
Duan Mu looked at the calm favorability interface, shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, there's just a drop of blood on your hand, let me wipe it for you." After that, Duan Mu shook his index finger, A hint of bright red can be seen faintly on it.

Forget it~~

Duan Mu would rather go to fight with Captain Uzhihua than use this method to increase his favorability. At least there is no psychological burden, and it may also increase his proficiency in chopping skills.

This kind of thing doesn't suit him at all.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu put down his water glass and got up and said, "Go ahead, I'll go to the inpatient area to have a look."


Huche Yongyin stopped Duan Mu, and then took out a roll of wet wipes from the medical bag beside him and handed it to Duan Mu: "You can take this and use it. This is the latest product of our Women's Death Association. How about it, but it is very convenient to use for cleaning when you go out, but the smell is not very good."

Duan Mu looked at the box of wet wipes with strange eyes.

It's no wonder the sales are so good, even if you don't need to pick it up, Duan Muguang can smell it, the wet wipes are soaked in various herbal waters for disinfection.

Disinfecting with herbs is indeed a good way, but at least you should cover up the smell of herbs.

"It smells a bit choking..."

Duan Mu shook his head: "You'd better keep it for yourself, and don't produce this thing, I'll improve it in the next meeting."


Hu Che Yongyin couldn't help but blushed when she heard this, because this wet wipe was exactly the formula she proposed and gave.

When she first made it, she thought that anyone who knew something about herbal medicine should know the benefits of this wet wipe. In the end...she found that there were not many people who knew about herbal medicine. resist.

However, Huche Yongyin really didn't expect that even Duan Mu, who knows herbal medicine well and she thinks can understand her painstaking efforts, would directly express resistance...

"You can use it, I still have a lot here."

Huche Yongyin stood up, stretched out his hand to grab Duan Mu's hand, stuffed the box of wet wipes directly into Duan Mu's hand, then turned and left.


Duan Mu looked at the wet wipe in his hand, or more strictly speaking, at the hand that Huche Yongyin had just grabbed. After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


Very moist! !

However, I'd better find Captain Unohana to fight.

This kind of contact, it is impossible to increase the favorability! !


Chapter 162 Excessive

"If you sneezed suddenly, I must be scolding you..."

Humming a ditty that was in the wrong tune, Duan Mu spun the hammer a few times in his palm while humming, looked at the new door in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

Behind him, there was a bustling bustle of activity. Prisoners in clean white prison uniforms were cleaning up the nest of maggots with various cleaning tools.

Similar general cleaning is basically done several times a month.

At first some people were unwilling to do it, but after a few years, no one is willing to do it anymore, because that madman humming an ugly song is really crazy...

If you don't want to be beaten, and it's the torture of beating, treatment, and beating again, it's better to listen to him honestly.

Many times, even if they didn't provoke the lunatic, as long as he found a reason, the lunatic would still beat them up.

That posture simply treated them as human sandbags.

Over time, as long as Duan Mu comes, all the prisoners will become model prisoners. Occasionally a few thorns will be caught by other prisoners who are afraid of being implicated without Duan Mu's action.

The gate of the maggot's nest was open as usual.

However, the few prisoners who were cleaning the dust from the gate were all cleaning up intently, without even looking at the exit.

Because I had looked at the exit too much before, and then the lunatic beat up all the prisoners with the excuse of 'you want to escape'.

However, in addition to beating the prisoners violently, they also have to admit that since Duan Mu took over the maggot nest, both the living environment and the quality of life have risen sharply.

They even created a lot of entertainment for them, such as mahjong, poker, and arenas for them to fight.

From time to time, I will help them improve their food. It can be said that apart from the fact that they like to use prisoners to practice their hands, other aspects make all the prisoners feel...

Warden Duan Mu treats them as adults.


When beating them, this lunatic definitely didn't treat them as human beings! !

"Da da da~~"

Duan Mu replaced the damaged doors one by one with new ones.

Normally, the door should be the most difficult thing to break. Although the doors made by Duan Mu are all wooden, he will engrave some reinforced spirit patterns on the door after they are finished. It is impossible to cause damage to the door at all.


For this group of guys who have nowhere to vent their energy and just kick the door to break into other people's cells at every turn, no matter how strong the Duan wooden door is, they have to be replaced several times a month.

However, Duan Mu didn't bother, anyway, he didn't have anything else to do except tidy up every time he came.

Find more jobs for yourself, and being seen by the broken bee, maybe you can increase your favorability.

Although he hasn't seen Suifeng for a while, since Duan Mu came back from the virtual circle, Suifeng refused to visit him several times, as if he didn't even want to see him.

This made Duan Mu understand that she should have discovered something.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help but sighed.

It is good to make friends, but the process of making friends is to get to know each other. When he gets to know his friends, those friends will gradually get to know him.

It's easy to hide many things from people who don't know you well, but it's very difficult to deceive people who know you very well.

"Boss Duan Mu, our cleaning has been completed."

Er Jieyuan came to Duan Mu, put on a posture of a loyal dog, and said: "Would you like to check it?"

"no need."

Duan Mu shook his head, got up and looked around, and found that except for a few people who went back to the house to sleep, most of the people were standing straight nearby, casting their eyes on him.

"Very good. It seems that if you stay here, you probably want to ask me to check on your strength and progress."


The faces of all the prisoners changed, and then their eyes turned into dead fish eyes.

What else do you want us to do?

Naturally, they are not standing here for Duan Mu to check the strength progress of some bullshit.

But because the last time Duan Mu beat them, the reason he used was:

"After cleaning, you ran to rest without waiting for my inspection. It seems that I need to let you know what the rules are."

Then, using this as an excuse, all the prisoners were beaten violently.

It is precisely because of this that now, after the cleaning is completed, they basically stay here, and they only hope that Duan Mu can leave when he is satisfied.


This lunatic doesn't even act now.

How can the people who live here care about their strength or not!


Two hours later, Duan Mu moved his shoulders and walked out of the nest of maggots with a relaxed expression.

Sure enough, if you want to find a training partner, people like Maggot's Nest are the most suitable.

Regardless of whether there is a gap in strength or not, and regardless of whether they are afraid or not, as long as they have red eyes, this group of people will rush forward regardless of life or death.

And fighting with them, in addition to adapting some moves, you can also conduct research and experiments on everyone's spirit bodies in the name of "healing".

To others, these people are nothing more than a group of prisoners.

But in Duan Mu's eyes, these people are extremely precious training partners, plus precious samples that can be used for human experiments!

Therefore, Duan Mu has always taken good care of the prisoners in the maggot nest.

From time to time, he would pay out of his own pocket to treat them to an incomparably sumptuous meal, although most of the time... Duan Mu would add some self-made potions to these meals, and then observe their reactions after eating.

The only pity is...

Can't kill people!

If people can be killed, the entire soul world may not be able to find such a perfect human experiment base with samples that can be continuously replenished.

But experiments are experiments. Under the premise that no one can die or leave sequelae, whether it is the research of those medicines or the engraving of spirit patterns on their bodies, they will eventually bring them some benefits, which can also be said to be a kind of alternative compensation. up.

Some prisoners' Reiatsu had been enhanced, while others' physical condition had improved.

However, Duan Mu did not study everything like the other mad scientists.

Although he has studied many things, the main research direction has not changed, that is, to study the tracking ghost way.

The research on the pursuit-type ghost road has never stopped since Duan Mu entered Seireitei, but the results have been minimal.

This made Duan Mu unavoidably anxious.

No matter how his strength develops, if he doesn't create a way to be immune to the illusion, Duan Mu will be inherently weak when he fights with the hair glue hand.

After all, he is not an agent of death who is immune to other people's abilities by relying on the "protagonist halo".

But if the ghost way that is immune to the illusion of the mirror can be created so easily, the hairspray hand-sama would not have been a good old man in Seireitei for so many years.

In fact, in addition to the tracking type ghost path, Duan Mu also studied integrating the return path into the body to create something similar to the Shun Fu Ji Umbrella.

However, this research has been abandoned by Duan Mu.



His original plan was to use Hui Dao to integrate into his body, so that he could obtain an ability similar to Xu's "super fast regeneration".

However, after Duan Mu's physique broke through to the top level, he naturally possessed the ability close to 'ultra-fast regeneration'.

During this period of time, Duan Mu has experimented with his recovery ability. Some ordinary knife wounds can heal within half a minute even if they are not treated. The premise is that there is no strong spiritual pressure left on the wound.

As for whether a severed limb can be regenerated, Duan Mu is not sure.

He wasn't crazy enough to cut off his own arm to see if he could grow it back... After all, with Duan Mu's achievements in the Tao, it is not an easy task to grow a new arm.

Moreover, whether it is connecting the severed arm, or finding a way to give birth to a new arm, Duan Mu cannot guarantee that the recovered severed arm can exert the same strength as the original one.

Closer to home.

The self-healing ability is already available, and the ability to restore spiritual pressure can be completely replaced by the development of spiritual patterns, so it is no longer necessary for Duan Mu to integrate the return path into the body like the ghost path.

System, give me some strength! !

Duan Mu silently encouraged the system in his heart, although he also knew that the system can only be deduced after he created a prototype.


Sighing slightly, Duan Mu looked at the system interface in his mind.


Name: Duan Mu

Race: human

Level: Phase III

Physique: top (15377/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (311090/1000000)

White play: advanced (2864/100000)

Shunpo: Top (0/1000000)

Slashing: Advanced (16540/100000)

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