Physique: Advanced (75377/100000)

Almost at the same time that the knot was pierced, Duan Mu added [-] experience points to his body again, and he was slightly relieved when he felt that the knot had recovered. The point of using Reiatsu.

But at the same time, Duan Mu felt a little pain in his flesh.

When fighting Neutra before, he added [-] experience points to his physique in order to sneak away. Counting the current [-] points, he actually invested a whole lot of experience points in his physique in this battle. Fifty thousand experience points.

This self-healing method is convenient and convenient, but it is too wasteful of experience points.

However, now is obviously not the time to feel distressed.

The moment he landed to catch the knife, Shunpo, who had already been promoted to the top level, made a loud movement, and he rushed out in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, a dark crack in the distant void was torn apart little by little.

Seeing this, Duan Mu's face tightened.

buzz buzz ~ ~

"Broken Wing!"

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound that shook the void, and the huge feathered blade smashed towards Duan Mu like an overwhelming sky.

Duan Mu didn't look back, but concentrated all the spiritual pressure on his back.

Boom boom boom~~

Huge explosions came out immediately, hitting Duan Mu's body continuously like raindrops, and the parts hit by each broken blade were astonishingly consistent, unexpectedly breaking through Duan Mu's spiritual pressure defense abruptly.

During the spurt of blood, Duan Mu was constantly attacked like a fallen leaf in a strong wind, but he still gritted his teeth fiercely, stepped in the void, and rushed straight into the black cavity.

"Remember, when you meet me in the future, you must confirm it with the internal contact. If you don't confirm or reply, you must treat me as the enemy as you do now!"

Before Duan Mu disappeared, Tiruti, who attacked Duan Mu, heard Duan Mu's last voice in his mind.


Chapter 1 Sixty True Name

Ruhun Street West, Shiba's house.

Whoosh whoosh~~

Accompanied by the sound of piercing the sky, black and masked figures appeared around Zhiba's house, completely surrounding the small house.

In the next second, everyone rushed forward and rushed into the building at the same time.


Going all the way down the stairs, as soon as you came to the bottom, you heard a stern shout.

I saw Jin Yan and Yin Yan standing outside an open room, both of them were holding plates of steaming food, it was Jin Yan who yelled loudly, and there was a burst of noise from the room in front of them. Laughter.

"I'm exhausted, big sister, can I not practice with Duan Mu?"

"Shut up, eat, and then go to Dakonghe Martial Arts Hall to continue practicing."

"Brother Yanjiu, if you have time to talk nonsense here, why not recover your strength now."


The sound of the conversation made the thin figure standing in front of the group of black-clothed and masked Xing Jun pause for a moment, then walked towards the room, followed by the group of Xing Jun behind him.

"Captain Broken Bee?"

Duan Mu looked at Sui Feng standing outside the restaurant, and was slightly taken aback: "Why are you here?"

Broken Bee didn't speak, but looked at Duan Mu carefully, and nodded slightly when he confirmed that there was no injury on his body, except for some wrinkles in his clothes.

"Come with me, Duan Mu."

Broken Bee turned back and waved to Xing Jun behind him, and several Xing Jun came forward immediately.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, the griffon stood up abruptly, looking at everyone with a gloomy expression.

"Captain Broken Bee, should you give me a reason to come to our Zhiba house to arrest people?" Although Zhiba Konghe didn't stand up, there was a burst of extremely powerful spiritual pressure all over his body.

This made those Xing Jun who stepped forward couldn't help but change their expressions, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Fortunately, at this moment, a figure stood in front of them.

"Well, well, don't be nervous."

Duan Mu stood in front of several Xing Jun, smiled slightly at the rock vulture and Kong He in the room, and then said: "I should have something to do with me, don't react so violently, even if you are here to catch me, wait After the investigation is clear, I will be released."


After hearing the words, Ganjiu wanted to say something, but Kong He interrupted: "Since Duan Mu said so, let him go."


Ganju hesitated for a moment, then sat back.

Broken Bee glanced at Griffin, and then glanced vaguely under him, where there were a few grains of white sand that he had sprinkled after he got up.

"take away!"

Broken Bee withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked outside. The Xing Jun behind him looked at each other, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

A few minutes ago, they suddenly received an order from Captain Broken Bee to gather all the male Xing troops to arrest Duan Mu.

This made everyone feel extremely nervous, because they have been trained by Duan Mu all this time, and they know how terrifying the strength of Boss Duan Mu is. lead the team.

Good thing...

Boss Duan Mu was as gentle as ever, he didn't attack them, but let them arrest him.

However, it was said to be an arrest, but the Xing Jun hesitated for a while, and did not put the shackles on Duan Mu.

"Captain Broken Bee~~"

In front of the team, Duan Mu leaned close to Suifeng, and asked in a worried voice, "Is it possible that Brother Yanjiu's infiltration into Seilingting was exposed?"

"To shut up."

Suifeng replied two words in an extremely cold tone, and then directly moved towards the direction of Baidaomen with Shunbu.

Duan Mu blinked his eyes in confusion, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

I have never seen a prisoner leave the prisoner aside and let the prisoner follow behind...

Speechless is speechless, but Duan Mu immediately turned around and followed up.


Half an hour later, Mao Room 46.

Under Xing Jun's escort, Duan Mu slowly stepped into a dark building.

This is a room similar to a parliament hall. On the high platform, there are figures sitting one after another, but in front of each figure are blocked by wooden boards engraved with 'numbers'.

Xing Jun, who was escorting Duan Mu, locked Duan Mu on a small platform similar to a trial platform, and then knelt down in front of a group of members of the House of Representatives, and reported: "Reporting to my lords, the joint inspection of the Fourth Division and the Technology Development Bureau has passed. At the end, the results of the inspection by the Fourth Division showed that 'Duan Mu' was not injured at all except that his spiritual pressure was somewhat consumed."

"And judging from the inspection results of the Technology Development Bureau, Duan Mu doesn't have any aura other than the god of death."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of discussion above the parliament.

After a while, a councilor with the number 'sixteen' engraved on a wooden board said, "Duan Mu, do you know why you were arrested?"

"Report to your lords..."

Duan Mu imitated the tone of that Xing Jun, and said: "Captain Broken Bee, he didn't tell me, but brought me here while I was eating."

"Where have you been these days?"

"Uh, where did I go?" Duan Mu was slightly taken aback.


A shout came from behind the board numbered '[-]': "You are being questioned, you only need to answer the questions we asked you."

"Yes, sorry."

Duan Mu nodded, and said in a respectful tone: "My lords, I have been staying at Zhibo's house for the past few days. This point can be proved by the brothers and sisters of Zhibo's family; It can prove this point. When I missed the flower arrangement meeting for cultivation, I greeted my colleagues in the fourth team in advance. I also kept in touch during the flower arrangement meeting, and asked them to share with me what they saw and heard about the flower arrangement meeting.”

The person behind the plank numbered 'Eleven' nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied with Duan Mu's attitude.

Before they met Duan Mu again, they always thought that Duan Mu was the same thorny head as Saragi Kenpachi, but when Duan Mu came here, they found that this young man was actually very polite, and he also had feelings for Room 46. Great respect.

Moreover, according to Xing Jun's previous report, when Xing Jun was obstructed by Zhibo's family when he was arrested, he still took the initiative to stand up and cooperate with Xing Jun's arrest.

They don't know...

Duan Mu is now constantly chanting a sentence in his mind:

The dead are the most important, there is no need to care about a group of dead people!

"How do you explain the images received by the imaging hall from the monitoring loop located in the virtual circle?"


Duan Mu was stunned for a moment, and before he could ask, a virtual screen appeared in the center of the parliament, and the image on it was a 1-minute-long picture, which was the process of Duan Mu's battle with Saar Apollo and his rush into the black image of the cavity.


Duan Mu's expression changed: "Is this impossible?"

"Impossible? Do you think it's impossible because there is a surveillance circuit in the imaging hall in the virtual circle?"

"Do not……"

Duan Mu opened his mouth, and then carefully looked at the endlessly looping image, his eyes lit up: "Reporting to my lords, I can say with certainty... the person in that image is not me."


"Even from the video, it can be seen that he was seriously injured, and I... the results of the previous examination, you adults should still remember; and although I have been to the virtual circle once, I was able to go to the virtual circle last time. It was completely dependent on the help of the Gold Seal Association and the Technology Development Bureau, and this was barely successful."

"In order to be able to come back, it took nearly half a month of hard work. How could I open the dark cavity at such a coincidental time and enter it."

"And the most important point, anyone who knows me well should know..."

Duan Mu paused: "My Zanpakuto has always been in a sealed state, and it is impossible to release it as mentioned in the video. You can ask 'Tianci Bingzhuang Fan' to confirm this, and confirm it. Is the seal inscribed by 'Tianci Bingzhuang Fan' still intact?"

Duan Mu's words once again caused a burst of discussion in the parliament.

Indeed, as Duan Mu said, it only took less than 3 minutes from the video hall to receive the feedback from the monitoring loop to capture Duan Mu. 'It's impossible to be as unscathed as a piece of wood in front of you.

"How to explain the consumption of spiritual pressure?"

"Reporting to my lords, I have been following Sister Kuzuru...that is, the current Patriarch of the Shiba family to learn the way of ghosts. I have been in a high-intensity practice for the past few days, and the spiritual pressure will inevitably be lost. I would like to ask everyone Adults can understand."

"And you adults still remember..."

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "Although I have only been to the virtual circle once, the last trip to the virtual circle has yielded a lot. I think you adults should know about the process, so I won't go through it one by one. Narrated; but at that time I met a Xu, a Xu who possessed Zanpakuto, Shinigami Reiatsu, and even the ability to use Shinigami Shikai, and called himself 'Shiba Haiyan'."

"When I first met him, I didn't even realize that he was a Void, because the Reiatsu, spirit body, and even the Zanpakuto were all exactly the same as the Shinigami. From this we can see... the Void Circle is very likely to have developed an ability to The ability to imitate the god of death may even exist in Seireitei."

Duan Mu said solemnly: "And adults don't find it strange? As far as I know, there are only a few monitoring circuits in the virtual circle, and there has been no gain; but this time it was so cleverly captured. Is my figure, is it possible that this image was deliberately made for us to see?"

"Although I am not a member of the Grim Reaper, if my guess is true, this kind of thing will inevitably endanger the entire soul world and the safety of your lords; for the sake of safety, I suggest that the Technology Development Bureau should strengthen the monitoring of space , and the supervision team should also strengthen the supervision of the god of death."

"The enemy is very likely among us, and it may even be some captains."

Duan Mu paused for a moment, and said in a very heavy tone: "Masters, this kind of thing has never happened before, and strict defense must be carried out. I can set an example and voluntarily cooperate with the supervision team, the Technology Development Bureau, the imaging hall and other departments. intensive surveillance."

"But for this reason, I ask you adults to strengthen the monitoring of Goutei [-]th Division, so as not to endanger you adults."

Duan Mu's face was full of worry and concern, and he looked like a...

The posture of a loyal dog leg.

Duan Mu's speech caused Xing Jun, who was kneeling on the ground beside him, to change his expression greatly.

Because Duan Mu's speech was too scary...

It's fine if the enemy is among us, but Boss Duan Mu actually said that there might be falsehoods in the captain class. If such remarks are spread, Duan Mu will be approached by the Guarding Team [-] within a short time.

But he didn't know that Duan Mu was already broken.

completely holding a...

I can't get well, and you can't think of good ideas either.

As for whether he can be exonerated because of this, it is basically impossible in Duan Mu's view.

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