Among them...

Forty thousand were saved by Duan Mu before, which means that after half a year, Duan Mu only gained more than 4 experience points.

Especially in the past two months, the total experience points gained are less than [-]...

It is too difficult to find another place like the General Ambulance Station.

Without quantity, we can only focus on quality.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help sneaking a peek at Hua Lie.

I secretly figured out, with my current strength, can I resist this person's knife without dying? If I can survive, it will probably increase my favorability by a few points, right?

However, Duan Mu was just thinking about it.

Because every time Duan Mu thinks about fighting with Uzhi Hualie, the fear she brought to him when they first met will appear in his mind, which lingers like a shadow.

Maybe it's a test, maybe it's a screening, or maybe it's a way to tell Duan Mu that he still can't arouse Uzhihualie's interest.

All in all, the first impression was too scary, but instead, Duan Mu, who was usually scruples about the consequences, did not dare to challenge him for fear of being hacked to death...

Of course, Duan Mu has many other choices for quality.

Everyone in the Women's Death Association can gain a lot of experience points when their favorability is increased.

But now they are all stuck in a bottleneck...

There are only a few female vice-captains and chief executives, and now they all have a good relationship with Duan Mu, and their favorability is no longer as easy as when they first met.

Like Yong Yin...

Even in the Flower Arranging Association and the Comprehensive Rescue Center, the two have been supporting and learning from each other, but her favorability for her is only 54 points, showing no signs of further improvement.

After thinking about it for a while, Duan Mu found that it is so difficult to make friends in the huge soul world.

However, it's no wonder that among the more than 6000 members of the Guarding Team Thirteen, female death gods are extremely rare.

Except for the fourth team, the fifth team with the most female death gods is the fifth team that Duan Mu is unwilling to contact, and the second most is the thirteenth team.

Those female team members joined because of the personal charm of the two team captains.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Is there any way to greatly increase your exposure like in the present world?


Chapter 142?Virtual?

The second team, supervisor building.

Entering the supervision building, just as Duan Mu walked outside the surveillance department, the door was opened, and several figures rushed out in a swarm.

"Boss, you are simply too handsome."

"Are you hurt?"

"Are you kidding, that kind of vacancy like a fish, even the boss can't hurt him in a limited state."

"Sit down, I have ordered the Technology Development Bureau to lift the restrictions."

"Really... I went to the present world for a total of 2 minutes, and I have to limit it."


With the support of all the supervision team members, Duan Mu, who originally only planned to leave Zanpakuto here, was dragged into the surveillance department abruptly by everyone.

"Boss, I relayed your heroic appearance immediately after you arrived in this world."

Nagano Huaxiu's extremely proud words made Duan Mu understand why this group of people had such a big reaction, and the corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly: "There is nothing to see, it's just a little Xu, even if I don't go, The kid from the Xichuan family can also solve it, but the president of the Jinyin Society, Xichuan, loves his son too much."

At the end, Duan Mu couldn't help being a little speechless.

I don’t know what’s going on in Karakuza Town recently, the frequency of ghosts appearing is extremely high, and many of them are large-scale ghosts that have passed the initial stage. , but President Xi Chuan, the father, is really spoiled to the extreme.

It is said that because of the large amount of research funds provided to Captain Mayuri, as long as there is a large ghost, he will get the news faster than the supervisory team.

Even if there is a slight disturbance, Duan Mu will be notified as soon as possible to go to support.


Although going to the present world from time to time makes Duan Mu feel extremely troublesome.

However, Chairman Xi Chuan has greatly increased his favorability for Duan Mu because of this, and recently he often acts as a middleman, transferring some noble matters that were originally handled by the Gold Seal Association to Duan Mu's Master House in the form of entrustment.

These entrustments can be said to be various, some asked him to teach a certain death god, some asked him to mediate disputes, and some asked him to investigate and catch rape... Anyway, after a period of time, Duan Mu found that the noble circle of Sei Lingting was really chaotic.

Only Duan Mu can't think of it, there is nothing they can't do.

No wonder, though.

If there is no Room 46 pressing on it, this group of guys who have lived comfortably for hundreds of years and have been so idle, might do something outrageous.

Originally, Duan Mu thought that it was outrageous for those noble young masters and young ladies to go to the present world at every turn, but after in-depth contact, he found that these people were relatively normal nobles.

Those abnormal aristocrats... What they did was simply outrageous. Some even built execution grounds in their own homes, and then threw servants who made mistakes into them to watch them fight; The artificial ones used in the experiments were made to hunt down errant servants.

execution ground.

As the name suggests, it is the place where execution performances are displayed.

The execution ground in Seireitei used to be a giant prison covered by a soul-shading membrane. On both sides of the bottom of the cave are two prison doors made entirely of murderous stones; one door transports criminals into the execution ground, and after the other door is opened, Then there are countless false exits.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is an extremely dark custom, but for those aristocrats who are too idle, this is a very enjoyable entertainment for them, because it allows them not to take risks. , you can sit on a safe high platform and watch the bloody fight between Reaper and Xu up close.

However, this has been the custom many, many years ago.

Probably because of the bad influence, Mao Room 46 abolished the execution ground system many years ago, and strictly prohibited anyone from setting up execution grounds without permission.

The original ruins of the execution ground have now been used as a garbage dump.

However, many of those nobles secretly set up execution grounds in their own homes.

It is impossible for Mao Room 46 to be ignorant of the behavior of these nobles, but those nobles know the bottom line of Room 46 very well. No matter how many people are harmed and devoured, it will not evolve, and it is even a man-made fiction that is often counter-killed.

It is worth mentioning that……

These man-made fictions are all provided by the Technology Development Bureau, which is one of the important sources of research and development funds for the Technology Development Bureau.

Therefore, as long as the noise is not too much, or it is widely spread and causes bad influence, Mao Room 46 basically turns a blind eye.


Those nobles didn't care about the interior of the prison at all, and they didn't know how to manage and seal the prisoners. Coupled with the poor facilities, these privately built execution grounds often had some accidents.

Either the experiment ran amok, or the prisoners rioted after accumulating strength.

This kind of matter was originally acted by the Golden Seal Society as an intermediary, please solve it secretly!

But since Duan Mu came into being, if there were any problems in the execution grounds of these nobles, Duan Mu would be invited to solve them.

Because please solve it secretly and flexibly, you must have a prophetic meeting with Mao Room 46...

Although this is not a secret in the eyes of Mao Room 46, it is different from doing it secretly and on the bright side. Even if it is to give an explanation to the members participating in the secret maneuver, Mao Room 46 will punish the main personnel, and it is expressly forbidden to re-build the execution ground. , and continued monitoring.

But it's completely different to leave it to Duan Mu to deal with. There is no need to worry that Room 46 will punish them for this.

For this type of entrustment, Duan Mu did not refuse.

Since Duan Mu chose to sell his life to the nobles as slaves for enjoyment, it was regarded as a consumable, and in Duan Mu's view, it was his own fault.

However, there were also individual nobles who were reported to Captain Broken Bee by Duan Mu afterwards.


The 'consumables' used by these nobles are not servants who can be slaughtered by them, but untouchables captured from Liuhun Street.

Where is Liuhun Street?

Although Seilingting doesn't care, Duan Mu regards Liuhun Street as his lair.

Most of these nobles reported by him were secretly executed by the Xing army sent by the broken bee under the secret order of Room 46 of Mao, and the remaining minor participants were also secretly thrown into the nest of maggots. People also violated the bottom line of Room 46.

It's not because of pity, but because among the members of the thirteenth team of guards today, the gods of death from Ruhun Street account for the vast majority, which makes the attitude of Room 46 towards Ruhun Street slightly changed in recent years. .

Of course, only slightly!

Closer to home.

Under the secret order of Room 46 and the cooperation of the Golden Seal Society, these nobles who were secretly dealt with by Duan Mu did not spread the word, but announced to the outside world as "died of illness"; so Duan Mu's Wanshiwu is famous among the nobles Excellent, whenever there is a need, I will immediately think of Duan Mu's Master House.

By this...

Duan Mu has a lot of black information about the nobles in his hands.

How to use it, Duan Mu hasn't thought about it yet, but I always feel that it may come in handy in the future, and there is always nothing wrong with making more preparations.


Drinking the tea that Qing Yuanfang made for him, and eating the Deli most that the soldiers from the noble family bought for him on the noble street, Duan Mu looked very happy.

The so-called Deli Mochu is exactly the kind of glutinous rice and red bean snacks with distiller's grains that Duan Mu once ate at Omaeda's house.

Duan Mu eats this kind of wine-flavored dessert almost every day.

Although it is expensive... Duan Mu feels that every bite is eating money, but it is obviously better to satisfy the gluttony with this kind of snack than to drink.

Moreover, in Duan Mu's current business, it is barely acceptable to eat a few less meals a day.

"Boss, don't you have any entrustments today?"

Qing Yuanfang refilled a cup of tea for Duan Mu, and said with a smile: "I usually see you running around in a hurry, so it's really rare to stay here so leisurely."

"There are so many."

Duan Mu replied vaguely, swallowed the food in his mouth, and continued: "It's just that my elder brother was kicked out of the house because he fought with the god of death in the Liuhun Street The entrustment was snatched away by him with a few younger brothers, I originally planned to work in the comprehensive rescue center today, but I was dragged in abruptly by you."

"Is that Brother Griffin?"

Qing Yuanfang frowned when he heard the words, hesitated for a while and said: "Boss, do you want me to investigate the Shinigami who fought with Brother Ganjiu?"

"Don't make trouble for personal matters."

Duan Mu shook his head: "Although the god of death caused trouble in the tavern, it was only limited to trouble. The reason why the two fought was entirely because of the Griffon who took the initiative to provoke him."

Qing Yuanfang nodded when he heard the words, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, because although he just said about Cha, he was actually asking the boss if he needed to let the team members of the supervision team teach that death a lesson.

You must know that the supervision team has great power in monitoring the god of death. Even if the other party has not made any mistakes, they can lock him up and torture him for a few days in the name of questioning.

But Boss Duan Mu has never used this privilege.

Since he became the honorary captain of the supervision team, Boss Duan Mu has only taught them how to practice silently behind his back, helped them manage the prisoners in the maggot nest, and helped the supervision team members send those dangerous guys into the maggot nest.

In fact, Qingyuan Fang is a person who is extremely rigid like Suifeng and obeys the laws and regulations. He has never abused his power, otherwise Suifeng would not let him sit in such an important position.

But if Duan Mu just said that he wanted to investigate, he would not hesitate to carry out the order of Duan Mu's boss.

even if...

He is the actual person in charge of the supervision team, while Duan Mu is just the honorary captain without any power.

But all members of the supervisory team, including Qing Yuanfang, regarded Duan Mu as their captain in their hearts.

Of course, Duan Mu would not be unclear about Qing Yuanfang's thoughts, but he would not use this authority indiscriminately. After all, he came to work in the supervision team entirely for the favor of Sui Feng.

This kind of thing that may reduce the degree of favorability, Duan Mu will not do anything.

"By the way, when I came here, I saw people from the Technology Development Bureau walking out of the supervisory building. What are they doing here?" Duan Mu said, shaking his head again: "If it's inconvenient, forget it , anyway, I was just asking casually."

"No inconvenience."

Qingyuan Fang shook his head: "They just came to negotiate with us about the seal of 'Wujian'."


Duan Mu was startled when he heard the words: "Is the eighth prison, the lowest level of the underground prison, the Infernal Hell? Is it under our control?"


Qing Yuanfang looked at Duan Mu with a strange face: "Don't you know?"

God knows...

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly. No one had ever told him that the supervisory team was actually responsible for managing Wujian.

"Captain Broken Bee should have told you, right? The supervisory team is responsible for commanding all prisons in Seireitei. Although Wujian is a bit special, it is still a prison. Naturally, our supervisory team manages and maintains the seal."

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