Although the appearance is different, the feeling of the fluctuation of spiritual power is very similar.

It's no wonder that when he saw her at the beginning, he felt a little weird, but he didn't think about it at all at the beginning, and the conversation with Fuzhu afterwards made him ignore this point.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu turned around and wanted to bid farewell and leave, to visit the orphanages he took care of.



Five fingers pinched the back of Duan Mu's head directly, and Kong He's extremely angry voice came from beside his ear.

"Am I allowing you to go?"

next second...

Duan Mu's face came into intimate contact with the ring!


Chapter 161 Huh?


Walking on the streets of Seireitei, Duan Mu was restless besides restlessness...

Although Mao's room 46 calmed down the storm due to unexpected help, but thinking about what he did in Xuquan, Duan Mu always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Now he only hopes that... the supervision team, the Technology Development Bureau, and the imaging hall can pay more attention to himself, at least not to let himself be killed quietly.

Originally, Duan Mu's plan was to go secretly and maneuver, but after entering Sei Ling Ting, Duan Mu changed his mind.

Compared to maneuvering secretly, he felt that it was safer to stay in the comprehensive ambulance station.

Although the members of the Fourth Division are not good at fighting, their captain alone is enough to bring Duan Mu... a sense of security that none of the members of the secret maneuver, including Broken Bee, have.

The familiar person entered the comprehensive ambulance station, and after greeting the front desk, Duan Mu changed into the overalls handed over by the team member. The procedure can be said to be smooth and smooth.

But it's no wonder...

Although they don't come every day, nearly six years have passed since Duan Mu first entered the comprehensive rescue center. Even many of the official members of the fourth division were brought out by Duan Mu.

Today's Duan Mu basically has the same status as the deputy captain in the comprehensive rescue center, and there are countless members of the [-]th Guarding Team who have been properly treated by him.

Stepping into the inspection hall, it was as quiet as ever.

There were only a few scattered patients on the hospital beds in the hall, and after being checked, they were all sent to the 'spirit room', 'inpatient area', 'operating room' and other passages one by one.

"Mr. Duan Mu, are you here?"

A girl with long black hair spotted Duan Mu at the entrance of the hall, and greeted Duan Mu immediately, and said with a smile, "I heard you got into trouble again?"

"It's not a problem, it's just a misunderstanding."

Duan Mu habitually showed a smile, and then glanced at the logo on his chest: "Yu Jiu, have you joined the No.14 senior ambulance team?"

This black-haired girl is Xiao Nai's same period and roommate, and she is also the first group of fourth division team members to follow Duan Mu to learn ghost ways. However, six years have passed, and she has changed from a new team member to a member of the upper-level rescue team. up.

"Well, I applied for it myself, and I just happen to be in the same ambulance squad as Xiaonai."

"Indeed, it would be nice to have an acquaintance."

After chatting with Yu Jiu for a while, Duan Mu asked with some doubts: "Why are there so few people today?"

Although in peacetime, the comprehensive ambulance station of the Fourth Division is not considered busy, but usually even if there are no patients, the ambulance team in charge of duty will be on standby in the inspection hall, and there will not be only a few scattered team members staying it's here.

"Everyone went to see Captain Hu Che for treatment, and by the way, see if there is anything that can help."

Yu Jiu paused, and continued: "The Reaper sent by the Tenth Division to the present world was severely injured. It is said that he was besieged by several ghosts. When he was sent, he was already dying. I don't know what is going on now. .”

"Then I'll go and see if there's anything I can do to help."

After bidding farewell to Yu Jiu, Duan Mu walked straight to the passageway with the sign of "Operating Room", and came to another hall not long after.

At this time, a lot of team members gathered in the hall, basically surrounded by an operating room.

"Hey, Mr. Duan Mu."

"Boss Duan Mu, long time no see."

"Boss Duan Mu, you came just in time, go in and have a look."


When they saw Duan Mu coming, everyone gave way one after another.

Duan Mu nodded to everyone, and then walked into the operating room. At this time, Yong Yin was focusing on the emergency treatment for the patient. Although he heard the voice outside, he didn't raise his head to say hello.

On the opposite side of Yuyin, Yamada Hanataro was helping with a nervous expression.

Only four team members responsible for maintaining the 'Pure Qi Barrier' nodded to Duan Mu who came in, as a greeting.

"Let me do it."

Duan Mu came to Yamada Hanataro and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

The nervous Yamada Hanataro discovered Duan Mu's arrival, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then stepped aside with joy, but did not leave, but stood aside and observed very seriously.

Duan Mu looked down at the injured and found that the injury was indeed extremely serious.

This is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his 30s or nearly 40 years old. The dead bully suit on his body is broken, and his upper body is covered with scorched marks similar to those caused by an explosion; the most serious part is the bite wound, a huge and hideous The teeth marks covered from the left shoulder to the right waist, and some places where the teeth marks were deep were already transparent, almost biting down half of his body.

"How did you get bitten like this?"

Duan Mu did not disturb Yong Yin's operation, but raised his hand and turned back to the Tao, hemostasis the patient's bleeding, and repaired the wound after Yong Yin's operation; The key is to make Yongyin's operation more convenient.

Seeing this, Yong Yin raised his head and nodded towards Duan Mu, then lowered his head again to concentrate more on the operation.

With the extremely skilled cooperation of the two, the speed of the operation was immediately accelerated.

It didn't take long for the emergency operation to be completed.


Yong Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at Duan Mu: "It's a coincidence that you came here, I was thinking about whether to invite the captain to come."

"Even if I don't come, Hanataro will be fine, but the operation will be much slower."

"No way~"

Hanataro on the side shook his head hastily: "My nervous heart was about to jump out."

"Ha ha."

Duan Mu smiled and didn't say much. Yamada Hanataro's level of back-to-dao can be said to be the best even in the Goutei [-]th team, but because he is too lacking in self-confidence, it affects his performance.

Hu Che bravely said, "The next suture of the spirit seed, I can handle it myself."

Duan Mu nodded, turned around and left the operating room. Lingzi suturing does not require much skill. Duan Mu usually throws it directly to other team members to deal with; Huche Yuyin is different. After each treatment, he will Finish it by yourself, and only after confirming that there is no problem will it be transferred to the ambulance team for follow-up treatment.

After leaving the operating room, Duan Mu did not leave, but took two glasses of water from the drinking water place and sat outside the operating room.

Anyway, I'm idle, so why not stay here and try to see if Yong Yin's favorability for me can break through the 60-point friendship limit, although Duan Mu has quite a few friends now, even female friends with a 60-point friendship value , there are dozens of them.

But among the extremely rare female vice-captains, Huche Yuyin was the only vice-captain whose affection for him reached 60 points.

Current experience value: 64600.

If it is usually to deal with emergencies, 6 experience value reserves are completely sufficient.

But today is different...

This trip to the virtual circle exposed his identity.

Although Duan Mu felt that...

With that character, in his eyes, he may be like a stronger ant walking past him, too lazy to stretch his legs; but this time... his behavior is no longer simply passing him. , but climbed onto his feet and danced.

This obviously made it possible for him to shoot himself, as can be seen from the video received in the imaging hall.

Although he was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, Duan Mu couldn't guarantee whether he would continue to attack him.

The high-intensity surveillance by the supervisory team and other departments alone may not be able to guarantee their own safety.

Therefore, in case of accidents, it is safer to save some experience points.

And the fastest way to gain experience points is to make Huche Yuyin's favorability for him break through 60 points, and turn the favorability into love value.

Over the years, apart from Emiri, there are actually some female friends whose favorability for him has exceeded 60 points, but they are basically commoners in Ruhun Street and Seireitei Commercial Street, and their favorability is not even multiplied by ten times. How many experience points to bring to Duanmu.

And for the sake of caution, Duan Mu will only increase the love value to 65 points, so that the other party's love value will not be further improved by drawing a clear line, or implicitly stating that he only regards the other party as a best friend.

After several experiences, Duan Mu discovered that the love value after breaking through 60 points of favorability is not as scary as he imagined. As long as it is maintained at 65 points, it is basically just the level of affection between men and women.

As long as Duan Mu is careful and avoids making misleading actions, the other party will not even realize that his emotions like this kind of thing.

And after cutting off contact for a period of time, the 5 love points will disappear with the passage of time, and gradually return to the original 60 points of favorability.

Although Huche Yuyin's status and strength are higher than theirs, judging from these examples, if Huche Yuyin's favorability for her breaks through 60 points, it should not cause any trouble; the big deal Later, when I came to the comprehensive rescue center, I always staggered with Huche Yuyin.


How to break through?

Being in love is not the same as making friends after all...

To be honest, even today, Duan Mu didn't even think about it, those female friends whose affection for him broke through 60 points, did they have feelings for him because of what they did.


I just didn't do anything, I just got along with him as usual, and then broke through inexplicably.

If Duan Mu was asked to work hard deliberately, he would not know how to do it.

Otherwise, it will not wait until now.

don't need much...

As long as Huche Yuyin's love value for him can reach 65 points.

Huche Yongyin's favorability degree ranges from 59 points to 60 points, and 1 point provides Duan Mu with 5120 experience points. That is to say, if he can break through 60 points, then 1 point of love value can provide him with 51200 experience points value.

At 5 o'clock...

That's 256000 experience points, which is enough to deal with most situations.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this moment, a voice interrupted Duan Mu's thoughts.

Looking up, he found that the members of the No.14 senior ambulance team waiting outside the operating room had already pushed the patient to the inpatient area, and Huche Yuyin, who was originally in the operating room, came to him at some time.

"It's nothing."

The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched, and he handed a glass of water to Huche Yongyin with some guilt.

"Come on, drink some water to moisten your throat."

It's a ghost if you don't have a guilty conscience. After all, he has just started thinking about how to make Huche Yuyin feel for him...

Huche Yongyin gave Duan Mu a strange look, but did not refuse. After taking the water glass, he sat next to Duan Mu and drank it.

Looking at Huche Yongyin sitting beside him, Duan Mu hesitated.

According to past experience, some careless outrageous actions are very likely to cause unexpected changes.

Just don't know...

Can this experience be applied to Yong Yin?

However, the so-called outrageous behavior in his mouth is actually the physical contact that occurs when he subconsciously reaches out to help the other party when he sees the other party fall. Sometimes it is this small action that makes the other party's favorability score break through 60 points.

But those were all done by Duan Mu unintentionally, he didn't think about that at all, and quickly opened the distance with a sense of proportion.

Duan Mu didn't know if it would be considered an offense if he took the initiative to do it, and would it cause any misunderstanding?

It even has the opposite effect, so that the favorability does not increase but decreases?

Duan Mu glanced at Huche Yongyin's left hand resting on the seat, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.


After struggling for a while, Duan Mu gritted his teeth fiercely due to the temptation of experience points, and made a decisive decision. He stretched out his right hand... his index finger, and scratched the back of Huche Yongyin's hand.


Huche Yongyin turned his head with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

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