In fact, each fan team has relative lessons in skills such as the sword-slashing ghost walk, but the coach of the fifth team died unexpectedly in a support many years ago, so Aizen and Hina Morimomo have always been taught. Instruct the team members respectively.

When Duan Mu first came, the members of the Fifth Division were still somewhat dissatisfied.

Because compared to a guy who is not even a god of death, they obviously believe in the captain and vice-captain of their own team.

But after a few times of teaching, and Xia Yanyou said that the reason why he was able to become the chairman was precisely because of Duan Mu's careful teaching, the members of the fifth team became more and more fond of this new teacher.

Moreover, the feeling Duan Mu gave to everyone was very similar to Captain Aizen and Vice Captain Hina Mori.

Unknowingly, Duan Mu already had a reputation second only to Aizen and Chisentao in the fifth team. Team members often asked Duan Mu to join the fifth team, saying that the fifth team was the most suitable for Duan. The wooden team.

Not long after, Chisentao gathered all the team members and listened in on the sidelines.

It's not for monitoring Duan Mu, but because what Duan Mu taught is also of great help to her.

Although Duan Mu has known for a long time that Duan Mu's strength is very strong, but Duan Mu's understanding of the fist-slashing ghost walk is too vast and comprehensive, and there are many original skills he created, which were taught by Duan Mu without reservation A team member of the Fifth Division.

This made Chu Sentao couldn't help but sigh for his broad-mindedness, which can be said to be second only to Captain Aizen.


The teaching time passed quickly, and the whole morning was fleeting.

Declining Chu Sentao's invitation to stay for dinner, Duan Mu walked towards the fourth team.

Current experience value: 146890.

Duan Mu looked at the system interface in his mind and couldn't help but sighed.

In the past year, less than [-] experience points have been obtained.

It's getting harder and harder to gain experience points.

And of the 3 experience points, more than 2 were provided by Picaros a little bit, and more than [-] were provided by Himori... That is to say, Seireitei plus Ruhun Street, a total of only [-] points. Provided him with less than [-] experience points.

Duan Mu couldn't help but sigh...

Soul World is too peaceful, and whether it is the god of death, the residents of Seireitei, or the commoners of Ruukon Street, their lives are exactly the same.

Walk around in a fixed place every day, doing fixed things.

The civilians in Liuhun Street are fine, as long as they stay in Liuhun Street for 60 years, they can obtain permission to reincarnate, and then reincarnate under the guidance of the god of death.

But the Grim Reaper is different. He lives a day-to-day life almost every day, and basically nothing will change.

However, Duan Mu is actually not qualified to talk about them.

In addition to the relatively large area of ​​activity, what Duan Mu does every day can also be described as 'cookies'.

It doesn't change, but sometimes it becomes a kind of torture, so most ordinary residents of Liuhun Street will choose to reincarnate instead of staying in Liuhun Street.

Duan Mu glanced at his spiritual pressure.

Reiatsu: top (318004/1000000)

In this year, although Duan Mu has never slackened, under the operation of the development of the spirit pattern, the proficiency is only more than 6500 points a year, which can be said to be quite satisfactory, basically every year.

Even though this speed is already extremely unbelievable in the eyes of others, Duan Mu still feels extremely urgent.

There is not much time left for him. Although he doesn't really like the peaceful life now, but in the coming chaos, with his current strength, even if he chooses to be alone, it is difficult to guarantee his own safety.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu decided to keep 46890 experience points, and put the rest into spiritual pressure.


But immediately, Duan Mu frowned, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Because, the experience value has not decreased, and the proficiency of spiritual pressure has not increased either.

Is it...

In the next second, Duan Mu faintly thought of something, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

He first tried to add points by one thousand and one thousand, and after finding that everything was normal, he added points by [-] at a time.

In the end, his spiritual pressure proficiency stayed at 39, and the previous situation reappeared any further.

Is that true?

Duan Mu sighed slightly in his heart, tried to continue adding points in units of [-], and found that he could continue to add points.


With Duan Mu's continuous attempts, his spiritual pressure finally stayed at...

Reiatsu: top level (399999/1000000) (cannot be improved)

Extreme barrier!

Duan Mu's footsteps stopped, and although he forcibly restrained the ugly look on his face, his heart felt as if it was overwhelmed.

Although from the moment the spiritual pressure broke through to the top level, Duan Mu faintly felt this barrier.

But he never thought that this barrier would come so quickly.

In the long history of the world of corpses and souls, there existed the term 'Lingwei', which was once a measurement standard used by nobles to refer to the concentration of spiritual power in the spirit body.

Generally, team members are divided into 20th level of spirit power, deputy captains are at level 5 to 4, and level 3 and above are captain levels.

The body of the god of death is composed of spirit particles. After death, it will return to the spirit world in the form of spirit particles. However, the concentration of spirit particles above the third level cannot return, so a ritual called "soul burial ceremony" is required.

This is what is said on the surface. There are rumors that spirits above the third level cannot return to the land of the soul world, and these powerful spirits have been floating in the world of souls, and they will bring great benefits to the world of souls. unimaginable impact.

The real purpose of the so-called "soul burial ceremony" is not to let these spirit sons return to the soul world, but to send the spirit sons transformed by the death captain who cannot return to the soul world into...


It can be understood that the 4th class spirit son is the ultimate barrier of the soul world itself, and its own existence cannot accommodate the 4th class and above spirit son, and even these spirit sons floating in its body will make it feel miserable, and even Die because of it.

There are so-called limit barriers in the world of corpses and souls, and the god of death living in the world of corpses and souls cannot avoid the emergence of limit barriers.

Whether it's Reiatsu, chopping, punching, ghosting, or walking, no matter how strong you are in a certain ability, as a god of death, you will encounter the limit barrier of the spirit body, which will cause the Reiatsu, which represents the density of the soul, to be unable to continue to grow.

However, due to different talents, some people's limit barriers are higher, while others are lower.

There may even be people of the same generation who grow at exactly the same speed at the beginning, but when they both encounter extreme barriers... the strength of the two is very different!

Although according to Urahara Kisuke, Duan Mu himself has a human body, but this body has the characteristics of a spirit body, except for the extremely high strength of the body, it is generally the same as a spirit body.

So for Duan Mu, his spiritual body, which is integrated with his physical body, also has a so-called limit.

This is the soul... Putting it on Duan Mu, strictly speaking, it should represent the limit of the spiritual world of the god of death, and it has nothing to do with whether Duan Mu's body is strong or not.

That is to say, no matter how strong his physique is, this kind of limit will exist here.

And the way to break through this barrier...

Duan Mu turned his 'eyes' to chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking to break through the limit barrier. He had deduced it a long time ago.

It's just that I didn't expect this kind of barrier to come so early.


Duan Mu's "eyes" turned, and he turned his eyes to his body again.

The limit of the soul has nothing to do with the body, but he is different from other gods of death. Duan Mu's body has been integrated with the spirit body, and they are not separated from each other.

Moreover, before he added points to his physique, there was a period of time when his physique grew due to the enhancement of spiritual pressure.

That's the other way around...

Does it mean that as long as one's body keeps strengthening, the limit barrier of one's own soul will also become higher?

Duan Mu's "eyes" kept switching between his physique and chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But in the end he gritted his teeth slightly...

I want it all! !

While strengthening his physique, the Fist Slayer Ghost can't fall even when he walks.

However, the top priority is to find a way to cross the existing barriers, and the option that can achieve this goal the fastest, there is no doubt...

It is physique!

The premise is that his guess is not wrong.


Chapter 168 Duan Mu’s Research

"It's still wrong...the direction is right, but how to proceed?"

"Need to continue compressing..."


In the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, a shirtless figure wearing only a pair of shorts was standing in the middle of the ring, muttering to himself constantly.

The arena is still the original arena, but the spirit patterns around the arena are no longer the original spirit patterns.

At first, the area around the arena was covered with the unique spirit patterns of the Shiba family. Those spirit patterns were simplified from the 'Flower Crane Cannon', releasing pressure to the inside in a way similar to firing fireworks, thereby increasing the density of Duan Mu's spiritual power.

As for Duan Mu, who was in the middle of the ring, his actions would not be affected in the slightest, it would only make the flow of spiritual pressure in his body freeze.

But after Duan Mu and Sister Konghe improved together, the pressure in this ring is not limited to the spiritual power, but acts on both the spiritual power and the spiritual body at the same time. In short, the effect is somewhat similar to the gravity chamber.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu on the ring started to move.


The fist wind howled, and Duan Mu kept waving his fists with a focused expression.

The longer the ring is open, the stronger the pressure will be.

According to Sister Konghe, the evolution of the spirit pattern in the ring is the process of the Konghe cannon accumulating strength, but instead of firing it outward, it presses all the energy toward the inside of the ring.

Under this kind of pressure, even with Duan Mu's physique, he felt like he was at the bottom of the deep sea.

Duan Mu's expression didn't fluctuate too much. While punching, his feet were constantly crossing back and forth.

Punch, punch, punch...

Step, step, step...

While training, he is also constantly observing all parts of his body.

If it weren't for the fact that Miss Konghe would come to observe his practice from time to time, Duan Mu wouldn't even want to wear shorts, so that he could observe every part of his body more clearly, so as to study the changes in his body.

As time passed quickly, the sweat-soaked shadow on the ring under Duan Mu's feet continued to expand.

The muscles of the shirtless upper body swelled, and the sweat flowed down the gaps between the muscles. While soaking the shorts, the water droplets were scattered with every step and punch, gradually expanding the shadow under his feet.

not enough……

Just like this is not enough! ! !

A ruthlessness flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and this ruthlessness was not aimed at anyone, but at himself.

Huh huh huh huh...

Almost in an instant, the speed of his punching speeded up again, completely turning into an afterimage, the sweat dripping from his forehead often hadn't dripped down his chin, and the blowing fist wind collapsed as soon as it was formed.

da da da da da...

The constantly crossed legs are like a fan with extremely high speed, and countless double images are constantly intertwined. It is hard to imagine that this is an action that humans can do.

not enough!

If it's just like this, you can't let your body reach its limit.

What Duan Mu wants to observe is the changes that can occur after his body reaches its limit, so he will continue to try and correct, or call it transformation.

He himself forgot how long this attempt had been going on.

Basically, except for eating and resting, he has been performing repetitive movements.

As time passed, the shadows on the ground were no longer simply wet, but covered by a layer of sweat.

Accompanied by the sound of ticking water, sweat dripped continuously along the edge of the ring.

Whirring whirring……

The original howling of fist wind was gradually replaced by Duan Mu's rapid breathing like a bellows.

Giving up all the spiritual pressure, and simply using his body to resist the increasing pressure around him, and at the same time constantly using white punches, it still took more than half a day for his body to reach its initial limit.

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