Because Duan Mu not only does better than others, but also charges far cheaper than others.

So for several days in a row, Duan Mu basically wandered between East, South, West, and North Liuhun Street and Seireitei, and from time to time he would take time to go to the second, fourth, and fifth teams.

Duan Mu originally planned to go to congratulate Asai Renji on becoming the vice-captain.

But according to Yijiao, Renji didn't plan to celebrate with great fanfare, but just prepared to gather friends together to celebrate after the official ceremony is over a month later.

Moreover, only after the appointment ceremony can Renji truly become the vice-captain.

Duan Mu has been in Soul Soul Realm for 13 years. This is the second time he has encountered the appointment ceremony of the deputy captain. The last time was the appointment ceremony of Yong Yin nearly ten years ago. But Duan Mu was just a pariah in Liuhun Street ... Not to mention attending the appointment ceremony, he couldn't even see Yongyin.


Today's Duan Mu is still a pariah in Liuhun Street, and he is still not eligible to participate.

Because only the god of death can participate in the official appointment ceremony, and the team of the sixth team is located in the noble area, even if Duan Mu is invited, he can't go there at will.

However, Ah Sanjing has booked a restaurant in advance, and will invite everyone to dinner after the official ceremony.

of course……

The restaurant was not booked on Noble Street, but the Arakawa Izakaya opposite to Duanki Sereitei Manshiya branch.

That’s right, it’s the izakaya where Duan Mu used to drink with Matsumoto Rangiku. For this izakaya that brought me very bad memories, Duan Mu has not been to this izakaya for a long time. The smell of wine coming from the opposite side relieves hunger.

The reason why I booked here, on the one hand, is to allow Duan Mu to go, and on the other hand, it is because... the izakaya on Noble Street is really too expensive!

Among the vice-captains, except for Omaeda, the other vice-captains could not afford to hire them.

While working, Duan Mu did not forget to pay attention to Rukia who went to the present world. On the one hand, it was to pay attention to the dynamics of Rukia, and on the other hand, it was Renji's request.

After becoming the vice-captain, his low self-esteem when facing Rukia also began to fade away a little bit, and he began to try to contact Kuchiki Rukia.

Although Duan Mu felt that...

After becoming the vice captain, he probably didn't have much time to spend with Rukia.

Because, the captain and vice-captain of Goutei [-] are basically scattered throughout Seireitei.

Every time a captain's meeting is held, it needs to be notified one day in advance. Even if it is an emergency meeting, it will take more than half a day to convene all the captains and vice-captains.

Even for an idler like Duan Mu who doesn't have a job and deliberately "encounters" it, it is difficult to find the vice-captain.

of course……

Omaeda was definitely an accident. This guy left the work to his subordinates most of the time. He lay in the office every day, and his life was much more comfortable than other vice-captains, even more comfortable than Captain Broken Bee.


Chapter 1 Seventy: Poor Rukia

Seiling Court Five Fan District.

"Boss Duan Mu, you have worked hard."

Standing outside the team building of the fifth team, looking at Aizen with a gentle smile on his face, Duan Mu couldn't help showing a smile on his face:

"Captain Aizen, how many times have I told you, you don't need to be so polite with me. Even if you don't talk about your captain's status, with me, you are also a distinguished guest of our Wanshiwu."

After all, Duan Mu carefully observed the expression on Lan Ran's face, and couldn't help being suspicious.

Today, his original plan was not to come to the Fifth Division, but to work in the comprehensive ambulance station.

But the Fifth Division suddenly decided to conduct special training today.

This special training is guided by the captain of the fifth team, Aizen, the vice-captain, Momori, and the special coach, Duan Mu.

"Mr. Duanmu, although you are deeply involved with our Gotei [-] team, you are not a Shinigami after all."

Aizen shook his head and said, "Clients need respect, but a store manager who is capable and able to satisfy customers also deserves respect from customers."

"As for Boss Duan Mu, both the team members and I can see your ability. Since you became the special coach of our fifth team, the progress of the team's strength is clearly visible."

After all, he paused and said with a smile:

"What's more, I invited you here temporarily today, just because you put aside other work to come to me, I am very grateful."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words, and he was not too polite, because today he did turn down other commissions, and stayed in the fifth team for guidance all day long.

"You must also be wondering why I suddenly organized this special training."

Lan Ran sighed, and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Actually, a few days ago, one of the soldiers in our fifth team was accidentally swallowed by Xu during a support operation. This incident caused everyone to suffer. Big blow."

"So I hope to use this training to divert everyone's attention, and use this as motivation to increase everyone's strength."

"The reason why the team members died was entirely because of my captain's wrong decision-making. If I hadn't underestimated that bird, but had led the team there myself..."

At the end, Aizen's face became a little ugly, and there was a pain in the eyes under the glasses.

"Captain Aizen, this is not your fault."

Duan Mu shook his head and sighed: "This is the duty of the God of Death. Those team members are very brave people, unlike me who dare not take responsibility at all. They are all heroes in my mind. exist."

"For the soldier who passed away, although I dare not say that his death is not your responsibility at all; but I can be sure of one thing, that is, he will not blame you before he dies, so even if it is to sacrifice the soldier, you will Don't blame yourself for this, but as you say..."

"Use this as a driving force to make yourself stronger."

"Mr. Duan Mu, as the team members said, he is a very gentle gentleman."

Lan Ran first sighed, then shook his head and said: "I don't think Mr. Duan Mu is a coward who evades responsibility. Although you are not a member of the [-]th Division of Goutei, you have been silently behind your back all this time. Supporting the Gotei [-]th Division."

"Whether it's the work of stealth maneuvers, or the work of the comprehensive rescue station of the fourth division, or even our fifth division, you have received a lot of help."

Aizen paused for a moment, and said with a heavy tone: "As for your reluctance to join the Goutei [-]th squad, I can feel it a little bit. Today's Seireitei is indeed..."

He seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he shook his head again: "Forget it, anyway, today is really hard for you."

"Where did the hard work come from?"

Duan Mu patted his pocket: "Compared to other jobs, this job is the easiest job." After finishing speaking, Duan Mu looked up at the sky and continued:

"It's getting late, so I'll go back first. During this time, I'm busy with Seireitei's commission, so I've been living in the Comprehensive Rescue Center. If you need anything, you can ask someone to come to the Comprehensive Rescue Center to find me. Usually at night I'll stay there."



After bidding farewell to Aizen, Duan Mu went straight to the general rescue station.

Duan Mu didn't think deeply about Aizen's words.

Because you don't need to think about it, you know that this guy is just trying to use vague words to influence his own judgment.

Duan Mu is very clear about the virtues of Sei Ling Ting, and there is no need for Aizen to remind him.


There is one point that Duan Mu doesn't understand.

That's why Aizen wanted to do some special training all of a sudden.

Blame yourself for the death of a soldier?

If it wasn't for his every move being under surveillance, Duan Mu would have wanted to rub his goosebumps with his hands.

Duan Mu reasonably suspected that even if he didn't kill the soldier himself, he definitely had something to do with it.

Ring ring ring ring~~

And at this moment, the magic command machine in Duan Mu's arms suddenly rang.

Duan Mu took it out and took a look. When he saw the contact person, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a flash of amazement flashed in his eyes.

He finally understood why Aizen wanted to do some special training all of a sudden.


As soon as the phone was connected, Qingyuan Fang's anxious voice came over: "The young lady of the Kuchiki family that you brought our attention to suddenly disappeared."


Duan Mu's face changed: "What did the Technology Development Bureau say...the monitoring circuit failed? Did Lucia's command machine...the signal also disappear? I'll go to the supervision team now, and I'll follow up when I arrive. Let me elaborate."

After finishing the words, Duan Mu stepped on the ground with one foot, and the whole person disappeared in place out of thin air.

However, the missing Duan Mu was not found.

Not long after he left, two figures slowly emerged from the void and landed where Duan Mu had stood before.

One of the dark-skinned figures wearing blindfolds frowned looking at the direction Duan Mu left.


Beside him, there was a figure with short light purple hair, with a strange smile on his face: "Captain Dongxian, did you plan to kill him? Didn't you always claim that you were unwilling to participate in meaningless battles?"

Dongsen wanted to slowly withdraw his gaze, and his eyes, which were completely covered by the blindfold, looked at Ichimaru Gin next to him: "For the sake of righteousness, necessary sacrifices are necessary, not to mention..."

"It's not meaningless."

Dongxian paused for a moment, and said in a dignified tone: "The other captains don't have a clear understanding of the strength of the ten blades, but we are very clear about the strength of the ten blades; and such a powerful existence is killed and injured in his hands. That's enough to explain his threat."

"I have fought against him before. He was not as powerful as he is now, but he has been able to cause me trouble, and his inexplicable growth rate is the most terrifying in my opinion. And... I It always felt like he knew something."

"Oh, it's really scary."

Ichimaru Gin said with a playful smile: "It's just because they grow up fast that they are going to be killed. This is not what a person who claims to be 'justice' should think...but when it comes to justice, he is a wandering soul." The most well-known benevolent person in the street should be the type who can get along with Captain Dongsen, right?"

"A person who does good deeds may not necessarily be a good person." Dongxian shook his head without saying much.

"is it?"

Ichimaru Gin crossed his hands in front of him and reached into his sleeves: "On the contrary, I feel that if a person only kills the people who deserve to be killed, and does his best to do good things."


"Before he did something bad, he was always a kind and good man, no matter what his nature was."

"And if..."

"A man who is essentially a good man and does all kinds of evil is only a villain, for whatever reason."

To hear the words, Tosen took a deep 'look' at Ichimaru Gin.

"Don't look at me like that, it's scary."

Having said that, Ichimaru Gin did not show the slightest fear on his face, but instead smiled more and more jokingly: "Captain Aizen, what do you think?"

"An interesting statement."

A faint voice came, and Aizen's figure approached from far away. When he came close to the two of them, he said calmly: "It is indeed as Yin said, no matter what his nature is, he is a kind-hearted man. Nice guy."

"Because good and evil in this world have always been judged by behavior."


"Most creatures in this world are only willing to believe the 'facts' that are beneficial to them. They expect him to be a good person, and because of their expectations..."

Lan Ran glanced at the direction Duan Mu left, with a slight smile on his face:

"Only to be a good person."

"But in fact, for most creatures, those things that they don't want to believe, that are not good for them, are the real reality."

"Lord Aizen."

A look of hesitation flashed across Dongxian Yao's face.

"I know what you're worried about, yes."

Aizen shook his head slightly: "There is no need for that. As long as you still have legs and walk, that person will inevitably encounter stumbling blocks in his life, but no one will change his way to avoid stumbling blocks; people who will be stumbled, I am not qualified to continue walking on the road.”

"Some smart people are always more stupid than stupid people!"

Aizen turned his head slowly, and stepped out in the direction of Room 46 of Mao: "Don't worry, no matter what kind of stumbling block you encounter, just advance and retreat with me..."

"Ahead of us is a smooth road!"


In the present world, Karakura Town, Minamigawase.

The full moon hangs high.

Kuchiki Rukia stood on the electric pole beside the street, looking at the magical command machine in her hand, she frowned slightly.

"Why is that?"

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