Duan Mu pondered for a while, and decided that he must check his body carefully when he turned around, so as not to be tricked by Urahara Kisuke without knowing it.

If there is, he will definitely throw that 'disaster' into the cesspit, and it is the cesspit of the first team's team building! !

"Actually, I have long wanted to chat with you, Boss Duan Mu."

There was a smile on Lanran's face. Although it was warm, Duan Mu felt a faint sense of danger: "Because I often hear your name from my subordinates. Our 10 seats often mention you in front of me."

"I didn't even know it. Before you knew it, Boss Duan Mu, your Wanshiwu has already gained such a great reputation."

"Ten seats?"

Duan Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly became dazed, and said happily, "Is it Xia Yanyou? Has that child been promoted to the 10th seat?"


Aizen nodded: "She often mentions you, saying that you have strong attainments in chopping, punching, ghosting, and walking, and that you have a gentle personality. She also said that we are very similar. If we get to know each other, we will become friends." See you late friends."


Obviously the tone was very gentle, but Duan Mu always felt that he was being questioned by the teacher.

"It's Xiaoyou who is exaggerating. In fact, I first met her because her father was a retired team member of the fourth division, and after he retired, he ran a herbal medicine shop; our acquaintance was introduced by vice-captain Hu Che. Seeing that she is working hard, I taught her some ghost skills on my own initiative."

"Leader Aizen, please don't blame me for being nosy."

"Where is it, I thank you before it's too late."

Aizen shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Actually, when I heard Xia Yan mention you, I had an idea. I have always wanted to ask Mr. Duan Mu... to teach our fifth division team; this was originally between me and Hinamori’s responsibilities, but you also know that the captain and vice-captain have too many things to do, so they neglect the teaching of the team members."

Let me become the coach of the fifth team?

Duan Mu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he swallowed the words again, and then smiled as usual: "If I can help Captain Lan Ran share your worries, then I am obliged to do so, but you also know ...I am doing all the commissions of the master house by myself, so I can only spare a few days every month."

"If you don't mind, I can choose a few days every month to teach your team members. Although... I am not as good as Xiaoyou said, but the rules of the store cannot be broken, so every time Separate charges apply."

Hearing this, Lan Ran took a deep look at Duan Mu. Although the eyes under the glasses could not be seen clearly, Duan Mu could faintly feel a sense of gaze.

"Boss Duan Mu, you are too modest."

Lan Ran withdrew his gaze, and said: "Since you are willing, I will ask Chisen to go to your shop to make a formal entrustment after I go back. I know..." At this point, Lan Ran showed a playful look on her face. Smile: "Your store's female vice-captain will get a big discount for commissioning."

"Hahaha, that's right, the female vice-captain is here, but I can enjoy a 6% discount."

After Duan Mu finished speaking, both of them couldn't help laughing. In the eyes of others, this scene was incomparably harmonious, as if two people with a very good relationship were joking with each other.

There is quite a feeling of seeing each other late.



Duan Mu glanced at the Zanpakuto in Lan Ran's hand from the corner of his eye, and secretly decided that he must create the ability to restrain the beauty as soon as possible.

During the conversation with Aizen, I was already hypnotized.

When it started, when it ended, and how I was recruited, these paragraphs are not sure.

But the only thing he can be sure of is that he is hypnotized.

Because before coming into contact with Lan Ran, Duan Mu dripped a few drops of anesthetic called 'Shock Point' for himself.

This is an anesthetic used by the Fourth Division during operations. For people with low spirits, it only needs to drop a little on the skin, and they will immediately pass out unconsciously.

But for people with high spiritual pressure, it has no effect.

But the "shock point" in Duan Mu's hand is a narcotic that is constantly improving with the maggot nest prisoner as the experimental product. When it is used on himself, it can make his mind temporarily unclear.

He had been in a dazed and unresponsive state before, and it was only at that moment that he fully recovered.

And it was the strange feeling at the moment when his mind changed from 'unclear' to 'clear', which convinced Duan Mu that he had been hypnotized.

However, this feeling is only for a moment.

As for when he released Zanpakuto?

This point, in fact, does not need to be considered at all.


If you want to let your own Zanpakuto perform the swastika, besides the materialization of Zanpakuto, there is another prerequisite, that is...

You don't need to call Zanpakuto's name to release it.

All captains can do this.

When they first explained, they uttered the liberation language, basically out of habit, or to remind their opponents, and maybe some people were purely for pretense...

At this moment, Huche Yuyin came out of the inspection hall.

Lan Ran, who was sitting next to Duan Mu, nodded to Duan Mu, and immediately got up to meet him.

"Captain Aizen."

Huche Yongyin raised his forehead to Lan Ran, and then said: "The members of the Guifan team are out of danger, but they still need to stay in the comprehensive ambulance center to receive treatment for at least half a month."

"That's it, that's fine."

Aizen smiled slightly: "Thank you very much. If he has any problems, please ask Vice Captain Kotetsu to send someone to the fifth division to inform me. I won't stay here for a long time."

Compared with talking with Duan Mu, Aizen and Huche Yuyin spoke politely, but they did not use honorifics.

Because Huche Yongyin is different from Duan Mu, she is a member of the fourth division, even if she is the vice captain, in the highly hierarchical organization of the Goutei [-]th team, there is also a huge gap between her status and the captain.If Aizen uses honorifics, it will make Yunon feel panic.

The use of honorifics for Duan Mu is partly because Duan Mu does not belong to Goutei [-]th Division, and partly because Duan Muling's pressure is placed there.

In order not to be noticed by Lan Ran, Duan Mu did not hide his spiritual pressure as usual.

So when the captain talked to him, Duan Mu could actually accept the honorifics he used to face his peers, but when he said it from Lan Ran's mouth, Duan Mu felt uncomfortable all over.

Watching Lan Ran leave, Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but then he sighed in his heart again.

He couldn't refuse Aizen's commission.

Because Duan Mu has always rarely refused commissions, and he likes to undertake commissions from various teams, and it is no secret that he likes to make friends with female team members from various teams... It can be said that as long as the money is enough and there are many female team members, Duan Mu would never refuse such an entrustment.

As for the fifth team, these two points are obviously not lacking.

No matter from what point of view, I have no reason to reject Aizen, unless I have a guilty conscience or want to avoid someone from the Fifth Division.

So Duan Mu must pick it up, and he has to go there frequently!

As for the danger...

Although there are, but from a certain point of view, perhaps the fifth team is the safest place for Duan Mu.

There is no need to take the initiative to promote, as long as someone knows that he is going to work in the fifth team, then Aizen will not harm him unless he can find someone who can perfectly imitate Duan Mu.

But different from him, there are too many people who know Duan Mu in the entire Sei Ling Ting and who often come into contact with Duan Mu.

With Aizen's IQ, he would never do such a stupid thing.

However, being close to Aizen also means that he will be observed by him, and any changes in his body, even a slight increase in spiritual pressure, may let him see the clues.

Being observable means observing!

Duan Mu can also take this opportunity to observe Aizen up close, thus creating the ability to target the mirror.

This to him...

is an opportunity! !


Chapter 164 Madman...

In the following days, Duan Mu's life can basically be summed up in four words.

Leave early and return late!

Every day is basically to complete the entrustment and take the opportunity to make friends; to work in the comprehensive rescue center and take the opportunity to make friends; to go to the maggot nest to work and take the opportunity to make friends...

Anyway, no matter what you do, you have to take the opportunity to make friends.

In addition, the supervision team, the Technology Development Bureau, the imaging hall... all kinds of monitoring are also in place.

Leaving aside the other two departments, the supervisory team asked Duan Mu if he wanted to find a way to prevent these departments from monitoring him, but Duan Mu sternly refused!

How could it be possible for you to get in the way! !

Although many things need to be temporarily stopped while being monitored, and there are many inconveniences, but being monitored by the entire Seireitei 24 hours a day is not a kind of protection.

Anyway, after someone starts the plan, they should have no extra energy to focus on themselves, and at that time... they don't have to worry about being killed silently.

In the last few years, let's open my own master house honestly under surveillance.

If I have any regrets...

That means Duan Mu has been completely relegated to the cold palace by Sui Feng... Although he has not taken back the authority given to him, no matter how many times Duan Mu visits him, he is always turned away; even if he bumps into him by chance, he doesn't even look at Duan Mu. At a glance, the posture seemed to be venting his anger on something.

Duan Mu is not too sure who it is with, but it is not with himself anyway.

Because, he is not that important in the eyes of the broken bee... and although the favorability level has not increased, it has not decreased. The posture is not so much aimed at himself, but rather aimed at someone through himself...

Still today...

After working on the maggot nest, I went to visit the broken bee, and then I was turned away.

Duan Mu didn't go to the supervisory team after going through the first process, but went directly to the second team. He still has a lot of work to do in the afternoon.

However, just as he walked to the main entrance of the Second Division, a figure chased him from behind.

"Boss Duan Mu."

Duan Mu turned his head to look, and saw Qing Yuanfang running from a distance. After stopping in front of him, he took a breath and said, "The Quincy Master you brought to our attention is dead."

"The Quincy is dead?"

Duan Mu was taken aback when he heard the words: "What Quincy... huh? That old man?"

"Yes, it's the old Quincy Master you paid attention to more than a year ago." Qingyuan Fang nodded, and then said: "Although you haven't paid attention to it since then, Ms. Nagano has been carrying out your orders, from time to time Keep an eye on that aging Quincy."

"It's the same today, but for some reason, our side suddenly couldn't receive the monitoring circuit related to the present world. According to Ms. Nagano, it may be that the Technology Development Bureau has cut off our circuit."

"It wasn't until we received a signal for help from the Technology Development Bureau that the monitoring circuit returned to normal, but the aging Quincy Master was already dead. to the scene."

"His soul was extradited by Xia Yanyou, the tenth seat of the Fifth Division, and has now arrived in the third district of the west of Liuhun Street."

Duan Mu nodded when he heard the words, and didn't care too much in his heart.

Because the research on the Quincy had already stopped, he thought that the supervisory team had stopped monitoring him, but Nagano Huaxiu actually paid attention to the old man of the Quincy for more than a year because of his own words.

"Don't mind him."

Thinking of this, Duan Mu shook his head: "The lunatics from the Technology Development Bureau must have been dispatched now, there is no need to provoke them."

Qing Yuanfang nodded when he heard this, then shook his head and said: "Cai Hui, the chief of the 'Research Material Capture Section' of the Technology Development Bureau, has indeed taken people to the west at this time, but... at this time... your That big brother..."

big brother?


Duan Mu was slightly taken aback, not understanding what this matter had to do with the griffon.

But then his face became a little weird, because if I remember correctly...

This morning, the entrustment that Gansu snatched from him was the work of the West 3rd District, so he took a few younger brothers to help Granny Zuoyu harvest tobacco leaves early in the morning.

Grandma Zuo Yu is the owner of the tobacco shop in West 3rd District, she has always taken care of Duan Mu's business, and Sister Konghe is also her regular customer. Duan Mu was able to get acquainted with Sister Konghe, and it was this Granny Zuoyu who introduced her of.

"You don't want to tell me that Griffin is with that old Quincy man, do you?"


The corners of Qingyuan Fang's mouth twitched slightly: "Well, actually, when the Quincy Master came to the Soul Realm, he was already under the control of the [-]th Squad who was waiting there in advance, but when they escorted him back, he passed by Tobacco land."

"As usual, when your elder brother saw the members of the twelfth division, he immediately said, 'Why did the god of death appear here'... Then, the two sides clashed, and the twelve The team members of the Fan team were beaten to the ground by him and ran back to Seiling Court."

"...Can this guy change his lines?"

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, he had heard similar words countless times.

There are also other words such as "as long as I am here, the god of death will never want to step into Xiliuhun Street". If Duan Mu remembers correctly, the lines that he will say when he meets the king in the future are also these lines. Nutritious words.

"Thank you, I'll go take a look."

Duan Mu shook his head, and went straight to Baidaomen with Shunbu.

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