Through the tyrannical physique to break through the limit barrier, and then use the limit barrier and the spirit pattern to carry out the "soul combination exchange".

As long as this process is repeated, his final spiritual pressure, whether it is strength or density, may not be weaker than Aizen after fusing with Beng Yu.

So as not to rely on external objects, truly and thoroughly break through the so-called barriers.

Of course, before that, you have to keep touching him.


Accompanied by the sound of his body falling to the ground, Duan Mu threw himself face down on the ring.


Chapter 169 Excessive


Walking out of the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, Duan Mu couldn't help squinting his eyes under the summer solstice sunshine.

His research has come to an end, even if he continues to hold back in the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, it is difficult for the spirit void pattern to continue to grow.

And most importantly...

Current experience points: 0

Duan Mu didn't even remember how long he hadn't used up all his experience points. This time, if he counted the time spent in the initial study of the spirit body, it lasted for more than a year, completely consuming his experience points. Consume all.

Even Picaro, and the experience points he gained from the books he put in the libraries of various teams, were put into practice by Duan Mu just after they were obtained, so as to speed up his own research.

But even so, it still took a year to completely perfect the spirit void pattern.

Duan Mu glanced at his palm, tried to make a fist, felt the real power, and nodded slightly:

"It's time to get back to business, but until then..."

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly remembered the scene of himself being dragged by the broken bee and thrown out of the maggot's nest, and the series of strange actions in the fourth team...


"Let's go to the maggot's nest first, and deal with the work there."

Duan Mu pondered for a while, and did not go back to the West 38th District, but went straight to the direction of Seilingting.

The nest of maggots, the fourth team, the fifth team, as well as the Jinyinhui, Wanshiwu...

Duan Mu suddenly realized that his work had become so much before he knew it?

However, when he was working normally, he didn't feel this way at all.

Even if I spare a few hours every day for practice, I still often idle in the store because I don't have a job.

After entering Seireitei, Duan Mu did not go directly to the second team, but came to the commercial street.

"Long time no see, Boss Duan Mu."

"I heard that you went to practice. How did you gain? Can you beat the team members of the [-]th Guarding Team?"

"Are you kidding me? My son is a member of the Guarding Team Thirteen. According to him, Boss Duan Mu is not weaker than the vice-captain. How could he not be able to beat the ordinary team members?"

"Hahaha, don't make trouble. Boss Duan Mu's skills are good, I admit, but if you say he can beat the god of death, forget it."

"What I said is real!"


Duan Mu responded with a smile to the jokes from the surrounding shops.

In fact, it's not their fault for being confused, Duan Mu's strength, even today, is still only understood by the captain and vice-captain.

In the eyes of the members of the Fourth Division, Duan Mu is a member of the Fourth Division who, like them, does not have the ability to fight and only has strong accomplishments in the back road.

As for the Reaper soldiers and chief officers of the other teams, Duan Mu is a special teacher who is not strong in spiritual pressure, but is very proficient in chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking.

And he wrote many books on teaching death, even the general library can see his books, and even the textbooks of the Shino Spiritual Art Academy have excerpted from Duan Mu's books.

But in the eyes of many vice-captains, Duan Mu is a special existence whose strength is not weaker than the vice-captains at all.

All in all, there are many rumors about Duan Mu, but the mainstream...

I still prefer that Duan Mu just has a good character and strong theory, but does not have very strong strength!

After all, Duan Mu has basically never released his Reiatsu with all his strength in Seireitei. The only time he fought with Saraki Kenpachi was because of that fight. team attention.

Duan Mu is a person who is very good at learning lessons. If he makes a mistake once, he will basically never make it again.

So since then...

No matter where he drank, even in his own bedroom, Duan Mu would drink it lightly; when he entered Sei Ling Ting, he didn't drink at all, and only satiated his gluttonous rice and red bean snacks with wine lees added by Deli Zuzhong .

"Boss Duan Mu!?"

As soon as he entered the store, Hua Yin greeted him excitedly from behind the bar: "Have you finished your cultivation?"


Duan Mu smiled slightly, the familiar gentle smile made Huayin's eyes brighten: "Then, is Wanshiwu going to reopen?"

Although she and Qiao Ze were still very repulsed to work for a lowlife in Liuhun Street when they were first sent by Master Omaeda.

But after getting along for a period of time, both she and Qiao Ze fell in love with the work in Wanshiwu, and Boss Duan Mu is a very good person, taking care of them both in every possible way, without the slightest airs at all.

Most importantly...

Since they came to Wanshiwu, Duan Mu would guide them to practice from time to time.

"Didn't you go to rest?"

Duan Mu looked at the clean and tidy Wanshiwu, and couldn't help but said, "Didn't you and Qiao Ze be asked to rest for a while?"

"It's not like I haven't rested..."

Huayin shook her head: "After a period of rest, Qiao Ze and I were really bored, so we came here alternately every day to clean up... Regarding this point, we also consulted Master Omaeda and got his advice. license."

"That's it."

Duan Mu nodded and didn't continue to struggle.

He originally planned to clean up the store that hadn't opened for a year, and then notify Huayin and Qiao Ze to come back to work tomorrow, but now it seems that there is obviously no need to clean up the store by himself.

"Later, you can invite the boss Huayue on the other side of the street to print some leaflets and get some people to send them out. We will resume business tomorrow."


After chatting with Huayin for a while, Duan Mu left the commercial street and headed for the Second Division.

When he came to the second team, it was already approaching noon, and except for the necessary guards, most of the team members had already gone to the cafeteria to eat.

However, this also saved Duan Mu a lot of things.

Sometimes being too good-natured is a trouble, no matter where he goes, people keep saying hello to him, and Duan Mu has to reply in order to maintain the impression in everyone's mind...

The cleaning of the maggot nest did not take too long. Although Duan Mu had not been here for a year, the prisoners who were repeatedly trained by Duan Mu...

Most of them are used to cleaning up spontaneously, only public areas need to be cleaned by Duan Mu himself.

After cleaning up, Duan Mu took out the tools from his cabin and repaired the damaged facilities.

After doing all this, Duan Mu left the nest of maggots straight away.

Seeing the back of Duan Mu leaving, the prisoners in the maggot nest all heaved a sigh of relief, they were really scared...

The prison warden Duan Mu suddenly had a convulsion like some time ago, and in the name of 'physical examination', he forcibly tore off their clothes, then beat them up, healed them, and beat them up again...

That kind of scene, even thinking about it now, still makes everyone feel a deep fear.

Originally in prison, they just lost their freedom, but under the fanatical gaze of Warden Duan Mu, they always felt that if they were not careful, they might lose something more important! !



A slightly bloated figure stood outside the nest of maggots, looked at Duan Mu who walked out and said with a smile:

"Aren't you going to play the perverted game of 'physical examination' with those prisoners today? Why didn't you find out before that you still have this interest. No wonder you ignore the confessions of those women."


Duan Mu scolded angrily: "I just encountered difficulties in cultivation, so I just want to observe the state of other people's spiritual bodies."

Da Maeda laughed when he heard the words, he and Suifeng could naturally see this, but Duan Mu went too far, so Captain Suifeng did it himself and threw him out of the maggot nest.

after all……

Prisoners also have dignity, not to mention the prisoners in the maggot's nest are somewhat special.

"By the way, when you go back at night, help me inform the Gold Seal Society and tell them that my Wanshiwu will reopen for business."

"...Hey, hey, don't go too far, I'm not your mouthpiece, why should you help me spread the word."

"Who dares to say that our ex-brother is a mouthpiece, I'll help you get rid of him!"


Omaeda rolled his eyes, then seemed to think of something, and said: "By the way, I met Kira Izuru and Himori Momo this morning. They went to the [-]th team. It is said that they are going to appoint... the [-]th team." The sixth seat of the team, Asai Renji, became the vice-captain of the sixth division."


Hearing this, Duan Mu paused.

"Aren't you very familiar, aren't you going to congratulate him?" Da Maeda didn't notice Duan Mu's strangeness, and said with a look of disdain: "Although I think Liu Xi is still a poor ghost from Liuhun Street, He is completely unqualified to be the vice-captain, let alone the vice-captain of the noble team."

"what happened?"

Only now did O Maeda realize that Duan Mu did not follow, and turned around with some doubts, only to see Duan Mu standing there frowning.

"Where's Rukia? Kuchiki Rukia from the [-]th Division?"

"I was about to say this."

Omaeda looked at Duan Mu with some doubts: "The supervisory team just received a new surveillance order not long ago, and the target of surveillance is the god of death Kuchiki Rukia sent by the [-]th Division to Karakura Town... "

After all, Omaeda glanced at Duan Mu and said with a smile:

"It is said that it is President Xi Chuan of the Golden Seal Association. Seeing that you have been practicing, he is worried that his son will be in danger if he continues to stay in this world, so he asked someone to ask Captain Ukitake to transfer his son back."

"However, his tenure is enough. Even without his request, his son will be transferred back."

"You don't have to worry too much. The eldest lady of the Kuchiki family is only temporarily dispatched. She is also a member of the Kuchiki family. It is impossible to let her stay in this world forever."

"So this dispatch is only a one-month temporary dispatch. After one month, when the other people finish their work, they will go to Karakura Town to take over her work. Don't even think about seeing her off."

Omaeda glanced at the time: "Besides, if there are no accidents, she should have arrived in Karakura Town by now."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words, his expression was as usual, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

So, is it already this time?

Although Duan Mu already knew what would happen a long time ago, when this day really comes, Duan Mu will inevitably feel a little urgent.


The days of peace are numbered.

And, from this moment forward, the gears turn.

The enemies he faces in the future will become stronger and stronger. Even with his current strength, he may die if he is not careful.

Not only enemies, but even many people he has already known will quickly become stronger in future events.

Decades or even hundreds of years of peace have caused many people to lose their sense of crisis. They just accumulate blindly, and cannot integrate everything they have gained through time accumulation.

Only when peace is gone and crisis comes...

Under the threat of life or other factors, these accumulations will emerge one by one, allowing them to become stronger quickly.

And this crisis...

Not far away!


In the next few days, Duan Mu returned to his daily routine again, and became busy after a long absence.

After a lapse of one year, Master House reopened.

Although a lot of urgent work has already been done by other people, but the waiting work, such as house decoration, has all been piled up, waiting for the re-opening of Wanshiwu.

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