Zanpakuto: Advanced (53642/100000)


Looking at those dense zeros, looking at the only 7 experience points, and thinking about the ghosts and monsters hiding everywhere in the Seiling Court, Duan Mu only felt that the future was gloomy.

His body was as stable as ever, or in other words, he hadn't moved before.

Although the enhancement of spiritual pressure can boost the body, there is still an upper limit. After reaching the upper limit, no matter how the spiritual pressure is strengthened, the body will not fluctuate.

As for the chopping technique, it has improved steadily, neither has it advanced by leaps and bounds, nor has it stagnated.

On the contrary, Shunpo, which was far weaker than the chopping technique, fell into a bottleneck, but Duan Mu was not in a hurry, the top Shunpo was enough to deal with most situations.


Duan Mu's "line of sight" stayed behind the Zanpakuto for a moment, and only once to fully understand it, the proficiency of the Zanpakuto skyrocketed.

Rather than saying that he made Zanpakuto stronger, it is better to say that Zanpakuto's own consciousness is eager to become stronger.

But it still does not pose a threat to himself. In a one-on-one situation, no matter how strong he becomes, he has never lost in the knife Zen, unless it was intentional...

Originally, Duan Mu would deliberately lose, but now Duan Mu enters the spiritual world to fight with his own Zanpakutō when he has nothing to do, and then wins.

Of course, to be fair.

Most of Duan Mu used the ghost way to deal with it. He simply used the Zanpakuto to attack and defend the ghost way, so as to practice the ghost way. Only when he was about to lose, he would use other techniques.

Erasing the real name is not a step that can be completed in a short time.

Although Duan Mu has mastered the method, he needs to recast his own Zanpakuto step by step before he can give it a new name.

As for whether this new name can change Zanpakuto's ability, Duan Mu is not very sure.

But there is one thing he can be sure of, that is...

The moment he completes the recasting, the Zanpakuto will completely become his own ability, and the sword itself...or shallow attack, is no longer important to Duanmu.

As long as he wants, even if Asagi's "shell" of holding capacity disappears, he can still condense a new sword, and even without the use of Asahi as a medium, he can use Zanpakuto's ability.

To give a simple example, now the Asada in Duan Mu's hands is like a breeding egg, and what Duan Mu has to do is to hatch this breeding egg. When the new Zanpakuto hatches, the eggshell named 'Asaka' will Become something that can be thrown away at will.

Of course, this is Duan Mu's ultimate goal.

To achieve this, many prerequisites need to be completed first!

Before that...

The Zanpakuto in Duan Mu's hand is nothing more than scrap iron that can be used for hacking and killing.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu did not continue to tangle with Zanpakutao, but turned his attention to Reiatsu, with a somewhat tangled expression.

During this time, he has been thinking about whether to challenge Captain Unohana.


That first contact deeply imprinted Uzhi Hualie's figure in Duan Mu's mind, and the trembling in the depths of his soul still cannot be calmed down.

Let Duan Mu understand that before the trembling disappears, he has no right to draw his sword in front of her.

As if knowing that she would challenge her one day, she set the challenge threshold for Duan Mu in advance.

When his strength was insufficient, he still didn't have this feeling; when his strength became stronger, he realized this, and he was more and more impressed by Uno Hana Retsu's impression on him at that time.

With a proficiency of 30 spiritual pressure, he is already the best among low-level captains, and has even entered the threshold of mid-level captains.

As a result, such a self still trembles in his soul when he thinks of fighting Uzhi Huarei.

How strong can she actually be?

Duan Mu made a rough guess.

Aside from other aspects, thousands of years ago, she had already claimed to have mastered all schools and sword styles in the world, and it is very likely that she has reached the top level of full proficiency in chopping.

Even if it is not full, it should be infinitely close...

Thinking about her other abilities, Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​challenging Uzhihualie.


I'm not afraid, I just want to try to make friends with him in other ways, there's no need to make friends and fight...

After comforting himself in his heart, Duan Mu went straight into the comprehensive rescue center.

Nothing else, the picture is a safety!


Duan Mu was taken aback when he just entered the comprehensive ambulance station.

Looking around, I saw a group of fourth-rank team members gathering together and looking at something.

Duan Mu came to the back of the crowd, and when he heard the communication of the crowd, he almost turned around and left.

"Why did Captain Aizen come here?"

"It seems that when we went out to support, some team members were injured."

"Captain Aizen is really gentle, he actually sent the injured team member to the doctor himself."

"Yeah, the team I wanted to join at the beginning was the fifth team. It would be great if I could meet a captain like Captain Aizen... Well, of course, it's not that Captain Unokana is not Gentleness, only a gentle and gentle man like Captain Aizen is the best support for a woman!"

"Tsk tsk, didn't you say yesterday that Mr. Duan Mu is the best support for women?"

"One yard counts for one yard. Mr. Duan Mu is indeed as gentle and kind as Captain Blue Ran, but strength is the foundation."



If he didn't just come and leave, it would be easy to arouse suspicion, and Duan Mu wanted to run Shunbu directly and escape back to the maggot's nest.


It should be safe, he couldn't have come here for himself, right?

It seems, seems, probably... It's not completely impossible.


Chapter 163 also an opportunity!

There are always some unexpected coincidences in this world.

Now Duan Mu encountered an unexpected coincidence... For safety's sake, he ran to the Comprehensive Emergency Rescue Center, but for some reason, he was actually sitting next to the person who posed the greatest threat to him.

"Boss Duan Mu, it's been a long time."

With a warm expression on Lan Ran's face, he smiled lightly and said, "The last time we met was at the captain's meeting, right? The information you brought back has provided us with great help."

"Where~~I just met the Arrancar by chance."

A shy smile appeared on Duan Mu's face, and he said a little embarrassedly: "And the captain allows me to move around freely in the Seiring Court, which is already the best reward for me."

Although his expression was as usual, Duan Mu couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart.

The team members of the fourth team were still vying for who to receive Captain Aizen, but when Duan Mu was about to sneak away while they were arguing, Aizen who was waiting outside the inspection hall suddenly waved to him, with a look on his face. He called out 'Boss Duan Mu' familiarly, and then Duan Mu was pushed in by the crowd.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu feel lucky is...

In the corners around the hall, many members of the Fourth Division were hiding, all of them peeking at the two of them chatting with aunts and smiles.

"Look, let me just say, Mr. Duan Mu and Captain Aizen have very similar auras, especially when they smile, they are exactly the same... Well, it's even more similar if they don't smile!"

"But in terms of looks, I'm still Mr. Duan Mu."

"What's the use of looks? Besides, Mr. Duan Mu just looks younger than Captain Aizen. Captain Aizen's gentle temperament like an uncle next door is the most fascinating."

"I want it all!!"


"Sorry, Captain Aizan."

Duan Mu smiled bitterly: "They just thought it was fun, and they didn't mean to offend you."

Although everyone lowered their voices, whether it was for Duan Mu or Lan Ran, their lowered voices were actually similar to shouting in their ears.

Like, like a yarn! !

Duan Mu muttered something in his heart, he didn't even know, where did he look like this 'Yue Buqun'?

"Hehe, do you think I'll be offended by this?" Aizen chuckled lightly, "Do I usually look so ruthless?"

"Besides, I think what they said makes sense."

Lan Ran paused, looked at Duan Mu beside him, and continued: "Boss Duan Mu, I also feel that the two of us are somewhat similar in some places. I wonder if you also feel this way."

"..." Duan Mu.

He found out...

Anyone who uses honorifics when speaking like this is not a good thing.

Kisuke Urahara is fine, this guy is more inclined to joke around with "you", but the "you" in Aizen's mouth next to him makes Duan Mu feel... that he is paying homage to himself in advance.

"You are joking... You are the captain of the Gotei [-]th Division. I am just a small shop owner who doesn't want to take on any responsibilities and can only take on some odd jobs to make ends meet."

"The owner of the small shop doesn't have the strength of a captain."

Aizen smiled slightly: "Compared to the last time we met, Boss Duan Mu, your Reiatsu has become stronger. If you are willing to become the god of death, then becoming the captain of one of the thirteen divisions of Goutei is very important to you." It shouldn't be too difficult to say."

"Captain Aizen, you don't need to say honorifics to me."

Duan Mu smiled embarrassingly, this is not pretending, but really embarrassing... and a little scared.

Duan Mu, who knew the nature of this guy well, felt goose bumps all over his body when he heard these honorific words.

"With my strength, how can I be qualified to be the captain."

After all, Duan Mu paused, and said softly: "Besides, as I said before, I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't want to take any responsibility, not to mention the captain, even if I become a member of the [-]th Guarding Team I feel overwhelmed by that responsibility.”

"So whether it's the work of the comprehensive rescue center or the work of the second team, it's actually just one of the jobs for me. It's a job that allows me to make full use of my abilities without taking responsibility."

Lan Ran shook her head slightly when she heard the words, she didn't know what she was thinking, and said after a while: "Maybe Boss Duan Mu, your life is the best life, right? It's up to you." After that, he smiled slightly:

"Perhaps I will be your guest, Boss Duan Mu, in the future. Please don't reject me then."

"no problem!"

No wonder! !

Duan Mu added two words in his heart, thinking with his ass that he knew that this commission was definitely not a good commission.

It's better to be careful when accepting entrustments in the future, otherwise, one day you may receive an entrustment to assassinate 'Mao Room 46', and then come back with personal stolen goods and get...


Duan Mu glanced at Lan Ran beside him, full of vigilance in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out why Lan Ran took the initiative to contact him. He thought of many possibilities, but Duan Mu rejected them one by one.

Although he has already expressed his attitude, Duan Mu does not think that Lan Ran can let him go because of his few words, so he must be vigilant.

However, judging from the conversation just now, the death of a ten-blade is not a matter of concern to Aizen, and it will not make him desperate to face himself in the open at the risk of being exposed in advance. hands on.

Duan Mu is more inclined to contact himself because of the way he went to the virtual circle than to contact himself because of the death of Ten Blades.

Besides, there is another possibility for him to contact himself.

That is Kisuke Urahara!

It is not difficult to guess who can help Duan Mu break the space blockade and let him leave the virtual circle in time.

What's more, in addition to opening the black cavity, Urahara Kisuke also blocked the space for a short time to prevent Ten Ren from entering the black cavity to chase Duan Mu. This alone is enough for Aizen to determine who saved him.


Duan Mu's heart tightened, this guy wouldn't suspect that Kisuke Urahara hid that thing on his body, would he?

This possibility is not impossible.

But if he really had such doubts, Duan Mu didn't know how to prove it.

At least he knew very well that Kisuke Urahara didn't hide anything in his body.

Hmm...probably not...

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