Different from those villains, these residents came to help Duan Mu completely spontaneously. Although there are many people... who were dragged here by their daughters, wives, mothers, etc., there are still many who came here purely to help themselves. I hope The number of people can make those gods of death not attack Duan Mu.

Even many of them didn't know the reason of the matter, they only heard that the Shinigami of Sei Ling Ting wanted to harm Duan Mu.

When the residents of Liuhun Street were sent away one by one, it was already evening, and the period was as Duan Mu expected...

On behalf of Omaeda, the secret agent came here and brought the secret order of Room 46 of Mao. There are many contents in the secret order, but they can be summarized into a few points:

Warn Duan Mu, don't summon villains in numbered areas on a large scale, so as not to affect the stability of Liuhun Street;

Warn Duan Mu, do not wantonly gather the residents of Liuhun Street, so as not to affect the stability of Liuhun Street;

And asked Duan Mu to calm down the incident and not cause too much impact, so as not to affect the stability of Liuhun Street;

There are also some various warnings, and the warnings in the secret order are not so much worried about the stability of 'Ryuhun Street', it is better to say that they are afraid of affecting the stability of Seireitei.

For a long time, Ruukon Street has not been taken seriously by Mao Room 46, and even all the residents of Ruukon Street are regarded as pariahs.

But they forgot that at the beginning of the establishment of the Thirteenth Guarding Team, the biggest threat facing the Shinigami was not Hollow, or Quincy, but Ruhun Street.

For this reason, Captain Yamamoto personally led the newly established Gotei [-]th Division to carry out a bloody massacre on the entire Rukon Street.

In the name of protecting the court, the reality of killing and cutting!

Anyone who might threaten Sei Ling Ting was either taken under his command or killed.

After him, the first Kenpachi also slaughtered Ruhun Street for a long time, with corpses everywhere.

Until there was no longer any power that could threaten Seireitei in the entire Ruukon Street, and then through continuous recruitment and differentiation, the power of Ruukon Street was further weakened.

Today, the power of Ruhun Street is completely unable to threaten Seireitei, and the existence of the area with a lower number is actually just a bloody talent training base for Seireitei. came out of this area.

But this incident made them once again turn their attention to Liuhun Street. Although it is far from threatening Seireitei, the power gathered here today because of Duan Mu is already a considerable force. .

However, today is different from the past.

The Goutei Thirteenth Squad, which has developed to the present, has become the defender of order. While accepting their orders, it has also become their restriction, preventing them from slaughtering Ruhun Street as they once did.

after all……

Most of Goutei's thirteenth squad are composed of civilians from Ruhun Street, and even some captains are no exception.

It would be fine if it was just the area with a lower number, but Duan Mu let them see Duan Mu's influence in the entire Liuhun Street today. Compared with those extremely powerful villains, this made them even more afraid.

Therefore, in the whole warning, there is no word "forbidden" at all, it is simply a warning, and he is asked to go to Mao Room 46 to report later.

And judging from these bans, they obviously know what happened here, and they don't need to report at all.

In fact, what they want is not a report...

It depends on Duan Mu's attitude!

Use this to decide how to deal with the section wood.

At the same time as the warning, they also asked Duan Mu to monitor Ishida Zongxian. If he showed any signs of harming the Seiring Court, Duan Mu would be held accountable at that time; Ishida Zongxian's idea is based on the premise that Ishida Zongxian has no signs of endangering Seireitei.

To this, Duan Mu naturally agreed and replied in a respectful tone.

Anyway, they won't do anything to themselves for the time being, and it won't be long before they will do anything to themselves.

And other...

Monitor yourself in all directions?

Have great vigilance against Liuhun Street, and thus always pay attention to the trend of Liuhun Street?

Without exception, these are what Duan Mu wants to see.


Back in the tavern, I saw Nishijinori and others sitting at the table in the center of the tavern drinking wine.

Most of the rest of the villains have already left, and the rest are branched around the tavern, discussing what happened today.

"Boss Duan Mu, why don't you let us keep them here today?"

Seeing Duan Mu coming back, Da Ao said: "I have long wanted to deal with those arrogant guys, as long as you can drag that pervert, we will definitely kill them all!"

"Drink your bar."

Duan Mu replied angrily, and then sat next to everyone: "How strong do you really think you are? If the residents of Rukongai didn't come to help, all of you..."

"One counts as one, and they will all die here."

"strictly speaking……"

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "If necessary, he can slaughter even those civilians without hesitation."

"how is this possible?"

Da Ao curled his lips: "If he really does this, what is the difference between him and us? What qualifications does he have to be the god of death who claims to be 'justice'?"

"Whether he is a villain or not, I'm not sure."

Duan Mu shook his head: "But if you want to say that he is not qualified to be a god of death, then the gods of death in the thirteenth guardian team are not qualified to be a god of death."

"The god of death has never been a savior representing justice, but a balancer who maintains balance. Nirvana Mayuri can be said to be the most dedicated god of death among the huge number of balancers!"

"Even Captain Yamamoto today may not know what the real responsibility of the god of death is."

After Duan Mu said, a strange color flashed in his eyes.


Nirvana Mayuri, today is really here to kill him.

But in the end, he gave up this goal because he saw the transfer pile that Kisuke Urahara gave him.

Although he rejects Urahara Kisuke in every possible way, he believes that Urahara Kisuke will not endanger the balance, so he believes in himself related to Urahara Kisuke.

Duan Mu didn't know what he had mastered, but his killing intent towards him did disappear after seeing the transfer pile.


Chapter 167 Extreme Barrier

"Professor Duan Mu, you are here."

"Master Duan Mu, good morning."

"Professor Duan Mu..."

Walking in the team building of the fifth team, Duan Mu responded to everyone who greeted him one by one. When he first arrived here, he was quite nervous.

But the more times he came, Duan Mu gradually got used to it.


"Boss Duan Mu, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

A soft voice came, and when I looked up, I saw a pretty girl waiting outside the martial arts hall. This girl was the vice-captain of the [-]th team, Hina Morita.

"Vice Captain Hina Morita."

A gentle smile appeared on Duan Mu's face.

Teaching the members of the fifth team here can also gain the favorability of Hinata Mori.

"How many times have I told you?"

Chu Sentao shook her head: "You can just call me by my name, you don't need to be called the vice-captain, you are not a member of our fifth team."

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

Duan Mu chuckled, but couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Probably due to yearning too much, or deliberately imitating, Chisentao's personality is very similar to the usual Aizen, every time he talks with her, Duan Mu will feel like facing Aizen; but aside from these, Chisentao is very responsible for her work, coupled with her soft and simple personality, she is deeply loved by the fifth division team members.

There are even many graduates of Mao Lingshu Academy who chose to join the Fifth Division purely for the sake of getting close to Hinata.

However, these have nothing to do with Duan Mu.

['Current Favorability of 'Chicken Morita': 41. 】

The favorability of more than 40 is not high, but it is not low.

After all, before he came to the fifth team as a coach, Chisentao didn't have a high opinion of him, and he barely kept it at 22 points.

After coming to the fifth team as an instructor, her favorability towards herself has been steadily rising.

Moreover, in addition to her, there are many female players in the fifth team.

Although the experience value provided by a single person is not high, it is a good income together, which makes Duan Mu come to the fifth team more frequently.


Duan Mu rummaged through his bag and took out a book and handed it to Hinamori Momo: "When I was chatting with the vice-president last time, she told me that you liked the Suzuki Princess very much, so I put it in my library I looked for it, but I didn't expect it to actually exist." After that, Duan Mu handed the book to Hinamori Momo.

Chi Sentao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't reach out to pick it up.

Duan Mu smiled when he saw this: "Of course, this is a loan from you. I also like this book very much, and I am really reluctant to give it to you."

Hearing this, Chu Sentao, who was still a little hesitant at first, took the book and said happily: "Boss Duan Mu...you are really amazing."

During the speech, she couldn't wait to open the book, and said while reading: "I've been wanting to borrow one since I read some at Vice Captain Ise last time, but it's too late to publish this book. Too few, not even preserved in the General Library.”

"Thank you so much, Boss Duan Mu."

[Momo Hinamori’s favorability +1, gain 2560 experience points, current favorability: 42]

Looking at the reminder in his mind, Duan Mu smiled and said: "It's normal to be less, after all, this book has been published for more than 130 years."

In fact, he had obtained this book a long time ago, but it was not for Hinata, but for Ise Nanao.

Seeing that Ise Nanao always carried this book with her like a treasure, Duan Mu went to many places in order to have some common topics with her, but in the end he couldn't buy this book.

In the end, it was Nagano Huaxiu who asked his family to help and bought a copy from those nobles.

The content of the book is actually not surprising.

The three characters "Ling Sheng Ji", as the name suggests, tell the story of a little girl born from a bell.

But what it represents is interesting.

The bells born by Lingsheng Ji are not ordinary bells, but Benping bells, which are the bells hung in front of the worship hall in the temple. When visiting the gods, you need to pull the rope under the bell and shake it twice.

The rope is called bell button, also known as bell thread.

In a sense, the protagonist of the story, Suzuhime, is very similar to Nanao Ise, and probably because of this, she always carries this book with her.

However, according to Duan Mu's investigation.

According to relevant information, Ise Nanao has carried this book with her for hundreds of years, and it has been carefully cared for by her with her own spiritual pressure.

Some people say that the reason why she did this is actually because she missed the former vice-captain of the Eighth Division who often told her about the contents of the book when she was a child.

Closer to home.

Although it took a lot of effort to get this book, but this book actually didn't let him have anything in common with Ise Nanao...

Different from Hina Sentao's gentleness and simplicity, Ise Nanao's personality is too calm and rigid probably because of her age. When talking to her, Duan Mu always has the feeling that she regards herself as a child.

of course……

Judging from the age difference, he was indeed a child in front of Ise Nanao.

But if age is really counted, these female vice-captains can basically be his grandma and grandma, but only Ise Nanao has this attitude towards him.

So at the end of the day...

Or she is too rigid.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't think about Ise Nanao any more, after all, what is in front of him is not Ise Nanao, but Hina Morita, it's better to concentrate.

Looking at Hina Sentao who was concentrating on reading, Duan Mu didn't urge him.


After a while, as if thinking of something, Chu Sentao's expression changed, and she hurriedly said: "Sorry, Boss Duan Mu, I was so busy reading that I forgot that you came to work, I'll go to the soldiers Summon it." After saying that, Chu Sentao turned and ran, but stopped after running a few steps.

"By the way, I prepared your favorite Deli Mochu and some other snacks for you in the martial arts hall. After I asked Vice Captain O Maeda, he told me your favorite snacks."

"Don't be so troublesome."

"Then how can it be, since Boss Duan Mu became the coach of our fifth team, the team members' Fist Slashing Ghost Walk has improved significantly, it is many times better than me teaching them, and the team members are also very good. I like the way you teach." During the words, Chisentao waved his hand and hurriedly went to summon the team.

Duan Mu smiled when he heard the words, turned and entered the martial arts hall.

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