyou in front of her, under Duan Mu's meticulous guidance, has already reached the full value of 60 points of affection for him; fortunately, she has always respected Duan Mu as a teacher and has no other ideas, otherwise Duan Mu Getting along with wood will not be as easy as it is now.

"Don't be too nervous, Captain Unohana is a very friendly person, and with me by his side, what are you afraid of?"

Seeing the warm smile on Duan Mu's face like clear water, Xia Yanyou nodded subconsciously.

Mr. Duan Mu is always so reliable.

"By the way, now that the state of preparation for battle has been lifted, will your Captain Aizen also return to the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art and continue to teach calligraphy?"

Duan Mu said with a smile: "The team members who recently joined the fourth team often get together to miss the calligraphy class taught by Captain Aizen. They said that although it is an elective class, every time there is no empty seats, even the corridors are full of people. It was full of people."


Xia Yanyu nodded, and said longingly: "It's normal for them to miss it. After all, Captain Lan Ran is so similar to Mr. Duan Mu. With such a special teacher, the students will definitely be interested in calligraphy."


Hearing this, the smile on Duan Mu's face froze directly, and finally said with a stiff smile: "You can't talk nonsense like that, that lord is completely different from me."


Xia Yanyou, who has always been weak, is uncharacteristically firm: "I say it's true, Captain Aizen is indeed very similar to you, they are both kind, gentle, and powerful; and they never look at others differently, and treat everyone equally. Many people secretly say that you are too good-natured, but I think you are the most respectable people."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely introduce you to Captain Aizan. The two of you must get along very well, and you will definitely become good friends!"

do not--! !

Duan Mu almost didn't shout out.

Make friends with Aizen?

I haven't lived enough... Anyone who has a relationship with him will end well, and making friends with him can't provide me with experience points.

However, should I find a way to remove the title of 'good old man'?

I always feel that none of the guys who are called 'good guys' in the soul world are good things...

"Where am I qualified to make friends with that adult."

Duan Mu reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth, and hastily changed the subject: "It's almost time, we should set off."


It was only then that Xia Yanyou remembered that he would go to the flower arrangement party later, so he hugged the book in his arms in a hurry.

"Don't be nervous, there will always be newcomers coming to the flower arrangement festival, and Yongyin and I will explain to those newcomers who are interested in flower arrangement."

After finishing speaking, Duan Mu turned around and walked out, raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat that didn't exist: "I'll go outside first to see if Mei Yu is ready."



After 2 minutes, a group of three people set off and walked towards the team building of the fourth division.

When the three of them came to the fourth team building, many members had already gathered in the flower arrangement classroom, most of them were members of the fourth team, and a small number were from other teams.

And these people...

Basically all women! !

This is also the main reason why Duan Mu didn't give up studying flower arrangement after he found that flower arrangement was difficult to improve Uno Hana's favorability.

Because this is an important channel for Duan Mu to make friends with other female team members!

"Director Duan Mu, you are here."

"Vice President Duan Mu."


Seeing Duan Mu's arrival, there was a burst of greetings from the flower arrangement classroom.

"Boss Duan Mu, you are really popular as always."

A voice came from behind Duan Mu, and when he turned his head to look, Duan Mu's face showed a smile that was not alienated, but not too affectionate.

"Long time no see, Vice Captain Hina Mori."

The owner of the voice is none other than the vice-captain of the [-]th squad, Hina Morimomo.

Hearing this, Chu Sentao showed a smile on his face: "It's been a long time."

In the past two years, she has almost stopped all leisure activities, and the team members still have rest, but as the vice captain, she and Captain Aizen have always been in the fifth team.

However, being able to stay with Captain Aizan all the time, Chisentao didn't feel it was hard work, but instead felt happy every day.

The sudden release of the preparation state made her a little uncomfortable.

When Duan Mu heard this, he was about to say something when he felt his body sink, and a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Amu, Amu... the president is also here."

Looking back, Duan Mu shook his head when he saw Yaqianliu's innocent smiling face: "Yaqianliu, it's useless even if you pester me, since you stole the snacks and candy before the flower arrangement meeting last time After eating all the snacks and candies prepared for the flower arrangement class, Yongyin locked them in his cabinet, and they will not take them out until the flower arrangement session starts."

Before each flower arrangement meeting, Captain Unohana will ask Yuyin to prepare snacks and candies. When the flower arrangement meeting is coming to an end, everyone will drink tea and eat snacks while admiring the flower arrangement works, and then disband.

But because of the stealing behavior of Baqianliu last time, Yongyin locked all the snacks and snacks in his office cabinet.

"Uh~~ Kotetsu-chan is so stingy..."

The smile on Yaqianliu's face disappeared immediately, but her eyes lit up in the next second.

"However, I brought some Jinpei candy, you can eat it before eating snacks."

Duan Mu took out the Jinping Tang bought in the commercial street from his arms and waved it in front of Yaqianliu. People couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, there was a silence in the flower arrangement classroom, and everyone stood up and looked towards the entrance.

I saw Uzhi Hualie walking in from the outside with Toru Yuuto.

"Captain Usohana."

"Don't be so cautious."

Unozhihualie shook his head, with a gentle smile on his face: "The Flower Arranging Club is a place to relax and relax, not a place to report work, just call me the president here."

Accompanied by Uno Hana's opening remarks, the flower arrangement will officially begin.

Uzhi Hualie led the old members to start flower arrangement, while Duan Mu and Yongyin started to teach the new members the knowledge of flower arrangement.

[Shan Xiayu's favorability +1, gain 640 experience points, current favorability: 51]

[Xiao Nai's favorability +1, gain 640 experience points, current favorability: 59]

[Shibata's favorability +1, gain 320 experience points, current favorability: 41]

[Hua Feng's favorability +1, gain 160 experience points, current favorability: 39]

[Xun’s favorability +1, gain 20 experience points, current favorability: 8]


Looking at the reminder in his mind, Duan Mu was both happy and anxious.

Because those people with high favorability are basically members of the fourth team, and many people's favorability for him has almost reached the full value of friendship...

In order not to cause some misunderstandings and embarrassment, although Duan Mu will continue to get along with them, and they will definitely help as friends when they need it.


In any case, it is necessary to avoid continuing to increase the favorability.

This made Duan Mu's way of obtaining experience points, after the commercial street, one less way.

Although there are players from other teams at the flower arrangement meeting, the number is only a small number.

From the fact that most of the fourth division team members have full friendship and made it clear that they are only friends, the experience gained by Duan Mu can be said to be getting worse day by day.

Current experience value: 84650.

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