The indescribable exhaustion made Duan Mu feel that everything in his vision became a little blurry.

But Duan Mu's eyes are extremely energetic, staring at his body after reaching the limit, not letting go of even the slightest change.

During this process, even if the body has reached its limit, Duan Mu still keeps running like a machine without feeling.

This caused the biceps, triceps, and deltoids in his arms to be torn apart as he continued to punch with all his strength, but then healed immediately during the process of closing the punches, and repeated.

Blood and sweat stained the ring beneath him red.

Destroy, regenerate, destroy...

During this process, Duan Mu's attention became more and more concentrated, watching his body tear and squirm, combining the body changes with the research on the spirit body in his mind one by one.

This made the desire to explore in Duan Mu's eyes more fanatical, completely ignoring the endurance of the body, not only did not stop walking and punching, but the intensity of training was further increased.

This also made the ring under him become more bright red, and the spacious Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall was shrouded in an unpleasant and pungent bloody smell.


At the same time, at the entrance of the martial arts hall.

Ganjiu walked out slowly, and when he entered the martial arts hall, he frowned slightly, but then he got used to it.

It was a little uncomfortable at first, but after getting used to the smell, the smell is not so uncomfortable.

"How long has he been going on?"

Looking at the blood-stained arena, Ganjiu couldn't help turning pale.

In front of Ganjiu, the tall Jin Yan and Yin Yan were each holding a dinner plate with cold food on it.

"I don't know, but Master Duan Mu has been in this state since I came here."

"Master Konghe asked us not to disturb Young Master Duan Mu's practice. We can only send food to him after he finishes his practice... Well... I came in the morning... Yinyan came in the evening... Konghe The master said that we will not be allowed to go back until he has finished eating."

Ganjiu was speechless: "Then why don't you just wait for him to finish his training before coming here?"

"Uh... If no one reminds you, Young Master Duan Mu will basically fall into a coma after finishing his practice. No matter how he screams, he won't be able to wake him up. He will start practicing as soon as he opens his eyes the next day."

Jin Yan's tone was somewhat helpless, but his face was full of admiration.

The two brothers, because of Lord Kong He's order, have been here to accompany Duan Mu in practice these days, lest he train himself to do something and not be rescued in time.

So I know how crazy Duan Mu's practice is. It doesn't feel like he is practicing, but more like...well, suicide! !

It's completely training yourself to death.

Ganjiu sighed slightly, although he wanted to give Duan Mu a break in the arena, but after practicing with Duan Mu for so many years, he knew very well how crazy and stubborn Duan Mu was when he was practicing. Before he was dissatisfied, he was I will never listen to anyone's dissuasion.

Moreover, he can also see that Duan Mu is not simply practicing now, but seems to be researching something.

No matter when he came, no matter what Duan Mu's physical condition was, his eyes never left his body, as if he wanted to see through his body.

Since more than half a year ago, he has been in this state as if he had been possessed by a demon.

At first, it was just a daze from time to time.

And according to the corner of Madarame...

When he was treating people in the comprehensive ambulance center, he suddenly fell in love with the hobby of tearing off the patient's clothes in an empty ward, and then observing the patient's body with extremely fanatical eyes.

Fortunately, he also knows that the clothes of female patients cannot be the patients who are persecuted by him are basically members of the [-]th team.

If it's just that, it's fine, even O Maeda, who speaks so arrogantly and always says he's poor, said that Duan Mu's behavior was a bit weird.

It is said that Duan Mu suddenly carried out some physical examination in a certain prison he managed, and made all the prisoners in the prison strip naked.


In the name of inspection, they beat them up when they were naked, and then continued to heal, repeating over and over again...

After this process lasted for a few days, the army leader who secretly maneuvered himself and threw him out of the cell.

And after that...

Duan Mu seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and after a few days of being honest, he suddenly plunged into the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall again.

This stay, stay until now.

For several months, he did not leave the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall.

Whether it was the business of Wanshiwu, the entrustment of the Golden Seal Association, or even the work of the second, fourth, and fifth teams, they were all forgotten by him, and the whole thing seemed to be obsessed.

Repeat the same action day after day.

(I'm not some mad scientist.)

For some reason, Ganjiu suddenly remembered what Duan Mu said before, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.

This bastard always said that Nirvana Yuri is a research lunatic, but in fact...

Once encountering any difficulties, Duan Mu's desire to explore in research may not be much lighter than that lunatic named Nie Yuli, and his methods of torturing himself are simply outrageous.


"Puff... breathe... puff..."

His breathing turned from shortness of breath to weakness, and his physical strength reached its limit at this moment, but Duan Mu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The speed of punching became slower and slower, and the healing of the wounds on the body seemed to have reached the limit, becoming a little slow.

Blood completely replaced sweat and flowed down the muscle gap.

Physique: top (98377/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (460193/1000000)

This is not all improved by adding points, but Duan Mu has spent more than half a year studying countless spiritual bodies and frantically exploring his own body.

The limit barrier has been broken, but...

It seems that there is no breakthrough!

The strength of spiritual pressure has indeed become stronger, but the original container can hold the total amount of spiritual power, but it has not changed.

Because after Duan Mu's continuous study of the spirit body, coupled with his constant comparison with himself, he found that even if he encountered a limit barrier, he could still further compress his spiritual pressure.

To give a simple example, the size of the container itself has not changed, but the liquid contained in it has been further compressed, and then some new liquid has been re-injected while the original total amount of liquid has not changed.

Inject, compress, inject, compress...

In the past six months, Duan Mu has been repeating the same process.

After compression, directly use the experience value to fill up the proficiency, so as to compress again, when the body can't bear it, add some points to the body...

The constant and repeated experiments have already made Duan Mu consume the remaining [-] experience points, but the gains are also extremely huge.

What he studies is not the increase of spiritual power, but...

The transformation of spiritual pressure.

Since Duan Mu encountered the limit barrier more than half a year ago, he has been studying how to break through this barrier.

At first he planned to do it by adding points to his physique, but it didn't take long for Duan Mu to give up this approach.

Because he found that if he wanted to break through the upper limit of spiritual pressure by adding points to his physique, he had to raise his physique to a level equal to that of spiritual pressure.

Taken together, the required experience points are really too much!

And if you just practice...

Physical fitness is actually more difficult than spiritual pressure practice, so it is impossible for physical fitness to catch up with spiritual pressure in a short period of time!

Therefore, Duan Mu put aside his body for the time being, and began to study the spirit body of the god of death instead.

Strictly speaking... not only the God of Death, he also combined all the knowledge gained from studying the Void Pattern while studying the spirit body of the God of Death, and completely combined the two, hoping to find a suitable path.

In the end, he chose the direction of the transformation of Reiatsu.

Or should it be called...

Soul combination exchange!

This was not researched by Duan Mu, but inspired by Lan Ran.

Of course, it's not the current Aizen, but the one researched by Aizen after being fused with Beng Yu in Duan Mu's memory.

After Aizen experienced the "soul combination exchange", the transformed Reiatsu could easily destroy the Jutu in the broken world, and it could also make people unable to bear his power and die on the spot while they could not perceive his power.

It can be seen from this that Aizen's spiritual pressure density at that time had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Do your research with this in mind.

Although Duan Mu didn't have Bengyu, he found another way, after a maddened study like a demon.

He used Xuwen to use the spiritual pressure in his body as the foundation, condensed a spiritual core similar to a broken face, and then fused it with the spiritual pressure core of his own spiritual body.

This is to imitate the effect of "soul combination exchange" after Aizen fuses with Bengyu.

The fusion process was extremely difficult and dangerous. Even with the assistance of the system, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure core lost control several times, and thus went berserk and devoured the spiritual particles, almost leading to the destruction of his own spiritual body.


The limit barrier of the spirit body became his help at this time, so no matter how Duan Mu carried out the transformation of spiritual pressure, the amount of spiritual power in the spirit body would not change.

Only the quality of spiritual power changed, that is, spiritual pressure!

In short, it is to continuously reorganize the core of the spiritual pressure, so as to increase the existing spiritual pressure density, and without the help of external force, let the soul combination exchange between the own spirit body and the blue dye and the collapse jade ' same effect.

For Duan Mu, crossing the river by touching the blue dye is undoubtedly the best way.

As long as he doesn't feel bald, he will keep touching it!


Name: Duan Mu

Race: human

Level: Phase III

Physique: top (98377/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (460193/1000000)

White play: advanced (43654/100000)

Shunpo: Top (7642/1000000)

Slashing: Advanced (17240/100000)

Zanpakuto: Advanced (53642/100000)



Special skills:

【Destruction of Chanting】Top level (18649/1000000)

[Reply]: Advanced (39654/100000)

[Chanting as described later]: Advanced (48654/100000)

[Thunder Rope] Advanced (28947/100000)

【instant 簟�

[Empty Cicada] Advanced (896/100000)

[Spiritual Void Pattern] Top Level (132/1000000)


The imaginary pattern and developmental spirit pattern created by Duan Mu have disappeared, and the replaced spirit pattern is the product of the combination of the two. With Duan Mu's continuous research, both of them have been upgraded from the original high level to the top level.

It was with the help of the spirit void pattern that Duan Mu was able to break through his spiritual pressure.

Although the limit barrier has not been broken through, but in the presence of the limit barrier, Duan Mu's spiritual pressure transformation with the "spirit void pattern" has improved his spiritual pressure proficiency.

This kind of compression may still have a limit, but even so, the power that Duan Mu Lingya can exert will be like Aizen after fusing with Bengyu, and it will exert stronger power and pressure at the same proficiency.

The reason why Jutu in the Broken Realm is terrifying is that it itself is condensed from ultra-high-density spiritual pressure, and its existence itself does not need to rely on spiritual pressure to survive. Attacks with high density cannot affect Judu.

However, the super spiritual pressure wall released by Aizen after the "soul combination exchange" easily shattered the restraint of high spiritual pressure density.

Although Duan Mu is far from reaching that level, he can continue to transform his own spiritual pressure through the spirit void pattern; even now, with the same level of spiritual pressure proficiency, his own spiritual pressure can also Unleash the power far beyond the opponent.

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