Ganjiu hates death. Although Duan Mu wanted to help him resolve the misunderstanding, he really didn't know how to help.

As a young man, he watched Rukia carry back his elder brother's body covered in blood, and claimed that he killed his elder brother. Based on this incident alone, it is impossible for Griffin to face death. What a favor.

If he wants to untie his knot, it can only be Rukia, who has left a huge shadow on him, explaining the reason in person.

And those gods of death who were submissive in Seireitei and arrogant and domineering in Liuhun Street further deepened his aversion to gods of death.

Naturally, the Grim Reaper is not as he imagined, all of them are bad people, although... even those who call themselves kind, most of them don't treat the residents of Liuhun Street as human beings.

But the guy who will go to Liuhun Street to show off his power is definitely the worst bastard among them, otherwise the residents of Liuhun Street would not hate the god of death so much, and wish that all the gods of death would die!

Anyway, in Duan Mu's opinion, those gods of death deserved to be dealt with by Griffin.

However, the griffons are very measured. Although they often beat the gods of death violently, they have never caused any casualties. They just let them suffer some flesh and blood. do not know.

This is not because of Duan Mu, even without him, Sei Lingting would not take care of this kind of conflict, anyway, as long as you don't kill him, you can beat him casually.

In the end, Duan Mu simply stopped persuading him.

Anyway, with the strength of Ganjiu, it won't suffer, not to mention those ordinary soldiers, even the low-level officers of the [-]th Guarding Team, and even some high-level officers, will be beaten violently in front of Ganjiu.

But the Technology Development Bureau is different...

In the whole Seireitei, Duan Mu can be said to be one of the people who knows the Technology Development Bureau best.

On the surface it is the Technology Development Bureau, but in fact...

The vast majority of them are lunatics who have walked out of the nest of maggots, including the director!

So it's better to go and have a look.


"Old man, can you do it!"

Griffin raised his hands full of black liquid, and looked at the old man leaning over to work with dissatisfaction: "Be careful, if you mess up this commission, Grandma Zuoyu will go and complain to my eldest sister, then I will It's over."


The old man in white clothes was covered with black liquid, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he really couldn't figure out why he was harvesting tobacco leaves with others here.

Will you still do it?

Are you kidding me, as a pure-blooded Quincy, I am also a Quincy who holds the symbol medal representing the strongest Quincy. His body is not as good as it used to be... Otherwise, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

But no matter what, he is also a pure-blood Quincy, how could he do such a dirty job.

After Ishida Zongxian hesitated for a moment, he said: "That... this little brother..."

"Who is your little brother!?"

Griffin choked angrily, in the world of corpses and souls, appearance is not the criterion for judging age.

Ishida Zongxian looks old, but his actual age is at most 70 or 80 years old, and may even be younger. The youngest of Ganju and others present are already in their 50s. In fact, Ishida Zongxian is not older than them No matter how old you are, naturally there is nothing to say about respecting the old and loving the young.

What's more, in the world of corpses and souls, no one cares about age at all. In the assigned family, there are even brothers with a age difference of nearly a hundred years.

"I meant to say..."

"Let's talk about it when we're done."

Gryphon replied without raising his head: "I have wasted a lot of time saving you from those gods of death just now; help me finish the work on time, and I will give you some money later, where do you want to go?" , nobody cares about you, but now you have to help me finish the work."


Ishida Zongxian was silent for a moment, and finally bent down to continue harvesting tobacco leaves.

Although this kid spoke harshly, he had to admit that he was indeed the one who saved him.

Although there is still spiritual power in the body, but if you want to use the spirit body to perform the means of the Quincy, it will not be possible in a short time. If it is not for the rude boy in front of you, you have already been captured by those gods of death.


However, as soon as he bent down, he got up again, and looked towards the east with a slight frown.

"What happened to you?"

Hawk, who was beside him, got up with a dissatisfied face and said, "Brother Yanjiu asked you to work, so you just be obedient..."

"To shut up."

Griffin suddenly interrupted his words, first glanced at Ishida Zongxian with some doubts, and then said to Hawke and the others: "You guys step back, those gods of death are back."

Hearing this, the faces of Hawke and others changed suddenly.

On the other hand, Griffin walked out of the tobacco field directly, and stood on the road waiting for the other party to bring it, so as not to accidentally destroy the tobacco field in case of conflict.

Not long after, figures appeared at the end of the road.

And the leader is a woman in a white coat with a swallowtail. The woman is plump and beautiful. She has dark purple wavy hair that covers her left eye, giving people a very weird sense of beauty. Ganjiu and the four younger brothers couldn't help but stare blankly.


Especially when it came close, the faint voice made Ganjiu and others swallow their saliva.

The woman stopped in front of Ganju and the others, and glanced at Ishida Zongxian who was blocked by Ganju, with a touching smile on her beautiful face: "Hi, may I ask you to give me the old man behind you?"

"Uh...but...uh, you can't."

Ganjiu subconsciously wanted to nod, but then his expression changed, he looked warily at the gods of death behind the woman, and said, "Unless you tell me, why do you want to arrest a guy who just arrived at Liuhun Street."

"It's not arresting."

The woman walked a few steps in front of Ganju, and said with a sweet smile: "I just want to invite him to sit in the Technology Development Bureau. The Technology Development Bureau is a heavenly unit, where he will get the wandering soul A happy life that the street can't get at all."

"Technology Development Bureau!?"

However, what the woman didn't expect was that after hearing the words 'Technology Development Bureau', Ganjiu's face became more vigilant.

He often listens to Duan Mu talking about the affairs of Seireitei. Naturally, it is impossible for him not to know what kind of organization the Technology Development Bureau is. Technology Development Agency.

"Chief Caihui, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? If he dares to stop him, let's clean him up too!"

Behind the woman, several death gods with bruised noses and swollen faces stared angrily at Shiba Ganju.

"Don't quarrel, the fault of this matter lies with you guys, don't offend the young master of Zhibo's family."

The woman known as Caihui smiled slightly, took a few steps forward again, and whispered: "Young master of the Zhibo family, you can hand over that old man to me, otherwise I will not be able to explain it when I go back. After finishing this matter, I will definitely pay a visit.”

The extremely alluring words, coupled with the fullness, made the griffon couldn't help swallowing again.


But at this moment, a white whip shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

A fierce gust of wind hits us.


The attack came so fast that the griffon couldn't react at all, and didn't even see clearly what was attacking him.

And just when he thought he was going to be hit, his eyes suddenly blurred.

"The Eighth Rebuke of the Way of Binding."

Amid the soft shouts, a figure appeared beside Ganjiu, covering Ganjiu's face with the back of his right hand.


In the next second, there was a dull impact sound.

The two collided and separated at the touch.

"Duan Mu...huh?"

Looking at Duan Mu who appeared suddenly, Ganjiu was overjoyed at first, but then his face became a little weird.


The sound of breaking through the air came out, and the white whip shadow struck again, leaving afterimages in mid-air, attacking Duan Mu continuously.

But they were blocked one by one by Duan Mu with the repulsive barrier on the back of his hand.

bang bang bang...

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of collision sounds.

This attack and defense lasted for nearly half a minute before it ended. It was not Duan Mu who launched the attack, but the opponent stopped the attack on his own initiative.


When the attack stopped, Duan Mu shook his hand subconsciously, not because of pain...

And the Griffon behind him had a strange expression on his face, and said to Duan Mu in a low voice: "Why don't you let her beat me, this time you don't want to meddle in other people's business."

"...If you want to die, no one will stop you."

Duan Mu looked up at Cai Hui, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "The lethality of her attack is not low, if the blow just now was really hit, you are now unconscious, and your face bones will probably be shattered. "

"Uh...but her weapon..."

"It's just a weapon!"

Duan Mu's face darkened, and he subconsciously shook his hand again. He suddenly regretted not bringing out the knife.

Although he had known for a long time that the Technology Development Bureau was a bunch of lunatics, he never imagined that these people could transform their bodies to such a degree!

It's too crazy, right?


Chapter 165 Playing Big

The members of the Technology Development Bureau, whether they are influenced by the director, often make some changes to themselves.

Among these transformations, the director of the study department stretched a part of his body, which has always been the most enthusiastic research of the members of the Technology Development Bureau.


As one of the few women among the many lunatics, Caihui's transformation of her body, whether it is physical or spiritual... is extremely lethal!

Don't talk about Duan Mu, even the [-]th Squadron who followed behind Caihui were in a state of sluggishness at this moment.

Caihui tidied up her shirt with a calm face, and her slightly dull eyes stared at Duan Mu; the Technology Development Bureau is one of the departments that monitor Duan Mu, and it is impossible for her to be the head of the "Capture Section" Not knowing Duan Mu, the reason why she was eager to get rid of Ganjiu before was because she was worried that Duan Mu would be attracted.


Duan Mu hesitated for a moment, then with a trademark smile on his face, he said softly: "Sorry, the situation was urgent just now, please forgive me for my offense; Every time I mention you, Miss Caihui, I am full of praise, saying that you often capture some strange materials and come back."

Although he is a pervert, to Duan Mu, before the other party was a pervert, he was still a woman who could make friends with him.

As for what he said, it was naturally a lie.

Even if he and Nie Yinmeng hadn't talked a few times apart, with Nie Yinmeng's three-none character, it was impossible to ask Duan Mu for a picture...

The reason why he knew Caihui's identity and name was entirely because the [-]th Division issued the list of all members of the [-]th Division of Goutei twice a year. The details of the people on the list, especially the chief officer, were all covered by Duan Mushen. Deeply imprinted in my mind.

However, there is no record in the list of weapons that are collected and painted.

"Since you want to apologize, shouldn't you show some sincerity?"

Cai Hui finished speaking, put on a look of crying, and said pitifully: "Boss Duan Mu, as long as you hand over the old man behind you to me, then we will turn around and leave immediately. He is what our chief wants." People, if you don't take him back, then our chief will definitely punish me."

Act ~ continue to act.

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, and the smile on his face almost collapsed.

He looked back at Ishida Zongxian who was guarded by Ganju, and shook his head slightly: "Sorry."

To be honest, Duan Mu didn't care about Ishida Zongxian at all.

Although he paid attention to him for a while more than a year ago, it was only because Duan Mu watched Kurosaki Masaki being sanctified at close range, and tried to observe the Quincy out of fear.

After observing, he was naturally useless to Duan Mu.

It would be wrong to offend the lunatic of that lunatic, Nie Yuri, for his sake.

There are only a few research freaks in this world, and now two of them have something to do with him. Duan Mu really doesn't want to provoke the third one...

Of course, if Ishida Zongxian had a granddaughter, or a daughter-in-law, or if he was a woman himself, Duan Mu would definitely not mind taking risks to save him.

After all, their family's strength lies there.


His gender is obvious, and as far as Duan Mu knows, he has no granddaughter at all, and his daughter-in-law is dead.

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