Whether it is the received instructions or the feeling of breath, it all shows that it is this area.

I don't know why...

When she came here, she inexplicably lost track of Xu.

Even the follow-up communications from the Technology Development Bureau were terminated, as if contact had been severed.

Kuchiki Rukia withdrew her command and looked around.

And at this moment, the lights on the second floor of the building directly opposite her suddenly turned on, and a high school student with conspicuous orange hair walked into the bedroom, threw his schoolbag on the bed, and muttered:

"What the hell? Why are everyone in my family like this..."

The breath is getting closer.

Kuchiki Rukia showed a look of vigilance on her face, but the street was still empty, and there was no sign of nothing at all.

After pondering for a while, she glanced at the brightly lit bedroom, jumped off the telephone pole, and entered the building.

Although standing on a telegraph pole has a wider view, but Xu hides, probably because he saw himself, so entering the building is likely to lure it out.

What's more...

Regardless of whether the field of vision is wide or not, as long as the one is approaching, she will be able to detect its position immediately.

"Black-tailed swallowtail butterfly...?"

Ignoring the muttering of the orange-haired boy in the room, Kuchiki Rukia completely focused her perception on the search void after she fell into the room.

"It's closer."

And at this moment...


Kuchiki Rukia was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and was directly kicked out. The huge force made her slide from the middle of the bedroom all the way to the entrance of the door.


Rukia turned her head in confusion, looking at the high school student who kicked her behind her, her eyes were full of disbelief and confusion.

Was... kicked by a human? ?

"Closer to your head, idiot!!"

The orange-haired boy scolded with a dark face: "Since when did thieves become so blatant? You're even closer. What do you mean? Do you want to steal something?"


Lucia blinked, and then tentatively asked the boy pointing at her: "You...can you see me?"

"What inexplicable words are you talking about, of course you can..."


Before the orange-haired boy could finish his sentence, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and at the same time as a figure rushed in, it kicked directly from behind the orange-haired youth.

"Ichigo, you're too noisy! Don't bang on the second floor."

The boy known as Ichigo stabilized his figure in the next second, and then...

Lift your legs, turn around, and cast your wheels all in one go!

After a bang, the person who came was kicked out by him.

"You are so annoying!" After that, he pointed at Rukia: "See this guy, the thieves have already entered the house, how do you do security work?"

"Look at what?"

The visitor said with a confused face, this is a middle-aged man in a white coat.

"What else can I see, this one is dressed like a samurai..."

"It's useless."

Rukia got up and patted the non-existent dust on the clothes, and said calmly: "Ordinary people can't see me, I am the god of death!"

grim Reaper?

Ichigo was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Rukia inexplicably.


The two didn't realize that after Ichigo mentioned the words 'dress like a samurai', the middle-aged man frowned slightly, but then he relaxed and retreated cursingly.

In the room, Rukia began to explain the meaning of Shinigami to Ichigo.

"That is to say, you are the god of death, from a place called the world of corpses and souls, you have worked tirelessly to get rid of evil spirits..."

Ichigo didn't pay much attention at first, pretending to continue to lie, but when he heard the word "evil spirit", he frowned and asked: "The evil spirit you mentioned refers to the kind of huge body." ...Can a monster with a strange bone mask on its face and tentacles on its head simulate a human being?"


Rukia was taken aback when she heard the words. She thought that the other party would not believe her so easily, but she didn't expect that the other party not only believed her, but also revealed her physical characteristics, although the imitation of human beings was somewhat inconsistent.

"Have you seen Xu?"

Ichigo didn't answer, but after hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Among you Shinigami, is there anyone wearing...um, black clothes, short black hair, and black high boots?"

Black clothes, black short hair, black high boots?

I always feel that this image is inexplicably familiar.


Rukia shook her head: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, I can be sure that the person you are talking about is definitely not the god of death, because all the gods of death are dressed in the same clothes as me, and all of them are dressed in the clothes of the god of death."

"Tch, then you say such misleading words."

When Ichigo heard this, he immediately lost interest, and waved his hands with disgust on his face: "Reaper? Sorry, I have never seen Reaper when I grow up. I only believe in what I have seen."

"Hey! Didn't you believe it just now?"

"Who would believe a sneaky guy like you? I just tried to ask... No, it's my fault. How could you, a poorly dressed guy in straw sandals, know about that person. "

"Poor...poor...you said...that I am poor?"

"One of the Binding Roads, Plug!"


Chapter 171 That person...

As usual, Duan Mu stepped into the surveillance section of the supervision team.


"Good morning, Boss Duan Mu."


Although it was just dawn, the team members of the Surveillance Section were already busy. They were sitting in front of the instruments, eating snacks and manipulating the instruments in front of them.

Duan Mu responded with a nod, and then came to Qing Yuanfang and asked, "How is Lucia?"

"It is still in the state of receiving instructions normally, but its location cannot be tracked."

Kiyohara shook his head: "Regarding this matter, we and the Technology Development Bureau submitted reports separately. But the response from Room 46 is to let us always pay attention to the present world and look for traces of Kuchiki Rukia, while It is not as usual to send people to the world to investigate, or to punish it as defection."

"After all, he is one of the four nobles. Room 46 probably doesn't want the news to spread."

"Indeed, if the news gets out, even the stepdaughter of the Kuchiki family will definitely be punished."

"But what if something happens to her?"

"The Technology Development Bureau said that Kuchiki Rukia's command god machine has been receiving instructions from the Technology Development Bureau, and has been actively contacting the Technology Development Bureau, and has not slackened in the purification work of Xu. In other words, she The connection with the world of corpses and souls has not been interrupted, but the monitoring and tracking of her has been blocked."

"It's probably the young lady of the Kuchiki family who doesn't want people to pry into her privacy."

"Very likely, that's all for our side. Even the Technology Development Bureau can't determine where she is, so we can only keep in touch with her by commanding the magic machine. If we can do this, no one will believe it, even if that person The eldest lady herself said that she didn't know why she couldn't be tracked, and it was inconvenient to disclose her location for some reason."

"If dispatching the god of death is done like this, what will happen to our work?"

"After all, you are a family member of the four great nobles, so you still have this privilege."


Listening to everyone's discussion, Duan Mu frowned slightly.

If there is no accident, the person who helped Rukia hinder the supervision team and the Technology Development Bureau's monitoring should be Urahara Kisuke, and there may be a secret cooperation of a hair gluer.

If the dispatched god of death is someone else, even if they keep in touch with the soul world at all times, if the monitoring is interrupted, Room 46 will send a secret maneuver to the present world for investigation, and immediately rebuild the surveillance circuit for the dispatched god of death.

But Kuchiki Rukia is different, even if she is a stepdaughter, she is still a member of the four great nobles, so Room 46 did not take any further action, but just blindly monitored, which is barely reasonable.

No one would have thought of...

The real Room 46 is probably gone now!

During this period, it was not Room 46 that gave the order, but someone who killed Room 46.

Duan Mu didn't care about the fact that Room 46 was gone, and it was a good thing that the group of old antiques who didn't know how to adapt died.

But Duan Mu is afraid that...

Those who secretly forged Room 46 to issue orders used this power to target themselves.

"Just as they say."

Kiyohara Fang didn't notice anything strange about Duan Mu, and continued: "As for the matter of Kuchiki Rukia, the Technology Development Bureau has been following up, hoping to find traces of Kuchiki Rukia from the present world, and now she has been captured. The spirit seeds left after the ghost path."

"It can be confirmed that she just used some method to hinder the monitoring of her by the Soul Realm, and she did not defect or encounter any accidents."

When Qingyuan Fang said this, his brows frowned slightly: "But there is one thing that is very strange. Neither the surveillance circuit of the Surveillance Office, nor we and the Technology Development Bureau can capture the figure of Kuchiki Rukia, and can only be purified in the void. Afterwards, the remnants of Kuchiki Rukia's spiritual seeds were extracted."

"Also, her one-month dispatch period has actually ended, but Room 46 rejected the application of the [-]th Division to send someone to replace her, saying that it will temporarily extend her dispatch time until she is tracked down again."

Kiyohara Fang looked at Duan Mu with a pensive face, and the fact that Kuchiki Rukia avoided surveillance itself, combined with her own identity, was actually not surprising.

But Kiyohara always felt that something was wrong, and the handling of Room 46 was also very strange. With the usual Room 46, even if the other party was a member of the Four Great Nobles, he would never let him mess around like this.

Even if they are not arrested, they should send a secret maneuver to confirm, instead of doing nothing like they are now.


Kiyohara Fang seemed to have thought of something, and said, "Kuchiki Rukia has been applying for a salary increase." As he spoke, he took out a document from the desk next to him: "So far, she has eliminated many ghosts, and the code names are different. For "Fishbone·D", "Heikishapotas", "Asidvaya", "Shurika" etc..."

"Most of them are hypocrites without additional salary, but there are a few hypocrites, such as "Shoulika", who have received additional salary in advance by commanding the magic machine.It doesn't feel like living in this world, but living in the world of corpses and souls. "

"There are also some items collected for her use, such as prosthetic skeletons, inner soul fixatives, etc. According to my investigation, they were also not provided by the Technology Development Bureau."

"So I suspect that she may have had contact with someone who is in this world and who can provide these items. According to the records in our archives, there is only one..."

"That is the former captain of the [-]th Division and the founder of the Technology Development Bureau...and, when I was a team member, Urahara Kisuke, who was the captain of the supervision team." At the end, Kiyohara seemed to think of something and couldn't help it He glanced at Duan Mu.

After he had this suspicion, he immediately reported to Captain Broken Bee.

Captain Broken Bee attaches great importance to this, but was rejected when he applied to Room 46 for an in-depth investigation, and was told to focus on tracking Rukia...but the secret maneuver was not allowed to send people to investigate Explore.

As a result, Captain Broken Bee returned with a dark face and gave an order to the supervision team.

That is……

Monitor Duan Mu's movements, and report Duan Mu's every move to her at all times.

Regarding this point, Captain Broken Bee did not give an explanation, but said that Duan Mu might know where Rukia is.

But combined with his own guess, Kiyohara Fang came to a conclusion: There is likely to be a connection between Boss Duan Mu and Urahara Kisuke.

In fact, he is not very familiar with Urahara Kisuke, because apart from acting, that guy basically stays in his room every day and doesn't know what to do.

Qingyuan Fang had been there once, and the not-so-big room was filled with various instruments, and the leader of the supervision team was deeply buried in a pile of instruments.

Although he has abilities, his attitude towards work is far inferior to Boss Duan Mu.

As for guiding the soldiers to practice?

He and the team members are not familiar with each other, and he is studying various things every day, so how could he have time to guide the team members.

The worst thing is...

As the captain of the supervisory team, what he thinks every day is not how to capture those unstable factors, but how to release the unstable factors in the maggot nest so that they can use their talents.

Although this allowed Seireitei to have a technology development bureau.

But over the years, the Technology Development Bureau has definitely caused a lot of troubles, some of which are extremely cruel and excessive; but Kiyohara Fang also has to admit...the things they do can bring great benefits to Seireitei as a whole , even Room 46 turned a blind eye to their affairs.

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