And Nirvana Yuri retreated to the back: "It's okay, I will let you use it..."

During the speech, he stretched out his hand between his legs, and slowly drew out the Zanpakutao, with a smirk on his face:

"Whether it's for calling for help or for escaping."

"Whether I will run away or not..."

Duan Mu smiled when he saw this: "How can you be sure that I didn't ask for help?"


As soon as these words came out, Nirvana Yuri seemed to sense something, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

This tremor grew from small to large, and eventually even the surrounding houses began to shake faintly, shaking down endless dust and smoke.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"That is!?"


The sudden shock made the expressions of the members of the twelfth division in front of the tavern change.

Looking in the direction of the shock, I saw a large black shadow gradually appearing at both ends of the spacious street.

The black shadows were all people, people with grinning faces.

When these people gathered together, it was like a black cloud pressing down on the surroundings, and they gathered towards this side.

In addition to the streets, even the alleys between the buildings are full of people, and people keep coming out.

The door of the tavern opened, and figures with sharp knives walked out.

for a while...

The entire District 38 was completely surrounded.

"Captain Nirvana Mayuri, can you please let go of the button to control the body bomb?"

Standing on the second floor, Duan Mu said softly:

"You don't care about the villains in the tavern, and you shouldn't care about the life and death of those villains in the front row."


"If the civilians in several nearby areas are all killed by the bomb, you shouldn't be able to explain it, right?"


Chapter 166 He is the most qualified to become the God of Death

Da da da da da da~~

The footsteps kept approaching, neither neat nor uniform, but the sound of countless people's footsteps converging together still brought a terrible sense of oppression to all the members of the [-]th Division present.

If only there were too many people.

But among the people in front of them, except for those behind who were obviously civilians from various regions, the rest of them revealed a powerful spiritual pressure fluctuation.

Especially those four figures at the front, without exception...

They all have the Reiatsu of the vice-captain level, and just standing there makes the gods of death and the spirits present tremble.

Two of these four people are Nishijin Zhi and Yu Erzhong; and the remaining two figures, one fat and one thin, are the original villain of Beiliuhun Street, now Duan Mu calls him Jin. Kakukaku and Ginkaku's responsibilities are basically the same as those of Kanehiko and Ginhiko of the Shiba family, and if there is any need for someone to do, they will be left to do it.

Originally, Duan Mu asked the two to be in charge of the northern and southern Wanshiwu branches respectively, but they couldn't be idle, and they had already handed over the affairs of the branches to their subordinates, and they themselves became Nishijinori's follower, fighting with him everywhere.

Behind the four, there is a group of people headed by Dao. The strength of these people's spiritual pressure ranges from low-level officials to high-level officials.

And in the end, the people who were guarded by everyone in the back were ordinary residents of Liuhun Street who came from several nearby areas. These people were not found by Duan Mu, but they heard from Brother Yanjiu that Duan Mu was in trouble Afterwards, they spontaneously gathered here... People from the periphery continued to come from afar.

Looking at the dark crowd behind him, the corner of Duan Mu's mouth couldn't help twitching.

He swears to God, at first he just asked the rock eagle brother to go back to the West 38th District early, let the residents go to other places to hide first, and then wait for the villains to gather in the West 38th District, leaving some young people who have a good relationship with him, Under the protection of a group of villains, he just supported himself.


In the West 38th District, except for a few people with limited mobility, basically everyone gathered here, and even the residents of several surrounding districts rushed over after hearing the news.


Unlike the panic of those members of the [-]th Division, Nirvana Mayuri didn't even look around, but looked at the tavern with interest.

Following his gaze, he saw people coming out of the tavern constantly.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people have already walked out of the tavern, which is not at all the number of people that a tavern can accommodate.

And this number is still increasing.

Without exception, these people are all villains who came from the east, south, and north regions by using the transfer piles placed in each region by Duanmu.

Duan Mu did not prohibit the use of transfer piles, but placed them directly in the backyard of the Wanshiwu tavern. Anyone who wants to use them in the tavern can use them, so villains from other areas often use the transfer piles to come to the Wanshiwu tavern drink wine.

"Hahaha, has Boss Duan Mu finally made up his mind to attack Seiling Court?"

"Be careful, don't let one go."



Unlike Nishijinori and others who got the news, the people who emerged from the tavern were all excited.

Looking at these people, Duan Mu frowned slightly.

Because these people are not what he called...

However, how they got the news is not difficult to guess.

It should be that the customers in the tavern spread the news to the entire Liuhun Street as soon as they discovered something was wrong.

Compared with the increasing number of villains, the members of the [-]th squad seemed a little helpless.

Everyone gathered together, protecting Nie Yuli and Nieyin Meng in the middle, while all the villains around were grinning ferociously, licking the blades in their hands, and looked at the [-]th squadron with eyes filled with anger. There was excitement, excitement, and a strong murderous intent.

It's not that they have any enmity with Death God, but...

Purely suffocated!

As they have been fighting with Nishijin Zhiman Rukon Street, since they conquered Dong Rukon Street, it has been a long time since they have experienced a battle.

In addition, they were repeatedly warned by Duan Mu that they were not allowed to leave the area with a lower number to make trouble.

This allowed them to fight head-to-head with their former comrades-in-arms in the areas with lower numbers, and neither Duan Mu nor Nishijinori had any interest in stopping it.

Regardless of whether it is because of Duan Mu, he has never thought about ruling Ruhun Street, let alone managing it; while Nishijinori is more pure. If you want to find someone to fight, naturally you won't manage it.

Compared with accepting orderly management, people in the lower-numbered areas obviously prefer the current state of disorder, otherwise they would not need to go to the lower-numbered areas.

As a result, although the areas at the end of the number are unified, they are actually no different from the original, except that the villains are basically dead.

The only difference is...

Duan Mu became the only big villain in the area with the lower number. Apart from him, even Nishijinori no longer possessed this title.

Even if Duan Mu repeatedly emphasized that he is not a big villain, it is completely useless.

"You think these people alone..."

Nirvana Yuri slowly raised her head, looked at Duan Mu who was leaning on the second floor, and said with cold eyes: "Can you stop the captain of the [-]th squad of Goutei?"

"Naturally impossible."

Duan Mu shook his head, no matter how many people were present, if Nirvana Yuri wanted to, he could easily kill them, even Nishijinori was no exception.


He didn't even need to do anything, just relying on the poisonous mist released by the Zanpakutō after the swastika was removed, all the villains, including Nishijin, could be poisoned and died.

That's why Duan Mu wants to gather ordinary people in District 38 to restrict Nir Mayuri from using this method.

"But for you personally, it's still possible."

If the other captains really want to kill, they will not care about the consequences at all, but generally speaking, they are not willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately, after all, they are not crazy murderers.

On the other hand, Nirvana Mayori is the complete opposite. He has no objection to killing innocent people indiscriminately. It is not a problem to say that he is a lunatic murderer, but...

While crazier than anyone else, he is also more sober than anyone else.

He knew very well what the consequences would be if so many civilians died.

It's not because I'm afraid of being punished by Mao's 46th room, or because of my reputation, but... After killing, what impact may it have on the world itself.

In fact, this kind of method can only restrict Nirvana Yuri, and if the other captains really want to act impulsively, it is entirely possible to kill everyone present.

Let's not talk about those captains who are mild-tempered and kind.

Under the same circumstances, Broken Bee would never think about the so-called consequences, but blasted everyone into the sky without hesitation, and razed the West 38th District to the ground by the way.

For her, all factors that hinder stealth maneuvers, no matter who they are, must be obliterated; because this is the duty of stealth maneuvers, Duan Mu said that she is the most suitable person to be the commander-in-chief of stealth maneuvers.

In terms of vicious methods and vicious personality, Nirvana Yuri is even worse than her, but Nirvana Yuri has much more things to consider than her.

Nirvana Mayuri did not speak, but took a deep look at Duan Mu, and then suddenly bared her teeth: "Is Kisuke Urahara okay?"


Duan Mu asked with a confused face: "Captain Mayori Nirvana, the Kisuke Urahara you're talking about is..."


Nirvana snorted, turned and walked outside.

"Let's go, Yinmeng, since he wants to keep the Quincy, let him give it to him. Anyway, I'm a little tired of studying Quincy."

And in the direction he was heading, the villains all froze in place for some reason; their faces still kept grinning, but their eyes showed horror and doubt, like wooden men.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's eyes flickered.

He didn't want to fight Nirvana Mayuri unless necessary.

If they didn't know each other and rushed to the challenge, Duan Mu would not be afraid of him.

But this stuff...

It was too cloudy.

Judging from his own memory, with Nirvana Mayuri's personality, he would only face him unprepared when he determined that the opponent was absolutely impossible to pose a threat to him after careful observation.

As for those enemies that he believes are threatening, Nirvana Yuri will definitely prepare in advance before going to war; and before that, he will use his subordinates, and even use the enemy to obtain information, so as to research ways to restrain the enemy.

The fact that he appeared in front of his eyes so directly showed that he was fully prepared!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but glanced at the wall of the tavern, and then at the [-]th division team members whose spirit bodies were obviously strange, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching.

Duan Mu still doesn't know what kind of hands and feet were moved in the wall.

However, based on his research on the spirit body, it is not difficult to see that those team members are different. Their spirit bodies have been transformed in some way. These soldiers became real human bombs.

And the poison that makes those villains seem like puppets...

How much is this guy carrying?

Seeing that Nie Yuli led people away, those who were not poisoned all turned their eyes to Duan Mu on the second floor, their eyes were full of anticipation, hoping that Duan Mu would allow them to come forward and fight.

However, to their disappointment...

In response to their gazes, Duan Mu directly shook his head: "Go back where you came from."

"Ah? Wait, Boss Duan Mu, I came from the east."

"After we received the news, we rushed here like crazy..."

"Why don't you have to kill a few gods of death to add to the fun?"

"Yes, yes!"


"I didn't let you come again!"

Duan Mu glared at these people angrily, then ignored them, and went to thank the ordinary residents of Liuhun Street one by one.

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