Because with the temperament of the group of antiques in Room 46, it is inevitable that they will not let themselves get away so easily.


Duan Mu's speech caused the forty sages and six judges to fall into silence, not knowing what they were thinking.

After a long time, someone broke the silence.

"You don't have to worry about this."

Behind the No. [-] board, a majestic voice came: "You can leave after the results of the inspection of you by Sifeng Courtyard's family are released."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the parliament.

"Master Awanmen?"

"How can you just let him go like this?"


Just as Duan Mu thought, although Duan Mu has fully proved that the person in the image is not himself.

But just in case, Duan Mu had already been sentenced when he was arrested, and the so-called judgment is just a process.

No matter how strong Duan Mu's evidence is, in order to prevent future troubles, they will lock him into a nest of maggots or drive him into Infinity.

But at this moment, Master Awanmen's words were ready to let him go.

"My lords, before the meeting, my daughter said that she had contact with Duan Mu today, so she can be sure that the person in the image is not Duan Mu; it's just that I didn't fully believe it before, but I heard about Duan Mu. After considering the reasons, combined with my daughter's words, it can be confirmed that Duan Mu did not go to the virtual circle."


When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized that they were no strangers to Master Awanmen's daughter.

Because the other party is the chief secretary of the "Great Soul Book Corridor" located under Room 46 of Mao. Originally, this position was concurrently held by Amanmon-sama, but not long ago it was completely handed over to Awanmen Nayula.

The chief secretary of the Great Spirit Book Corridor is very special. Generally speaking, it can only be held by one of the "sages", Lord Awanmen. one.

Although they didn't believe in Duan Mu, they believed in the person who would inherit the post of 'sage' and become one of them in the future.

"What do you adults think?"

"I agree."

"The evidence Duan Mu used to prove himself is indeed extremely sufficient."

"Judging from the results, the person in the image should be just an imitation, not the real person."

"After the results of Sifeng Court's inspection are released, Duan Mu will be acquitted, but at the same time he will be subject to the intensive supervision he proposed."



Everyone changed the topic almost at the same time, although Duan Mu didn't show any strange expression on his face, he was as confused as he was in his heart.

Who is Awanmen?

Who is his daughter?


Even if Duan Mu searched through his memory, he still didn't find that he had a past relationship with the daughter of the 'sage'.

Originally, he thought that he would definitely be imprisoned this time. If he was lucky, he would be able to go to the maggot's nest. If he was unlucky, he might be imprisoned in 'Infernal Affairs'.

Even thought about it...

If it is a nest of maggots, I will honestly go to jail.

If it is Wujian, then I will escape to the present world. Anyway, Urahara Kisuke also hides some former captains and vice-captains. At worst, communicate with them more.

But he never expected that a sage named 'Awanmen' would suddenly jump out and stand by his side.

This probably is……

good thing?


In 10 minutes, when Duan Mu walked out of Room 46 of Mao, his heart was still full of confusion.

I was actually released...

The inspection results of Sifengyuan's family naturally have no problems, and there is no possibility that there will be problems. After all, the seal on Duan Mudao was inscribed by... Sifengyuan Yeyi, the previous head of Sifengyuan's family.

Before leaving the virtual circle, Duan Mu had already begun to imagine what he might encounter after returning to the world of corpses and souls.

So after arriving in the present world, he immediately asked Urahara Kisuke to seal his Zanpakuto. Originally, he planned to ask Urahara Kisuke to find a way to imitate the seal; but it is extremely coincidental that Yoichi Sifengin who went out to play was also there. He simply asked Yeyi to help him seal it.

As for the physical injuries, there is no doubt...

The experience points are piled up!

The physical injury is not good, no matter how you cover it up, it is impossible to hide it.

So as soon as Duan Mu gritted his teeth, he added 4 or [-] experience points, and abruptly invested more than [-] experience points in his body.

Physique: top (15377/1000000)

With Duan Mu's injuries, it is almost impossible to fully recover with [-] experience points.


After his physique broke through to the top level, Duan Mu found that his self-healing ability increased sharply, which can even be called "regeneration ability". It's extremely scary.

Moreover, whether it is physical strength or defensiveness, Duan Mu faintly feels that it is outrageous.

Now he has entered the top level, that is, the attributes of the captain level. In addition to Reiatsu, his abandonment singing, Shunpo, and physique have all reached the top level.

And the price...

Current experience value: 64600.

The experience points provided by Picaro were almost exhausted in this battle, and no experience was added to the spiritual pressure.

However, the effect of breaking through to the top level of physique made Duan Mu feel much less distressed.

"Captain Duan Mu, your Zanpakuto."

A Xing Jun ran out and returned Duan Mu's long knife to Duan Mu: "By the way, Captain Duan Mu, your Zanpakuto was personally inspected by the Patriarch of Sifengyuan. After the inspection, he said... ...I hope to have the opportunity to meet with you, and I want to ask you about something."

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, knowing that the other party should have seen that the seal on the Zanpakuto was no longer the original seal, but he helped him hide it.

Nodding his head and thanking Xing Jun, Duan Mu turned his gaze to Zanpakutao in his hand.

Regarding the seal on the knife, he was not going to lift it.

Because in addition to concealing it, he is already ready to deal with his Zanpakuto.

As he said before, he will not give up Zanpakuto or destroy Zanpakuto, there is only one thing Duan Mu has to do, and that is...

Erase Zanpakuto's 'real name'!

at the same time……

Give it a 'real name' that only Duan Mu knows, a real name that is completely controlled by Duan Mu himself and given by himself! !

Normally, when Zanpakuto is born, its real name will be born at the same time, and it will never change, and this real name will always be under control, and it can be obliterated and restricted by the 'real name', even by ' The real name of the knife is 'seal the owner of the knife.

The 'root' that gave birth to the real name does not change with the character...

Duan Mu didn't know how the system changed his root, but it did change, and Duan Mu didn't reject this change.

Because of the existence of the system, his Zanpakuto became a special existence that belongs to him but does not belong to him.

And the appearance of white spots gives Duan Mu the opportunity to obliterate his "real name" and give him a new "real name". This real name can only be known by Duan Mu himself, and it belongs to him completely.

"Let's compare."

Duan Mu raised Zanpakudao with a smile on his face: "Let's see whether I will kill you first, or you will kill me first?"

There is a kind of knife in this world that existed before the 卍解 appeared in the world, and its name is...

Evolved Zanpakuto!


After leaving Room 46 of Mao, Duan Mu did not stay long in Seireitei, but left Seireitei and headed towards Shiba's house.

The reason why he was in such a hurry to go back was actually to prevent Miss Konghe from taking any action because she was worried about herself...

After galloping all the way, Duan Mu returned to Zhibo's house not long after, and then went straight to the Dakonghe training hall.


As soon as he entered the Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall, the familiar scream came to Duan Mu'er.

Looking at the rock vulture who was beaten and rolled all over the ground in the training hall, the corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned around and took steps almost instinctively...

But before he could start running, an angry roar was heard:

"Get over here!!"

"..." Duan Mu.

It’s over.

Duan Mu turned around with a smirk, and walked towards the training hall.

"Are you capable? Promising?"

Kong He looked at Duan Mu with a smirk on his face, and said angrily in his tone: "You can still run to Xuquan, why don't you just go to the Lingwang Palace? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Duan Mu let out a hey hey, but didn't dare to answer.

"What's the result?" Kong He said coldly.

Duan Mu hurriedly said: "It's okay, I have already proved my innocence in Room 46, so it can be said that this matter has been concealed for the time being."

"Hidden it?"

Shiba Kuzuru was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you really all right?"

"It's really all right!"

Duan Mu nodded vigorously, and then recounted what happened after he was arrested and taken to Room 46 of Mao.

"By the way, Miss Konghe."

Duan Mu asked with some doubts: "Do you know the surname Awanmen? Well, no... who is the daughter of the sage named 'Awanmen'?"


When Kong He heard this, a flash of thought flashed across his face, and after a while he suddenly said: "That very interesting little girl."


Kong He said with a strange expression: "She is the daughter of one of the sages in Room 46 of Mao, and she seems to have become the chief secretary of the 'Great Book Corridor' not long ago, but before she became the secretary, she often appeared Between Seireitei and Ruukon Street."


Kong He smiled slightly: "She can be said to be an outlier among the nobles. She has always expressed contempt for the 'nobles first doctrine', and is committed to erasing the gap between nobles and ordinary people, so as to create a harmonious relationship between nobles, commoners and refugees. The residents of Soul Street have a fair and good judicial system for all members."

"For this reason, before she became the secretary, she often disguised herself and used a false name to hang out with Seireitei, the commoners of Ruukon Street, and the orphans; this is not a secret in the [-]th Goutei Squad , both Ukitake and Kyoraku Shunsui have a great affection for her, and they kindly call her Nayula-chan."

"I also listened to what Fuzhu told me."

Nayura sauce?

Duan Mu seemed to have thought of something, subconsciously unfolded the system interface, and began to search from top to bottom.

It didn't take long to lock a name.

['Nayula', current favorability: 38]

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and an ordinary-looking orphan with ragged clothes suddenly appeared in his mind.

If I remember correctly, this orphan named 'Nayula' is one of the thousands of orphans who have been taken care of by Duan Mu. forget about her.

However, not long after taking care of her, she disappeared.

Duan Mu tried to search for it, but he couldn't find it, so he had to give up the search and put it behind him.

Although Duan Mu takes care of many orphans, but not many people have the talent to become a god of death, and this Nayula belongs to one of them, but has not undergone any training; so Duan Mu didn't care about it at the beginning, anyway, he wanted to become a god of death People who have grown up will naturally apply for the Maou Academy of Spiritual Art.

And while thinking of her...

Duan Mu suddenly remembered a person, a little girl he had met once at Omaeda's house, the little girl who played with Chiyo.

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