It can be said that the favorability of the Ishida family is of no use to Duan Mu.

But since Ganjiu has already rescued him, Duan Mu doesn't mind helping him.

"Miss Caihui, I know who he was before he was alive; I can vaguely guess why your Technology Development Bureau took him away."

Duan Mu finished speaking, glanced at Cai Hui, and continued: "Since he has arrived at Liuhun Street, he is a member of our Liuhun Street, so I'm sorry, people can't let you take him away."

"you sure?"

Cai Hui heard the words, the sweet smile on his face disappeared immediately, replaced by a gloomy face: "Since you know his identity, you should also know the position of the Quincy Master. In order to prevent him from harming the Soul Realm, we It is within every right and duty to take it away, and as I said earlier..."

"The order to capture him was given by our chief, the captain of the twelfth division, Mr. Mayuri-sama."

Hearing this, Yanjiu couldn't help but look back at the old man behind him, and whispered: "Are you a Quincy? Aren't all Quincy dead?"


Ishida Sogen's old face twitched, and then he said helplessly: "...still...somewhat..." After that, he glanced at the tense scene and said softly: "How about you let me go with them? Well, there is no need to offend the Shinigami of the Gotei [-]th Division because of me, and he is also the captain."

"Follow them? Do you know what the Technology Development Bureau is? My eldest sister said that it's impossible for a normal person to walk in and walk out of that place."

Ganjiu turned his head and glanced at Duan Mu in front, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry too much, I know my number one brother very well. If the situation is not good for him, Duan Mu would have sent you there a long time ago to please that woman , and since he did not hand you over, it is enough to show that he is not afraid of offending the Technology Development Bureau."

He has always believed in Duan Mu's strength.

At first, he could vaguely feel how strong Duan Mu is, but as time passed, he no longer had a specific idea of ​​how strong Duan Mu is now.

But according to the eldest sister, his strength may not be weaker than the captain of the Goutei [-]th squad.

Moreover, Duan Mu had been watching from the sidelines when he was fighting with Yaronilo, so Griffin wasn't particularly worried.

Just like what he said to the old man, although Duan Mu is sometimes crazy, he is not crazy enough to offend the captain of the [-]th Division of the Guardian Court for someone he doesn't know; since he decided to save him, it must be because of his intention , so I just need to cooperate with him.


Of course, being the big brother is not based on the face of the younger brother, but just a kind of care and consideration for the younger brother!

On the other side, Duan Mu smiled gently: "Regarding this point, if Captain Nirvana Yuri feels that I have offended him, I will definitely come to the door to apologize in person; but as a member of Liuhun Street, today I cannot The residents who sat and watched Liuhun Street were just taken away by you for no reason."

"And to take a step back, even if he really threatens the soul world, it is not the power and obligation of your Technology Development Bureau, but the power and obligation of stealthy maneuvers, and I will naturally deal with it at that time."

Cai Hui did not speak when he heard the words, but took a deep look at Duan Mu, and then smiled: "Since Boss Duan Mu said so, then I will go back and report like this, although I don't know how the director will punish me, but ... We will come again, before that, I ask Boss Duan Mu to take good care of this Quincy, after all..."

"This is an extremely rare material." After saying that, she turned around and walked towards Sei Lingting.

Seeing this, several members of the twelfth squad rushed to follow.

"Are we just leaving?"

"if not?"

Caihui said without turning his head: "How many of you want to fight him?"


Too lazy to pay attention to the team members who were overwhelmed, Cai Hui took out the command machine in the pocket of his white coat and dialed it out as he walked.

Although the Technology Development Bureau, which has been monitoring Duan Mu, does not know Duan Mu as well as the supervision team, they have done a lot of analysis on the data collected from Duan Mu.

With the few people like himself, it is impossible to be his opponent.

Moreover, as Duan Mu said, their Technology Development Bureau had no reason to forcibly arrest a resident of Liuhun Street.

But Duan Mu didn't know...

"Well, failed."

After commanding the divine machine to dial, Caihui nodded lazily at first, and then said: "You should have seen it too. With him here, I can't take that Quincy away at all."

Their Technology Development Bureau captured the Quincy Division for research, in fact, they got the consent of Room 46 of Mao!

Although it was the captain's suggestion, whether it was the human experiment on the Quincy Division or the delayed rescue order, these were all decisions made by the captain after private consultation with Room 46.

and so……

That Quincy will sooner or later become one of the materials for the Technology Development Bureau.



At the same place, Duan Mu turned to the crowd and said: "Follow me back to District 38, the entrusted matter, after this matter is over, I will explain it to Grandma Zuo Yu."


Hawke was taken aback when he heard the words: "Second Brother Duan, isn't the matter over yet?"

"If Nirvana Yuri could give up trying to get research materials so easily, then I wouldn't call him crazy."

Duan Mu shook his head, then turned to look at the four Hawks at the side: "You four, go and do something for me."

"no problem!"

Dan Bell was the first to jump out: "If you have any orders, you can tell Boss Duan Mu."


three hours later.

Ishida Zongxian stood at the entrance of the Master House Tavern, with an extremely strange look on his old face.

"Yo, Boss Duan Mu!"

"You're back, and I just brought you a gift. Didn't I have a conflict with someone in the tavern a few days ago? I killed him this morning, and found a lot of good wine from his collection!"

"Trash, one arm was cut off by a rookie, and he still has the face to brag about it."



The corner of Ishida Zongxian's mouth twitched slightly, recalling what Duan Mu said earlier in his mind.

"If you have no place to go, would you like to come to work in my everything house? You don't need to do anything, just sweep the floor, tidy up, and help with some things by the way."

This is the master house?

The tavern is not messy, but looks clean.

But the guests gathered in the tavern are not so clean...

There are many people missing arms and legs, and there are countless one-eyed dragons and one ear.

Everyone has a vicious look, and there are almost no people without scars on their bodies here.

And, most importantly...

There is one here, one counts as one, and they all have a certain strength of spiritual pressure.

Are you sure this is the House of Everything, not the Hall of the Villain Council?

Or are these all customers?

Ishida Zongxian suddenly regretted agreeing to Duan Mu's invitation easily. In a way, this place is quite like a house of everything that solves all problems, but it is a physical solution!

"The master house where you want to work is not here, but the second floor from the outside stairs."

Duan Mu explained casually, and then came to the bar with Gan Jiu, and said: "Uzuki, no matter what happens later, don't leave the tavern."


Uzuki was startled when he heard the words, and then said calmly: "Are you causing trouble again?"

"It's not too troublesome, but I'm going to let those high-ranking figures in Seireitei divert their attention a little."

Duan Mu smiled slightly, and turned to look at Ishida Zongxian with a dark face.

Although he never thought of offending Mayuri Nirvana for Ishida Munezuru's sake, since it has already happened, it is natural to work hard for the good.

Does Nirvana Mayori care about Ishida Sozuru?

It should be because he cares, otherwise he wouldn't waste so much effort to kill him.

But if you care too much, it's actually impossible. After all, according to the records of the supervisory team, there are already '2660' Quincy souls who have been researched and killed by them.

The research methods include but are not limited to methods such as skinning alive, crushing, and letting them torture their own children... It can be said that the research objects in his hands will suffer horrific torture both physically and mentally.

He does not lack the Quincy Master Ishida Zongxian.

Because of this, Duan Mu chose to save Ishida Zongxian and keep him in the house of masters.

The purpose is to attract the attention of those big shots and let them pay attention to their master house.

Just relying on Ishida Zongxian alone, at most, it will attract attention from time to time, and it will not allow Seireitei to monitor the movements of Wanshiwu all the time like monitoring himself, so it needs to make more trouble! !

In the last few years, a key point for Duan Mu is that he must ensure that he will not be restricted by any factors.

It doesn't matter whether those villains are dead or not, but Uzuki, Griffon, Eel House...they may be used by some people; instead of hiding in the dark and carefully going to the embankment, it is better to put everything on the bright side.

To this end, Duan Mu is going to take advantage of the Technology Development Bureau working under the acquiescence of Room 46!

After discussing a glass of water with Uzuki, Duan Mu took Ishida Zongxian upstairs and introduced him to Unagi Oori.

After seeing the environment of the Mansion House, Ishida Zongxian's complexion finally improved. Compared with the tavern downstairs, the upstairs Mansion House was too normal, which made him feel a huge contrast.

"Hi old man, I'm Eel Yaoori, you can call me Eel House or Koori, just like you, I just died not long ago."

"Uh... hello..."

This way of introduction obviously made Ishida Zongxian a little uncomfortable.

But Duan Mu, who was lying on the sofa beside him, had a calm expression on his face. Anyway, he was used to the fact that the world of corpses and souls exploded with death every now and then.

"come yet?"

Duan Mu, who just lay down, suddenly sat up, frowning slightly.

He thought that the twelfth squad would not come to snatch people so soon, but he didn't expect them to come so fast, obviously they set off immediately after returning.

Although Duan Mu and others left earlier than them, the speed at which they rode the pig... was obviously not as fast as Shunpo.

"I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble."

Although Ishida Zongxian on the side was a little later than Duan Mu, he was also aware of it, and couldn't help but said apologetically: "Why don't you just hand me over."

"They can't take you away."

Duan Mu shook his head, got up and walked outside.

After leaving the Wanshiwu, standing on the second floor and looking towards the end of the street, I saw a group of figures coming towards this side quickly.

The vast majority of them are Shinigami dressed in death costumes, and a small part of them are dressed in costumes similar to researchers, but the leader of the team is not Nirvana Yuri, but Nirvana Nirvana with an expressionless face.

Duan Mu glanced at Ishida Zongxian who came out from behind, and said: "For you, old man, I offended two friends today, and the loss outweighs the gain." While speaking, Duan Mu turned his head and looked down at the tavern Outer wall: "Are you right? Captain Mayuri Nirvana."


Almost at the same time as Duan Mu's words fell, the wooden wall on the outer wall of the tavern slowly bulged, and a human silhouette appeared.

"Sure enough, just like the information, he is extremely sensitive to spiritual energy fluctuations...interesting...but it's a pity that I'm really not interested in studying the God of Death."

Amidst the voice, the figure in the silhouette walked out slowly. It was a figure wearing a black and white two-color mask, a strange headdress, a dark purple collar with an eversion on top of a death bully outfit, and the figure of Captain Haori.

This figure is exactly...

Nirvana Mayuri, the captain of the [-]th division and the director of the Technology Development Bureau.

Watching him walk out of the wall, Duan Mu's eyes did not follow his movement, but stared at the wall tightly, and said in a cold tone: "Captain Nirvana Yuri, although I don't know what you did, but One of the 13 people at the top, isn't it a bit too low-key to engage in this method?"


Nie Yuli raised her head somewhat unexpectedly, and after observing Duan Mu carefully, the corners of her mouth grinned, revealing her white teeth that were completely different from the pitch-black mask.

"I suddenly regretted that I didn't attend the captain's meeting last time."

Nie Yuri gave a strange smile: "Although I have observed you for a long time, but this is the first time to meet face to face?"

Duan Mu didn't answer, but said with a smile: "It's really an honor for me to be 'secretly' observed by Captain Nirvana. I suddenly felt that saving this Quincy was a good thing, otherwise, how could Nirvana Captain Lee, you came to my small shop for him."

"for him?"

Nie Yuli tilted her head, as if she had heard some joke, her eyeballs rolled in her sockets: "He is not worth my trip, it's better to say...Compared to him, I am more interested in you."

"Hey, can you demonstrate in front of me the method of your virtual circle?"

Duan Mu raised his eyebrows, and said with a surprised face: "Captain Nirvana Yuri, I don't understand what you said. Mao said Room 46, it's not mine."

While the two were talking, Nie Yinmeng had brought a group of twelfth squadrons to the outside of the tavern.

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